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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, but I dislike her for more reasons than that. And of course I also dislike time travel as a concept. But she's the main time traveler here, so...

    ...Wow, a lot of people are mentioning Ike here. That's sad. Never expected this at all. But oh well.

    Well, of course you dislike her for more than that; I did say it was "one point" and cite that you also hate her for being boring over being indifferent about her.

    I think I'll mention my least favorite lord while I'm at it: Kris's default designs look rad. Also, if his/her importance was relegated to the Katarina side plot and had minimal relevance to the main plot, losing the whole "they're Marth's shadow" thing, I think he/she might have worked and not be hated as much.

  2. Shinon has a rad ponytail in my desired hair color and sweet animations in RD. He also serves his role well in the beginning of PoR. Otherwise, I don't really hate many FE characters.

    10 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    She's a bland and boring female Marth to me. I dislike her father almost as much, but at least Chrom isn't a genderbend of someone else. Also, Lucina is involved in time travel stuff and I always find that dumb.

    ...one point as to why you hate Lucina is that she's involved with time travel? Wouldn't it make more sense to hate the time travel concept? It's not like time travel is a character's personality trait.

    Also, I find it interesting that boring = hatedom for you instead of indifference. Not that I consider Lucina boring.

  3. As long as it's in a different fashion from them being main characters, I'd love to see more character customization. I think they should be limited to optional units that have no impact on the story, but there is potential for customizing to work, contrary to the flak it gets due to its association with the avatars of existing games.

    I also would love to see more full voice acting, too.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Reality said:

    I'm disapointed that that one person in the discord predicted it correctly. I kinda feel like parity among robin's makes them less intersting. Well I guess armor/dragon flying/dragon, but still. 

    Why are legendary heroes allowed to be bad guys anyway?

    Er, the playable bad guys in this game are known as "Heroes", too. Sorta late on asking that. :P

  5. 2 hours ago, SSbardock84 said:

    I just don't see why she'd be a water legendary hero and I said I didn't want any avatar legendaries. I don't like them.

    Then if it's a case of your personal opinion without stating any reasoning behind it, I don't see how having a legendary hero who happens to be an avatar in their own game is "dumb". Like them or not, Robin plays a huge part in the story and has an amazing power within. Makes sense for them to possibly be a legendary hero in some form.

    Also, I said nothing about water heroes, only colorless.

  6. 23 hours ago, SSbardock84 said:

    Kind of dumb and doesn't make sense. I really didn't want any of the avatar characters to be Legendary Heroes. I also don't see how she could be a colorless unit or a water legendary hero. It would make more sense to get a colorless manakete Corrin.

    I mean, whoever it is, they're not necessarily likely to be a colorless when they have a tome in the newer shadow image. I also don't get your "avatars can't be legendaries" logic; this is the character's default appearance, and she's a main character in the game.

  7. I've come to ask help from the tech brains of around here.

    So I've recently bought a USB-to-HDMI cable as a means of setting up a second monitor, that being a TV. Said TV would act as my extended screen for stuff. After some setup, it works...sorta.

    The screen indeed shows up, but the framerate is not perfect on the TV screen (though the computer's screen still runs smoothly). I've noticed this while watching Twitch on my TV screen in that even on 60fps quality, the picture does not reflect the framerate, and not just the Twitch video; this extends to the WHOLE screen, like my mouse movements. In fact, should it be connected to a hub, it's on screen (with the low framerate) for a good while before it disconnects and also makes the hub "disconnect" and "reconnect" until I unplug the second screen cord.

    My aim is to get my second monitor to show video from my computer at 60fps and stay that way. Here's what I got:

    -My computer is a Microsoft Surface Pro, I think a 3.

    -I used two different HDMI cords. Both pretty much had the same effect.

    -I used two different TVs, including the one I usually watch stuff on. Both TVs show other stuff at 60fps properly, but still had the lower framerate with the extended screen from the computer. I used both cords.

    -I tried connecting the cord to the hub connected to the computer and then to the computer itself without the hub. Both had the lower framerate. I haven't bothered waiting to see if the picture when the cord is connected to the computer and not the hub goes out though.

    -All times I tested this, Twitch was on my second screen.

    So, with all that information, I hope someone here can give some help as to what I should do. I've searched on Google, but I couldn't come up with a proper answer. Do I need a new computer? Do I need to add something to my setup? I beg thee for your help.

  8. On 3/22/2018 at 12:47 PM, Retyl said:

    I can deal with having a silent protagonist but I always prefer a character with an actual personality. There has never been a time where I thought that a silent protagonist was better than what a protagonist who talks and has a personality would be unless I'm forgetting something.

