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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Since all the cool kids are doing it, I thought it would be fun to record tonight's arena run. I'm still kinda new to uploading videos, so I don't know how to do music or fancy stuff like that, but if anyone is curious what fights in the 732+ range are like, here ya go! (Also, sorry I tap on the screen a lot. It's a weird habit of mine. ) Team: Laslow+10, F-Corrin+10, B-Ike+10, and L-Ephraim+1. @Kaoxt I may have fought your team at 6:08. Not sure if that's you. I realized afterwards that the name seemed familiar. I was a dumb-dumb and used Rally Def/Res a few times and got PP'ed, but luckily everything turned out okay, hahaha. Feel free to laugh at me for that. I totally forgot I had it until halfway through my run, and then I was like "ooh, might as well use the rally". Oopsie! Can't brain tonight. It was past midnight.
  2. Rank report: Arena: 5148 - Rank 441 Arena Assault: 5168 - Rank 1315 Defense: 630 - 5 wins. Last week I had 10+ with the same team, so this week was slower for me too. Team: Laslow+10, F-Corrin+10, B-Ike+10, and L-Ephraim+1.
  3. @Bartozio Yay, I finished Chapter 19 and recruited everyone! Guess I just needed to sleep on it to come up with a good plan. 344
  4. @Bartozio I'm on Chapter 19 now, and I'm finding it pretty tough. So many surprises. It's the one where you recruit the two paladins and two horsemen. I'm going to put it down for tonight cause I just got surprised by some dracoknight reinforcements appearing right beside me (when I finally thought I was safe!) and I'm mad at them. Seriously, this map is nuts. Things coming from all sides and I have to try to keep these enemy horse guys alive to recruit them, gahhh. I just looked up how to recruit them, and they all have to talk to each other one by one, which makes this harder! I guess I'll think up a plan. The last two chapters were surprisingly easy, but this one is... Wowza. Thanks, she's doing a lot better now, haha. I think she's currently level 13 promoted and capped speed a while ago. I had to use a couple Spirit Dusts, but she's around 20 Mag now. Swordmaster, but I reclass her into a Dracoknight sometimes when I need her to move farther. I didn't engage him in the first map cause I figured out a way to get to the thieves without entering his range (took me a few tries to do that, though). I found him annoying in the next two maps where he charges from the bridge and charges up from the desert. I like to turtle my way through and kill every single enemy to get all the EXP I can. That bridge chapter was pretty intense, but I killed everything (except Hardin obviously)! Come to think of it, a lot of chapters in this game are intense. It's pretty neat how much it makes you think... But not cool with how random the same-turn reinforcements are sometimes... I guess resetting is all part of the Fire Emblem fun, eh? 332
  5. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 9. What are you most grateful for right now? 10. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 11. If you could time travel, where would you go? 12. What are your pet peeves? 13. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 14. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far? 15. What kind of music do you like?
  6. 322 I want to bake some cookies tonight... Maybe I'll do that. I have hardly anything to do this weekend and I love it. What are you guys up to this weekend?
  7. Wowza! That's beautiful. I love it when that happens. Congrats on getting Alfie with a good nature! He's so cute in his bunny costume~! I have 14 Barsts sitting in my barracks right now. I wish I could share some with you guys. It's mainly cause I've been pulling so many greens lately... I want to start going for reds again because it's been so long since I had a reason to dive into that pool. I only have 3 spare Hinatas left and it's making me nervous cause I love me some Fury. Also, I'm happy you two managed to pull Bunny Sharena/Alfonse as well! High fives!
  8. Awww, I'm happy you got Alfonse and Sharena, though! Hopefully you can get some more L'Arachels soon!
  9. Hahaha, omg I love that, thanks for the laugh! --- I was kinda hoping the new Legendary Hero would be F-Corrin, but oh well! Guess we'll see. I'm so curious to see if it really is Robin!
  10. ^ Is most definitely incorrect. Fates is my favourite! Hehehe! < Is happy it's Friday. v Likes Fridays.
  11. Well... That was rather painless. I was sniping greens for Alfonse and Sharena. If there were no greens, I was going for colourless > blue > red. 3* Lissa 3* Nino 3* Saizo 4* Gunter 3* Arthur 4* Arthur 5* Spring Kagero (+HP/-Res)- Whoa, I wasn't really aiming for you, but neat! 4* Cecilia 4* Camilla 4* Merric 4* Hawkeye 5* Spring Alfonse (+Res/-HP) 5* Spring Sharena (+Def/-Res) What a beautiful final summon. The guy and gal I wanted. I'm a happy camper.
  12. That was my thought too... Bras are supposed to be comfortable. Underwire should not be digging in. Also, the back should not be riding up, and the boobs should not be spilling out the front or coming out of the bra when bending over. --- Some people would be surprised at their actual bra size because a lot of North American stores stop at DD, and DD is actually not as big as you would think. I heard a lot of people wear a band that is too large and a cup size that is too small. When purchasing a new bra, you should be using the outer hooks. The other 2 sets of inner hooks are for when the bra begins to stretch from use. If you fit in the inner hooks when you first buy the bra, your band is too big. To anyone unsure: Take the measurement of your underbust area. That is your band size (round up if uneven). Then, take a measurement of your bust and subtract the band measurement from that. If I recall correctly, each inch in difference is one cup size. This should give you an idea of your size. Just sharing this information in case it helps someone. I had problems with my bras until I was about 20 years old because I was trying to cram myself into a size DD, since a lot of NA stores stop at that size. Now that I know my real size, my bras are super comfy! (However, I do understand that there are some gals who will be uncomfortable in a bra no matter what since they prefer not to wear them at all.)
  13. Yeah, I'm obsessive about keeping everyone alive, even if I won't be using them. Nooooo, Palla's my favourite Whitewing! RIP. Haha. 272
  14. H2 (Maniac). I like a good challenge. Damn, is this game ever hard, though. Can't even imagine Lunatic... It must be super hard to recruit/keep everyone alive on that difficulty. Wait 'til you meet these same-turn reinforcement Wyverns. 12MOV. 12! Worst enemy ever! Luckily I'm on the 3rd chapter they appear in now and my team members are almost all promoted (and the hell-beasts no longer double them). 254
  15. This guy likes Ike. --- Arena: 5148 Ephraim wasn't completely useless this week! He had 1 KO. He looks pretty, but I really don't like using him. He doesn't suit my play-style. Defense: 628 Arena Assault: 5168
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