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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Aww, the weird thing is that for the past month or so, I hadn't been getting very many defense wins. This week, boom! Fingers crossed for you!
  2. I'd say go with +Def/-Spd! That was my Bike's nature for the longest time, and he kicked ass! I also gave him Distant Counter/Quick Riposte, and he does very well in the arena. Kinda like Hector (and Bike is better at baiting and killing Rein than Hector is)! He's one of my favourite units to use. Mine is currently +4 and I love him so much.
  3. I always auto-battle Lunatic 5 now. I don't even bother to do the bonus rounds myself anymore. I don't enjoy repeating the same maps over and over again, but I do enjoy the rewards and ranking feathers. I always make sure to get into the top 5k for the 8000 feathers.
  4. Huh, somehow my all infantry/all melee/no dancer team has gotten me 10+ defense wins.
  5. I live in a really old building, and I hear a lot of things going on above me at all hours of the day. I don't mind, though. I like the noise, and I don't have problems sleeping. I usually keep the window and balcony open and hear lots of stuff going on outside. I also like the sound of the cars, busses, and skytrain. I don't like it to be quiet because silence creeps me out.
  6. I hate mornings so much. I don't even start work until 11am, but I have to wake up at 9:15am because it takes me almost an hour to commute to work. Still too damn early! I woke up at 1pm today, and it was awesome. I love weekends.
  7. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again? 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far? --- I feel you here. My favourite Fire Emblem games are Fates & Awakening, and it annoys me big time when people matter-of-factly state that the older FE games have better characters/supports than the 3DS games. It's all a matter of opinion! Luckily, most people on here are pretty good about that stuff, like you said.
  8. Wow, okay, BIG update to my post from a few hours ago. I did a lot of pulls tonight and went through with my +10 Female Corrin project and pulled my final Reinhardt! I'm a happy chicky. I just made a post in the pull thread with more details about the stuff I got tonight. I'll be giving Corrin Bonfire soon, but she doesn't have enough SP at the moment. She inherited Aether at the same time as Steady Breath (ate the 4* BK first), and I might need the extra points in the Arena at some point, so I'm happy to have it. The healing is also nice for the Tempest Trials & she's doing pretty well on auto-battle! ( @LordFrigid's thread in the FEH Analysis sub-forum was very helpful! ) Yay, thank you! My 11th Corrin was +Atk/-Res! --- I now have two new pictures to share! Needless to say, I pretty much have no feathers now, eheh. I think I might do Adult Tiki, Olivia, or Fae for my next +10 project. That won't be for a while, though.
  9. I went a little nuts with the orb spending tonight. I didn't spend very much money last month, so it's okay, I guess. Anyway, I had 148 (96+50) free orbs going in to Hero Fest. I bought two 75 orb packs as well. I needed almost all of them to get a single Brave Ike tonight (yikes). That's some bad luck, but I'm still happy anyway because I met a few of my goals! I was aiming for a Brake Ike for Steady Breath fodder for a project I had in mind. I was also open to pulling blues for a few reasons. If there were no blue/green circles, I just chose red or colourless at random. Here we go: 3* Beruka 3* Donnel 4* Priscilla 3* Barst 4* Hawkeye 4* Reinhardt (Promoted and merged to get to +10! Success!) 4* Mae 4* Raven 4* Roderick 3* Bartre 4* Shanna 3* Robin 4* Titania 3* Cecilia 3* Bartre 4* Hawkeye 4* Athena 3* Frederick 5* Nephenee (+Res/-HP: New!) 4* Eliwood 4* Lukas 4* Cordelia 3* Subaki 3* Cecilia 3* Beruka 3* Beruka 4* Nowi 5* Nowi (+HP/-Def: I was happy because she was necessary for the project I had in mind! She has already been fed to my new +10 gal. ) 4* Oscar 5* Camilla (+HP/-Spd: Eww, I now have 2 5* Camillas with a bad nature sitting around. I'll probably give someone a Brave Axe+ someday.) 4* Fae 4* Fae 3* Cherche 4* Female Corrin (+Atk/-Res: OMG, I was waiting for a nice nature like this! I went ahead with project +10 Female Corrin. Bye-bye giant stash of feathers. I am so excited! I was thinking to myself that all I need now is a Brave Ike to give her Steady Breath. So I pushed on... And on...) 5* Brave Lyn (+Def/-Atk: She'll sit around for a while until I decide what to do with her.) 4* Camilla 4* Clair 3* Gunter 3* Gwendolyn 4* Catria 4* Soren 4* Frederick 4* Hawkeye 4* Hawkeye 3* Arthur 4* Nino 4* Fae 3* Cherche 4* Frederick 3* Sully 4* Effie 4* Robin 4* Oboro 5* Sonya (+Spd/-Atk: New addition, but I didn't really want her. Especially not with -Atk. Oh well!) 4* Jeorge 3* Donnel 5* Brave Ike (+Res/-Def: FINALLY! Food for Corrin! )
  10. I'm going to vote for Hector (x6) and PA-Inigo (x5). DC is insanely useful, and I want more merges for my favourite dude. I think Legendary Ike has this in the bag, though.
