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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 4 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Don't new FE games usually get a trailer released during a Direct, and then get fully shown off at E3? That's how it was with Fates if I recall correctly. 

    I'm honestly just hoping for something; anything. Even if it's just an announcement that the game's going to be delayed to 2019, at least it'll be something.



    To be fair, FE was pretty low-key until Awakening. Before that, if I recall correctly, RD was revealed at E3. I wasn't there for Awakening so I dunno how marketing for that went exactly, but Fates took about less than a year after the first trailer (for Japan's release) and then Echoes came out pretty fast after its reveal, especially considering how drastically different it was from the past two 3DS games. I don't think IS really has/had a consistent gameplan with how they reveal their FE games, even if you only go by main series games.

  2. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    About time! I was getting a bit impatient. FE Switch better be there!

    Eh, I wouldn't be surprised if they're holding it for announcement at E3 with a release date in Winter or even moved up to 2019. It's a new FE game making its debut on a new system, not to mention a console since the Wii two generations ago; it may be too big for a normal direct, in that case. Better to go in with no expectations and be pleasantly surprised than with high expectations and walking away disappointed.

  3. 1 minute ago, John Denver Fan said:

    My late father said that to me, he said this "Don't work in a restaurant like me, get yourself a real job when you grow up" And what he said is true. Working for minimum wage is a job, but it isn't a real job. Posting videos on YouTube and streaming videos on Twitch isn't a job it is a hobby.


    So it's a hobby to set up all this equipment, record stuff/stream yourself playing for hours to get money (and Twitch and YouTube have partnerships so yes, people are making money), and edit videos? I think not. Even if the job does not pay much, it's still a true job. Your logic that a job needs to pay a lot to be "true" is bizarre, and I know plenty of Twitch streamers who would show confusion or annoyance at your remark. I don't think you understand how business on YouTube and Twitch works.

  4. I wonder; would legendary heroes be limited to only lords (or literal legends)? Because I could see Tiki potentially being a legendary hero, young or adult; she's pretty much the shapeshifter mascot of FE, and I think she has the notability among IS to be considered for it if Ephraim could be a legendary hero. Besides, barring any original characters, she's the best choice for a dragon legendary hero including over Corrin, I'd argue.

  5. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Firstly, you DO realize that Ephraim, fallen Celica, and LA Hector were most certainly planned BEFORE they became CYL winners, don't you?

    Second, Marth makes no sense as an earth or fire hero. He should be water or wind. That's probably why he wasn't picked this time.

    And Ephraim isn't out of nowhere. His sister got a random alt, so why shouldn't he? Eirika was the one that came out of nowhere, and yet I didn't see nearly as much complaining about her as I do Ephraim here.

    I'm not disagreeing that Marth has been shafted and should get something. But I can see why he hasn't in the case of the past couple months.

    Ephraim is a legendary hero; that's a much bigger honor than the normal alts and seasonals, and Celica and Hector didn't have the burden of controversial victories. And I dunno where you were listening, but Eirika did indeed get a lot of complaining, including from myself; at least, before it was found out we got four new units anyways, two of them free, but I dunno for sure if that satisfied folks.

    I'm also not saying Marth should have been next; he just should have gotten a legendary before Ephraim did based on the situation, for the sake of your element argument. They can afford to hold him for a year; they did that with the Christmas units if the datamining for Heroes in its release month is any indication.

  6. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Okay, I'm starting to get tired of all the complaining/whining about Marth. And I even agree that he's been shafted and should get something. But people, you're beating a dead horse at this point. Also, Marth does not fit the fire hero bill to me. I'd make him water or wind. So imo, he should be next.

    Well, when the horse comes back to life for just the second time, we have reason to start beating it again. Ephraim got a CYL alt through controversial means that involve Marth and got a legendary out of nowhere early on in this era of non-OC legendary Heroes while Marth isn't getting anything yet. They should have saved Ephraim's legendary for a later date after Marth gets a legendary himself much like they saved the Christmas units, even if it means months after CYL is released; they should have known it'd agitate people and cause commotion.

