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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    Maybe this banner being all female is because the folks who thought the valentines would be all male is correct?  Maybe valentine is the male form of the bridal banner and they released an all female banner right before it to cancel it out?

    Ehh...I don't think they'd risk skipping females altogether in such a seasonal banner.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:


    So you'd rather have more Eirikas than let other characters from SS get in the game? Wow. That's kind of selfish, you know. I'm not trying to offend you, but even I'm not asking for more Ikes or Fredericks (except in cases like CYL and seasonal, and even then, Frederick already got a seasonal, so I'm not going to ask for another one of those for him), because I know there are other characters from their games who have yet to even be in Heroes in any form.

    ...you were asking for RD Ike in the World of Dawn banner and claiming Oliver's a bad choice. How does that not count...?

    I do see the confusion of another Eirika, though, especially in the three-new character banner age.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Except I saw a lot of people asking for Cormag, Marisa, L'Arachel, Myrrh, etc. Not another Eirika. So it doesn't seem like anyone wanted this.

    Also, what's wrong with wanting more new characters and less duplicate ones?

    Also, why does L'Arachel get to be a mage and Lucius didn't? When L'Arachel actually starts as a healer and Lucius doesn't? I don't understand IS at all anymore.

    Just like how no one asked for a dancer banner but people were happy with it. :P

    Also, I've seen plenty of folks happy for Eirika alongside the confused. That's "who even wants that". At the very least, it gives more reason for your beloved RD Ike to be a thing. :P

  4. 33 minutes ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    4 accounts solely for:

    Camilla (Bölverk please!)

    Micaiah (Light Sage/Priestess please!)

    Adult Tiki 

    Selkie (she'll do fine but a little wouldn't hurt)

    I'm also rooting for Eirika, Lilina, Fjorm(new), Charlotte, Cherche, Marisa, Robin, Marth, Ephraim, Jill and Nephenee which I think they'll be ok again.

    Overall I expect Hector and Tharja to be perfectly fine without my votes.

    Er, I don't think you're allowed to use multiple accounts. Otherwise, if you're caught, all your votes will not count.

  5. Just gonna throw out there that I love this game. It has some problems and personal nitpicks of mine, but I love the beautiful world and its characters. I think Nia's my favorite character in the game both to play as and in terms of her character (save for one minimal part). The ending also was pretty amazing, though I felt I might have utilized inns too much and got too overleveled late in the game.

  6. 5 hours ago, Armagon said:

    >Says Roy is fairly hated by the FE community

    >Doesn't realize that Roy got 1st place in the official Binding Blade poll

    Honestly, i don't even see that much hate for Roy these days. I see way more hate Corrin, and more recently, Ike, Alm, and Celica. 

    Then why even play Smash?  I think a lot of people would be pretty pissed if we got a new Smash game and no newcomers. At that point, just play the previous game.


    Alm? I know some aren't too fond of Celica (though I like her), but why Alm? Did I miss something that happened recently...?

    Also, I dunno about Ike. I know some folks here hate him, but he's still popular.

    I agree with you on Roy, though. I don't see too much hate for him, and I sorta like the dude myself.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ace Pelleas said:

    Lucina and Roy are clones, and I would also add Dark Pit and Doctor Mario to this list. Smash needs more original characters and some revamp the movesets of character such as Lucas, Ganon and Falco. Not every single move needs to be changed, but having the same specials with different effects is kinda underwhelming. Corrin is just another random FE character and we'll probably get more newcomers the next mash game, which is kinda sad when we only have 2 DK characters, 4 Zelda characters and 3 Kirby characters. But then there 6 FE caharacters, almot as big as Mario's

    Going by what @Glaceon Mage said, erasing the clones won't erase the time put into them, and not that much time was put into them at all. No real reason to delete them; they're there already. At least Corrin is original both in moveset and dragon abilities, so you're asking to wipe out all that time spent.

    As for the FE character thing, it's sorta awkward as compared to other Nintendo franchises (and I'd personally count the DK characters as Mario characters despite their icons), Fire Emblem has so many protagonists from multiple worlds. Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral/Ylisse has three reps, Elibe has one, Tellius has one, Magvel has none, and Hoshido/Nohr has one. Aside from the unique situation of Pokemon, and the Mario star power, there isn't really any other first-party franchise represented with as much main protagonists outside of Smash, I think. (Yes, I know Lucina is a stretch.)

