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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 6 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    Angry. I find Lyn boring, but she got in. Not only that, SD only has 3 character s. Awful.

    The roster is not fully revealed yet. Let's not get jumpy. Can't help you with your personal dislikes, though, sorry.

  2. 1 hour ago, Dragonage2ftw said:

    So, it looks like another fan-favorite got in.


    Man, this roster is the best.


    Barring Lyn, of course. She's just meh, especially because she uses a sword and not something more interesting, like her bow, but dang.

    Don't rile Lyn fans up with unnecessary potshots. Plenty of us actually like Lyn, thank you.

    And why wouldn't Lyn use her sword? Her legendary weapon in her game is one; it makes no sense for her to use something else. (Heroes doesn't count.)

  3. 2 hours ago, Alkaid said:

    Nothing for Heroes.

    Was really hyped up expecting some kind of FE18 info but no mention of it. All there was FE-related was Lyn for Warriors. (and Caeda seen in the background, that Spanish LE box seems 100% legit now)

    You mean 16?

    Sorry to disappoint, but the description said only things over the next few months would be covered. FE Switch news was deconfirmed the instance the Direct was announced.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Lyn wasn't in Echoes either. So no, I couldn't tell.

    Yeah, but the reason why is obvious for Lyn. :P Anna, on the other hand...

    But let's get back to the argument at hand: Anna has been playable in 3 of the last 4 games. Why so certain she won't be playable to the point of dismissing the leak?

  5. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    You never mentioned Anna in the post I'm referring to though, which is why I was confused.

    But you could tell I was referring to Anna by mentioning Echoes (which she wasn't in) and the topic of the discussion, which was Anna's chances at being playable. Lyn's playability had nothing to do with reasoning as to why Anna would be playable.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

    Yeah but don't be happy since everyone else reaction is being bitter cuz their character didn't make it in. According to this fanbase anyways.

    Good thing I was in the chat of a guy who makes his own memes and loves Mario and Zelda. :P

  7. 1 minute ago, ChibiToastExplosion said:

    I'm trying to instill you with hope that Ike may still be in the game. I'm still trying to figure out why you're trying to fight so hard against it; do you like being miserable?

    This is why I prefer to keep my expectations low. I was convinced the leak was fake, and my gut reaction to Lyn was a surprise smile and a feeling of excitement.

  8. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    My apologies, but you can at least understand why I'm upset, right? That a character I dislike was picked over someone I like a lot more and that I felt was just as deserving of being in the base roster?

    I'll make this clear: It's not Lyn's inclusion alone that makes me pissed here. I'm pissed she was included and that Ike was not when I believe both should be in the base game or else both should be DLC.

    I mean, I don't really like listening to the "this guy deserves to be in over this guy" argument in a multi-character crossover game. Whenever I hear it, I always think it's just their gut reaction intensifying their bias, and I know how much you love Ike and despise Lyn normally before this happened.

    That being said, if the Navarre stuff is true, there's some hope for Ike, at least.

  9. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    You mean Heroes? I don't know if it's better than Warriors yet, and the fact that you're basically telling me to shut up and just enjoy my Heroes Ike is pretty rude.

    Eh, your negativity did leave a bad taste in my mouth, to be honest. :P But eh, you hate Lyn, so I probably shouldn't have expected anything different (well, except hating her even more just for existing more).

  10. Wow, people are ticked like crazy, and I'm just like "Oh, sweet." Eh, no worries. :P

    I'm surprised people are going crazy about the swords, though. Like, since Lucina (not counting male Corrin), we haven't gotten a sword across Cordelia and 6 Fates royals. I get it, swords are the majority right now, but it's honestly become the norm to the point that I don't really care much anymore. (Plus, I don't really listen to the negative vibe too much nowadays.)

    I accept this Sacaean swordwoman into the ranks. Fight me. :P

  11. 44 minutes ago, BlazingMage said:

    Godammit, I have a class in 2 hours (fuck my life lol). Sucks that I won't be able to watch it live with the joycon boyz (Yeh I'm an Etika fan over here), but my predictions for the Nintendo Direct:


    1.) A Fire Emblem Switch tease 

    2.) Announcement of DLC for FE Warriors

    3.) Smash Switch Reveal + New characters announced

    4.) F-Zero for Switch, (We need another F-Zero game, can I hear a hell ya?)

    5.) Possible FE 8 Echoes remake? Or the most probable one would be Binding Blade + Blazing Blade in one game, that'd be hype.

    6.) Info on Xenoblade Chronicles 2

    7.) A New Mario Party (that goes back to it's original routes)

    8.) Info on Metroid Prime 4

    9.) New line of amiibo 

    10.) Legend of Zelda BoTW DLC info

    11.) Sonic Forces

    12.) Sonic Riders 4 as a Switch/3DS release (Please Sega)

    13.) Animal Crossing for Mobile

    14.) Some kind of new Legend of Zelda spin off game for 3DS 


    And that's all for now! What do you guys think?

    You're putting a bunch of high expectations if those are your predictions and not simply "wants". Keep in mind that only releases for the 3DS and Switch over the next few months will be covered.

  12. 2 hours ago, Florina's #1 Fan said:

    As for another FE trope, are there no cavaliers without loyalty to the kingdom that join you? All the cavaliers I've seen serve some kingdom, and doesn't that mean that either no one else has any horses or that no one knows how to fight on horseback? The only person I can think of that isn't tied to a kingdom's service is Rath, and he's tied to Caelin somehow, isn't he?

    Titania and Oscar, while on Crimea's side, are employees of a mercenary company. Randal may count too, I think...?

  13. 20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Okay, then would a desire for more manly-looking male characters make more sense?

    Sure, why not. Heck, maybe we should have a buff dragon-shifter in the next game to start balancing out the young dragon girls. It'd be the first since RD, I think. :P

  14. I can't really decide between the Greil Mercenaries and the Ram Villagers. I personally despise Shinon, but otherwise, the rest of the guys definitely have that "co-worker family" feel. I like the bit of competitiveness between Ike and Boyd, and I like Titania's role as second-in-charge.

    On the other hand, Ram Village has a nice group too; while Faye is sorta "ehh" for me as a deconstruction of an obsessive crusher, you can also tell these guys are long-time buds. Gray is a definite favorite with his personality and his conversations with Alm and Tobin.

    Huh, funny; both groups have a character voiced by Kyle McCarley. :P

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