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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. Just now, Anacybele said:

    There are plenty of other feminine-looking guys in this series besides them. I thought Soren was a girl at first, for instance. I thought Izana and Hisame in Fates were girls too.

    I think Leon in Echoes also looks kind of girly. Not all of them look as much like women as Lucius and Forrest do, but they looked enough like them for me to mistake a lot of them for female.

    But those guys don't even play into the "old joke" or "Dude Looks Like a Lady" trope like you say, and while my own account may not be too convincing because I'm using it for my own argument, I correctly assumed their genders at first. I think it may just be a little pet peeve of yours, not necessarily an issue in my opinion. Maybe we could do with more big buff guys to balance stuff out, but yeah.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    But the one I dislike most of all that I also think is overdone is the guy who looks like a girl. And lately it's gotten worse. There are more and more male characters I'm mistaking for females in FE lately. The trope is old and the joke is old. Let it go already.

    Um, Libra, Lucius, and Forrest are the only three I can think of that play into that trope. o.o And even then, I sorta like somewhat gender-ambiguous designs. :P

    But yeah, I'm getting rather bored of the dragon lolis (even though Fae and Myrrh are adorable and Tiki's my favorite FE character in both time periods). The only time IS has ever had playable dragons that weren't little girls were in the Archanea games (poor Bantu is weak, though), the Fates games via the avatar, and the Tellius games. Not really many dragons that are at least young adults; heck, the beasts outside Tellius are more plentiful in that regard.

    Also, I want to see dragons less like almighty creatures and more just citizens of the world alongside humans. I don't think FE should really part with their dragon-shifter concept nor do I want them to, but less dragon gods, man.

  3. Units who die revive and become immortal for the rest of the game...including enemies. So you never get out of the prologue. :P

    When you start a map, a random streamer's raid countermeasures video starts playing. I'm personally a fan of Proton Jon's countermeasures video. :P

    The game backseats you and spoils the plot for you at climatic times. "You know that nice-looking guy who just saved you? Yeah, he's the final boss. He gets possessed and stuff."

    On 9/7/2017 at 9:43 AM, Glaceon Mage said:

    Avatar units

    I get you have a massive hate-on for Kris, Robin, and Corrin, but that's not a terrible idea, though; it was just executed poorly. Like hell I'd consider character customization as a concept terrible. :P

  4. 41 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, much of the Ike hate I see is from just as you say, butthurt Micaiah fans who hate him simply because he "stole" her spotlight when that was more Yune's doing than anything. RD Ike was not written as well as PoR Ike was, but he was certainly no Gary Stu. The respect people had for him is at least justified by PoR's events and stuff.

    I also see Roy fans hate on him simply because he "replaced" Roy in Smash, though this isn't as often.

    Yune was the reason Ike got his own personal battle with the Black Knight and an ending card dedicated to him? :P

    Seriously, though, it's not really accurate to blame a character for hogging a spotlight when it's really the writer's fault. Like, yes, Ike got too much attention (including compared to Yune), but it's not like taking the attention of the game means anything to the characters, so it's a bit silly to hate on a character based on overexposure.

  5. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    It's true though. Ike has a bigger team and a bigger team means a bigger chance to win, generally. Hector would likely wind up with tons of multipliers vs Lyn or Camilla and that would increase his chances of losing, honestly.

    So in the event of Camilla beating Lyn, where would Ike's team go? Certain they'd want boobs? :P

  6. 2 minutes ago, Othin said:

    My current armor team is Zephiel/Gwendolyn/Hector.

    They'll all have to learn to get along somehow.

    I imagine Tiki and Zephiel would hate each other, too, beyond the whole "good and evil" stuff. Zephiel thinks humans are poison to the worlds, meanwhile Tiki holds humanity in high regard. :P

    Huh, in a way, they're sorta opposites. :P

  7. 3 hours ago, Poimagic said:

    I wanted to think on how they could do the other four CYL units (The ones who got 3rd and 4th place). I will only be listing there movement type and there weapon. 

    Brave Camilla: A flyer who is either a red tome user with Dark Ragnarok (Fury 2 built into it) or a axe unit with the Aurglemir

    Brave Hector: A armor who is a green axe unit with the thunder armads (Atk +3. Has brash assault 3 built into it)

    Brave Tharja: Blue tome user with goetia

    Brave Chrom: Bow user with the double bow ( A brave bow, but with 3 more mt)

    I would have loved to see something like Tiki wielding the blade made of her mother's fang (even though Marth's bloodline can only wield it) or being a wyvern rider, both while wearing some sweet dragon-symbolic armor.

    Someone get to work on drawing either of those.

  8. 1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

    Do you stick your tongue out at everyone you come across?
    Because that’s exactly what your overuse of :P emoticon means.

    I use the :P emoticon a bunch, and no one I've come across interprets that as "sticking my tongue out at someone". It's just supposed to be a silly face showing you aren't too serious.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    You know, I know it wouldn't really be fair to team Lyn, but I actually kind of wouldn't mind if she lost because of multipliers... Sorry tho...

    But yeah, I don't think Ike is getting anymore multipliers. I wish I didn't have to miss the ones he does get. Being in the US eastern timezone stinks for the gauntlet. xP

    EDIT: Aaaand we just gave Hector a multiplier. Let's not make this happen too much...

    No, do make it happen much!

    ...shh i didnt say anything and i totally didnt join team hector from the start

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