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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 4 minutes ago, Florete said:

    By "partial port" I mean that it would essentially play the same, which you can't say for each iteration of Smash to this point.

    This is pretty much all stuff you could say about Slatoon 2 in one way or another. All this says is that it's being branded as a new game, and in technical terms it still would be as long as there's anything new, even if it were 98% a port. No deluxe subtitle? Branding, literally. No Smash 4 transition? Branding. Champion Link? Maybe (maybe) he's getting reworked. Could be a lot, could be a little, but either way this doesn't scream "NEW GAME." (I honestly find this to be the absolute weakest argument anyone has used. Like, seriously?)

    Again, in technical terms, this absolutely is a new game. The issue is just how new it is. You seem to think it's at least 90% new (estimating). My guess is that it will be like Splatoon 2, which is something like 50% new, but the fact is that we just don't have enough information to know.

    And that last part is the point I'm making. I'm just trying to get people to realize that we really don't know yet, because if the game turns out to be a half port all these people who are so sure that it's a new game are going to be disappointed, and in the Smash fandom that's never pretty.

    I wouldn't call my argument on Champion Link's sudden yet unfocused appearance being a clue that weak despite your downplaying, but I guess I won't press that issue further. I do think the branding is a significant clue by comparing the differences between trailers compared to other big ports however, although I'll give that it's likely early.

    As for the new game stuff, I wouldn't say 90% or more of it would be new. I think the content and gameplay retained from the prior game is way too much for only being 10%, especially for a competitive fighter where characters and mechanics are very important. I'd say something like 60% is new between Brawl and Sm4sh...? Not certain.

    I do still lean towards "new game", but I don't see it as a certainty, only going as far by the branding argument. Next trailer we get, that likely will be what hammers the nail into the coffin for one side. Probably should have used different wording than "all the signs point to".

  2. I think Lucina should just be a skin for Marth, but keep her in. From what I observed, she has plenty of fans from Smash and/or FE, even as a clone. Cutting her or keeping her as a separate character will cause a blizzard from some party. At least keeping her wouldn't hit one party as bad as cutting would another, but either way, the game would get more hell than just converting her into an alt costume. Lucina stays in, people see that "slot" "open up" (not that I believe in slots, it's all up to development effort), less people angry.

  3. 3 hours ago, Florete said:


    They're branding it as a new game, but this doesn't mean it's not a partial port, like Splatoon 2. Things can still change in remakes and remasters.

    As for not showing gameplay, I would say it was for dramatic effect. But I do think it's funny how people use this point to say it's totally not a port when the reveal trailers for every other Smash game (that were not ports) did show gameplay, whereas this one doesn't.

    I mean, in that case, all prior Smash games are partial ports, although from 64 to Melee is a little debatable as the quality difference is very noticable there. Reusing animations, same/similar movesets with tweaks (especially for all returning characters), reused audio clips, some returning stages that remained untouched, etc.

    Honestly, I'm guessing it's a new game. A new logo with no deluxe subtitle and a change arguably more drastic than recoloring part of a logo (the farthest I've seen a logo edited for a port outside of adding the subtitle), no familiar Sm4sh transition in the trailer, BOTW Link being used as a shadow when a port would ideally use the traditional Link (which is default) and save BOTW Link for a separate trailer as an extra alt costume instead of him being Link's main costume...I feel all the signs point to this being a new game, partial port or whatever.

  4. 1 hour ago, Slumber said:

    I'm largely in the same boat. It isn't because there are 6 FE characters(And almost assuredly there'll be more for Switch to promote the upcoming game), it's because there are 6 in a roster that likely won't go above 70. Fire Emblem already accounts for over 1/10th of Sm4sh's roster. That is some MASSIVELY disproportionate cast choice. I'd only argue that FE is a top 5(Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing and then maybe Fire Emblem) Nintendo franchise ONLY because of Heroes right now. If Heroes didn't exist and wasn't a massive money makes, I'd argue Splatoon(Due to its incredibly fast rise to prominence) or Donkey Kong(Due to its age, consistency and a counterpart to Mario) would be much more deserving as #5.

