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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. @Yexin Sounds like we're at odds, then. I get the complaints, but I feel like they're getting too petty. We've gotten over 70 characters now and counting; I feel like 4 characters resembling each other is minimal at this point. If anything, the last two new FE reps (moving Lucina back), Robin and Corrin, aren't just "anime swordfighters"; Robin has a unique weapon durability mechanic and uses magic, and Corrin shapeshifts their body parts into a lance and some crazy draconic maw from their hands to blast energy among other things. Yes, they use swords, but that's not mainly who they are. Chrom is just a minor trip in my view, and nothing worth crying over.

    As for the Killing Edge, ...it's Fire Emblem's first item, and now people just want to talk it down because it's a sword? If people are angry that it "creates more generic sword fighters", then that's a stretch of an argument. I'm rather happy there's ANY FE items over none, no matter how "minimal" their functionality is (not that I really think the functionality is that bad; the critical hit part is interesting). Besides, the Killing Edge is one of the more memorable FE weapons that's not a legendary weapon exclusive to its wielder. The Killer Axe doesn't get that much notoriety in comparison from what I've seen.

  2. 6 hours ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    given micaiah's resources she easily could have been a zelda echo and celica could have just used robin's moveset but have her damage herself with every special (see pichu) rather than drop tomes,I doubt you would have had any complaints past the typical "ree, too many fire emblem".

    I think in Celica's case, that'd be too different to be considered an Echo, but Chrom is Roy with Ike's Up+B, so who knows. As for Micaiah, I dunno if they have any rules where the character they Echo must be from the same series, given that's been the case for everyone so far.

  3. 2 hours ago, Yexin said:


    was it really THAT necessary to add chrom?

    i mean, now FE has 7 characters (8 if we count lyn in), and all of them are damn swordfighters, also 2 of them are clones

    it's pretty laughable, if you ask me, and i'm starting to think that FE deserves the image other people have about the series, because they did nothing to make them change idea

    also, chrom's up smash is multihit, just like roy's, but it's super cringe since chrom's falchion doesn't have any visual effect that would suggest a multihit move

    same thing for the neutral b: he charges an attack with extreme power, and falchion gains like... dust and wind visual effects? seriously?


    simon and richter are super hype tho (and please, "Simon" is pronounced "C-Mon", not "Cy-Mon": he's french, not english)

    I assume you aren't fond of Echo fighters? Mixed moveset aside, it's not like it took much effort to make him compared to a new character, similarly to Lucina and presumably Roy. Yes, I agree, too many swords, but you may want to calm down on the "FE deserves its bad rep" part.

  4. I'm pretty fine with this. While it is another Awakening character and sword user, I care only a little about those trivialities since Chrom pretty much took little work to make like all the other Echoes and slots are not a thing contrary to what some may say. I don't understand why people think slots are a thing when there's no source saying that the devs "limited" the amount of characters they can put in. Feels like a way for people to make scapegoats to blame.

    Also, more Matt Mercer is great. I'm impressed Matt can find the time to do VA work between preparing to DM for Critical Role.

  5. 3 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    I was personally hoping for Trevor Belmont, rather than Simon or Richter and no; it's not just because I've only seen the show and not played any of the games, though that may be part of it.

    I liked the joke with King Dedede pretending to be King K. Rool only for the real King K. Rool to show up. 

    Chrom? I was hoping for Micaiah, Hector or Celica, to be honest. Even Eliwood would have made a more interesting echo of Roy; being Roy's father after all. 

    I mean, I dunno how Micaiah, Hector or Celica would work as Echoes, given the point was making Chrom with little resources instead of a new moveset with so much development time put in. You got me on Eliwood except that he's not voiced by Matt Mercer.

  6. On 7/28/2018 at 8:05 AM, Cornguy said:

    To be honest, Marth is a bit off as is, and it's kind of just trickled down to Roy. Not counting his cameos in the 3DS games, ALL of Marth's battle animations are stabs rather than slashes, as is Roy's non-SoS animation. Yet in Melee, his only stabbing move was one of four options of Dancing Blade, out of what, 9 options? Not a single move Marth has looks anything like any of his battle animations. Even his post-Brawl Shield Breaker doesn't quite resemble any of his attacks. As a result, Roy's moves also look very little like his animations.