    I don't think of Robin as a silent protagonist either. The weird thing about Robin and Corrin is that, I guess, they're supposed to be you, the player, but they also have a backstory and they talk. They talk a lot. I think that this is worse. You can't immerse yourself as the protagonist but the devs also don't want any of the other characters to dislike and criticize the avatar unless they're the villains because that would mean disliking and criticizing you, the player, and as a result of this, all the characters kiss up to the protagonist. The next Fire Emblem protagonist will probably be like this.

    They will? I think they've learned their lesson after the backlash Corrin got. I'd be surprised if they made an avatar protagonist again.

  9. 13 hours ago, Florete said:

    They did this same thing with Smash 4 four years ago and it was a very condensed version, likely a demo version that was never released publicly. It will probably a chunk of expected veterans, Inklings, and any newcomers revealed before E3, if any. The one for Smash 4 didn't have the characters revealed at that E3 (Mii Fighters, Palutena, Pac-Man), so we can't be sure they will here.

    I mean, yeah, that was condensed, too, though we've seen plenty of gameplay and such beforehand. But trusting that nothing revealed in E3 is put in the invitational, this implies they gotta show something for Smash before E3 happens; at least enough that there's not too much new stuff revealed in the tourney, but just enough. I feel this means we should get a Smash Direct; that seems potentially big enough in shown content that would be later used in the invitational.

  10. 3 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Smash 5 tournament at E3 before the game is even out, God bless.

    Huh; does this mean we're possibly getting a direct before E3 (or a Smash direct, even)? Unless it's a port or the E3 tournament version is condensed significantly, I don't see them showing so much of Smash 5 at E3 that could potentially be shown in the tournament, and I doubt they're going to pull a BOTW again with E3.

  11. I mean, I love customizable characters (especially in anime games like Xenoblade X), even if they aren't implemented in the best fashion. My creative side takes over and I go nuts for maybe even an hour on a custom character. That being said, I do prefer them if they don't have a predetermined backstory; otherwise, it'll make a minor dent in my enjoyment, or if there's already a default version of the custom character, I'll go with the default version after a run or two with a custom character. Robin in FE Awakening is such an example.

  12. 4 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    It wasn't just that. Abel's inability to express feelings as well as understand Est's own emotional state, he wasn't able to appease her insecurities. He wasn't able to assure her that things were fine in the end. Rather all he did was raise those insecurities even more. And Est's emotional state just went further and further that in the end, she just ended up leaving. Had he been able to understand her, able to assure her, she wouldn't have left. 

    Despite how I am sad about their ending, they may have just not been right for one another. Kaga tends to give some people happy endings, but he certainly makes quite a few not work out in the end. 

    I honestly think Est left her family out of fear that she'd be causing them more grief by being a burden on them. It's not the correct thing to do, but considering she's not immature, I bet that's what she did instead of something like just run off because she didn't care much for him. I think that explanation shows she loves Abel so non-selfishly and worries that she'd be agonizing him with getting into trouble; after all, she's been kidnapped three times in two years. If Est ran away for that reason, even if it was the wrong choice, I think it's the most in-character reason for her and the most affectionate towards Abel.

    5 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    ...I'm shocked Catria is more popular than Palla. I figured Palla would be the most liked out of the Whitewings by far because she's really pretty, mature, and cool. But at least Est is the least liked. I like her the least as well. Though not by much. Catria bores the hell out of me and isn't even pretty, imo.

    But maybe I shouldn't be that surprised. My favorites are never the actual popular ones unless they're named Ike and Ephraim, it seems...

    Not gonna lie, saying "good thing this character is not liked much because I hate them" is sorta jerkish. It sounds like you're dictating what a character's popularity should be. I do like Est a little, but still.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Noooooooo. Absolutely NOT.

    Regardless of whatever the terms "waifu" or "husbando" may have meant when it first came about, they are now generally used to describe characters a person finds attractive. Whether it is sexually or emotionally or some other reason I-don't-know, "waifu" and "husbando" aren't used just to describe a favorite character. It is in the context of "I want my in-game self to marry this person" (as in, the player sees a player avatar as themselves and not just another character) or "I wish my (nonexistent) significant other was like this person" or even "this fictional character is basically my significant other". "Waifu" and "husbando" are used in the context of wanting someone to be your fictional "spouso".

    I have several characters that I like, whom I consider to have personalities and characteristics that I find interesting. I do not find them "spouso" material at all, nor do I consider any player avatar to be "me". A person can like a character outside of relations to "themselves" such as being their "waifu/husbando" or "daughteru/sonnu". But I find that rarer nowadays. Not just in FE but in fandom in general.

    Are you sure...?