  7. Urk...I'm really not sure how to feel about Legendary Ephraim. He's already getting a brave variant through a very controversial win involving Marth, and now him getting a legendary variant before said Altean lord seems to leave a bitter taste. If we get Legendary Marth later, that'll take the bitter taste away, but I imagine this is a bad time to introduce a legendary version of a CYL winner.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    I am so disappointed. I really wanted Thracia, but what disappoints me more is that mage Eirika wasn't a one off thing. The game has now proven that they are going to happily recycle characters already in the game without adding in enough new characters, nor will they dump any new 3-star characters to make up for the reskins either. We'll be lucky to get new, less popular characters at this rate.

    I'll probably make a half-hearted attempt for at least one of them, but just ... ;/

    I mean, I honestly was expecting more alts after Eirika and Ike happened. I think we're heading into an era where we're getting a mix of new guys and alts, which I honestly have little issue with. At least the last SS event wound up with 4 new characters anyways; we're bound to get Thracia sooner or later.

  9. OH.

    So apparently, we have Grima, witch Celica (who somehow wound up in Askr during all that, but fanservice game so whatevs) and Mystery Hardin. Well then! :P

    And Robin is a "manakete", aka he summons Grima's head out of nowhere to attack.

    Very intriguing, but I'm probably not gonna go for any of them due to my silly insistence on not using bad guys that are cruel. :P

    And we got a new Muspell enemy: Laegjarn. Too many females, but from what I can see of her, she looks pretty cool.

  10. 1 minute ago, Usana said:

    It's not the size of her head that bugs me, but rather the size of her feet. It isn't a big enough deal to bump her down, but boy does it make Ninian much harder competition. Ninian is just so . . . perfectly proportioned. But the lack of wings is kind of a minus for me.

    Well, it's not like all dragons in mythology necessarily have wings. :P

  11. I think I like Ninian's the best in this game. It just seems elegant and pretty, and it's nice to see her transforming without going wild. It's not my favorite in the whole series, though; Tiki in Warriors looks the best to me.

    (By the way, IS, settle on a consistent form for Tiki for both ages plz)

  12. 12 minutes ago, Florete said:

    The positive is that it's something you can do when you're out of stamina (and it's not arena assault). Well, until you've completed it.

    The negative is the same as before. It's just...not Fire Emblem. I'll get the rewards (they're simple enough), but they could have done better than this.

    I mean, it's not like a small side mode that doesn't utilize Fire Emblem-esque gameplay in an FE mobile game is really that bad for such a reason. It's just sorta different, that's all. I, for one, am content with tapping to the beat. Always had an interest in the inner workings of music. :P

    1 minute ago, eclipse said:

    Get the timing down, then follow the music.

    I'm a IIDX player.  The units move too slowly for my tastes. Where's my high-speed mode?!

    Or a random mode, that scrambles the lines.  Mmmmm. . .

    I'm getting flashbacks of videos of people playing DDR and other arcade rhythm games moving their respective body parts swiftly to high-difficulty modes as the icons to press on screen pop up as swift as fastballs hearing you talk about that. :P

  13. 30 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    But that's the thing.  You're assuming CYL is simply a popularity contest and it's not.  One reason is because there is vote splitting.  Another reason is that CYL happened to be announced right around the time SS characters were being released which allowed people to have SS (Ephraim & Eirika) in mind.  I guarantee if they just released a bunch of SD characters, Marth would have won.  There's also another advantage Marth had where people were touting that FE had abandoned Marth and therefore people should vote for him (which isn't even true).  

