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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I am loving New Mystery. I'm on Chapter 13 right now. So far, it's shaping up to be my 3rd favourite FE game after Fates and Awakening. However, I now have a new least favourite enemy. FREAKIN' WYVERNS. They're all like, oh, don't mind me, just gonna pop on over here with my 12MOV to 1RKO your guys with <16 speed (almost half my team). And they usually come with a buddy or two. And as (same-turn) reinforcements in Chapter 12. Wow, I have never hated an enemy unit more. I think the avatar was the only person on my team who could survive 2 hits from them. They usually left my units with <10 health after a single attack. Whew. Hopefully that's the last of them... If not, I guess I'll survive. I'm liking this game way too damn much to let them bring me down! /Rave+Rant over. Oh man, way to make us curious. 245
  2. Ahh, I knew you didn't like seasonals, but I thought Sharena might tempt you! You have good self-control.
  3. Oh my god, Sharena and Alfonse look SO cute! I need them! I like Kozaki's art too. They'll be sharing a colour, so I guess that'll be interesting! I'm so sick of pulling green, though. Also, LOL at Kagero's weapon. "Lethal Carrot." I love it. Looks like @Vaximillian is going to have a tough decision to make.
  4. I feel like I'm behind the times too! I didn't even know what Discord was until recently. I just signed up for the SF Discord just over a month ago or so, and it's pretty neat. I don't usually type much cause I'm still a little bit shy about it, but it's fun to read. I think it's just text and not voice unless you enter the special voice chat room thingy (?). 214
  5. Oh damn, I forgot to check my rank before the season closed. Yeah, this week definitely seemed less competitive. My Arena score of 5144 was rank 400 or 500-something last night. It probably dropped quite a bit today, though. AA score of 5182 ended up at rank 1140.
  6. Hehe, New Mystery actually! OMG, she finally did it! A Mag increase! 191
  7. Ooooh, I'm so curious to see who it is! I'll have 200ish orbs saved up by the time the banner drops, so I'll be ready for it! Hopefully that will be enough orbs to pull one I want. I wouldn't complain if it's Fateswakening since those are my favourite FE games, haha.
  8. Ah! Well, in that case, I usually shrug it off and make a mental note not to trust them again. I don't like confrontation. If it's someone really close to me, like my fiance, I might bring it up in a pouty way. Of course, it depends on how big of a lie it is. I've never caught him in a big lie before, so I dunno what I'd do.
  9. Just looked it up. 40%. Dunno if that's a good or bad growth rate? She started at level 4 with 4 Mag, so she hasn't leveled it up even once yet. Well then, let's see how long she'll go without having it go up... I know who'll be getting all the Spirit Dust in the future. Having flashbacks of my level 20 6 Str Eirika... --- I decided to have a little nap at 5pm today. Woke up 5 hours later with drool on my pillow. Super classy, eh? Wasted a good chunk of my Sunday. 189
  10. Hey guys... Please pray for my Linde. She's not doing too well and really needs to level up her Mag stat. 185
  11. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again? (Already asked.) 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?
  12. Ah, yeah, I read earlier in the thread that you can't use hormonal birth control or condoms. That's really unfortunate. I totally understand why you wouldn't want to risk it in that case! Which part of my quoted text were you requesting a source for? If it was the part where I said "the risks are pretty low", I should clarify that it was just my own opinion based on the failure rate of the birth control methods. For example, the birth control pill (my method of choice) has a perfect use effectiveness of 99.7% and a typical use (taking into account human error) effectiveness of 92%, which is what I would consider a very low risk of pregnancy. However, I do understand that others may not view it the same way as me. I found the percentages from this site: https://www.optionsforsexualhealth.org/birth-control-pregnancy/birth-control-options/effectiveness. If it was the other part of my post, well, I'm finding it difficult to find good sources. I found a lot of stuff on google, but most of what I found didn't seem too reliable to me... I'll admit I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to finding reputable sources on the internet (I haven't written a paper since 2008). It seems that a lot of studies are locked behind a paywall; however, I did manage to find this: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01677.x#ss41. Edit: I noticed that people in this sub-forum have been using links to news sites and stuff like that as a source of information, so I guess those are okay? I wasn't sure. If anyone is looking back at this and is interested, here's a couple of the links I found that have some info about the psychological benefits of sex. I've felt these effects myself, too, so I believe in this. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex-health-benefits#in-men-and-women http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-03-03/regular-sex-benefits-your-mental-health-too-the-conversation/8322520
  13. I don't own any, actually! Hehe. I used to, but I got rid of them. I have yet to find a pair of heels that doesn't make my feet bleed. Flats for me. Bloody feet aren't sexy. It makes me pretty angry that some workplaces require women to wear them on the job.
  14. Well then... I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. I should actually ask you a question. What kind of pizza do you like? Haha.
  15. Is this Hawaiian pizza hate some sort of internet joke that I missed? Cause I feel like I'm missing something here. I've noticed that people on the internet seem oddly... passionate in their hate for this pizza type. Ham and pineapple doesn't seem like a particularly odd combination to me. We put a lot of weird stuff on pizza, after all!
  16. Can confirm that they do. I have tried them. Never again. Totally feel ya on that one! I love my bras.
  17. I don't believe abstinence is important at all, but I would never judge anyone for making the decision to remain abstinent. We all have our own comfort zones. In my opinion, abstinence-only education doesn't work. There's a quote from Beverly Hills 90210 that I always liked (wow, never thought I would quote this show in a serious manner ): "If you say that kids don't need condoms because they shouldn't be having sex in the first place, well, you're overlooking two very important things. One is that a lot of kids are having sex. And the other is that they are kids. I mean, it's like if you have a swimming pool in your backyard, you can tell your children not to go in it, you can even build a fence around it, but if you know that they're going to find a way into that water, don't you think you ought to teach those kids how to swim?" There's nothing wrong with teenagers having sex. The odds of getting pregnant are extremely low if you use birth control correctly, and I feel like the failure rate is often exaggerated. The mental health effects of having an active sex life are great, and the risks are pretty low all things considered!
  18. Ahhh, the only time I don't like underwire is when it breaks out and stabs me! Underwired bras and I have a good relationship for the most part. I like to feel all bundled in, and I don't even notice I'm wearing a bra. I've tried taking it off at home when I'm just hanging around, but my chest starts to ache. Sleeping without one seems okay now, though, since I'm lying down.
  19. Whoa, TIL! I think I buy a mixture of low-rise/hipster/bikini. I assumed they were all the same since they look pretty similar to me! Haha, that's funny cause I argued with my mom for the (sort of) opposite reason when I was younger. She didn't like that I would sleep in my underwired bras, claiming it was bad for my health for some reason. I never budged on that or even tried sleeping without a bra until I was 19 or so.
  20. You're missing out! Hawaiian pizza is one of the most popular pizzas for a reason! (It's delicious.) Well... If you don't like pineapple, then, yeah, you're probably not going to like it.
  21. I've seen a few people mention that bikini cut underwear is missing, but wouldn't that fall under the briefs category? Bikini cut = Low-rise briefs & Granny panties = high-waist briefs? Anyway, low-rise briefs and underwire bras for me! In the past, I found that sports bras never gave me proper support, so I usually just double up on regular bras when I'm working out. Maybe I just need a good sports bra, but I'm not willing to shell out over a hundred dollars for one. Bras are way too expensive. I only buy them on sale.
  22. Actually, I like avatar characters the way they are. I have no complaints about how they were implemented in New Mystery/Fates/Awakening and would be happy to see them return in future games. It would be pretty cool if you could affect the story with your choices, though!
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