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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 2 hours ago, King Marth 64 said:

    Sakurai did said it be one fighter for each challenger pack. He did mentioned there is no complete Echo Fighter are going to included sadly, it possibly to have a Semi-Echo Fighter similar to how they added Roy and Lucas in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii DLC content.

    Well, yes, I know no Echoes are gonna fill the DLC slots, but I don't think he necessarily denied more Echo fighters coming in?

  2. 8 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

    I wish I knew more of Tekken's lore to understand the reference if there is one.

    Basically, the Mishima family hates each others' guts and like to drop each other's unconscious bodies from high altitudes, notably Heihachi and Kazuya, father and son.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Midnox said:

    Can’t see the image, but judging by so many mentions of Linde, it wasn’t hard to figure out it was, at last, Gharnef Wesker

    If Gharnef doesn't demand an egg from me like Wesker, I'm turning him into the feathers of a creature that lays eggs.

    Looks like we got a second SD villain.

    2 minutes ago, Granny said:

    I don't know that guy. I usually don't mind that, but he looks like a standard evil guy who will probably have standard evil lines. Thats boring... guess it's okay if others are happy, but I see no reason to ever use him.

    Gharnef is from Shadow Dragon (Marth's game, originating from the NES days and remade for DS) and showed up in Warriors. He hypnotized Tiki before she and Marth met for the first time and I think is a manakete except he prefers using magic? In any case, he's not just some generic bad guy made out of nowhere for Heroes.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Florete said:

    I really hope this is a one-off and two-unit banners won't become the new norm. Three is low enough.

    Like others, I totally expected Hrid to be on this. Was I wrong and Hrid will actually be a legendary hero after all? ...Nah, still holding onto that. 

    Seems likely it's just a one-off. Hrid seems like either the Legendary or GHB coming up and then there's no more Book 2 characters to pluck out, so that must be why it's so condensed.

    Edit: @Sentinel07 comes in and steals my thunder. :P

  5. Feels sorta like IS is maybe trying to lower expectations before Book 3 comes in? This and the Adrift banner haven't had the most glorious fanfare with them being paralogues (the last paralogue that introduced at least three characters not already in Heroes (including outside the banner) that wasn't a Brave banner being Genealogy from last year), which has me wondering if they're saving the juicy stuff for when Book 3 starts.

    In any case, underwhelming to me, but eh, I don't really feel like it's worth me getting a molecule of rage over. Just means I can refill my orbs more after being stuck on low orbs for a while.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Integrity said:

    i'm breaking forum rules and warning myself for it because sports suck and i hate them this week



    That's sorta hilarious. Here, have a post to help you avoid double posting if you have any other remarks. :P

    Worried about facing the Saints, though. They've been slamming down everyone in their path.

  7. Man, Steelers aren't looking too well. Already some interceptions and no points overall the 1st half so far, even if the Jaguars, in spite of their record, have the 2nd best defense. At least we've held them to 9 points, but we need a wake-up call during halftime.

    Edit: Man, that roughing the passer penalty was a bad call by the refs, and I say that as it saved us a turnover.

    Edit 2: Holy snap, we just managed to snag that win amid everything. Phew...

  8. With Valentia, I think the writing of the supports could have improved if they had supports take place at base instead of on the battlefield like what PoR, Mystery, Awakening and Fates did. On the battlefield, there's not really room to sculpt out what characters are doing and they can't do stuff like help with chores, relax around the area, etc. (at least, not without their support partner calling them out like Forde painting). At base, you can choose from more settings for supports to take place, including some unseen battle, a shopping trip, cooking, etc.

    Also, my least favorite character is Shinon. I find it bizarre they try to make him this teacher Rolf considers a role model yet have him racist against laguz for no known reason and don't bother explaining why or softening this hatred a good amount in the end. Like, sure, have a few teammates that hate the lord, but at least give reason to their negative character traits like Soren's own racism did.

  9. 8 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

    I've outlined this in other threads, but I'll say it again here just to put a concrete proposal on the table and see if we can get some meeting-of-the-minds on common ground here.

    Don't ban guns. Treat them like cars.

