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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 21 hours ago, Namarid said:

    This. I hate tiki's voice. I never really noticed it in Heroes since I rarely used her but goddamn does it make me cringe.

    I'll think over it during the week but I may be getting warriors earlier than expected.

    This is awkward...I like Tiki's voice and it doesn't make me cringe. o.o I think Mela Lee did a fine job voicing her, and honestly, for English accents to only be thrown on characters of the stereotype (Laslow, Virion, Jakob) and not normal characters once in a couple of whiles is unrealistic, even if I understand why due to American VA studios and such.

  2. WELP.

    I mean, here's hoping more DLC will be on the way, but starting off with DLC from the focus games is...questionable of a decision, not to mention makes the PR look like blatant liars.

    Regardless, I'll still get the game; for my new Switch, no less! And I'll decide whether to buy DLC based on a process a YouTuber/Twitch streamer named Tom Fawkes once shown:

    1) Play the base game for awhile.

    2a) If you want to keep playing, buy the DLC.

    2b) If you don't, don't buy it.

  3. 1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

    My timeline says the same thing on Twitter.

    Willing to give the benefit of the doubt since I'm so deep into it with my wallet already.

    But if true that is pretty scummy.

    At this point, I'm suspicious Azura was cut due to too much Awakefates. I suspect the PR has just been making up excuses because the characters are what they are due to time constraints, but that somehow translated as "worse-sounding" than the excuses they made. Just a theory, but I have my suspicions.

  4. 1 hour ago, Peaceful_User said:

    FE Warriors loves to disappoint people. 

    Everyone's gonna get disappointed with something, and when you put a Warriors game together with the divisive state of the fandom, even on Serenes there will be disappointment, no matter what KT did (unless they became superhumans and added in all FE characters, but yeah). Some got ticked Lyn was in, some got ticked Celica uses her sword, some got ticked Azura was omitted from the base game...it's not entirely on KT.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I feel like more people would've been happy to have her than not though.

    I canceled my special edition pre order. I no longer care enough about the game to get it. I still have a regular copy on hold though. But I don't know if I'll even keep that.

    Even your Freddy Bear and Ryoma aren't enough, huh? :P Good thing I like most of the cast.

  6. 1 minute ago, The DanMan said:

    BlazBlue. Mela Lee voices a character there with exactly the same tone of voice-- a character who is hard to really sympathize with and who the MC constantly mocks and needles.

    Ah. Well, she did voice a character in Xenoblade X named Celica (yes, I spelled that right) who had an English accent like Tiki did, and apart from X, the first Xenoblade was know for their European localization, soo... :P

  7. I'd like to know the link between the PR and the development team; is the PR just scrambling for excuses and there's actually different reasons for all this stuff?

    Sorry to criticize the PR again, but...I suspect they've been lying about some stuff, like the reason to deconfirm Azura and make Celica use swords.

    3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    She ranked in the top ten females in CYL. She's popular. Cordelia did too, but I don't remember if she was higher or not.

    You really do love throwing in the Heroes poll for Warriors stuff. XP

  8. 7 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    Finally, gameplay of tiki, and I think it looks good too, I am so happy they didn't cheapen her dragon form, this also makes me see the potential of laguz being dlc or fire emblem warriors 2, I hope we get more shifters.

    edit: @NoirCore I am more confused as to whether or not tiki has wings, sometimes they are here sometimes not, where did they go in awakening why did she change dragon species in awakening, why can't this series be consistent at all when it comes to every class that transforms. personally though I am very happy with the size of tiki's dragon form in this game, they were actually able to really get the size of it to feel great, almost reminds me of how enormous dragons were in the tellius games.

    I'm just gonna chalk up Awakening's lack of wings ever showing up to just a bizarre exception, while Corrin can shapeshift parts and is sorta different for dragon standards and Heroes just has limited art. Otherwise, manaketes that have shown for a considerable amount of time (so Duma and Morva are excluded, for example) typically show their wings.

  9. This is an out-of-left-field idea that would likely require a clicking plot and maybe then some, but what about a unique monster for a main character? Like, monsters start attacking folks, but one monster is born good-hearted and fights to find answers. I dunno.

  10. 1 minute ago, L9999 said:

    I wonder when it will have a consistent design.

    True. XP Tiki's flip-flopped between gold feather dragon to bipedal, white, scaly dragon to seahorse dragon to the last two together (wut) to feathery dragon with a tiara. I personally hope she sticks with the Warriors look for both ages (it irked me how she has two differently shaped forms in Heroes, one being a Nowi recolor).

    Sorta would love for dragon forms in general to get more attention in the series in terms of art, too, but that's a conversation for another time.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Lau said:

    ...I'll forgive because, well, Chuggaaconroy.

    But I meant base game roster. I can't see them not including the likes of Azura or Tharja...

