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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Thank you, you're so sweet! I'm house-sitting at my parents' place for the next 2 weeks (on the weekdays), so I get to hang out with their doggies. They kind of feel like mine too, though, since I lived with them before I moved out ~4 years ago. (There's 2 of them. The other guy hates photos and doesn't sit still long enough to take one with me, hehe.) I love dogs, and I'm hoping to move to an apartment next year that allows them!
  2. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again? 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?
  3. Overall, I was very pleased with the Feh Channel. Looking forward to all these changes! Things I'm hoping for in the future that they didn't mention: -An overhaul of the summoning pool. -A way to add merges or boost the Askr trio. I wonder how long the 8% Legendary Hero summoning event will last? Hopefully it's more than a week. I was hoping to avoid spending money on the game in December, but this is too tempting! I'll need to start saving up orbs again to prepare for it. I guess I'll have to give up on the Farfetched Heroes banner once my pity rate is broken. Hopefully it's Mia or Lute who does it! I would like a 40% Tempest Trials character.
  4. Tonight's Pulls - Farfetched Heroes: 63 orbs spent. 4* Draug 3* Laslow 4* Seth 4* Caeda 3* Oboro 3* Tiki 3* Female Corrin 3* Sully 3* Laslow 4* Marth 3* Gwendolyn 4* Palla 4* Male Corrin 4* Est 4* Henry 4* Mae Nothing good... A little disappointing, but not unexpected for only 63 orbs. I will keep pulling on this banner until I get 1 of the focus heroes, if possible. I'm trying to get Mia or Lute because I'm a fan of Mia, and Lute has a nice design (not really into her as a character, though). I'll stop when I get one of them.
  5. 132! High five! Totally. Haha, aw. I'm a little nuts about Christmas. My SO has accepted it. I think he likes the tree. Today, he said it made the room feel "cozy".
  6. Yes, a few of my high school friends. It's been over 10 years since then, and we've just drifted apart. It happens. I'm okay with it, but it's kind of sad to think about.
  7. Arena: 4984 Team: Olivia +2, Brave Ike +3, Reinhardt +6, and Anna. Arena Assault: 4950 (1 death)
  8. Rank Updates - 1 minute to closing: Arena: 4964 - Rank 3197/4752 to stay in 20 Arena Assault: 5008 - Rank 1513
  9. I'm done all mine too. It's somewhat satisfying to see all of the dots show up red, but it makes things boring at the same time... Hopefully the FEH channel is worth the wait!
  10. 108. (It's almost 2am, but I'm putting up my Christmas tree right now. Yay!)
  11. Haha, that's pretty funny... I tried using him, but he sucked too much. I dunno if it was the RNG or what. Anyway, I benched him and used Mathilda instead.
  12. People who go out of their way to bully others really are just insecure. If they were happy with themselves and their life, they wouldn't feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better. I know, I know... Everyone says that, but it's true. Sometimes there's even a group mentality to it, and others join in because they want to feel accepted as part of the group. They want to feel like they're "above" the person they are making fun of. It's all insecurity. I wasn't bullied that much, but I was occasionally picked on for not making eye contact and being too "shy". I still kind of hate that word. High school sucks.
  13. Holy crap, 4938 is about to get kicked out of Tier 20? I've been staying here for a few months now, but I guess I need to start adding more merges to my Olivia if I want to keep it up... The cut-off is getting a little too close for comfort. My score of 4964 is currently rank 3026/4697 to stay.
  14. Same. Kinda weird to think that people consider them "on the older side", haha. Yeah, I agree with you on that point. Can't argue with that. I think I just find the word "fair" to be an unfitting choice of words for this type of competition. I don't take issue with the way you worded it in your posts, though. I disagreed more with people using the word "fair" along with "she won without a multiplier". She had 19 multiplier hours this round to help her catch up to Takumi. (Part of me wonders if I would be seeing the same kinds of posts if F-Corrin beat Ninian the same way Shanna beat Takumi.) Awww, you're so sweet! Thanks for the shout-out. <3
  15. My current defense team of Laslow, Summer Corrin, Brave Ike, and Anna/Sharena/Alfonse is consistently getting me 10+ wins a week. Goes to show that you don't need horsies or dancers to have a solid defense team. Skills for the main 3 dudes: Laslow +9 (+Atk/-Res): Brave Sword+, Reposition, Draconic Aura, Death Blow 3, Swordbreaker 3, Hone Speed 3, Attack +3 seal. Just recently upgraded to +9. He was sitting at +5 for a long time before that. Summer Corrin +1 (+Def/-Atk): Blarblade+, Reposition, Moonbow, Fury 3, Swordbreaker 3, Hone Attack 3, Guidance 1 seal. Brave Ike +3 (+Def/-Spd): Urvan, Rally Def/Res, Aether, Distant Counter, Vantage 3, Hone Attack 3, Quickened Pulse seal.
