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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. Haven't really ventured much into this topic let alone posted in it, but just posting here to say that this Tuesday, I'll be helping the blue wave. I have a large yet non-violent hatred for Trump, his attitude/ideas (especially his anti-LGBT+ ones, speaking as a straight cis man), and disappointment for those who mimic and support his sentiments. Before the year of Trump's election, I used to be indifferent to politics because I didn't really understand them (not that I could vote in the past), but early on in 2016, I got why they are so divisive, and still get it. Voting feels very important this year, and I intend to get my vote in.

    So yeah, I'm a Democrat, and I'm ready to do my part to help heal the country.

  2. 2 minutes ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    Currently, there is a chart depicting the combinations of element and stat bonus (I think the official JP twitter posts it from time to time, but I'm not sure).  There are 16 combinations, so naturally people have assumed that there will be 16 legendary heroes.

    Despite the fact that it makes no business sense for IS to stop making legendary heroes just because they need to start repeating element/stat combinations.

    Yeah, I'm willing to buy your explanation over these odd fears of "slots".

  3. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    There aren't enough spots left right now for all the lords to get a legendary version though. We have four left. Two colorless, and two unknown colors. The lords we have left now are Chrom, Leif, Sigurd, Seliph, Roy, Eliwood, Alm, Celica, Corrin, and Micaiah. And we could also add Elincia, Xander, and Hrid as reasonable possibilities too given Elincia's role in Tellius and Xander and Hrid having precedent to back them up (Ryoma, Fjorm, and Gunnthra being legendary).

    Now if we get another set of legendaries, okay. Fair game.

    "Spots"? Where did this come from? This is the first I've heard of such a thing, and I am very skeptical of it.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, there's that too. Forgot to mention that alt. I do wonder why they even made that alt if they planned on giving her a legendary version now.

    ...why not? Like I said, it's inevitable that all the lords are going to get legendaries. I expect Chrom to get one, too. Them getting alternate weapon alts means nothing, and I don't see how Brave units don't count against this just because people asked for those alts.

    They made the alt because they wanted to; it's always how IS has done stuff, whether for good or bad.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Maybe not, but they should have at least done things worthy of being called legendary, and I'm not sure Eirika gets up there quite the same way her brother does.

    You know, you never mentioned this last time you said that you think she'd never be a legendary at all. The only reasoning you gave was that she already had an alt via a non-brave banner and that was it.

    Regardless, she's a lord and main character. Expecting her to not be a legendary despite this is odd, especially since we're more exposed to her than Ephraim during the game.

    In any case, I think the "legendary" part is merely just a special label, much like "hero". It's not something to think much about when you have villains coming into the game as "heroes". We're also bound to run out of lords and plot-important characters to become legendary eventually, too.

  6. 6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Yes. It does. Lyon was her friend. A dear friend that she knew for a long time. It doesn't matter how much people tell you it's impossible, no matter what your head tells you. The heart doesn't accept things so easily. No matter how much Eirika knows that Lyon is possessed, hears how he cannot be saved, her heart doesn't want to accept that the dear friend that she had cared for is gone forever. 


    This. I think I can say many people in life have gone through situations where despite the facts presented to them, they went into denial about it due to their emotions. It's a trope in media, too; look at all the times the hero fights their seemingly lost forever friend possessed by some evil force and despite being told they're lost forever, the hero keeps shouting "I know you're in there somewhere" and the sound of the hero's voice reaches their lost friend and they begin to fight back.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Again, can't you read that I did read the context? It still. Does not. Make sense. To me.

    She knew he was possessed though.

    If some people think Ike is the worst, that's their opinion. I don't really care.

    But her emotions still screwed her over. Sometimes, your emotions cause denial to cause you to not think objectively, and that's what happened to Eirika.

    And if you think Eirika giving Lyon the stone was not justified at all, that's only your opinion, too. Not a fact as you claim. I said Ike as an example.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    Celica, but for some reason, the community at large loves her and gives her a free pass.

    At least Eirika had the reasonable excuse of being the best friend and object of the affections of the villain whom she trusted and wanted to be saved.

    I mean, going by Ghast's analysis, I think she was written very well until those two scenes when the writing dropped the ball. She's complex. That's why I like Celica.

