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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. ...oh, well, I didn't expect this so soon. :P

    Even though my favorite character's in this (Tiki, though I did finally get her in her normal instance as an adult), I maybe may not gonna pull from this. If you know me, I'm not much for drastically non-battle ready appearances (yes, Tiki's breasts are not a reason I like her :P ). I do find her watermelon "axe" weapon hilarious, though.

  2. 6 hours ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    Besides, piracy is always an option. If it wasn't, then explain all the people that did pirate Fates and also explain how I was able to play Mother 3 :^)

    Like Superlb said, don't you damn say piracy is an option. It's a crime and a spit in the face in the people who made all the effort to create all those graphics, animations, etc. Stuff that had nothing to do with the localization. And I'm suspicious of there even being a high amount of people that pirated Fates, but if there are, they're labeled as people engaging in frowned-upon activity. Simple as that.

  3. 17 minutes ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    That's why I also suggested buying the Japanese version and downloading a fan translation. Did you not read my whole comment before the one you quoted?

    I read that part. Honestly, though, I personally would not bother; I'm not too familiar with the process of getting overseas content and downloading third party stuff to the 3DS (plus region locking is a thing), and I prefer English dubs for VAs anyway. Point stands, though: stop freaking out over memes, and piracy is never an option.

  4. 1 hour ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    Maybe you don't understand how business' work? Here's the thing, these companies require money to keep giving us products. If they don't get our hard earned money, they can't keep pandering to SJWs (who don't even buy these games anyway I might add). Therefore, if we stop giving them money, they'll have no choice but to either 1. Go bankrupt and close down or 2. Be humble and listen to us and stop this bullshi-

    Just stop it.

    The only bull right here is this behavior being exhibited and the justification accompanying it. Pirating is bad, no ways around it. And to do so in reaction to lines referencing memes? Just references that have become fads on the Internet? That's a clear overreaction, and is unforgivable. The fact that you're going on some tangent about companies appealing to "SJWs" (which aren't even connected to "meme-lovers") isn't helping your case either. You come across as one complaining about a pet peeve instead of an actual issue.

    If Treehouse localizes FE Switch and there's a few memes in there, I'm not gonna cry about it, and rightfully so. It's just non-offensive text in a video game. I won't regret getting an NA version unless the localization actually takes away content meaningful to me, but even then, I'll vote with my wallet in response should there be actual confirmation of it. Not gonna bother even considering piracy; that's flat out stupid and a spit in the face to the entire company, even outside NA.

  5. 1 hour ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    You see, it's that kind of attitude that allows these awful companies to get away with the bullshit they pull. We need to criticize them and stop being apothetic. If there's a game we want to play but it's from a shitty company, we should pirate it so they don't get a single dime.

    You should be ashamed for suggesting pirating.

    Pirating a game (let alone one by NoA) is a more repulsive act than putting memeish lines in a video game by far. No thank you. I'd like to not overreact to the existence of memes and obey the laws when obtaining video games.

  6. 14 hours ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    To answer your first question, the line in question was a reference to an old ass dank doge meme.

    Can you quote it, word for word?

    I'm sorry, but I'd rather judge for myself what NoA's track record is. I just don't feel even close to certain that NoA would take a game and make a bad localization "intentionally" because they "don't care about the fans", let alone avoid considering 8-4 or pretending the Fates fiasco never happened. Yes, they flubbed up Fates bad and had some controversy with someone working for them (whom they have parted with, I emphasize). But that's something they gotta learn from now. I'll wait for the script to come out to judge their work...if they don't go to 8-4 again.

  7. 4 hours ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    Here's the thing, LoZ was probably altered by NoE to remove the line. NoE can alter the US scripts you know. As for Awakening, That was because 8-4 localized Awakening for North America and Europe needed its own translation. Besides, remember "boingy bits"? 99.9% of the time, the UK gets the US version of various Nintendo games. Those games you listed were exceptions.

    Uh, what line, for those of us uninformed...?

    Also, are you certain the UK uses NA translations? From what multiple sources I've read (although admittedly not official), Nintendo's games tend to regularly get localized in Europe, and not just for the English language; they also localize for other European languages such as German and Italian. Splatoon is one notable example, not to mention people like the NA localization.

  8. 2 hours ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    We all know it's going to be Treehouse though. Think about it, this is going to be a bigger budget FE game than Echoes was, it's coming out for a new console, and Treehouse has had a history of localizing FE games that are higher in budget (I.E. FE7, PoR, RD, and Fates). The only reason Awakening wasn't localized by them was because NoA didn't want to pay too much for something that could fail. 

    Let's not pretend we "know" anything.

    All those projects Treehouse localized; that was before the Fates fiasco. Things may have changed, and I won't be surprised if they did. Maybe Treehouse does localize this but doesn't make the same mistakes, having learned and known of the backlash, or Nintendo gets 8-4 to aid them again out of fear of instigating more anger from the FE fanbase. We don't "know" anything; all we can do is conclude, but a conclusion on our part is not a definite answer. It's a "wait and see" type of deal.

  9. 26 minutes ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    I remember that they made a reference to gun control in Paper Mario Color Trash for example. That, and they're the reason why North America doesn't get as much cool stuff as Europe. But other than that, the ect thing is really just meant for any other games/practices I can't think of right now. 

    I heard Color Splash's writing is actually funny to some. Honestly, though, the game's mixed reaction and swarms of biased opinions make it hard for me to trust a stranger's reactions on it.