  16. Congrats to Team Shanna. I kind of saw it coming when I saw the numbers for the second last hour. They were going hard with the flags, that’s for sure. I’ve been reading through the posts in this thread, and I strongly agree with what @Alkaid, @Sunwoo, and @kcirrot had to say. I was always nodding along (inside my head, heh) to their posts. Anyway~! Here are my thoughts: I’m a little surprised by all the posts about how 'fair' the end result of this gauntlet was. Nothing about the voting gauntlet is really fair-and-square anymore, and I think the lower multiplier threshold makes the winner even more of a toss-up now… Perhaps even favouring the losing teams. The absence of a multiplier in the last several hours doesn’t change the fact that Shanna won because of the multiplier. She benefited greatly from it for a good chunk of this round. Without it, she wouldn't have caught up with Takumi (or even made it past the first round to begin with). The voting gauntlet stopped being fair a long time ago, and now it's just a silly game mode where anything goes. It is what it is. Takumi’s team was ~2x the size of Shanna’s, I think. As others have mentioned, I believe the reason she won is because a lot of people joined her team seeking more feathers due to easier ranking, which led to that huge spike at the end. The people who care enough about their rank to join the underdog for more feathers (nothing wrong with that!) are probably also the types of people who save their feathers for the end in hopes of a glorious 7x+ multiplier. People on the larger team might be spending their flags earlier in the round since there are less multipliers. I’m betting a lot of Takumi’s team ran out of flags near the end. My issue with the current system is that people are penalized for joining larger teams now. Before, joining the larger team guaranteed you 500 victory feathers & joining the losing team made up for it by having easier ranking. It was pretty fair rewards-wise, in my opinion. I didn't really care about the winner because of that. However, now that the losing team is more likely to win due to the lower multiplier threshold, people on larger teams miss out on ranking feathers and victory feathers. I have to admit I’m a little disappointed because I joined the losing team all 3 times this time (Ryoma -> Amelia -> Takumi). Less feathers for moi! Overall, I can’t say I’m a huge fan of this game mode in its current state. I would much prefer we go back to a system without a multiplier or even a 2x/3x one with a 10% threshold again. I know some people like it the way it is now because it’s more exciting, which does make sense. I can understand that. I don’t personally see IS axing the voting gauntlet. It gets people excited and talking more about their game, as silly as it is. They probably like that, right? (Look at the page count of this thread, after all!) Oh my god… I typed up a novel there. Sorry about that. --- My Ranks: Team Takumi: 816,134 – Rank 8722 (Shouldn’t have held on to 800 flags for the end, heh. I did spent them… Just not on multiplier hours.) Total Score (Ryoma/Amelia/Takumi): 2,648,662 – Rank 4187
  17. Team Takumi should not assume we have this in the bag. Shanna is outscoring us and WILL win if she does again! This is kinda interesting. I am hoping Takumi wins, though... Or else that's 1500 winner feathers I've missed out on this time... Ouch.
  18. Hmm, the predictor says a multiplier won't be happening at all now. I have 800 flags left, and with no hope of a Takumi multiplier, I'll start to unload them now, I guess. No good rank for me this round. Oh well.
  19. Same bracket as yours. I have 800 flags left, boo. My current round score is 727,694 and my rank in the army is 11,070. I'm hoping that we can pick up speed enough to give Shanna a multiplier in the second last hour. Ouch.
  20. Damn, I have 800 flags saved up. I was so patient this time and it didn't pay off! I had so many opportunities to spend them on a multiplier too... *le sigh*. So, if I'm reading it correctly... Team Takumi needs to hurry their ass up and do more battles to try to speed up Shanna's multiplier to the second last hour. Then we would get the last one, and I would get to spend at least 400 of my remaining flags on a good multiplier!
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