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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Yes, I do. I pay careful attention to my wording to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. I'm pretty much the same IRL. Even online, I would be very upset if I found out I hurt someone with my words.
  2. Wow, so all four winners got a 5* in their pull. That's incredibly lucky! Congrats to the winners, and thank you Jingle Jangle for your generosity.
  3. Since when do you play this game? Since the day it was released. How did you get introduced into this? I think I saw a post on the Fire Emblem subreddit saying that it was up for download on the Play Store. I didn't have high hopes, but I figured I'd give it a shot. On which kind of device do you play it? Android. Is it your first mobile game? I think it may be the second... I remember playing a game years ago where you would be shown pictures of things and you had to figure out the word that represented it. Can't remember what it was called, but that's the only other mobile game I remember playing. Have you beaten all main story and sidequests in all difficulties yet? Yup. Have you beaten all main story chapters yet in at least one difficulty yet? Yup. Have you beaten all side quests in at least one difficulty yet? Yup. Have you beaten all challenge chains 3 battles in at least one difficulty yet? Yup. Have you beaten all challenge chains 6 battles in at least one difficulty yet? Yup. Do you usually try to beat all Grand Hero Battles in all difficulties? I have yet to miss a single one. Do you usually do the daily quests (challenges which repeat every day)? I do. I don't like to miss out on free stuff. From which banner have you pulled the most yet? Hmmm, probably Performing Arts. I got all four characters and raised Inigo to +4. Also, Nohrian Summer... I had really bad luck trying to get Corrin. From which orb colour have you pulled the most yet? Hard to say... I'm going to guess red? Who have you pulled the most yet? Hinata, I think. Fury for everyone... AND, I made a super 3*+10 Hinata, in addition to sending a bunch of him home in the past. I don't send him home anymore, though. My Hinata stash got dangerously low recently (down to 3 of him), and I was very worried. Luckily, it has gone back up since then. Who was your first 5* pull? (free pick from the Lord banner excluded) Lucina. Turns out she was +Spd, too! I still use her a lot. Who has been your best pull yet? Inigo. <3 Do you care for stat natures? I do, but not as much as some people. As long as they're not -Atk/-Spd, I'll be happy. Who did you promote to 5* first? Sharena, I think. Three characters you haven't pulled yet, but want to so badly? I wouldn't say so badly, otherwise I would have them, but here (not counting seasonals I missed): Leo, Tana, and Ephraim. Who's your favorite character gameplaywise? The Reinhardt. That's why I'm going to raise him to +10 (currently at +6). What's your preferred team (four units)? I don't have a preferred 4-man team, but my main 3 arena dudes right now are: Laslow, Inigo, and Reinhardt. Who of the new protagonists and antagonists (Anna, Sharena, Alfonso, Veronica, Bruno) do you like the most? Sharena. Which three things do you like the most? How the game is constantly being updated with new and enjoyable things to keep me interested. The gameplay. A lot of strategy goes on for such a small game! Being able to collect all my faves and use them on a team together. Which three things do you dislike the most? Orb prices (I think they should be lower or at least have occasional sales). Inability to neutralize natures. The crappy 3/4* summoning pool. What's your opinion of the map design? I think it's pretty good for the space that they're limited to. What's your opinion of the skill system in the game? I like it. What's your opinion of seasonal banners? They're fine, in moderation. I would prefer they stick to 4 a year. How stingy are you with all your orbs? Not stingy at all. I wish I were stingier, but I'm not that kind of person. You know... The kind of person with this thing called "self control". Have you ever had a moment while you couldn't do anything because you were out of stamina portions and orbs? No, I've never ran out of stamina potions. Have you ever invested real money in this game? Oooooh yeah. A little too much, if you ask my fiance. I'm not a whale, though. Do you try to beat as many time limited quests as possible? Yes, I do them all. Do you usually give bonus levels to your units? Does this mean merges? Yes. Do you care for Gauntlets? I care for feathers. Do you care for skill optimizing? Yes, I do my best with what I have. Do you try to get all the rewards in the Tempest Trials? I always get all the rewards in the Tempest Trials. How often do you play the arena? Every day for the daily quest. Also, I haven't dropped out of Tier 20 since August, I think. Do you use the training tower aside of fulfilling side quests? Yes. I often use it for training purposes. Are there any things from this game you would like to see returning in a regular FE game? The skill system is pretty cool. How would you rank the game overall from 0 to 10? 9/10! Will you play more mobile games in the future? I'm thinking of trying that Animal Crossing game.