  8. On 1/18/2018 at 9:49 AM, Ace Pelleas said:

    So, once again, let's start:

    1- We don't need any FE newcomer for the next Smash;

    2- Roy, Corrin and Lucina should be removed from Smash;

    3- Exclusive skills(Heroes) were the worst idea possible;

    4- The Last Promise is best FE.

    What would removing characters from Smash accomplish in this day and age? They aren't even OP (to my knowledge?), and I assume their assets could easily get reused with how Smash is made compared to other fighting games and the decreasing room for a quality jump. Trying to get your logic here.

  9. 3 hours ago, Dinar87 said:

    While it's true nintendo said it was for "kids", nintendo also said "kids at heart" so that easily could've been interpreted as something like pokemon which is also aimed at kids, but adults still enjoy. I think it would've been much better if they said "Completely separate to our other franchises, we're about to announce something intended with a strong focus on children in particular. Stay tuned!" as that would've caused less confusion and less people would've gotten their expectations up for more than this.

    And while we're at it, where's that Fire Emblem switch game? Where's Metroid prime 4? Where's other expected games like Animal Crossing or Pokemon? In the past we've gotten a new main fire emblem announced each January on two occasions now, and it's a darn shame that nintendo is seemingly abandoning this opportunity for another one, and instead doing a mini direct and cardboard. Yes, I'm well aware that these announcements are very likely separate from when the game's will release, but I'd rather know about these things (and get updates on them) earlier than have a surprise announcement later, after a long period of not knowing what's up with each game and getting bored.

    I'm very disappointed in Nintendo and besides e3, I probably won't be tuning in for another presentation/direct/ect... for a while.

    ...I don't get your perspective. You're swearing off directs because a MINI direct didn't give you what you wanted and you had expectations for a game for a presentation Nintendo has never done before and we had no idea what to expect from it?

    Think what you want, but I urge you to not give up on normal directs just because you saw a game and cardboard and expected Pokemon.

  10. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I'm sorry, I can't help it if I couldn't understand you. What else was I supposed to say? And I'm not interested in this Labo, so I don't care to see the video again, honestly.

    Based on your "people are dumb to spend $70 on cardboard" post, you must have not paid attention when they showed gameplay on the actual tablets for new games we have never seen before that clearly looked like. (Yes, I know you said you're not interested in seeing the video again, but I guess someone has to if you plan to respond). You must have gotten lost at the technical jargon King Marth described, not the English.

    It's $60 for the game, $10 for the cardboard. Not $70 for cardboard. And again, the video was advertised as being for kids and those who were "kids at heart" this morning.

  11. Add my name to the "why aren't people paying attention" questioners.

    It's not just cardboard. It's the game with cardboard.

    The video even outright shows new games we've never seen being played on the tablets, and that the cardboard cutouts would be folded into the optimal way to place the joy-cons and tablet to play the game. How are people missing this and assuming it's overpriced cardboard?

    I'm not going crazy, right? I think this is a very interesting idea with the potential to work.

  12. Welp. The Steelers lost (to my personal yet not intense dismay), but the game had some good excitement, all things considered. The Jags earned their win. At the very least, the Jaguars are a nice fresh face compared to Pittsburgh and look like pretty strong contenders to possibly knock off New England. They also have some cool jerseys.

    As for the Steelers, they're gonna need to find out how to settle all these issues with their players and coaches this offseason.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I had nothing more to add, and I didn't want to drag the argument out. Why is that such a problem?

    You clearly do have more to add if you still disagree despite my points countering yours. You got me on the argument dragging thing, though. It's just that you do it a lot to end things with some sort of "I just have this opinion". Just say "I'd like to respond, but I'd rather not drag it out" instead of "I just have this opinion, that's all, and I'd rather not drag it out". It makes you come off as running away instead of truly wanting an argument to stop.

  14. @Anacybele


    Please do not twist my words. I never said you couldn't feel that way, I said "word it better". If I truly did say that, please quote the part you considered an apparent dismissal of opposing opinions as you claim.

