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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 6 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Aaaaaaaaand its dead. Nice job America. 

    It doesn't have much effect on me but its a shame for all those Americans. Its also a shame because people just oozing of bad faith ended up winning. 

    Not necessarily. The repeal still needs to go to the courts; that's how Net Neutrality was saved before twice, I believe.

  2. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:


    Yeah, seriously... How can the series mascot be so ignored in this game? I'm honestly getting tired of IS's 3DS pandering too...

    Samantha, pretty much always called Sam for short.

    Yes, she's awesome!

    3DS pandering save for the fact that we just got the first normal 3DS banner since launch, not including Echoes (they're not really targeted as much by the fanbase as a 3DS game and, being a new game, Echoes had an excuse)? (As for 3DS seasonals, I feel IS just sees them dressing up in costumes as safer due to their games also having out-of-place fanservice.) Plus, we haven't gotten a 3DS TT since the first one (again, excluding Echoes). Give IS some credit, here. :P

  3. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Micaiah gets her own battle and her own ending too though...? Did you forget the chapter where it's just her and BK? BK is there to help, yeah, but it's still all about her.

    Yune still did worse to Micaiah than Ike did imo.

    In that tower? I think not. Ike got his battle with BK, Micaiah got...no personal battle, really. Even Yune didn't get anything. And BK was NOT Yune's fault, either. And by ending, I meant the text at the end of the game talking about how Ike changed the world. Micaiah, the apparent other protagonist, doesn't get that either; just Ike. Another thing Yune cannot be blamed for.

  4. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    There was no problem with this. It was a bit more forced in RD, I'll give you that, but not in PoR. PoR Ike is very justified by having happened to find one of the only weapons capable of piercing Ashnard's armor early in the game. It wasn't like IS suddenly threw a goddess-blessed weapon at him just because.

    RD Ike is not as well written as PoR Ike, but the problem there lies with his lack of development and lack of more spotlight for Micaiah. He doesn't steal the spotlight anymore than Yune does, and in fact, Yune is worse about it because she literally hijacks Micaiah. I don't know why people don't hate her as much if not more than RD Ike. Is it because she has the appearance of a cute little girl? :/

    Uh, how about the fact that Ike originally RESCUED those first two in PoR? And Heather is there because of Nephenee, not because of Ike. It's Nephenee who recruits her.

    This is legitimately the only thing I don't like about Ike and the only point of yours that I completely agree with. PoR Ike is written wonderfully, imo. RD Ike is rather meh writing wise. But I love a lot of his lines and his design, so... :P

    Ike gets his own battle, last dibs on the boss and his own ending to name a few things Yune was not involved with while Micaiah/Yune are in the back. Heck, doesn't defeating Ashera without Ike cause Micaiah to chime in (according to the RD script on Serenes), effectively revealing that they could have swapped anytime? Ike arguably took too much attention, even if that IS indeed a bad reason to hate him.

  5. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    ...Come on, don't ruin the fun with lame fire jokes. :(

    Sigurd is cool because he's Sigurd, not because of a dumb joke! <3

    I also still have regular Freddy as my lead for those who need greens. I'm still in need of greens though! xP

    But it's not a dumb joke. It's a funny meme. :P Don't get so HOT and bothered over this.

    ba dum tishhhhhhhh

  6. I'm going to side with Dorcas. The poor guy is the butt of memes when all he wants to do is help his wife get better. Plus, I feel I owe it to him after younger me kept quitting his chapter, not realizing that defending Natalie was the POINT and you didn't have to reach a goal in the amount of time you had which you wanted to run out.


  7. 10 hours ago, Viridianveil said:

    Sounds interesting, but if ONE MORE 3DS CHARACTER WINS, I WILL KILL SOMETHING.

    ...the last three gauntlets have had non-3DS characters winning. Heck, the gauntlet before those three couldn't be helped because it was full of characters from the 3DS games. A 3DS win among non-3DS characters would be the first in a while.

    ...not that I care for grouping them up.

    Anyways, not sure anyone from the 1st side appeals to me. Priscilla gets me best, but it's still not much.

