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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. After keeping Laslow with Brave Sword+/Death Blow 3 for almost a year now, I decided to finally start experimenting with other swords. I started with Armoursmasher+! That was fun. --- Oooh, I didn't realize there was a calculator thingy for arena score! Nice! That's quite handy. Also, grats on breaking 5k!
  2. Got my 8000 feathers as usual. Seems people slowed down for this TT. People go way more nuts on the mini.
  3. Had a giant stash of orbs and whaled a bit since I was a good girl and skipped the last banner. I went through a lot of orbs, but I don't really regret it. My rate was about 1 5* per 68 orbs. I was hoping for better, but when am I not, hehe? Overall, I feel satisfied. I did a lot of pulls and don't feel like posting them all. I finally managed to get a Summer Corrin that isn't -Atk or -Spd. She's +Def -Res, so yay, good enough. I also pulled a +Atk -Spd Brave Ike, who I will be making my main one now. Got Ephraim near the end of my whale sesh. He's +Spd -Atk. That's pretty bad, eh? Ah, well, happy to have him at least...
  4. I want my next super-merge project to be a green unit. I don't have enough feathers for it yet (about halfway there), but I'm thinking of going with Fae, Raven, Sheena, or Cherche... The one I'm leaning towards the most is Fae since dragons are fun and I already have 10 copies of her, so I'd only need to pull 1 more in the future. If I do go for Fae... I have no idea what kind of boon/bane she likes. Here are the natures of all my copies: +Def -Spd +Def -Res +Spd -Res +Spd -HP +Res -HP x2 +Res -Def +Res -Atk +Res -Spd +HP -Res Any of those good? Would Fae do well in T20 (5100+) arena? I mostly fight armours and dragons, but lately I have been encountering a decent amount of Reinhardts, so having a counter to him again would be nice. Thanks a bunch!
  5. I'll be sniping blue and green. My main goal is to get a Summer Corrin that isn't -Atk or -Spd! I find Ephraim kinda meh as a character, but I have to admit he's quite pretty and I want him anyway. So there's another reason to pull blue. As for green, I mainly want more Brave Ikes for merging. He's currently at +4. I wouldn't mind getting more Guunthras, and while I'm not crazy about Dorcas, I don't have him yet. My 222 orbs are ready! I also have a bunch I haven't claimed yet from the special maps & new story maps.
  6. It really was! Good for you for standing up for what you believe in. I can't believe that kind of stuff happens, wow. I really dig your way of looking at it. Great answer! --- I nominate mamphoid.
  7. Finished my deathless arena run, got 5100. Had to fish a bit for the first time in a while. I wouldn't accept anything lower than a 726. I guess Alm brings my points down a bit. Maybe the new arena matching thing affected the score too, I dunno. Alm was a lot more fun to use as my bonus unit than Legendary Ike was. He liked playing with Fae, Myrrh, and Grima~ Also, I got to the 7th fight of AA and lost a unit, boooo. Hate it when that happens. I finished the fight for a non-deathless run worth 5068, but I'll definitely be redoing that. I'm so done for tonight, though. I'll just do it again later in the week.
  8. Current Rank - ~1 hour to closing: Arena: 5122 - Rank 1275/5541 (Tier 20) Arena Assault: 5162 - Rank 1394 --- Got a defense win from someone with an interesting name... Aww, poor Nino, she's just doing her best! @Arcanite
  9. Celica, without a doubt! I'll set my +10 F-Corrin as my lead.
  10. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again? 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?
  11. Beat Infernal with Laslow, F-Corrin, Axura, and Priscilla. Not too bad for this team. I think the reinforcements stopped coming after a few turns.
  12. Oh, I haven't posted in here for a while... I was on vacation in Mexico and just got back today! I had wi-fi, though, so I still managed to get my arena runs in. Last week I was lucky and finished both of them on my first attempt. Arena was 5138 and Arena Assault was 5140. Stayed in tier 20, top 3000 AA, yada yada. Earlier today, I did both of this week's runs. MAN, did I ever have a tough time in the Arena today! I must have had some bad luck or something, because this hasn't happened to me in quite a while. I think I went through about 10 crests or so. A lot of people got surrenders from me, so good for them, I guess. I don't currently run a Rein counter because he isn't usually very common in the 730-740 range, but I ran into him SO many times today, wtf! Lots of horses too, actually. Many teams with 2 of them. And freakin' everyone had a dancer today! What a pain in the butt. They said they're not changing the match-ups until next week, so it couldn't be that. Weird. Just a weird day, I guess. Oh well... I'm done now. Arena Assault was better. Done on the first attempt, thank goodness. Arena: 5122 - Team was Laslow+10, F-Corrin+10, Reinhardt+10, and Legendary Ike (no merge). Arena Assault: 5162
  13. Wow, what an unexpected banner! I'm happy to say that my orbs are safe. Possessed characters just aren't my thing. For the first time ever (for a new character banner), I'm going to do my free pull and get out! I'm honestly quite glad because I ended up spending some money on the last banner when I wasn't originally planning to... Lyn was being difficult and not coming to me. (I got her eventually, -Atk...) I need to save my orbs for the next legendary banner. Robin's voice actually sounded kinda sexy, though. Nice.
  14. I'm not really a fan of this mini game, but I'm glad to see so many people like it. It's nice to have something different for us to do. I have no desire to repeat a level after completing it, haha. I usually get an A on Normal/Casual and rarely get S. Doesn't really bother me cause I'm still getting all the rewards (I think)!
  15. Wowza, those Infernal Xander quests were tough... The previous two days of GHB Elite quests were a breeze, but this one had me totally stumped for a while. I had to use a few potions to figure it out. Flier Emblem was done on my first try, but Infantry, Cavalry, and Armour were toughies for me.
  16. Some of my faves/most played. I don't really have just one favourite. Depends on my mood, sometimes. : Iron Maiden - Infinite Dreams Iron Maiden - Only The Good Die Young Iron Maiden - Afraid To Shoot Strangers Iron Maiden - The Clairvoyant Stratovarius - Unbreakable Stratovarius - My Eternal Dream Heavenly - Evil Heavenly - Riding Through Hell Cain's Offering - My Queen Of Winter Cain's Offering - Stormcrow Praying Mantis - Future Of The World Praying Mantis - Children Of The Earth Sonata Arctica - My Selene Sonata Arctica - My Land Sabaton - The Lion From The North Sabaton - Poltava Judas Priest - Blood Red Skies Judas Priest - A Touch Of Evil Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country Avenged Sevenfold - Trashed And Scattered Lost Horizon - Welcome Back Helloween - I Want Out
  17. I just got my highest scores ever in Arena and Arena Assault! I'm so proud of myself because I managed to get a 7-win deathless streak in the regular arena without a dancer! That's a first for me! First attempt, too! It's a good night. Team: F-Corrin+10, Laslow+10, Reinhardt+10, and Myrrh+0. Arena: Arena Assault: For AA I switched Myrrh for B-Ike+4. B-Ike raised my average score in AA a bit, and I encountered a few 740-742 teams! Holy crap, Bold & Vengeful Fighter everywhere! My new +10 F-Corrin is kicking some serious ass. I'm so glad I invested in her! (I know Nowi is better, but I like Corrin a lot more as a character.) Myrrh is everywhere, but I like fighting her because Laslow deletes her with his Brave Sword.
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