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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I agree. I don't want dragons to be nerfed/countered even more. Falchion seems good enough. Like you said, fighting dragons is easy enough if you bait them. A well-built armour emblem team can be a lot scarier to fight in the arena than a dragon team IMO. Most of my surrenders happen against those.
  2. Chrom looks great. I might do a few full pulls on this one in hopes of getting a TT bonus unit. I only have 56 orbs saved, though, and after spending a good amount of money on the legendary banner, I'm holding off on spending for a while. Thank god Inigo isn't on it. My wallet wouldn't be able to handle that, hahaha. Edit: Didn't realize 2 of them share red. I'm contemplating just pulling red now since I'm not a female Morgan fan. I need a lot of red fodder too! Hmm!
  3. Thank god for the multiplier ping pong. I was getting a little bit worried about my rank. It's all good now. Also, I still have 1010 flags to spend on the next 3 multipliers. I think Grima has this in the bag. Looks like I chose the losing team 3 times in a row, ahaha.
  4. 2 Peace Lilies 2 Yucca Elephantipes 2 Spider Plants 3 Snake Plants 1 Jade Plant 1 Pothos 1 Dieffenbachia 1 Dracaena Marginata
  5. I think it's pretty nice of them to announce this a month ahead. The people who have been waiting for these characters know to save their orbs now!
  6. Wowza, I've never been that low before. Niiiiice! Edit: Oops, I should probably say high, not low, right? Oh well, you know what I mean. A single digit rank is super impressive!
  7. I like it when the voting gauntlet arena quests line up perfectly with the reset! I had to redo it once and didn't even mind because I got the quests done at the same time.
  8. Awesome! Hopefully she makes an appearance for me. Steady Breath on her looks fun.
  9. Since Takumi lost, I don't have any of the remaining units, awww... I guess I'll be going with Witch Celica! Let's see if I'll get a triple loss this VG. Sucks when that happens, but oh well. Friend code in my sig. I think I have a few spots left, and if not, I'll make room. I like to have more SF peeps on there! My rep will be +10 F-Corrin or +10 B-Ike. @Momentai~ Just realized you were the owner of that awesome Barst. He was my most frequent ally this round. Loved him! Especially that delicious Distant Counter, which I frequently made use of.
  10. Yay, glad you like him. Also, thanks so much for the feedback! I wasn't sure which build to keep him with, so I tried both out. He's back in his Brave build now. There seems to be less armours here than the arena, so I agree that Brave is better.
  11. Current Rank - 10 mins to closing: Arena: 5106 - Rank 1823/5640 Arena Assault: 5150 - Rank 1391
  12. That was my thought exactly. ... Okay, definitely a joke topic. Edit: Rezzy, looks like I posted this about a second after you! Hahaha.
  13. Yay! I equipped him with the standard Brave build for now, but l've been experimenting with an Armoursmasher lately, so I might give him that later tonight for some variety since armours are becoming more common lately.
  14. Thanks! Your Olivia is such a beauty. She's definitely on the list of characters I want to +10. Thanks! I don't have him yet, so it'll be fun to use him!
  15. Since Celica lost, I think I'll be moving on to Takumi. I don't care for possessed/evil characters and he's also the only one I have, haha. If anyone on team Takumi wants to add me, my friend code is in my sig. My rep will probably be +10 F-Corrin, +10 Laslow, or +10 B-Ike.
  16. Not a fan of the score changes so far. I think the score drop is just forcing everyone to fish more than before to get a good score. My score of 5100 has already dropped down to rank 1497/5223 in Tier 20, with 4 days remaining. In comparison, last week I had a score of 5122 and ranked 1200 or 1300 something when the season ended.
  17. This Legendary Banner treated me well. I had a large orb stash saved up and spent money in addition to that. I went into the banner with my Brave Ike at only +4 and just got him up to +10, with an extra to use as fodder as well. I also pulled several Guunthras along the way (and Dorcas only a few times luckily), which was cool too. I was very lucky because Ike was the one I pulled the most. Now I have my first ever +10 5* exclusive! He's been one of my favourite units to use and I really like his art, so I went all out for him on this banner.
  18. @Rafiel's Aria I just got your Raven. OMG, he's amazing! I like how you gave him Fury instead of doubling up on LaD. It's nice to have some defense for the counterattack. If I build up a Raven, I'm going to do the same!
  19. Aww, hugs, I'm so sorry. It feels so awful when that happens. I sincerely hope the next banner treats you better.
  20. Thanks so much for the help, @Ginko and @Ice Dragon! I haven't decided yet which skill I'm going to keep in her A-slot when she's finished... She's already inherited Fury 3 and Triangle Adept 3, and I do have spare Steady Breath and Warding Breath fodder available. Out of curiosity, what would you say is Fae's best/ideal nature? I may get a better one in the future. --- Another question about natures since I'm terrible at making decisions. I have 5 Guunthras that I'm going to merge together... None really seem that great, unfortunately, heh. I want to keep her default weapon. What's better? +Res -Spd +Spd -Atk +HP -Res (I also have two +Def -Atk copies, but eww. )
  21. Haha, if I recall correctly, everyone except Christmas Robin. I didn't put him up against him since I usually avoid triangle disadvantage if I can, but Laz did 1RKO a Hardin in the next fight. --- Finished AA for a score of 5150. Now I'm done.
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