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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. Something curious I noticed on the very same announcement page is that they encourage you to suggest new heroes via the feedback form.

    Huh; I thought that was just for user experience, bugs, glitches, etc. And the fact that they encourage this is intriguing.

    In any case, I'm just happy they have RD and BiB coming and were willing to spill the beans like this so generously. So I will keep playing Heroes and enjoy whatever else comes at us. :) (Well, within reason.)

  2. I'm hoping we get some RD units that lacked any backstory during Forging Bonds time. Best way to get these guys backstory.

    Though, it does have me curious when the big update will be, since that's when I'm expecting we'd get laguz. I don't think they'd throw a bunch of beasts under RD only, so seems like that's later...?

  3. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, she is so naive that she gives the villain Renais's Sacred Stone. That's why I call her dumb. I don't get how someone can realistically be THAT stupid/naive. And this is why I don't like her and prefer Ephraim by far of the twins. Eirika just makes me facepalm hard.

    Looking at the script, not only was it what I'd consider the non-canon route, but it was also Lyon before he switched to his possessed look and he manipulated her feelings as long time friends, so there's something. Context matters, kids!

  4. Speaking of the banner, sadly (well, maybe not, because I'm still trying for Witch Mia), I don't see anything that entices my interests like Marth or Tiki.

    1 minute ago, eclipse said:


    Red - I don't have any units here.
    Blue - I like my Sumia, but my Ninian could use a much better boon/bane.  Don't have Ephraim.
    Green - Lyn could use a better boon/bane, and I don't have the other two.
    Colorless - My Grima's amazing, I'm not going to say no to another Genny, and who is this Innes guy?

    Looks like my priorities are Red >> Green > Blue = Colorless.  If I had any orbs to throw at this banner.

    hey, he has image problems, eirika will back me up on this

  5. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    That's weird. I almost never see any talk of her at all. People talk far more about Ephraim or Lucina or Ike or Lyn or what not.

    Well, she's a lord, for one thing, so that'll net her a significant amount of popularity. Also, I remember she upset Fates' Elise in the Voting Gauntlet back when there were no multiplier rules, which was a shocker.

    That said, yeah; surprised she got a legendary so early after Ephraim did. I'd have thought she'd get in next year, but hey; here we are.

    Also, fun fact: excluding Brave units (and Grima), Eirika is the only unit to have a legendary and non-seasonal alt.

    2 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Thinking about it, Eirika being a Water Hero is actually kind of brilliant considering her bracelet and Ephraim’s bracelet.

    As was said before, what did Lyn, Female Grima, Fjorn and Gunnthra did to be legendary heroes? Plus where Eirika was ever dumb? And she’s not even weak, as even Ephraim praises her skill.

    Please don’t go insulting a characters and making things up just because you don’t like her.

    I think with Eirika is that she had a derp moment with evil Lyon? I forgot all about it, so don't quote me on that.

  6. 1 hour ago, Slumber said:

    Have you been to a Packers game? The Packers have possibly the most notorious fanbase in the NFL. I say this as somebody who lives where both the Eagles and the Patriots were hosted during the Superbowl last year. 

    And look up Green Bay. They're literally pricing out residents of the town to put in more Packers-themed attractions. 

    I feel like home crowds naturally have plenty of unruly fans; they always seem to boo penalties against their team even when the replay proves that the penalties were right, for one thing. Regardless, it's wrong to judge every single person of a team fanbase to all be like each other. I don't care if you're talking about the Pats, Eagles, or the Bengals; they have their fair share of good eggs in spite of their respective reputations.

    I also looked up "Green Bay" on Google, went into the news search and didn't see anything like that. Should I use other terms or something?

  7. 35 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    This was after a game in which they won 22-0. He has a history of doing this, and it's pretty clear he despises McCarthy.

    The last few seasons have turned Rodgers into a sad man. I really don't think he's happy playing for a second rate team that can only win when he's around.

    Since I lack context on this personally, I'll just avoid pushing the issue on his relationship with his team. Regardless, that doesn't excuse insulting the city in general and the fans.