    For a game that's supposed to celebrate all of Nintendo's franchises and then some gaming legacy characters like Pacman, Megaman and Sonic, Sm4sh certainly feels a lot like a Fire Emblem party more than anything else.

    Of the existing FE characters in Smash, I'd agree that Lucina is much more likely to get chopped than anyone else. She doesn't contribute much to the roster beyond people being happy simply seeing Lucina. All of the others are unique. On top of this, 3DS representation in Smash is disproportionate to even the FE characters in Smash. The NES era has 1, the GBA era has 1, the GC/Wii era has 1, the 3DS era has 3. Which made sense for Smash 4, since that came out when the 3DS FEs were new and Nintendo wanted to push more copies. We're moving past Smash 4, and we're moving on to a new era of Fire Emblem.

    If they're going to cut FE characters, which they really need to, all signs point to Lucina. She's a clone, she's not the main representative of her game, she's part of an era that's not the current focus anymore, and she barely made it into Smash 4 as is.

    After that, I don't know. I still think Robin could end up essentially reworked into something else(He/She's a mage knight. They don't have exactly the most unique fighting style ever). Corrin, as much as I hate them, can't really just be mapped over or removed entirely. They're much more unique in concept than Robin.

    Personally, I consider the DK series as part of the Mario series. Still got a point about Mario's star power, though.

  5. 1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Oooh, that'd be nice way to add variety to stages.

    I have to disagree on the stage builder being more expansive though. I thought it was kinda underwhelming in Smash 4. I prefer having preset blocks and other features as opposed to having to draw them, even if drawing allowed you to create dumb "no tech zone" stages.

    Ideally, i'd like to see a combination of Brawl and Smash 4's Stage Builder. You can give me the option to draw the stages but at the same time let me have preset blocks and more features. 

    Just looking at the differences between Brawl and Smash 4's Stage Builders, the former has a lot more options than the latter.

    I wouldn't say "a lot". Not counting the aesthetic visuals some of the Brawl pieces had (like the cyber "tunnel" or the ruined structure), you can trace a bunch of the Brawl structures, whether you're using curved or straight lines. Otherwise, Brawl has 5 items not in Sm4sh (the rotating platforms, ladder, ice block, drop block, and conveyor belt) and Sm4sh has one thing (combining the two cannons) Brawl doesn't. I'm not counting the spikes and lava as different given their similar functions improved upon by the freedom of where to put lava. I get your point about the preset blocks, though, even if you can make straight edges with the grid.

  6. 3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, that was the only thing I didn't like about Smash 4, Sakurai was too biased for his own series. He had those assets from Kirby and Kid Icarus readily available since he'd worked on those games, but a niche game like Kid Icarus having more content than a major series like FE is still dumb. Actually, it had more than any series, which is dumb.

    I also agree Micaiah should've had a trophy if Sothe did.

    And yet he added so many FE characters, a point people and Sakurai bring up a lot. I think I also heard somewhere that Sakurai also really liked FE, though don't quote me on that. I think FE arguably is in the same boat as KI, just that instead of more side content, it's more characters.

    That being said, I think it's sorta silly to argue about how much content a "small series" "deserves". I didn't really bat an eye at all the KI stuff.

  7. 3 hours ago, LucinaRobin said:

    Maybe we have different view of perspective...

    I mean it's okay for lucina to have slot for itself to fill 50 characters roster.

    I use robin and lucina in ssb4. So i'm worried.

    But I wanted to know why lucina is same with marth.

    I don't feel like that...

    Are you saying 50 characters is the maximum? Because there's no maximum; just the limit to how many characters the staff can work into the game. There aren't "slots to fill", as far as I'm concerned. I feel that is a negative mindset that worries for nothing.