  4. Oh wow, that's pretty funny. Also, I think I may know Rezfan's true identity... It's Seliph. (He is your #1 stalker fan, after all.)
  5. Wow, I never noticed that either. So clever, I love it! --- My score of 126,453 is currently rank 3689.
  6. Hmm, I think... I'll join Katarina. I've already supported Priscilla before, and the other options don't appeal to me. I haven't played her game, but she seems like a character I'd like based on what I've read about her. She's also a cutiepie (with great art) who came to me with +Atk on her last banner, so she kicks butt. My Heroes ID is in my siggy, so feel free to add me! --- I'll add you! I'm Kassie. Just gotta finish this TT run first.
  7. Thank you sooo much for taking the time to do this! Looks great!
  8. Yup, he is! He has Swordbreaker too, which comes in handy since most people don't run it on their swordies in the arena. Yeah, it will be nice to get Soleil in the game, even though I'm not a fan of her Heroes art. (Actually, I'm not really a fan of Laslow's Heroes art either, haha! His sprite is totally adorable, though.) I'm going to try not to go too crazy on the banner since a Christmas banner is surely coming, but I think Soleil is likely going to drop to 4*, so she'll be easier to get afterwards if that happens.
  9. I wonder if Fjorm will be a bonus unit next week. That would be cool since I think she's pretty good points-wise, right?
  10. That was my exact thought! Hahaha, wow. Curious to see who the other four will be!
  11. Aww, thanks! Congrats on your +10 Olivia. She looks so good! I am considering doing that myself in the future. Mine is currently 5* +2 with a Ruby Sword+/DC/Green Tomebreaker and she is great at baiting & taking out all of the powerful green mages.
  12. I pulled a +Atk/-Def Fjorm. Should I go ahead and merge my neutral one into her, or will she really miss that extra 4 defense?
  13. Aww, that's a toughie. I think it's good that you're being realistic. You don't want to push yourself too hard. My mom told me once that even though she had all the kids she wanted, she still had the urge to have another baby anyway. The grass is always greener on the other side, right? Still can't get over how adorable this is. You totally should!
  14. Here's a screenshot. He currently has Aether equipped for arena scoring purposes, but he's also learned Luna, Moonbow, Draconic Aura, and Bonfire.
  15. Never fought that team, but I have heard of it. Truly a thing of beauty.
  16. I achieved my goal of raising Laslow to +10. He is now part of my main arena team and is kicking butt. My Reinhardt is currently at +6 and I plan to raise him to +10, but I don't have any more of him in my barracks, so I'll have to wait 'til I pull more of him. Once he's finished, I dunno! We need more 3-4* characters added to the game!
  17. Heya @Vaximillian! 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again? 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?
  18. Ahaha, ooh, looks like you aren't having any problems getting defense wins anymore, eh? That's good. --- Okay, finished my AA run. Another new record for me. It's a good week!
  19. I caved and bought some more orbs because this banner is too good. No more $$$ after this, though, I swear. I still need to buy Christmas presents... 6 five stars in 4 full pulls? Very good. Interestingly, all six of them are -Atk. I'm okay with that because they're all going to be skill/merge fodder except B-Caeda, but wow. I also pulled a -Atk Ayra and -Atk S-Camilla last night too... What did I do to anger @Rezzy?
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