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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. Just now, Namarid said:

    I don't mind her inclusion at all.

    Celica fans are happy. She's a clone of Marth who has one of coolest movesets in the game. That's a bigger positive than negative. The roster is not looking bad so far, as long as they release 4 more SD characters we're set. I can't wait for October 20th.

    Hell yeah.

    10 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    I'm talking about the whole 'Celica doesn't use magic in Warriors because she didn't use tomes in Echoes' thing. If it was suposed to be a coverup, it was a really terrible coverup, and they would be better off with the truth (Celica was a late addition, and making her a clone is all we could do).

    Yeah...not really feeling that reasoning with how she uses tomes in Heroes regardless.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

    That violin comment sounds hella patronizing mate. If you think me ''complaining'' is me trying to make you not buy the game. Then you really can't read people well.

    Go, buy the game. have fun. Get your special edition and support the company. It really is, none of my business.

    I'm not suspecting you of trying to convince me to not get the game. However, your wording of your negative descriptions of Celica's portrayal (not simply you having an opinion, just so we're clear) left a sour taste in my mouth, and I already explained my headache with the understandable yet overpopulated, parroted roster complaints I've seen plenty make with the same reasoning and the same "feat. this guy" joke. Again, sorry for coming off as I am, but this is how I feel after I was so happy to see Celica in spite of her clone status and shaky reasoning for her sword.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

    You have to understand this isn't complaining without reason. Game companies aren't charitable organizations that bless you with ''videogames''.

    Nintendo ''can't do no wrong'' is just a myth.

    If they do a crap job... You have to call it out. This game is that. It's like this. I like Mario. but remember that OCEAN of lifeless ''new super mario'' games that came out for a while before FINALLY we got Odyssey? Thats what I mean.

    This game isn't some sort of blessing for the fanbase. It's marketing tactic for new fans that played awakening and fates. While throwing a bone to old fans with Lyn.... Celica is just advertisement. Just as Roy was in Melee. As a FILTHY uninspired clone.

    ...I do understand, hence why I said the reasons are good. But holy crud, people stab that dead horse with their beastslayers a bunch.

    Your "filthy uninspired clone" remark and reactions to Celica are, if I may be blunt, not sitting well with me. Yes, she's a clone, I get it. But I'm happy she's in over the roster being one person shorter; and yes, I do not think they would make another main roster character in place of Celica because, as you say, she's a clone.

    I'm happy Celica's in, even if she has the same dang moveset as Marth. You can have your complaints, but put away the violin, man.


    I'm very happy Celica's in, even as she is, but, apologies for being blunt, I want no part of this disappointment bug.

    I get it. Celica uses a sword, most of the cast is Awakefateswhatever, Azura's not in, too many swords, etc. They're good complaints with decent reasons against the bad PR. However, this complaining is really making me apathetic towards the fanbase.

    Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather not get hung up on negatives and search for positives. Maybe that's why I quickly got over the whole "only Awakefates with SD" thing and stopped caring for weapons. Maybe that's why I stopped setting high expectations for reveals. Maybe that's why I'm accepting of Celica as she is.

    Sorry if I seem overly harsh against the general criticisms here, but...yeah.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

    Enough with the sword insults already. Honestly, I like sword wielders. In fact, I'm probably the only person who wouldn't care if it were all sword users.

    I'm in agreement. The only thing more plentiful than swords is the sword jokes stabbing the dead horses of the decapitated cavaliers.

  6. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:


    Olivia and Hana likely won't appear at all, which is better for you guys. Like I said, I'd rather not have Azura in at all than see her appear only as an NPC.

    Please, I'd be happy if Adult Tiki was at least an NPC. I won't lament like you.

  7. It's a good idea, but I'd love to see a female lord as the solo hero first before then outside of avatars. All other times there's been a female protagonist to go along with the guy (SoV, Sacred Stones, Radiant Dawn), the writers tend to give the guy more spotlight/bias over the girl (Ephraim having a harder route that holds the best ending, Alm delivering the final blow, Ike delivering the final blow and then some more...).

  8. 37 minutes ago, Florete said:


    Q: You all ran a poll titled: “Choose Your Legends” on the main website before the game’s release. How were the results?

    Maeda: We thought: “Wow, Lyn is incredibly popular.” I heard people overseas rallied behind her, too.

    Matsushita: Lyn was the highest ranked female character regardless of country. Lucina however was more popular in Japan, whereas Ike was much more popular in the United States of America. And, for whatever reason, Donnel had a ton of votes from the USA as well –for reasons we are still unsure of.

    Maybe this isn't the one, because even I recall them seeming more surprised, but it's all I could find quickly.

    Ah. Well, still, there's still the question of if her known popularity forced the devs to make Lyn late, should it even be true that she was indeed made late. I'm just not really seeing a strong suggestion that such was even the case; the head dev may have decided to throw Lyn in because she was in Smash Bros, so she's sorta known, yet she wasn't playable, thus she was put into Warriors first before Roy or Ike. Just a guess that I'm not too confident in, but it's just as much as a possibility as (or more so than) "Lyn was put in late because she won the CYL poll for Heroes".

  9. 4 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    Its less so that it outright did and more so that her popularity was very unexpected by IS and as a result appear to be capitalizing on it. The fact that NoA seemingly went out of its way to announce her for the game during a Switch direct, along with the fashion that they did so (via suspense of "[Lyn] is going FE Warriors. WHAT?!"), in contrast to every other person not named Chrom, who are mostly revealed by either scans or another trailer in bulks (or scans for individuals/duos), it can be inferred to be as such

    It's not like there's been Directs inbetween E3 and that direct, though. A Warriors announcement of any kind was very likely guaranteed; Lyn herself was the surprise. Her status as a character not from one of the focus games also excuses her from how there have been trailers for Awakening and Fates and Lyn got her own trailer (again, during the first direct since E3).

    I've heard people say IS did not expect Lyn's popularity. Sorry to ask again and sound obnoxious, but source?

  10. 18 minutes ago, Lau said:

    I do think that she was put in late. CYL came much later after the game was in development, and by then, the roster would have been finalised. So, if she was put in from the start, alongside Celica...why? Why two other sword users? Celica is from the blacksheep of the franchise and literally nobody would know who she was, and Lyn is just...there. I find it hard to believe that they'd put them in from the start. It's much more likely that IS was like "yo, uh, we're remaking Gaiden, put Celica in, she uses magic yeah?" And then when CYL came about, "um, Lyn is the most popular female, just slide her in there, alright?"

    Also the fact that Lyn's model looks a little...unpolished, but that's just me.

    Wait, what's this about CYL impacting inclusions? I might have heard it before and forgot, but otherwise, I don't remember the poll factoring in what characters would be added.

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