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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 3 hours ago, Peaceful_User said:

    Lyn is extremely out of place and will be the only Blazing Blade character. It has to be Intelligent Systems. Especially when a random Celica will be thrown in the game soon. 

    That's not concrete proof that Lyn was put in late, only a theory. Same applies to Celica. Sorry, but until an interview pops up confirming your theory, I won't believe Lyn was put in late. All I know is that she was put into the game, and that's as specific as we can go for now.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Peaceful_User said:

    Koei didn't put Lyn in. Intelligent Systems did. Koei has made it clear IS played a part of the decisions from the roster. Lucina wasn't going to be in until IS stepped in. Lyn is the same case. 

    "Lyn is the same case"

    Is there a source confirming this? I know the Lucina thing happened, but this is the first I've heard of this case happen to Lyn.

  3. Just now, Dandy Druid said:

    It's been a while, but her convos with Gray at first have her pining for Alm

    But by A she changed her mind. So her character grew out of her crush I guess you can say. Kind of nice actually.

    I know she was attracted to Alm at first, but unlike Cordelia, she pretty much easily jumped to Gray.

  4. 1 hour ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Personality-trope: I'm over the Pegasus knight in love with the main character, but doesn't end up with him. It was fine with Catria, but having experienced it recently with Cordelia and Clair I'm just over it. I hope that we can get a break from it for 2 games.

    I honestly didn't notice it, probably because Clair smoothly decided to move on to another guy.

  5. "all hail fates" "no roy" "no ike"

    Nice tags. Totally not made to tick others off.

    Anyway, as for my predictions:

    Main roster:






    Tiki (young, with her adult self as an alt)




















    Alm (yes, I think they may be taking that approach, I think I heard somewhere that the main dev likes Celica)





    Roy (yes Roy)



    Ike (yes Ike)



    I'm not too familiar with Warriors DLC, so this was sort of a blind shot. All I know is that LoZ had game packs, so I think this game may do the same. Throwing out a gutsy guess that the Renais twins and Azura don't become playable. I know, SS would be skipped...but my gut seems to be guessing this. Also stopped caring for weapon balance.

  6. 7 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    Wow, that's uh kinda sad really. For them as a character.

    I suppose all we can do is hope that they are somehow manage to be appealing in some way in the long run.

    Yeah, I'm honestly staying optimistic. If they don't have amazing personalities beyond their appearances, then eh. I tried. Probably will just see them in an okay light like I do Ephraim and Eirika despite their faults.

    I'm a kind weirdo.

  7. 6 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    That's not how an Avatar works & Koei actually has some experience using the Avatar feature in their Dynasty Warrior games before. I don't know if they still have this feature.

    All I know is that Rowan & Lianna don't capture the essence of an Avatar.

    You know what, you'll do that because I'm glad someone is finally able to find the silver lining on all this. I'm not even being sarcastic here, I'm genuinely glad someone is able like the twins for once.

    Although I will forever remain firm that the twins should have been Alfonse & Sharena.

    I mean, I don't think Nintendo would have let 'em use the Askr twins created for a specific spin-off, anyways.

    I actually legit feel bad for Rowan and Lianna, though. Probably because I tend to see most characters in positive lights, but yeah, their hate sorta translated into me sorta liking them out of pity.

  8. 1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

    After what we’ve been through with her, I can’t imagine sending her home ever.

    You think that's crazy, Eldigan's castle quotes talk about him ready to face death before a twist of fate brought him to Askr. He also talks fondly of Sigurd, so if what happened to make him think kindly of him resulted in...something, I have questions.

  9. 4 hours ago, Solaris998 said:

    Just to get my thoughts out on the subject: The twins are a weird case for me, I don't dislike them but at the same time I don't care about them too much either. Maybe that'll change once the game comes out but honestly I'm more interested in Darius right now in terms of OCs, even if he is another sword wielder. (I also like his design more so there's that)

    Honestly, I'm not really seeing much reason to hate em for me. I dunno, maybe it's just me wanting to like them out of pity, but people crack Saiyan jokes about their hair and poke at them as "discount twins", yet I don't really see much off other than them having natural hair colors, which is at least unique for FE lord standards; last lord with natural hair colors outside of Sharena was Eliwood/Roy/Leif (depends on how you view the redheads).

  10. 7 hours ago, Dragonage2ftw said:



    I'm not a troll, and I've admitted that I was probably mistaken about the sprite thing.


    Could you please dial it back a bit?

    You've expressed opinions in favor of Awakening and Fates and against other games various times with wording in a blatant fashion like they were unanimously "right" opinions and have made trollish topic tags in the past along the lines of "Valentia sucks" and "no Roy". Not exactly helping your case.

    Regarding the box leak, is it possible even that has photoshopped some characters out and that we've yet to see the final roster, going back to the Navarre thing?

  11. 27 minutes ago, Florete said:

    I'm seeing more people complain about this so-called "bad behavior" from Lyn fans than I am seeing the bad behavior.

    But what else is new?

    Yeah, like, the latest notable bad behavior I've seen from those of Lyn's fandom was during the voting gauntlet. I don't browse reddit, but I haven't seen any cocky Lyn fans...

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