    I think Marth fans should be a little salty, just like I would be salty if Ephraim lost.  It's basic human nature to be competitive and I don't have an issue with competition.  What I don't like is when people lose and they point at one thing and say "That's the only reason he lost".  Well, if Ephraim lost I could point at Smash and say "That's the reason Ephraim lost".  But you can't point at one thing, because there are a multitude of reasons one player wins over another.  

    Anytime someone loses a competition by a very small margin it's very easy to point at one thing and say that's why, but there's a million other reasons that came into play as well.

    Problem is, the methods of how one loses can differ on whether it's morally right or wrong. When it comes to stuff that influences people to vote for them, all of it's fair game; the "disgusting" memes, Marth's Smash popularity, etc., all the votes are fair (save for multiple account abuse, but we have no evidence to point any fingers so that's an irrelevant point for now). But the character split is not fair; hell, there's no good reason to have these split characters in the first place unless they've gone through an easily noticable appearance or personality change. Marth doesn't do that; he's pretty much similar save for character development, and even then he's still the kind soul we know.

    The rationale behind the votes is not an issue. The character split is.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Uh, that's not the point? All I said was that I would've preferred the top two be Marth and Ephraim. I didn't say it would've actually happened. Besides, you don't know how many people voted for all of the Marths.

    Uh, you're the one who brought your preferences out of nowhere while talking about Marth's situation. And I don't see how the amount of people who voted for Marth is relevant to our conversation.

  15. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    The problem is that lolis are little girls and I'm certain most FE players are adults. That's kind of perverted.

    Just because one likes a "loli" character doesn't mean one's sexually attracted to them. For instance, I like Myrrh because she's adorable and goes through a lot of hell, not because of some disgusting sexual attraction to one shaped like a child.

  16. 4 minutes ago, edgelordweeaboo said:

    lolis are disgusting and veronica still is only in heroes so it's really fucking weird that anyone voted for her

    Veronica is not playable yet. It's reasonable to understand the rationale of voting her, Heroes-only or not.

    Also, even if she is a "loli", it's not like she has a sexualized design. She's arguably as tame as Myrrh.

    And you called Veronica disgusting by calling her a loli and calling lolis disgusting.

  17. 2 minutes ago, edgelordweeaboo said:

    i'm pissed about this dude. fucking ephraim and veronica. i seriously don't understand why anyone would ever vote veronica

    Because people might like the same things you don't. That's why they would vote Veronica. It's an interesting situation. :P

    21 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I feel like someone cheated. Anyone realize that Veronica somehow jumped all the way from 7th to 2nd? That's a huge leap. And I don't mean anything IS did, I feel like some unfair voters decided to vote a ton for her on a lot of devices... That's really not cool.

    But on the other hand, EPHRAIM. Both my favorite lords get CYL versions now! WOO!

    Eh, it's just an assumption. Considering the voters likely are all Heroes players, got exposed to Veronica for sure, and then took notice of her standing in the results, it's not unreasonable to think she could have gotten a large jump. Yeah, maybe some cheatsydoodles were involved, but you could say the same for anyone.

    Also, I do think Ephraim had an unfair advantage in having one version of himself to beat out Marth, who otherwise would have won. Out of all the CYL winners so far, Ike (well, arguably Lucina, too, but Lucina herself is more notable that her masked self likely didn't matter, and FE6 Hector is an NPC) is the only one with two versions (and even then, both of them have a noticable difference in appearance, so while I do think Ike was unfairly handicapped, he has a little excuse that's just handwaved since he won). Both Marths were practically the same in appearance, but he still got split, and it hurt him.

  18. 15 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

    I'm curious as to how a hypothetical runners-up CYL banner would be like. For the girls, the top two characters not in Heroes yet are Selkie and Morgan while the top two males (excluding Leif on account of his main character status like Micaiah was) are Kliff and Keaton. Only issue is that beasts aren't in the game yet outside of dragons.

    Adding on to this, the top-ranked non-beast female is Genealogy's Ishtar and for males, it's Fates' Kaze. Only thing is that they're both outside the top 20.

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