    • License needed to own and operate.
    • Training Course + Field Test + medical fitness evaluation needed to get a license
    • All guns must be marked with an identification number + registered with their owner
    • All changes of ownership must be logged, recorded, and reported to public records
    • Unlawful sales, unlicensed operations, and unsafe operations shall be punishable by degree of severity with fines, criminal penalties, and/or loss of license.

      Acceptable? Unacceptable? 

    I do agree with the idea. Without driver licenses, there'd be much more car crashes, so I'm thinking the same thing with guns by that idea in general.

  10. 12 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    Diversity isn't a virtue. Not in the "hire less x group and hire more y group". Just like affirmative action. Meritocracy goes out the window for that inclusivity and diversity toxicity. The best person for the job, not based on skin color.

    So we should control guns? Why? The "showroom loophole"? There's no loophole to legally obtaining firearms. "no one needs an AK to hunt" so? Let the badass hunt with his AK. Even though fully automatic firearms are prohibited from being sold in America. AR-15? Semi-Auto. Like a handgun. "silencer" nope, not a real thing. They mean suppressor but I am anal about technicality. Consider it a strength, I do.

    If not that, then because danger is scary? And guns are dangerous? Screw everyone because a few crazy people used the dangerous thing to harm people. Okay there, Mother Theresa. Guns are equally capable of harming and helping. There was a shooting in Texas this year. It didn't go fatal because of a "good guy with a gun that totally doesn't exist" happened to be near. That man is a real hero. We should arm all who are capable and mentally sound, not punish everyone for total failure situations that happen. That's only making the problem worse. And no, the gun criminal is the total failure. That's just mean.

    If guns are bad, how come America has the best military, by far? It's an unspoken law that "he with biggest stick wins". Without America, who knows what the world would be like. I can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, the state of the world would be far worse off.

    Links to sources, please.

    To be honest, it looks blatantly like you're ignoring our arguments and assuming that they are what they aren't. You've failed to address my source with all the mass shooting information and my point about how easy it is to kill with a gun, among other things, not to mention assumed we want all guns to be banned. I merely want control, not an outright banning of all guns. Yes, there was a gun hero there, but there have been many more gun villains than the few we've heard about. In fact, you don't need to use a gun to be a hero.

  11. 45 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    You guys don't understand. Clearly. "control guns" is a euphemism. We haven't "controlled" knives yet. And the government can't get away with that. It's literally tyrannical to "control guns" because they're dangerous. Guess electronics should be controlled, too. Same with lighters. If it can hurt someone, let's get rid of it.

    That's a disgusting world view. See how crazy that is? If we judge based on feelings, we'd be a socialist country, or Canada. Take your pick. Traditional values trump "progression". They form the moral compass of a nation. We can get in trouble for saying Merry Christmas, now. All for diversity. Whoever started the "diversity is good" thing should be shot. Hell, there's too much diversity, but almost no diversity of thought. "diversity" is also code for "freedom FROM speech", because inclusion or some other bullhonky. America is a Christian nation. But we can't have that. Why? Because it makes us look good? Pfft, not even close. No one gets help from "inclusion". Just how people work.

    They'll have to kill me to even limit guns. Limiting guns is why Germany is in trouble right now. Can't hurt the immigrants, I guess. Because we're "all the same race"...Fuck that. White people are white, black people are black. Both races are equal in America. More white people end dead by cops than black people, but you only hear about black people dying. Yet there's a "police brutality towards black people" in America epidemic. Every dead black person was breaking the law. Resist arrest. They made their decision. All because white people are bad, cops are bad. Because guns are bad. Definitely not the individuals, black or white. Definitely the guns and the cops. That's a stupid movement, like ANTIFA and BLM.

    Tools aren't the problem, it's the people. Maybe instead of blaming the tool, try blaming the dumb ass who used the tool. Not too difficult to do, I hope. This is why we need more NRA. Limiting guns only benefits criminals. It punishes good people. Because feelings. Because weak people want freedom and reality gone. That's why gun control is bad. Because it erodes freedom. Look at many dictatorships. No citizenry with guns. Only the party decides what can be said. Just look at Venezuela. It went socialist and now the middle class are poor. They have to line up for food and the like. All because "we gotta be nice to everyone". And what resulted from forced altruism? Venezuela.