  8. 5 minutes ago, LucinaRobin said:

    Light blue, blue and red is maybe difference of perspective...

    But even though lucina is sky and marth blue, I'm telling they don't need to remove.

    The roster size is nearly 50. There are green, purple, light purple, mint green, red, blue, sky and pink.....

    If we remove sky blue because it's similar to blue, then how 50 character can be?



    You lost me with the 50 characters thing.

  9. 33 minutes ago, LucinaRobin said:

    If so, can we use lucina and marth in same ways?

    I don't think so. Even though their moveset is same, the way to use them is totally different.

    Let's think what we aim. In reality what we aim is different playstyle to obtain fun.

    When we use marth, we have to move more in defensive ways than lucina to win.


    This difference can make significant difference to play method.

    Regardless, they still function very similarly, more so than Mario and Dr. Mario. And if Marth and Lucina lose alt costumes (if they don't add more alts for everyone), that's not really an issue. They could theoretically add slight moveset changes as a means of customization, but otherwise, Marth and Lucina are indeed blue and light blue; similar with minimal differences not enough to make them distinctive. I'd love for her to come back, but they are indeed too similar, despite what you say.

  10. 2 hours ago, LucinaRobin said:

    I want to make a contact to sakurai.

    Or anyway to confirm about lucina.

    Er, good luck talking to someone who seems to only know Japanese, let alone a very popular person who likely gets so many messages from fans that he likely will ignore them. Besides, he wouldn't tell you even if you asked; that information is secret until it is revealed or the game comes out and there's no trace of it. Nintendo isn't going to tell one thing unknown to everyone but themselves to a random fan.

    As for Lucina, no chance they're going to use her Brave variant from Heroes. It HAS to be her regular appearance.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Reality said:

    I mean since Mario Tennis got the most screentime, I guess that this direct was targeted at me

    I do have an undying love for the franchise due to the first 4 games  I'm really happy that Aces looks like it will be a return to form after the Gyroscope experiment. I am a little sceptical that slowing down time to aim and breaking rackets might end up as gimmicky or be used to cheese the AI. The game looks like it'll just have tournaments modes ala the console MT games, and not have a RPG mode. I'd like to hold out hope for it though. 

    The Splatoon 2 expansion is really great, especially compared to other Nintendo DLC. For reference, 80 levels is actually more than the 32 levels in the original Splatoon 2 singleplayer.

    I see this DLC as beeing more like an old school expansion-set , like Age of Empires' conquerer expansion , or Star Craft's Brood War. I love getting a big package all at once that is mostly gameplay.  It's doesn't  quite look like a "bad guy story" due to being undercover rather than an actual octoling but because of how close it is to being a bad guy story it kind of inspires hope  that other nintendo games will get that treatment.

    I've watched a few people play the PS4 version of Crash trilogy, and it looks liike there are a lot of quality of life improvements over PS1 (The bazooka in Twisted doesn't stop movement, option to use Coco in platformer levels, changes to time trials). It's definately a solid game. 

    Warioware looks like it's trying to be like Mario Party 300 and just compile fan-favorite mingames from every warioware except twisted, which is a good idea in theory. Like all party games, it seems great value for multiplayer, and problematic for singleplayer 

    No more Heroes looks like it's just handicapped Travis'  chances to be in smash bros. To be honest I thought it would be a much bigger release on the Switch than this. I don't consider the game's theme to look very promising when the world it was already set in allowwed for crazy stuff to happen even without a computer reality. 


    WarioWare Gold was also said to have new microgames.

  12. 49 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Well then, I guess that's one piece of Sakurai logic that I won't ever agree with. Which is weird, because I tend to agree with him a lot. I just feel if there's only a small difference between two characters, then they might as well just be exactly the same and therefore alts of one another.