  11. I have a +9 Reinhardt as well. I'm waiting for another copy of him to arrive. Can't wait for him to be complete! I'm currently sitting on 258k feathers, and I have the urge to 5*+10 F-Corrin. I have 10 copies of her, so I'm just short one. Unfortunately, the one with the best nature is neutral! All of the others are -Atk or -Spd. Ew. Guess I'll have to wait for a good one. Now I wish I hadn't foddered off so many of her without checking the natures...
  12. Yes, I think it's quite likely we'll get to pick one for free again. Probably not for several months, though.
  13. I have a recurring nightmare that I'm going on a vacation, and when I get there, it's over all of a sudden. It makes me feel upset/cheated and confused. How can it be over already when it just started? It's weird, I have that one a lot.
  14. Arena 5072 and Arena Assault 5080. Donesies. Arena went well, finished on the first attempt. So far, Laslow has no problems with Myrrh. However, Arena Assault took 3-4 tries. I have a new high score for a defense win. 608!
  15. Legendary banner! 4* Lon'qu 4* Caeda 4* Chrom 3* Selena 3* Draug 4* Fury Hinata 4* M-Corrin 3* Lon'qu 3* Sophia 3* Hana 4* Palla 3* Palla 3* Fir 4* Athena 3* Fir 4* Seliph 5* Legendary Ike (+Atk/-Def) 4* F-Corrin My fiance's free pull was a 5* Sanaki. His previous free pull was 5* Mage Eirika... Before that, his free pull was 5* Zelgius! Seriously, good for him, but I kinda hate the guy a little right now.
  16. I must be misremembering something because it makes no sense, according to those calculations. It caught me off guard and I quit pretty fast afterwards, haha. Who knows, maybe I'll run into that team again. It was Clarine/Firesweep Bow Lyn/Myrrh/Fanlivia and worth 720-something points.
  17. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. My Lucina has 22 Res/43 HP, and yup, Myrrh did have 59 Attack. Neither had engaged in any combat yet, so they both had full HP. Usually I pay attention to a special going off, but I guess I missed it this time. She must have had quickened pulse and maybe another skill that shortens specials if there is one?! I don't recall what her other skills were. I was just confused and kinda rage quit after that, haha.
  18. What the hell, I just had my AA run ruined because Myrrh 1HKOed my Lucina (no hone anything, she was alone). I thought baiting her would be safe! I don't usually pay too much attention to the numbers unless I'm on the 5-7th fight. Oops.
  19. I thought the starter pack was a great idea! I'd been waiting for something like this for a long time... Orbs are so expensive (and yet I buy them anyway), and this pack was a great deal! I would love to see them do this more often.
  20. I'll be on my way home from work at 7:30pm, so I guess I'll be putting my headphones on and watching this on the skytrain! I'm SO excited! (Is that weird? )
  21. Arena: 5076 - Rank 2543/5415 to stay in Tier 20 Arena Assault: 5090 - Rank 1893
  22. Omg, yes x 1000. I hate making eye contact so much. I can sort of do it enough to function like a normal, social human being, but occasionally people have noticed that I look away a lot. I forget what I'm saying when I look someone in the eye. Why must we do this?!? --- I nominate Jingle Jangle.
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