  8. 6 hours ago, Slumber said:

    McCarthy is a terrible coach. The coordinators barely do their jobs. The team, sans Rodgers, looks like a bunch of second stringers from nearly any other solid team in the NFL. Green Bay, as a city, fucking sucks and is basically just a Packers themed amusement park with 0 amusement. The fans are some of the worst in the NFL. 

    Every day Rodgers wakes up is is a day he regrets doing so. 

    The guy hates the Packers. 

    Holy crap, dude, chill the hell out. I'd like to at least see proof or at least hints that Rodgers hates Green Bay, because their record is fairly decent and you say that like there are fanbases that don't mostly seem like they're represented by a bunch of biased, toxic fans (and please don't try to argue that one team's fanbase is more toxic than another, that is not a debate worth getting into). Did you have a bad visit to GB or something?

  9. 12 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Yeah, i did bring that up. GameXplain does reviews but they don't use a numbering system. They used to rate games out of 5 but that was a long time ago. They still have a scale but it's a lot more broad. I believe it goes "meh" -> liked" -> "liked a lot" -> "loved" -> "mindblown".

    Super Mario Odyssey was the only game they ever gave a "mindblown" but even then, that doesn't mean 10/10. That just means they loved the game so much.

    Before meh, there's also disliked. The only time I remember that is Brainscratchcomms' Ted's very controversial review of Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice.

    Also, funny how people say three members yet they forget GX added Jon Cartwright. :P

    Anyways, I typically look at Somecallmejohnny (and maybe others I'm forgetting, but not necessarily the super huge guys) for reviews since he seems to come off as very objective in fair. Super Mario 64 is a beloved classic? Well, Johnny hasn't played it, so no nostalgia goggles for him! I also just try to stay away from reviews made by the big guys like IGN or Gamespot due to their controversial status (IGN's review of FEE Shadows of Valentia was just...no). I'll also listen to word from the people I follow on Twitter that seem to also be objective like Chugga, ProtonJon, Tom Fawkes, etc.

    Oh! Can't forget about Nintendo Life. Alex Olney is a delight to watch when he reviews or talks about stuff for sure.

  10. 1 hour ago, Florete said:


    Lyn and F!Robin/Grima don't have non-Brave alts in the standard summoning pool.

    You're right on Lyn (though I think it's too much of a technicality to specify normal banners in regards to the argument), but I think the case for F!Grima is that she's the legendary variation of M!Grima. Then again, who knows what IS's personal rules are on the avatars and alts.

  11. I hope Sam Riegel has the time to come back and either reprise his roles or at least voice one more new guy. Of course, when you're an Emmy award-winner* who plays D&D weekly and get involved in silly antics on a podcast, you may not have the time.

    I'd also be cool with Erica Mendez voicing some more folks. I can see her being Tormod, for instance.

  12. I'd be pleased if we got Alm or Celica in so we get a SoV legendary, especially with how minimal attention the game's gotten in terms of units in recent times (even including seasonals). Roy would be fine, too.

    I also think Eirika's an inevitability to get a legendary eventually. It may be a ways from now, but I don't feel like getting an alt in specifically a normal banner is concrete proof that she's doomed to non-legendary status forever. IS doesn't exactly stay consistent with releasing units, anyways.

  13. 1 hour ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    Elincia being flying healer is honestly kind of a roundabout. Ask anyone during 2017 and i can bet you you'd get flamed for suggesting Flying Elincia

    Er, you meant healer Elincia, right? Not flying Elincia? And it's not really truly bad to ask for that anymore with how alts are a thing, healers aren't too bad anymore and Elincia's already in as a sword unit. It's the "first dibs on this" stuff that confuses me.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

    Sure, but Ewan can also use Gleipnir, I guess.

    Maybe Validar is the only character that really got screwed. Why does Morgan have Grima's Truth again?


    Because he didn't want to take Grima's dare.

    Seriously, though, yeah, IS is weird with how they're introducing units. Charlotte, Shigure and Noire (and maybe Inigo, but with Laslow already in I'm not too sure?) getting in first as alternates before their vanilla selves are even more examples of this.

  15. 1 minute ago, TheWill said:

    I hope so, I miss the game even though I play it regularly enough. A weird dynamic. 