    I imagine they could improve character customization to add options for slightly tweaking the mechanics of movesets beyond just special moves and Lucina could exist as an alt for Marth there too. That being said, Lucina taking up a "slot" means nothing; she's already been developed for a modern Smash game. It's not like her existence is going to prevent a character from getting in (though "too many FE" arguments could arise again), so I wouldn't say cutting her is the most ideal (well, except for your personal interests).

  13. 1 hour ago, Truthblade said:

    I am not sure if I would be able to find it, but I think I remember reading an article that Sakurai was already working on a new project a while back. If it was true, apparently this would be it.


    Anyone, hyped as heck.. Wish I wasn't spoiled on it though. that's wait I get for being late.

    Funny enough, I got spoiled on Smash thanks to a sports app's notifications. :P

  14. No FE, but I expected as such. It's the first main FE game on the Switch and the first console FE in a while. I went by the logic that it would be revealed at E3, which seems extremely likely now, so I can't say I'm particularly bummed.

    Alternatively, the Splatoon expansion and Smash look very enticing and I'm excited! Mario Tennis also looks much better than the 3DS and Wii U tennis games with the mechanics. WarioWare's return is also great, even if it seems minor.

    And I laughed when I saw Okami because of a joke regarding a certain YouTuber and his bonus videos. :P

    Also, Kaiji Tangachu is awesome.


    Man, that was pretty solid! Smash teaser for a release this year, Splatoon expansion, Mario Tennis looks improved and intriguing, some surprise Switch jumps like Crash and Undertale...man! No FE though, but I honestly expected them to hold off until E3 anyways.

  16. 15 minutes ago, fOrEiGn sOUl said:

    It maybe stretchy, but we can clearly see where the "inspiration" came from.

    This banner is the prime example that new banners from now on will be alternate for the money banners. There is a trust issue when you depending on big faces to get those figures safely.

    There are so many great characters left to be added but they will never see a spotlight, because all we will get are  the 10th version of Chrom or Lucina. You can't even blame them, it's gatcha after all.

    Explain in detail, then. The most I get is the color scheme, which amounts to little with how common a scheme it is.

    And as for the alts, it's still one per banner versus 3 (or 4 in the case of the SS banner). We're getting new people regardless. I also dunno what you mean by a "money banner".

  17. 9 minutes ago, fOrEiGn sOUl said:

    I'm glad to see Gerome.

    Don't care about Morgans.

    IS has some serious trust issues in it's fanbase. Every new heroes banner has to have at least one safe card duplicate or maybe simply to get that cash.

    Chrom's Design is a Sigurd ripoff.

    I don't remember Sigurd wearing so much of that armor, dude; that's a stretchy accusation.

    And what do you mean by "safe card duplicate"? I don't get what you mean. You mean the alts? I don't see how that's relevant to trust...?

  18. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    They should at least all get merged so they don't clutter the board though.

    I mean, I agree, but it's not like the mods aren't gonna do it; they just aren't watching everything at all times, so they're not gonna respond so fast. Just report the other topics and state that they should be merged in the report, and they'll get to it.

  19. 13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    While I'm excited for male Morgan, I HATE that he's sharing a color with this Chrom. I'm going to really dislike having to pull for him. I don't want to pull a bunch of these Chroms instead... I don't like him and don't have use for him anyway. But I guess I could fodder him off since he has Fury.

    Male Morgan is actually a win-win for me, because I like him and he's in a favorable color for what I plan to do with him. I don't have many red mages and being red means I can run him with my Freddy and summer Robin and have a balanced family team. Though it also wouldn't be that unbalanced if I used regular female Robin and made Azura the dancer and blue unit of the group.

    Also, can people stop creating multiple threads on the same banner? And can mods merge them? These threads clutter the board.

    It's not a unit, the description of Chrom's Falchion where it says the dragon effectiveness has a colorless breath icon.

    They're not telepaths; it's not like they can see that others posted a topic as they are creating their own within the first few minutes of the trailer's upload. This won't be the last time it'll happen, I'm sure.

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