    And yes, I am aware Ike is an RD lord; he's the guy who's the only one allowed to kill the final boss and got his own ending screen while Micaiah got a regular ending screen like all the other units. But Ike overall is already in the game, and even if we got past the multiple version thing to include RD Ike, Micaiah should not be joined by Ike. Ike lead his banner already; it's Micaiah's turn, and it literally is now or never for her since I doubt she's getting another version of herself. Better to not throw Ike in even to make him as big as Micaiah on that banner.


  15. @Anacybele


    I'd rather wait for different game versions of characters to be a thing like FE6 Karel before we even consider RD Ike; I think they need to progress past just having the two Tikis first (not including seasonals and CYL). I don't think he should be on a banner with Micaiah anyways; Micaiah is a lord and should get the focus. Ike got his time with PoR and doesn't need to share/steal the spotlight.

    Also, just because you personally dislike the characters doesn't mean the banner is "really bad", only "nothing that interests me". Words are important.

    Anyways, I'm pretty happy with this banner. Intriguing that they're using VAs I'm not too familiar with save for Veronica Taylor for obvious reasons. Wonder how she's gonna sound? Definitely gonna aim for Micaiah.


  16. On 12/31/2017 at 5:07 PM, Anacybele said:

    I don't like manaketes. They're boring and the playable ones are almost always little girls. They need more variety.

    Now the dragon laguz in Tellius are super cool. Their designs are more varied, and their dragon forms are even way cooler looking than manaketes imo. Kurthnaga is my favorite. The only thing is that some of them, most specifically Gareth, got really snubbed of development and actual character. I think Gareth only has like three total lines out of both Tellius games! It doesn't help though, that the dragon laguz always join the playable party late.

    I think you hate manaketes for their representatives instead of their species. Otherwise, dragon laguz are just a renamed iteration of manaketes (awkward gameplay not factored) with another new set of lore benefitted by PoR's writing. I also don't really understand your "varied" argument; I remember that their dragon forms lacked variety amongst their members as most of them came off as recolors of the same model. The Mystery Archanea games (both the original and remakes) had a higher variety of dragon shapes than just "recolored bipedal dragon" amongst the different tribes. Bipedal divine dragon, quadruped fire and mage dragons, noodly water/ice dragons, and then wyverns.

    That being said, I agree that manaketes lack any diversity in characters outside the dragon laguz. Outside the lolis and only counting proven dragon shifters, we only have Bantu, the grown-up Tiki, Ninian, Nils (both non-gameplay wise outside of Heroes), and debatably Corrin whom seems to be implied as just a human with dragon blood. However, I think manaketes are just outright too much of an FE staple to just be rid of. Sure, they should take a break from having the gods/big bad be a dragon, but I wouldn't mind some worlds where dragon people just live with humans; an arguable change from the godly/rare/last dragon stories, I think.

  17. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    So (almost) all Awakening characters? BORING. I get that Lissa was the only one of the main Awakening group not to have a seasonal version yet (Chrom and Lucina got Easter, Frederick and female Robin got summer, male Robin was leaked for Christmas), but seriously, so many people are tired of the constant 3DS (specifically Awakening and Nohr) pandering.

    Can't believe they're still ignoring the popularity of certain non-3DS characters I mentioned earlier. And Lissa isn't even that popular.

    I guess I can only hope the fourth one is Ryoma, Ike, or Takumi.

    I do still want that Robin tho.

    I'd argue the 3DS pandering isn't that big. Echoes is justified in that it just came out and now has as many characters as one of the Elibe games (and targeting games all games from a console (1 out of 5) seems sorta unfair), and until now, we've gotten NO Awakening or Fates banners and only one Awakening TT. As for VG winners, that's out of IS's hands minus choosing the participants, and even then that can't be controlled much.

    Also, I'd like to know how you know that Lissa is not popular. I at least don't get the impression that she's not unpopular, so why not? Throw her in. Frederick got in.

    As for the Awakefates seasonal banners, eh, I guess IS is running on the logic of that they're safer characters to fanservicize. Lyn, you got me, but Caeda does get married, so the bridal dress makes sense. I've honestly come to accept that seasonal units being Awakefates is just the norm, but I may be a little biased in that I don't care too much for funny-costume banners save for Sakura and the non-humorous dancer banner.

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