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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 3 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

    Marth is in and Young Tiki is more or less confirmed.

    I think any beyond those 2 is questionable.

    I know the roster was said to be uneven, but c'mon, I don't see Marth and Tiki getting a trailer all to themselves. I imagine some more Archanea folk will show up.

    It'd be rad if Athena makes a surprise appearance, though there's the issue of Navarre possibly coming first and swords

  2. 2 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    It wouldn't be a bad idea. Sigurd and Hector are older lords and they're a couple of the most beloved lords in the franchise. In general, I think they tend to go with younger to show the theme of gaining maturity. But I wouldn't mind a different inner character arc.

    Hector's about in his late 10s, based off a support conversation with Eliwood where they were apparently kids 10 years before Blazing Blade. Lilina also says in Heroes that she'd be able to meet her father when he was around her age.

    Yup, Hector looks too grown up for his age. :P

  3. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I never said it didn't?


    On 7/17/2017 at 8:24 PM, Anacybele said:

    Micaiah is technically the oldest, but she still looks like a teenager, so she kinda doesn't count. I'd like a lord in their 20s that actually looks to be in their 20s. We have enough teenager lords and teenager-looking lords.

    You did say it. And I disagree; appearance should not allow one to not count as a grown-up lord. She counts more than "kinda".

  4. I think the 2D animated cutscene route is a fine move; not necessarily a "big step back" as suggested before. I'm not too familiar with the differences, the pros, and the cons, but from what I understand, 2D animation would mean no need to be constricted to making just a few 3D models due to costs, not to mention lip syncing English dubbing is easier for the mouth movements of 2D anime compared to the more smooth 3D animations where dubbing would be more noticable.

  5. On 7/18/2017 at 11:58 AM, Anacybele said:

    That's not my point. Every lord except Sigurd and RD Ike is a teenager or looks like one. I want more Sigurds and RD Ikes in this sense. We'd get a better variety of lord character designs this way.

    Regardless, your opinion on wanting visually-older lords does not mean Micaiah does not count as an older lord, at least in terms of expectations of her mentality.

  6. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    They're also 1 and 2 star that way. I don't use feathers on healers, personally. Rehabilitate is 4 star only.

    1-star units? Hah! Those are just a myth. No one has seen such a creature in person. What next, will Bigfoot marry the abominable snowman? HAHAHAHAHA.

    ...though really itd be rad news if that happened

  7. 15 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    This. I'm tired of the same game being milked to hell the last couple months. We did get a bit of other games in between (one PoR banner and one New Mystery banner), not counting the seasonal heroes because we knew those were coming no matter what, but it's still been like 90% freaking Echoes lately. Can we have some more Magvel and Tellius next please?

    Poor Jugdral, being ignored off in the corner. :P

    Honestly, while I don't mind the amount of milking Echoes got given its new status (though, I think it now has enough characters that it's up there with Binding and Blazing's ranges), I do think Magvel and Jugdral in that order deserve more attention first before Tellius gets some more. Jugdral hasn't had new units since the 6-unit brother-sister banner (plus Thracia's only lord has yet to show up), while Tellius at least had the Greil Mercenaries a few banners after that, having a total of 5 characters so far.

    Also, update on the music: Berkut's map has Alm's Act 4 (?) map music and the usual Heroes boss battle music.

    WELP. :Y

  8. 17 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    IS was disappointed with how Awakening's story was handled, and most of where Awakening's story can be picked apart is with the Avatar. So they hired a renown writer to write Fates... which put even more emphasis on the Avatar, and I think we know how that turned out.

    I think IS probably knows this.

    Plus, as it stands the Avatars in these games aren't truly Avatars. They're static characters whose face and body we can pick based on any 3 presets, and can have on of any dozen hair styles. I can actually see a scenario where they keep the Avatars, but HEAVILY de-emphasize their impact on the story. Something in between Mark(Who barely existed) and Kris(Who stole minor story scenes from characters like Marth and Jeigan). Then they can make their lord just straight up static characters, while Avatars play support.

    Yeah, I agree. Robin and Corrin honestly didn't feel much like "avatars" for me when I played their games with how they had their own personalities and unique, predetermined backstories. It felt more like I was renaming them and messing with their genetic makeup a little instead of actually making a character.

  9. 13 hours ago, Glaceon Sage said:

    Avatars: No. No. No. No. No no no. No.

    I've seen you react like this a few times now; mind if I ask why the concept of creating a unit irks you so? I mean, what if the custom character is just an optional, plot-irrelevant unit that at best has no interaction with other characters and instead makes generic quotes for the player to fill in with their minds? I get you hate Robin, Corrin and Kris, custom characters with personalities you despise, but this way, folks can make characters, said characters don't touch the plot or other character's personalities, they're purely optional and can be turned off before you start a new game so you don't have to risk unbalancing the game, and everyone's happy? :D

  10. Character creation is wonderful as long as it's not applied to a character relevant to the plot and just an optional case of "another unit that joins you". I love character customization, but I don't like slapping custom characters onto an established personality and backstory.