    I know, I just wanted to be silly and stupid. :P

    That being said, from what I heard of Koei's track record with fanservice, it's intriguing that Cordelia's in yet not Tharja, and Cordelia's the only non-plot-important Awakening character in the game. As for Azura, you got me. Maybe it's an issue with her Japanese VA (forget her name) that is secret for now on account of her being a singer? Dunno how FE Japan handles replacement VAs recently compared to English.

  12. 48 minutes ago, Magus of Flowers said:

    Nice. I wonder if there'll be an Adult!Tiki costume switch a.la the Corrins.

    Gameplay wise, Tiki looks a bit eh but I don't think it's soon enough to tell.

    Chances of Azura being playable are going down and I'm reaching the bargaining stage of grief.

    Sadly, I'm not sure the older Tiki will be an alt, as much as I'd love that. Young Tiki's animations and mannerisms seem too clumsy/silly for her older self. They'd probably have to reanimate her, but I dunno how to reanimate the faceplant into something more composed.

    Oh, and what do folks think of Tiki's dragon form? I love how she retains her headpiece, even if it's modified to adapt to her form.

  13. 18 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

    I'm still surprised they haven't revealed Sakura, Elise, Male Corrin, Celica, Caeda, and Tiki for international audiences. I wonder why they are taking so long?

    Celica was at least revealed in a Tweet. Maybe they're saving everyone for an English version of the trailer we've been seeing recently?

    17 minutes ago, Lau said:

    Extended trailer is up but I can't link it.

    CAEDA GIVES TIKI A RIDE ON HER PEGASUS. It's the cutest shit I've ever seen.

    Considering how Tiki and Caeda never really interacted in the games, I love this.

  14. Just now, Saint_Stahn said:

    All right All right. *deep breaths*

    I'm sorry.

    For the way I came out on the first post and for coming at you like that. All right? I can make mistakes I'm human. I'm not gonna drag this longer than it should be.

    Is that better?

    Okay. I guess I can also excuse that people on face reaction to stuff disappointing to them tend to act a little more unsettled than usual.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

    I read your post about Celica a while ago. Tell you what. Since you admited to acting on your emotions as well, I'll apologize for name calling you ''princess''.

    Don't take my opinions seriously dude. If I'm unhappy, let me be. If you're happy that Celica is in. Thats fine, its not like I said ''shes a waste of space get her out of the roster''.

    A am dissapointed she was handled as a clone though.

    Anyway, shake hands? let bygones be bygones?

    You were sorta saying that people can't defend the roster and that DLC would be saving a character and all that jazz. Sorry, but I still can't look past my judgement of you. Go look back at the stuff you said on page 15 and after. That plus how you went about Caeda and Tiki are why I'm reluctant to let bygones be bygones.

    Keep in mind: it's not your opinions I have issues with. It's your acting that makes it feel like your opinion is the right one, your intention or not.

  16. 13 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

    I haven't even remotely talked about the roster. I just said im looking forward to the dlc. Because its in my personal preference that I do NOT care for the roster.

    And those trailers were embarrassing. How you gonna hype a character reveal as a clone?

    And once again. Shiida and Tiki? all right all right, I didn;'t know they were THAT popular enough to warrant white knighting their announcement.

    Whats that to you? you taking this personal with your sarcastic tone on me? I didn't know you worked at Koei and Nintedo. EXCUUUUUUUUUUUSE ME Princess.

    I'm never badmouthing a company ever again. God forbid I know anyhting, I'm just a lowly peasant. *shrugs*

    Dude, chill. Step away from the keyboard, do some yoga, do something to calm yourself down.

    You've been the most crestfallen about this over anyone here. Apparently you don't care for Caeda and Tiki, based on your comment of surprise of their popularity. Hell, Tiki's one of the ways you beat Medeus, and not because she gets you the Falchion; hell, I don't think she's even the key to that sword. Gharnef has it.

    I talked sarcastically to you because of your mannerisms and how negative and snarky you were towards all this stuff. I may also be acting emotionally as well, but you can see where I'm coming from, dude. When you were sad about Celica being a clone, you went to town on that, and as someone just happy to see her in, that just didn't sit well with me; the part where Celica being a clone was apparently so agonizing.

    Don't get me wrong; you can have your opinion. But how you expressed it could be better.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

    When I'm more excited for the Dlc than that ACTUAL game itself.

    What a world we live in...

    Also Shadow dragon roster: Caeda, Tiki and they didn't even announce Navarre.
    No Camus, No Hardin.


    I didn't know the full roster has been revealed. Please, tell me how you came upon this news. :P

    And I wouldn't go as far as to post a meme YT video of "embarassing" to describe the situation. Then again, I stopped caring about the Awakefates jokes. >3>

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