    And Treehouse is the reason Europe gets more "cool stuff"? This is news to me. I searched it up, and I got nothing that suggests such. I saw some remarks about how NA gets games earlier than Europe, though.

    Unfortunately, if you can't bother explaining much what you mean by etc., I have little reason to trust your word that NoA is so atrocious as you claim.

  10. 21 minutes ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    Even then, there are other sources out there saying NoA and Treehouse assisted 8-4 in localization. 

    I'm aware that it's not a small group taking care of everything. But still, that doesn't excuse their awful practices. Hell, even SEGA, as bad as they are (I.E. PSO2) are better than Nintendo is. 

    I searched it up and only got the same article you linked as a relevant source.

    So far, the only thing you've said Treehouse has screwed up that is backed up by others is FE Fates, excusing Xeno X and TMI. You mentioned "etc."; what other games are there that they apparently flubbed up?

  11. 22 minutes ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    http://kotaku.com/xenoblade-chronicles-xs-director-on-localization-change-1796157409 "While Nintendo of America localized Xenoblade Chronicles X, Nintendo of Europe is handling Takahashi’s next game, Xenoblade Chronicles 2. 

    As for TMS # FE, I read that somewhere on Operation Rainfall's website but can't find the article. 

    1) I've noticed 8-4 has had no mention anywhere in this article. From my perspective, it looks like an error on the article writer's part on who did localization.

    2) Well, not sure of that either so... *shrugs*

    Regardless, Gustavos is right; this isn't just one man or a small group taking care of everything, let alone things they simply aren't supposed to take care of. Asking for Reggie to be fired is rather rash.

  12. 3 hours ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    "Over 9000" in XY, Treehouse helped 8-4 with Xenoblade and NoA forced Atlus to censor and change dialoge.

    NoA is awful.

    The "over 9000" thing is just a guess on your part (not to mention one small example), and this is the first I've heard of the latter two. Can you provide sources proving they had such a strong influence? I have my doubts.

  13. On 6/17/2017 at 10:01 PM, Falcom said:

    However, it's kinda annoying how the mission start continues to pop up and disrupts the battle, prompting you to press a button to dismiss it. I rather have it appear while the gameplay is still going (I can let the level up slide though). Also, I'm gonna assume that Anna is talking constantly throughout battles.

    I think one of the guys on Treehouse said you'd be able to turn off the pausing.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Well, some of us still aren't that hyped yet, so this hasn't worked for everyone. I have the game on preorder, but that's simply because of the idea that I could have both Frederick and Ike and all in this game and so I don't find it sold out later on before I can get a preorder or copy.

    Still, I hope some future reveals will increase the hype.

    That's the point; not too much hype now means lower expectations means higher chance of pleasant surprises later! At least, that's possible.

  15. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Duh. This much was completely obvious. But why not show some characters that wield different weapons alongside them? That's what I'm asking.

    I answered that.

    Like I said before in the post you quoted, I'm guessing from a marketing standpoint, gameplay and appearances of the confirmed characters was enough for now for them, and they would build up hype later down the line by revealing the unconfirmed characters, and said characters using different weaponry would help get rid of the "too many swords" stigma among critics and boost hype from the originally-lowered expectations. At least, that's how I guess it'll go down with the information we have.

    You got me on swords, though.

  16. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    The problem is, they keep telling us non-sword characters are in the game, but refuse to show them to us. They only show sword wielders. Which is rather annoying.

    Because they were showing off the most plot-important characters. Remember the FE Warriors teaser during the Switch presentation? The five orbs represented each character with their respective blades being shown. The only new characters playable outside of those were the main characters, and it's a no brainer that they're playable already. They're likely planning to show the unconfirmed characters later down the line (helped by them likely mostly consisting of non-sword users) to build up hype close to the release date, and showing the confirmed characters' gameplay and appearances was enough for now from a marketing standpoint.

  17. 2 hours ago, Silent shifter said:

    All I know it will have more than the 8-14 standard warriors game roster.

    My source: https://nintendosoup.com/2017/06/16/sensible-permadeath-features-fire-emblem-warriors/

    I believe there was also the translated interview in another thread that said that the roster would be bigger than any first game of a Warriors collab series. Dunno how big that is so far, though.

    ...what? I dunno much about the Warriors series. I'm just interested in slashing and destroying stuff with FE characters. :P

  18. Just now, Anacybele said:

    Um, duh? Read my post again, I said no one is saying that those SHOULDN'T be included. Only that characters from other games should be in as well, whether it's the base game or DLC.

    I didn't argue for their inclusion, I argued my guess for their focus so that other games could get more focus when Warriors gets positive popularity.

    Though, I'm not feeling confident in pushing my case, now that I think about the reasons more, so I'm gonna concede defeat.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Blame IS for dividing the fanbase and only pandering to one side of it. It's been older fans vs newer fans for some time now. Older fans have a right to feel upset when they're repeatedly being shafted the way we are. As stated before, nobody is saying to remove everything 3DS-related, only to add in more pre-3DS stuff alongside it that isn't Archanea.

    Thing is, I'm guessing Awakening/Fates/SD were included as a safety net for the game to do well. Despite what the vocal people would suggest, Awakening and Fates are ridiculously popular, and they likely got chosen to help the game sell more and perhaps increase the chances for a sequel and DLC, where they may likely be able to be more lenient with game representation.

    A guess on my part, though.

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