    However, since Roy's moveset has been touched up, his f-smash at least looks vaguely similar to the SoS animation, and his counter unlike Marth's at least has some relevance to his animations in FE6. I complained about Lucina already, tldr Ike's moves look way more like 3DS animations than Marth's.

    It only applies to Marth and Roy right now, but post 3D FE doesn't have much to work off moveset wise. But if the characters have literally two animations each, it shouldn't be that difficult to at least make them central moves, let alone moves at all.

    I think Marth's moveset animations were originally based off the SNES Jugdral games, if I recall correctly? It seems like his animations mimic the skill/crit animations in those games. Isn't Dancing Blade basically Astra, and the Dolphin Slash the Myrmidon crit animation? Let me know if I'm wrong on this.

  7. 11 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    None of the five newcomers from Awakening got recast.
    Olivia is still Karen Strassman, Sumia is still an uncredited Eden Riegel, Maribelle is still Melissa Fahn, Libra is still Cindy Robinson, and Walhart is still Richard Epcar.

    Interesting how Eden went from Claudia Lenz as Kana to just flat out uncredited here.

    This must be her brother, the Emmy award-winning Sam Riegel's doing. He's become so engrossed with power from the Emmy that he feels he cannot let his family outshine him, and now he's on a path of conquest to take over the whole world with silly advertisement skits.

  8. On 7/16/2018 at 5:28 AM, Zangetsu said:

    I've seen more than my share of requesting Grima being Robin's new final smash.


    If anything else, I would be more upset with Chrom being an echo of Ike since that would mean Sakurai & his team wouldn't have more idea on future reps for Fire Emblem.

    What do you mean they wouldn't have more ideas? If you're saying that like it's a sign of running out of ideas for FE movesets, I disagree; the reason for Chrom being an Echo fighter would probably be because Echo fighters are simply faster to create than a fighter with a new moveset. That, and the potential (if they act upon it) for axe/lance/pure dragon/pure magic/bow FE reps is likely irrelevant to making movesets for sword users.

  9. 21 hours ago, cellimen45 said:

    true I apologize for not wording correctly I meant fire emblem does not need casual mode.

    I mean, you could say the same for plenty of things in FE. But they add more options for different experiences.

    I'd say, though, that if FE wants to appeal to a broader audience, then it probably wants (if not needs) casual mode. And thus it helped bring new, previously intimidated folks in.

  10. 23 hours ago, cellimen45 said:

    This is the unpopular opinion thread. I'm not speaking for others I'm just stating my opinion. I feel it makes the game incredibly easy because I feel it's rather hard to lose your whole team in a single fight. It also breaks the immersion oh I got beat up but despite them trying to kill me I and all my teammates will always escape without dying. I know the chance of it being removed is low and I don't care if it is there or not. 


    I forgot about the existence of Phoenix mode but that I also believe is unnecessary.

    If you're not speaking for others, don't say "we don't need it". You're welcome to say you don't need it, but you stepped beyond "just stating my opinion".

  11. Just now, Serea-chan said:

    Ahh I see what you're saying. I myself see Young Tiki and Adult Tiki as the same character, just different ages. So I see where you coming from but they're the same character just designed in vastly contrary ways. 

    I see them both as the same person too, but their drastic alteration in maturity does make them come off as different people, even if they do share the same history. As a kid, she uses more informal language and is more excitable while her grown-up self is more calmer and speaks more elegantly (save for her spells of her younger self coming out).

  12. 8 minutes ago, Serea-chan said:

    Not to be a bitch, but exactly what authority do you have to tell people what needs expressed and when? 

    Okay, I guess I fell victim to the godmodding trap. But I still stand with my opinion. I'd be even mote of a jerk if I randomly said "I'll go for Camilla, she's got a pretty design and she's better than Ryoma imo" despite Ryoma being uninvolved.

    Not saying that's actually my opinion of Camilla, but you get what I mean; Ryoma fans would not like that I bashed him out of nowhere like that.

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