    Reina and Knoll are definitely not deconfirmed (although I would argue they're very unlikely). The point isn't that they're not ever going to be put in the game, but rather that IS makes the direct decision to ignore these characters to force a number of unncessary alts on more popular characters. Obviously, monetary value is the underlying reason behind these decisions and I understand people accept this because of such, but you have to understand that others absolutely will not stand by or accept this. Yes, Eirika and Hinoka fans get a new alt, but Knoll and Reina fans absolutely got screwed and now have many months to wait before they can get added into the game.

    Monetary gain will definitely be the underlying and most important factor for IS's decisions when it comes to character and banner releases, but... You're acting as if it's the only motivation behind their decision-making which is simply not the case. Many times they've released alts of lesser popular characters. Bride Sanaki, Olwen2, Hardin, Nina, Halloween Jakob, Summer Innes, Karla and so on... These characters absolutely would have not been getting seasonals, let alone included in the game if money was the only motivation behind releasing characters. Similarly, we wouldn't have gotten a Thracia or New Mystery banner in the first place. Similarly, there's no excuse for characters like Ike, Eirika, Ephraim, Celica, Alm and so on not having seasonals.

    Just look at the recent announcement, if they only cared about money, they absolutely wouldn't have made Aversa the GHB... and yet, they did. I do think IS has been greedy in a number of different ways, but they absolutely have been trying to listen to fans in other aspects, hence why they need to release a damn Binding Blade banner for the same reason Thracia 776 needed a banner (and arguably, still does, without alts bloating the pool). 

    If money was the only motivation towards , they would have never released Leif, they would continue making alts of popular character only (rather than going back to new characters like the recent banners have been doing).

    Really... this whole circular discussion is a bit silly. When they make literal "irrelevant" characters like Lene, Karla and (to a lesser degree, due to his unique situation) Reinhardt desirable units with real fans now, it just goes to show that a bit of effort can actually go a long way.

    Well, Kinshi isn't necessarily exclusive to Reina like Knoll's tome. Sure, she's the first knight you see, but any sky knight can promote into them. And it's not like healer flying Elincia was bound to show up on a Halloween banner, not to mention she'd technically be an alt as well, though I don't comprehend if you view alts in general as unnecessary or those that match a certain criteria.

    ...speaking of characters planned, though, it does have me thinking about Valbar possibly being excluded with how Leon's dialogue talks about him being separated from Valbar. That's worrying for the big guy.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Dammit guys, why the fuck was I even mentioned in this topic? Can't a person just get back from a D&D session with friends and chill without being thrown into this idiocy?

    I've expressed my disappointment with newer male units tending to be more mediocre than female units on average -- Silas and Libra were created just to be dropped. Lewyn and Quan probably avoided that fate because they're popular, plot-relevant, canonically powerful, and Silvia is ... well, none of those. She's just another random character in regards to the story. Also, @NoirCore, I don't think this was your intent but I do not like the insinuation that people (and especially I) are only complaining about things Anacybele is complaining about because she "planted" the idea in our heads, like we're so weak-willed that we didn't notice it ourselves or that we were just completely fine with it beforehand. On the contrary, there have always been people complaining about things, not just Anacybele. Where the fuck were you?

    With regards to this banner:

    Kliff: I guess he's cool. Will probably try for him.
    Owain: I like him more than Odin as a character, and he seems cool. Wouldn't mind getting him.
    Loki: Ugh, but I guess OCs are fair game now, especially after the Muspell trio. Don't really want to get her, but I will use her if I get her. Also, fuck these duel skills.
    Aversa: She's free, can't complain.

    I meant what she specifically complains about that I did not manage to see others complain about, not complaining in general. I was not referring to the gender imbalance (which is very understandable, as I agreed with it in the same thread), but the idea that IS employees were sexist. Maybe it was bad wording on my part (though I said unintentionally planted), but I did not imply you guys were weak-willed. Like I said, when someone says something, it can get others thinking, especially if it stands out. The gender imbalance is a common complaint and nothing necessarily new, although it is reasonable to complain about when not done to THAT extent I implied earlier.

  17. 19 minutes ago, TheWill said:

    We have no idea what the sales are, so this hypothetical is a fruitless discussion as we have no real sale figures. However, considering the most popular character in the franchise has yet to even have a seasonal alt, it's pretty inexcusable when characters like Kagero begin getting two. 