    I've seen several a person in Twitch chats, Twitter, etc. say "waifu" or "husbando" to refer to a favorite character, even if their reasoning is influenced by their love for the character in terms of their personality or backstory, even if that's the main reason and the appearance is secondary. I don't use the term myself at all and opt not to use it, so I know that does not necessarily mean liking a favorite character necessarily means a waifu, but I also don't feel confident in trusting the definition you've given as the only "correct" definition based on what I've witnessed. I guess it's just one of those things where a made-up word comes into existence somewhere, gets popular, then the word eventually gains multiple definitions that people attach to.

  14. 40 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    It doesn't seem like it when characters like Camilla and Tharja are basically walking fanservice. I remember seeing people say they were going to marry them even before those games came out, so they didn't know anything about their personalities.

    I'm not saying I don't think absolutely anyone chooses "waifus" based on personality, but I definitely think some people just go "she's sexy!" and that's it.

    And yes, that's true, which is why I'm not THAT worried right now.

    Well, did those people you remember saying such things mean that so passionately (of course, not to marriage levels), or just as a figure of speech to say "hey, she's got a nice design?" Because that's a figure of speech I've heard plenty of times to know it is usually said without really meaning it that hard.

    Also, I wouldn't say Tharja is only fanservice (if Ghast's video on her is any indication) and that's it. Looks like her personality (in the English version, at least) was partially intended for comedy (whether it was comedic is a different story) with her obsessive tendencies and her creeping out the others with her dark attitude and talk of spells and hexes. Yes, the "obsessed with Robin" thing gets fanservicy, but it's not the only thing about her personality. Camilla in most cases, however, you got me.

  15. 3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, I agree with this post entirely.

    Granted, I will admit I like seeing hot muscular guys, but I don't care about anything else, including anything below their waists. And I wouldn't want them to go around shirtless for the sake of it. Which is why I only wanted shirtless Ike and shirtless Freddy for something like a summer banner (I still can't believe the latter actually happened! Well sorta, since Freddy isn't entirely shirtless there). A reason I love RD Ike's design so much is that it looks reasonable and cool without being too sexual and yet it still shows how muscular he is as well as a bonus. And I like these guys for much more than just their appearance.

    It also bothers me a lot when people just like characters for the "waifu" thing. And I also hope seasonal banners won't start being mostly female or all female unless a good reason is given like the bride thing. But even then, why not have some grooms too, especially since we got a groom Marth in FE Warriors?

    I mean, isn't liking the personalities part of how people decide "waifus"? I think you may have a slightly different definition of "waifu" from what I usually hear. And I don't see too much of an issue of at least liking the character design but not the personality, or even caring about it.

    Also, funny you mention worrying about mostly/all-female banners when we got 3 guys in the Valentines banner compared to two girls (including the TT reward). :P Cancel out this one with Valentines, and the bride banner is the only odd one out.

  16. 10 hours ago, Etheus said:

    Implying that people actually care more about Celica - one of two lords in a game which had mediocre sales, which was a remake of one of the weakest games in the franchise. That's absurd.

    Fine then. If not Minerva, we could have Camilla and her twins. The casuals would certainly care about that.

    Uh, Celica's popular, if I'm not mistaken, given her votes in a recent Heroes poll. To add, sales numbers are not a good reason to downplay the characters or game (see Ike), and Gaiden being the "weakest game" sounds more of a trivial opinion that not everyone necessarily agrees with, not to mention irrelevant to Celica's popularity now.

  17. 9 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    I'm against it because honestly, there's only so far you can take it before it feels forced. And frankly, a Celica skin for Robin would feel rather forced - FFS, the only spell common to both games is Thunder, and Awakening made it more like a Hadouken than the lightning boly it normally is.

    Nah, I think characters as alts would be fine. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Smash community really has an issue with characters being included as alts? If there's only so far you can take it before it feels forced, then take it until you have to stop behind the forced line. (Of course, I can't see Celica as a Robin alt since I don't think even reskinning the spells into just fire would look good.)

  18. 5 hours ago, Motendra said:

    But then lies the question of can that even be done? Going off Sakurai's explanation, she has different properties (even if it's the most minute thing possible), which is the only reason she's on the roster in the first place. Would it be wise to go against what they already set in stone?

    Alternatively, what they could do is giver her what WOULD HAVE been Chrom's moveset [#StillSalty] and then have Chrom an alt costume for Lucina. I don't know how they'd accommodate the height difference, but at least then, none of the Awakes are left out this time. 'Course, that would also mean giving Robin a new FS [even if the cameo made it the best one] which can easily be solve with Grima

    Either give her a new moveset or do away with her very identical moveset to Marth, make her an alt skin, and have her play exactly like Marth. I'm sure they'd figure something out for the latter.

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