  11. I'm in. I'm expressing my wish to buy this game.

    I lack a Switch at the moment, and I may get Splatoon 2 first, but I WANT to get a copy of this game and help the cause to get this a sequel. This is the first FE game with live-time combat instead of watching battles unfold like you're a sports coach, and I don't want to risk this being the last.

    I get it; there's plenty of universes currently omitted, and there's plenty from said universes I'd love to see in the game. I also see that Rowan and Lianna aren't too liked (though, I personally don't get what's so bad about the designs, and below-average VA work never fazed me anyway). But I want to support this game, because this is possibly the best way we can get more characters beyond Archanea, Ylisse/Valm and Hoshido/Nohr beyond possible DLC to join this experience, even if it has to be in a sequel. Better than them never getting in at all in my book.

  12. 1 hour ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    It's not even the sexual costumes I'm worried will get affected, it's the dialogue, character personalities, plot points, etc. I'm afraid that they'll do to Xenoblade 2 and FE Switch what they did to modern pokemon and dumb it down and make it more kid friendly. The reason I liked FE and Xenoblade to begin with were because they were more grown up and mature compared to Nintendo's other IPs. Besides, these cultures need to be challenged and franchises need to evolve. It's time for Fire Emblem to evolve and go M rated. Hell, the blood in SoV should've been red and NoA should never have gotten to it. I'm okay if they have to re-write some scripts like they do in "Jojo's bizarre adventure" for example, but the extent NoA does? That's going too far. 

    We may not get changes overseas, but even then, treehouse is making the game shallow by forcing their bullshit onto the japanese devs. I'm just tired of the cringyness that Treehouse outputs and I'm tired of these shallow casual experiences. Treehouse can go suck one and NoA should just die off. 

    Fire Emblem doesn't need to go M-rated because that isn't their target audience. It'd be horrible marketing for what they have going so far; it'd be devolution and self-destructive to give a middle finger to the younger audience, new FE fans, old FE fans, or both. Oh no, white blood...so what? It's not as bad as what happened in Xenosaga III (and please don't spoil), and nothing to cry over. Oh, and the recent Pokemon game has a bunch of dark stuff in it for its rating, dunno where you are getting this belief of it being dumbed down and kid-friendly.

    You keep ranting about wishing for NoA to die, Reggie to get fired, Treehouse to stop pandering to "SJWs" and "cucks", but...you come off as biased and angry and I can't feel bothered to agree. I agree that 8-4's localization work is superior, and Treehouse's localization of Fates was bad. But I cannot pretend NoA is the scum of the earth as you are. Treehouse may do better this time if there is a "this time" (although we likely disagree on what is "better"). Maybe NoA decides to rely on 8-4 yet again because of the praise of Echoes' localization (and yes, it's possible). We'll have to see, but for now, I'm not going to spit in NoA's faces.

  13. Yeah... I like character customization a LOT. I love getting my creative juices flowing. But for 13 and 14, customization didn't really feel like making an avatar, but rather renaming Robin/Corrin and messing with their body's biology. Didn't change they were characters with set personalities or traits, as bland as people make them out to be. Robin's a tactician who likes to read, and Corrin's a noble who likes her/his friends a lot and can get too trusting. Kris probably is the closest thing to a blank slate to comfortably customize in my opinion, but he's sorta detested by the fandom for being shoehorned in, so...

  14. Hrm...

    I'll admit that you've acted in ways that have bugged folks like me, but...well...I dunno how to put this, but there ARE still people who want you here, either for your art, for your funny behavior in favor of your "obsessions" (in quotes so as to not make you sound crazy), or just to chat. I mean, when you're in Freddy Bear mode, there's plenty of amusement coming from you. :P

    That being said, there are a few things I think you could improve on, from my observations, personally...

    Note: I may get sorta blunt here.

    1) Don't think that arguments with you are just a case of "changing your opinion". A few debates we had regarding Tiki's voice and Charlotte's inclusion usually had you respond in such a manner when what is challenged is not your opinion, but the logic that leads you to it. If you want, maybe you can just admit that you don't understand the logic, so you and your debating opponent should just leave it as a disagreement.

    2) Sometimes you come off as obnoxious in posts regarding characters or points made against you. Often, I see you using "lolwut" against things you find blasphemous, even when people back it up after that. The whole accent incident made it worse. There's also instances where you bash things when there's no point to it other than angering fans of that thing. You once responded to some Ike vs Lyn fanart by rooting for Ike to "kick her boring ass". (No one responded to you on that post, but still.) I get the "kick her ass" part, but did you need to throw "boring" in there? You make it sound like others that like her have bad taste. Didn't even throw in an "imo" like you usually do. I've also seen you praise Elincia while unnecessarily bashing Mia and Nephenee (characters with plenty of fans) when it will just do to praise Elincia. Don't get me wrong; there have been acceptable times where you've brought up those two you dislike because it contributes to the point of the conversation; just don't bash when there's no point.

    3) The whole joke tolerance thing, but I think that's been addressed.

    I hope I worded that as best I did so as to not draw ire. With all that said, I will say this so it's not just a post of "improve yourself": I KNOW you've been trying to improve. People say "you haven't learned", but compared to the past (back during my DarkGold days), you don't get into arguments as much, from what I've seen. That's some progress, and you should take that as a sign that you can keep improving, whether you stay or not. :)

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