    "Trying to equalize representation" and "equal representation" aren't the same. One is an ongoing process, the other is a current or completed state. They were trying to equalize the representation amongst the franchise, but they stopped in favour of shilling Awakening/Fates characters. Some of which of whom aren't even popular (Nina, Libra). 

    The game has continually made disappointing design decisions with an overall drop in community satisfaction. Should we keep expecting them to keep up this ongoing train of disappointment and bad decisions? IMO, no. We should expect them to be better. The first year of this game was great, despite the mishaps, expecting the game to be like that first year is reasonable as far as I'm concerned. 

    Well, we ARE coming up on the V3 update, so if there's a time to add stuff to get people interested again, it's then.

    15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I "plant" ideas in other people's heads without knowing? And you think what I said was odd.

    One example is Sunwoo/Sangyul and I happen to know that she held the same opinion as me at least regarding Silas BEFORE I posted. And I definitely recall at least one other person agreeing with me on Elincia needing to have been the first flying healer. I would link, but it's late and I'm about to go to bed. And that thread is probably well buried now too anyway.


    Well, saying interesting facts like "Mia is the first healing flyer" alongside "Elincia can heal on a pegasus in her own game" will get people thinking about them. That's not odd. And keep in mind that I'm not specifically talking about the unbalance in gender, but your sexism accusations.

    In that case, I will still wait for such links or for others to come forth with sharing such ideas.

    12 minutes ago, TheWill said:

    To be honest I'm kind of surprised you haven't seen these types of posts?

    The exact same stuff happened when Eirika "stole" Gelipnir and Hinoka punted Reina off her Kinshi. 

    Maybe "should" is the wrong word as it suggests ownership over a theme, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense for Knoll to use Gleipnir, Reina to be the first Kinshi and Elincia to be the first flying healer. Hence, the basis of the complaints. I wasn't as disappointed over Mia overriding Elincia, but the other two were especially frustrating since the only reason Knoll and Reina didn't get included into the game was so IS could make a quick buck from Eirika/Hinoka fans.

    ...you say that like Knoll and Reina are deconfirmed for Heroes because their weapons/notable traits are in there with others. That's not true. Knoll can still be added with his weapon (we have units sharing legendary weapons already in the form of Seliph and Julia with Sigurd and Dierdre) and Reina can still come in as a Kinshi Knight. Nothing says they can't, especially Reina. Similarly, flying healer Elincia is not deconfirmed. No one is taking away any right to get in the game.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Except, I wasn't the only person to have the same disappointments. A couple others voiced that they also didn't like how IS kept giving males worse skillsets and all and a couple others also voiced that they agreed that Elincia or someone else other than Mia should've been the first flying healer. These opinions weren't restricted to just me at all.

    I haven't noticed them, if that's the case. Care to link me to them, perhaps? To add, you show up early often (when you are at your peak in your disappointment and are doing a quick reaction without giving time to let it sink in), so for all we know, you unintentionally plant such ideas in their heads (if those exist). In any case, no one has a right to be the first unit with such a specific weapon/movement type combo, and the same will apply to the beasts in V3.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    So I'm blunt, yes. Just how I am sometimes. It's not a bad thing as long as I'm not being rude.

    And a lot of people dislike when characters they want share colors. It literally makes it harder to get said character. Other people were upset that Ophelia was sharing with Silas, especially since he was the obvious demote.

    And FE6 isn't something I want, just something I expect because it's not yet had a single banner. I actually probably wouldn't pull on it.

    Thing is, you always seem like this extra-dark cloud in this crowd of happiness every banner, and your bluntness with how you repeat "disappointing" every time while trying to deconstruct how wonderful the banner is to others (I mean, you're posting in a topic) is a super downer. Then you go claiming odd things like "Mia stole Elincia's right as the first flying healer" or "Silas is the only guy and does not have as much skills? IS is run by sexist people!" It feels like when you get disappointed, you start looking for reasons to justify your hate, and I know you aren't a big fan of best Tellius girl Mia or the large amount of female representation, which I get you have your own reasons for, which may have fueled such claims.

