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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Alfonse and Fjorm quests done in one go on Infernal (with the help of my two favourite dudes, Laslow and Corrin):
  2. Nah, it's cute! I just thought it would be fun to join in on the "wut".
  3. Eh, it took my guy 10 years to propose to me. We aren't really in a hurry to get married, though.
  4. My current arena core: Laslow (+10) +Atk -Res Armoursmasher+ (Attack Refine) Fury 3 Swordbreaker 3 Drive Speed 2 Reposition Aether Seal: Heavy Blade 3 Female Corrin (+10) +Atk -Res Lightning Breath+ (Defense Refine) Steady Breath Quick Riposte 3 Drive Speed 2 Reposition Aether Seal: Close Def 3 Brave Ike (+10) +Atk -Res Urvan Distant Counter Quick Riposte 3 Drive Speed 2 Rally Def/Res Aether Seal: Distant Def 3 Pretty much covers all the bases. --- I think your other question already has a lot of good answers! I don't have anything to add to that.
  5. Yay, another 1-turn clear! I love it! Galeforce is amazing, wowza... Nice to see it in action. (It's all good, I'm happy to be tagged. )
  6. It was a lot of fun to watch your strategy. You're a master at using those debuffs! Also, your Matthew is beautiful. I didn't realize he had such high defense. (Wow, and he's not even +10 yet!) I always like to see Inigo too, hehe! Thank you for the tag!
  7. Indeed you were! Aww, thank you! It was fun building him up. I like that too!
  8. Haha, go take a peek! The women have invaded it anyway. Also, I don't think guys like to talk about their penis size with each other.
  9. 390 Yay, I beat New Mystery! Loooooooooved it. Yeah, I think I will play Genealogy next. Maybe I'll start it now. I'm a little unsure about this game. Not sure if I'll like it. We'll see!
  10. Oh, that's right, haha. I didn't even think of that! Yes, agreed! I was confused by that myself.
  11. Whoa, so awesome! That was very satisfying to watch. I haven't played around much with Galeforce myself, so seeing it in action is pretty fun. Thanks for the tag.
  12. Only 20 for me. I'm not very adventurous.
  13. 385. Wow, getting up there! Also, yayay I just got off work. Hello 4-day long weekend~! I'm on the second last chapter of New Mystery. Gonna try to beat it tonight! I'll have 3 games left after... 4, 5, and 6! (Not going to play 1-3.) Which one next? Hmmm...
  14. Oh wow, haha, TIL. First I learned that there are maaaaany different cuts of briefs (bikini/hipster/etc), and now I just learned that there are wireless pushup bras. This thread has been educational for me. I love underwire, though. I can't go without it.
  15. I pulled out the big guns for Infernal and used my fully merged arena core (Laslow/F-Corrin/B-Ike) and Olivia (+3). Most of the kills were done on the enemy phase since they're all pretty tanky and have Aether (except Olivia). Took me a few tries to get it right, though. Pretty tricky one since there's so many reinforcements.
  16. Wow, I rarely say this, but I might actually skip this one! I'm not really into evil characters, and I already have everyone else on the banner except Zelgius, who I don't really want that bad. Female Robin looks like a neat unit, though. I may try for her on a future banner with better colourless options.
  17. Aww, thank you! (Yeah, full horse teams are really rare above 730, but a few do pop up now and then.)
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