  8. 1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    Loki's staff is called Thokk must resist thot joke that make her a colorless mage. And Laevatein's sword is called Laevatein funny enough. That increase damage with buffs, a blade sword if you will. 

    Laevatein's small bio states she considers herself and her sword as the same, so that's probably why they share names.

  9. I'm on team "I loved the ending".


    I found the whole "You were actually on a reality show with true killing" thing very intriguing. Even if it got rid of the "apocalytic future" plot, it was still a twist from out of nowhere that you didn't expect, and while sorta 4th wall-breaky, wasn't too 4th wall breaky; after all, we're talking another alternate universe like the original series in another bizarre future where the "audience" is clearly of a changed world, not caring about the characters' feelings about their predicament...at least at first. It's clearly not to represent the current fanbase as unsympathetic killers, but rather a far-off, possible future fanbase that has drastically changed with society into being addicted to killing games. I don't see this as a shot at the fanbase.

    I'm not sure how I would judge Tsumugi compared to Junko, but I can at least say that I like that she's different; I also didn't expect her as the mastermind. I thought she was to be that one character that would stay with the team to the end regardless of what development she got; it's not like characters with minimal development haven't survived to the end before, and her consistent role filling the "straight man" trope blocked thoughts of suspicion from filling my head. I also loved her gimmick of switching between past characters. English VA could use some work, though.

    Overall, I really liked the game. The visuals improved, some of the plot twists like in chapter 1 struck hard, and while there's some parts that needed polish, I liked what was done, especially with the shift from Hope and Despair (which can sound cheesy at times) to truths and lies. I also really liked Shuichi, even if I did wish Kaede didn't get screwed out of the protagonist roll or that Shuichi was at least female so we have a main series female protagonist; he at least has his unique quirks (having a detective as the protagonist that people acknowledge relying on is a nice touch) and a design that stands out well among the other two male protagonists. Nice to see a change from the brown, spiky hair.


  10. Still gunning for Mia, but no luck so far. Hopefully this TT will get me enough orbs after I sorta slacked off the Genealogy one.

    Also, pretty cool for her to show some heart compared to how the supports limited her to be fight-happy with sprinkles of kindness in-between by volunteering to help for no charge to save the world. :P

  11. 6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I like them all except for boob lady. Wtf is even the upper part of her outfit? It makes no sense and is far too revealing. How does it even stay on her boobs?

    But I like the rest! Especially pigtail girl, she's cute. Why do the fire guys have to be the evil ones... Fire is awesome. Ice is meh. But I still like Fjorm.

    are there any fanservice designs you simply don't mind instead of hating lol

    I think how Loki's acted so far sorta justifies her succubus-like design. She disguises herself and can fool others with the., so I assume she dresses that way to seduce and fool her enemies. Maybe she's masquerading as Anna to keep that secret for now.

    I mean, I wouldn't mind a fanservice design that has a purpose to be alluring in the plot for non-silly reasons. Of course, I'm just tossing theories.

    I'm happy with ice being with the good guys, though; it's not like ice hasn't been associated with villains before in general media, arguably as much as fire from my observations.

    though I may be biased because I think ice is pretty

  12. 1 minute ago, Glennstavos said:

    I know that but she appears alongside the other 11 characters on the banner. And she would be the third blue unit to coincide with three of the other colors. That's assuming Ike appears as a third red like he does in the first shot. They really need to clarify which Ike is in the banner.

    I'm guessing she shows up to potentially merge with the free Djorm or to get a Djorm with a boon/bane that helps.

  13. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    This is going to make other weapons better now though. Brave weapons are going to become the worst and people who spent a lot of feathers to give them to certain characters will have wasted their resources.

    The outfit and hair don't look anything like Elsa's though. The colors are a minor similarity, imo.

    Still similar enough to make a small meme about. :P

  14. 8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    But literally the only thing these two have in common is ice? I guess Flora and Felicia are Elsas too then. :/

    I'd like Celica from that legendary heroes event...and I wouldn't mind more Ikes to merge with either. But I don't really care to get Ayra. This is tough...

    That plus the blue outfit, the blond hair, the title of ice princess and Feh's "The cold didn't bother me" joke likely prompted that comment, which, as one who likes Fjorm, I found funny.

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