  20. 18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    And wouldn't they still be happy if they had appeared on different banners instead? You're acting like I said these characters should never be in at all when that's not the case. I said Kliff could be in an Echoes banner, Owain in an Awakening one, and so on.

    Could've spent time adding beast weapons. But regardless, I'll still be happy when they get in, if they do. I've slowly been losing hope.

    Wow, this is uncalled for. You don't need to flame me. So what if I feel that Farfetch'd banners are unnecessary? That doesn't make it dumb.

    No, I didn't. I said why force people to wait for these characters they voted for instead of giving them at the earliest point, hence the Brave Redux banner existing in the first place? You speak from impatience, and while understandable, it's making you appear biased.

    In the middle of version 2? Why? Such a big change to the meta should be held for V3. Notice how the changes after V2 so far have not been as big? For all we know, they could be implementing a mechanic unique to beasts. Can't do that early on if it's that big.

    15 minutes ago, TheWill said:

    What metric of assessment are you using to denounce her opinion and label it as dumb?

    Regardless, what nonsense. Just because someone is in the minority doesn't make it reasonable to disregard them or their opinion.

    Maybe I was indeed too blunt, but anyways, I acknowledged her opinion is of the minority, yes, but not that by that logic, no one should listen. It just felt like she was being obnoxious with saying it with how blunt she was, and she's often been bluntly disappointed in some way with all these banners, even when Silas finally got in because he shared a color. I just feel that Ana is saying "people should wait to get these characters they wanted so bad so I can get more Tellius or even FE6". Not necessarily what she is specifically thinking, but I feel she is putting her expectations high in spite of IS's clear bias for games and allowing herself to get disappointed.

    I might have acted from bias myself from our prior interactions, I'll admit, but I still don't agree on an objective level.

  21. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Why is it petty? Like I said, Kliff could've been in another Echoes banner, Owain is still an alt that could've just been saved for an Awakening banner. I'm not arguing against anyone not being popular here. Just them doing a pointless second Farfetch'd Heroes. It wasn't necessary since these units could've been added other ways and some FE games are in dire need of new banners.

    And like I also pointed out, some beast units scored higher, so why aren't they in this? Because they'd require a bit more work? So what? They still scored high enough. Why choose to give the middle finger to people who want beast units?

    So I don't see at all how my disappointment is petty. I'm allowed to be disappointed and believe this should've been something else.

    Why? Why is there a need to wait? And why should IS avoid doing an event to put in Heroes people really wanted in the game as evidenced by the votes? In any case, I see many people happy these guys are in, so sounds like you're sad IS is not catering to you.

    You say "middle finger", but since you quoted me before my edit, I suppose that I'll have to point out the obvious in that there's no beast weapon in the game and version 3 is coming up soon as we just finished book 2. The big update logically would contain the beast units, not a banner when beasts can't even be put in yet. (And no, stones don't work because anti-dragon weapons should not hurt beasts.)

    And we are allowed to think your disappointment is of the minority and that your ideas of "no Brave runners-up" banner is dumb.

  22. 11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Disappointing. Kliff did need to be added at some point, but not like this. Should've just been in another Echoes banner. Owain is technically an alt *yawn* and could've just been in a future Awakening banner (heh), and the rest is walking fanservice.

    I should probably stop expecting Tellius or FE6 or whatever else. IS is never going to do anymore for them, it seems, since I just keep being disappointed.

    But I guess at least I can go dump some orbs for Laevatein again.

    "Not like this"

    ...who cares how the hell he's added? The fact that he's finally in AND Echoes actually got a new unit for once that isn't an alt seems great enough.

    Also, Owain is a very beloved character not to mention Odin is notorious for being bad, so now people finally get to play as Owain but likely better. It was better he got in soon.

    Besides, did you forget the CYL results, hence "Brave Redux"? These four characters were the four highest-ranked characters on the poll who were either non-summonable or not beast units. The same happened for last year too, except they also ignored main characters (Leif and Micaiah) since they ideally should be the stars of their game's first game-themed banner.

    Blame the votes for these guys getting in now (like saving them for later is worth whining for).

    Edit: Ninjad, but still, that is a petty complaint.

    Edit 2: They are VERY CLEARLY saving the beasts for update 3.0 because there is no beast weapon yet. Of course they were left out.

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