    If you limit guns, you choke freedom. End of discussion. We "live in a pretty tyrannical country"? Where? Anywhere where you can AND will be jailed for "hate speech", which is protected BY freedom of speech. Count Dankula went to trial, over a pug doing a Nazi salute. That's not freedom. That's tyranny. Operating purely on emotion is tyranny. Want out? Stop being a damn slave to your goddamn feelings like a fucking weak person! Fair isn't bad. Giving special treatment because "me-so-gyny" and "system racism" is bad. You only want that because you're afraid of being seen as a coward. Plain and simple. Sometimes, helping is bad, especially on a national level.

    Deal with it.

    You keep preaching "freedom", but that's the thing: too much freedom leads to chaos and discord, and that's why the US has the reputation for its guns for the worse. Yes, the person is the problem, but the problem is intensified by giving the problem a weapon that can sneakily kill multiple people in seconds from any range, or at least allowing the problem to easily obtain said weapon. Knives, baseball bats, etc. can't kill from range and are unlikely to be effective to murder multiples. Cars aren't easy to grab off the ground or even allow you to pilot them. Guns are.

    Ironic you talk about diversity being a bad thing; I thought you were all for freedom? (And it's very unsettling that you specifically state that whoever started the idea that diversity is good should be "shot"; we're trying to stop gun-related murder.) You seem to be ranting about how being nice means being weak and all that, but it sounds, ironically enough, emotionally driven by you, with how much you claim we rely on our emotions for pro-gun control as a hasty generalization. If you want us to believe these claims, then give reliable sources benefitting these claims, because so far I see minimal reason to believe this.

    Speaking of which, I'm curious as to what you think of the source I've shown. There is minimal emotion behind the studies' results and such; the numbers are objective. If you want us to believe otherwise, tell me why the source's information is unreliable enough that you feel compelled to outright ignore it.

  12. ...yeah, I'm still convinced gun control's the way to go. It's not going to completely remove the issue of mass shootings, but I'm certain it'll decrease it.

    I'm not too knowledgeable on what sources have bad reputations or not, but according to this, the US has a staggering number of firearm homicides compared to other countries as well as a large amount of civilian-owned guns compared to the rest of the world. There's also been 1,300 mass shootings since Sandy Hook, with mass shootings including incidents where four or more people were specifically shot, excluding the shooter. There's also been 130 studies in 10 countries that in 2016 shows that countries with tighter laws in regards to owning or purchasing guns.

    If America's the land of the free, it should allows us to be free to live peaceful lives without worry. Gun control will help with that with the proper laws that make having or getting a gun difficult if people trying to get guns for unhelpful purposes fail to meet the law's standards. Freedom does not necessarily mean chaos.

  13. @ZangetsuNxC. Shion was paired up with MOMO while KOS-MOS was by herself.

    @ArmagonIsn't Shion sorta controversial due to her portrayal in episode III because spoilers? Also, it seems more like KOS-MOS is Namco's less-cartoony main crossover star with her appearances in the whole PxZ series, the Robot Wars games(? Hope I didn't get the name wrong), and of course, Xenoblade. Hell, T-elos gets more traction than Shion, and she's an antagonist.

  14. 21 minutes ago, LordOTaco said:

    Just seems kinda dumb on all sides.  Dumb that people are offended by it and dumb that people are raising a fuss over a pretty minor change.  Now I will say there have been times where the "PC" stuff has been taken too far to the point of crippling the original product. When that is placed above producing a good product or service particularly in entertainment it typically doesn't end well for anyone and a very inadvisable way to run a business.  Especially when the ones screaming the loudest tend to be the vast minority of people and most just want to buy a good game and enjoy it.

    Why do you think it's dumb that people are offended? You understand the context, right? That's the important part.

  15. I think it's fine what Nintendo did. They're taking the safe route by just deleting something extremely minor and insignificant to the enjoyment of the game for those not racially offended while those who are become satisfied. It's silly how one getting angry over others wanting a very small graphic removed is ironically themselves getting angry over something they described as minor and saying that those offended should not give a damn about it (and the non-offended wouldn't give a damn about had it not been brought up).

  16. whats with rena strober and characters she voices getting into time-related shenanigans

    In any case, interesting how they made an alt with the character in a different form we've never seen before (except if Cipher did that already and I didn't know).

    when is grown-up myrrh, fae and nowi as well as dragon roy

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