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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 8 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    Oooooh, I know what I calculated wrong. I forgot their weapons reward bonus stats.

    So then Roy has 32 base attack, and Lyn has 35 speed.

    Your assumptions also doesn't make sense, as the footage clearly shows the characters as they are being used as player units.

    There must be a new special "Brave" unit that has increased BST compared to other units of the same type, since they are units who won the Choose your Legends poll.

    How good are Roy and Lyn factoring in skill inheritance, from snap judgement?

  2. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Disappointed. I really don't want any of them. I love Ike, and Urvan is a cool axe, but if I wanted Greil's clothes too, I'd ask for Greil himself.

    And all of them are just pretending to be their dads, except Lucina who is just promoted. Not interesting or unique in the least bit.

    I guess I still set my expectations too high here even though I tried not to do that. I would've preferred pretty Askran outfits over this.

    The only reason I'll get Ike is because I can get him for free. Otherwise, I'm not interested.


    ana no youre supposed to act like i expected you too so i look psychic cuz im awesome like that now you made me look baaaaad

    I mean, what? *whistles*

  3. 5 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    I hope the streams are a regular thing as well. Both for Orb mamagement and as a little monthly treat :)

    The Voting Gauntlet is an interesting idea but I do wonder how many people will just pick the regular versions because they couldn't pull the CYL Heroes :P

    32 minutes left! Any (last second) predictions?

    Well, more like guesses, but...

    Lucina will dress up in a female version of Marth's old garb. Yes, the pantsless one. :P

    Roy will wear robes and be good.

    The banner will last for two months, with normal new-unit banners still showing up.

    Feh will pull out a drink again.

    Fates Tempest Trials with normal Charlotte available and an Ephraim/Eirika bond battle.

    That's all I got from the top of my head.

  4. *emerges from the GameXplain YT comments section, beaten up and bruised* Man, even their 60 FPS video has arguing.

    But yeah, I'd be glad to take the 60 FPS. With how high TV resolutions have gotten, I find less incentive to give up something just for top quality, whether it's money or the more-noticable frames per second.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    Doesn't Tiki sort of act as the voice of Naga in Awakening? So even if she's basically a walking telephone to Naga, that's still more than Caeda does.

    Ehhh... I don't think that affected the plot, regardless. I guess calling the people in prayer for the conflict to end was something...question mark? Like, did anything come of that?

    I would like Tiki in Smash, though, in spite of the criticisms against FE having too many characters. Her dragon form at least shouldn't be too big. :P

  6. @SlumberTiki in Awakening? She's my favorite FE character and all, but I don't think she offered too much to the plot then. She just woke up to give the Fire Emblem and a gemstone to Chrom and is recruitable on an optional map. I'd argue her younger self was more relevant to the plot (at least maybe more than Caeda) with the whole insanity angle in Mystery and "other best choice against Medeus".

    Also, I think Fae was pretty relevant to Binding Blade given she's part of a big wake-up call to Roy and co. that not all dragons are bad and she's apparently a factor in Roy not willing to outright kill the final boss with the Binding Blade.

  7. 9 hours ago, Harvey said:

    in my unpopular opinion, I think people who bash at FE7 prepromotes being overpowered and FE6 prepromotes being well balanced are unfair.

    I think you can reword that to say "I don't think FE7 prepromotes are overpowered and I think FE6 prepromotes are very unbalanced". No need to call out a group. Just a heads up.

  8. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Well, I'm pissed. I have to quit FE Heroes. No, it's not because of anything being too hard or anything. I'm literally unable to play anymore. The game quit connecting to my internet. Or if it does, it does so really damn slow. And I know my internet isn't the problem, it works just fine on my laptop. And I've never had issues like this with the game before.

    I'm sorry, guys, but while it's been a fun ride, I can't play if I can't get the game online. Have fun with CYL and Halloween and stuff...

    Have you tried contacting customer support or something? You're jumping to quite the conclusion that you'll never be able to play again. Maybe it'll fix itself out or you'll stumble upon the solution.

  9. I'll just focus on one for now: I don't understand why people claim Est is a cheater. I get why people criticize her for how much she gets kidnapped, I'll give that, but her FE Mystery ending? I easily interpreted that Est felt grief for what happened to Abel (or felt super guilty about how she easily get kidnapped and worries her loved ones), likely told him he deserves better than her, and then it escalated into an argument that had Est run off in sadness, with Abel chasing after her to try to calm her down. It's more akin to her personality than randomly deciding to cheat out of nowhere, literally immature (fitting for a 16 year old) as she may be.

  10. Not factoring in gameplay-mechanics, I'd be fine with seeing pirates from the GBA and different types of mages like in Tellius again.

    Going off the mages thing as well, I'd also love for Manaketes to come back except have one for each magic type, as long as they're not the limited-use nukes again and function as one-space magic users. It'd be refreshing to have dragon characters that aren't special and are "normal" (for dragon standards) for a change.

  11. 4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The problem is there aren't enough dragons in the entire series to populate a full pool of weapons for each color that way. Hell, mages are already having a hard enough time. Thoron+ is still not obtainable, even if no one wants it.

    Speaking of not enough dragons, I wouldn't mind generic Embla manakete units. They already have the only bow knights, so why not throw in the only one-range magic units as generic enemies?

  12. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I had pretty much all my Tellius pronunciations correct from the start. Even names of countries and stuff. ;D

    To be fair, not too much Tellius names have been said audibly. :P Zihark, Lethe, Caigh...neh...however you spell it, Skrimir, Sothe, Ilyana, etc. still don't have their names said yet, if I recall correctly about those mentioned.

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