    But I agree with your points on Eirika, not to mention that's not the canon path...I think? In any case, this doesn't happen in Ephraim's route. Eirika's doesn't have the true final boss, so...

  9. 11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    It is a fact though, because really, who in their right mind would give such an important and powerful object to the obviously evil villain?

    Well, as has been said to you twice with no contesting from you, said villain did not look like a possessed villain and manipulated the feelings of a very emotional person who considered the same guy she was talking to as one of her best friends.

    Also, no, it is not a fact because that blatantly contradicts the definition of fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.

    Maybe it's an opinion that you consider morally right, but it's no fact, just like how "Ike is the worst FE lord" is not a fact and you'd consider that morally wrong.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Except the difference is I'm just stating actual facts about Eirika. If you wrote up a whole paragraph to bash a character in the way you're describing, you'd just be forcibly and purposely twisting it all.

    Well excuse me for voicing my opinion about her and her getting legendary status.

    "Eirika is dumb for giving the stone to the villain" is not a fact; it's a subjective statement, and one conveniently without context as to why she did it, to add.

  11. 3 minutes ago, dovelair said:

    I guess that's possible. I imagine implementing beast units should come as a big announcement. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but hopefully you're right about that!

    Yeah, with how meta-changing beast weapons would be, I'd expect it to come with a huge update over a medium one. That said, I am expecting beast units in 3.0 with how much we've waited, and I will concede with minor disappointment to IS if they don't come in with beasts, but I won't dwell on it if such a thing happens.

  12. 3 minutes ago, TheWill said:

    Absolutely. You do you, buddy.

    Altho with that said... "compensation orbs for small errors" isn't something remotely unique to IS. It's actually very common. In fact, they still haven't refunded the orbs people used for Loki despite their translation mistake. That's pretty bad compared to other Gacha game I've played, but whatever.

    I've heard folks (maybe Rey?) say FE is more generous with gacha currency than other gacha games. And even then, that's one failed refund out of many gifts of compensation orbs to the point of it becoming a meme.

    @dovelairI doubt it. I imagine 3.0 would come with a beast banner that includes Awakefates units alongside the Tellius units.

  13. 43 minutes ago, TheWill said:

    I honestly thought Mercakete was trolling, tbh. I'm genuinely surprised people think like this.

    People being disappointed is completely natural and from what I've seen (potential sampling bias) on Reddit and Gamefaqs, disappointment in this announcement is the majority reaction.

    Stop having this apologetic attitude towards everything IS does. They've made a lot of bad decisions and this is just one of many. 

    Hey, if you guys are allowed to be disappointed and sound off on that, then we are allowed to keep being apologetic to the guys who keep gifting us compensation orbs for small errors that may not have even impacted a large group of us, to name one good thing they've done among other updates. They're not perfect, I acknowledge. But at least here, there's SOMETHING to go on instead of waiting without a hint and potentially raising expectations only to get disappointed every new banner until January and/or March, depending on what you're waiting for.

    Personally, I'm just gonna preoccupy myself in December playing Smash while I wait. Just gonna enjoy myself instead of crying over spilled milk. :3

  14. 2 minutes ago, Venmi said:

    Gah, really?  I didn't remember that.  I was hoping we'd get a channel later this week about the update next week.  Well, there goes that hope.

    If I recall, it was done around the same time they announced the CYL1 runners up. In any case, my suggestion is not conclusive with how IS isn't necessarily consistent with what they do, but it's a notable point to make. It's just a "wait and see" situation to me.

  15. 1 minute ago, TheWill said:

    To be fair, that Thracia banner was frankly insulting. The Reinhardt alt... fine. But the treatment of Finn (who's actually one of the few remotely popular Thracia characters), Nanna's treatment compared to the trobadours that followed after her and Leif being overshadowed on his debut banner were infuriating. 

    ...I was referring to Reinhardt and Olwen getting alts on the Thracia banner being the bad part.

  16. Just now, Venmi said:

    I was hoping the 3.0 update was next week- a New hero banner and beginning of the month, so good time for a version update.  I could be wrong though.  I'm just so tired of waiting for this game to actually make me excited again.

    2.0's update was made a few weeks in advance, I believe, so we'll likely have to wait for a Feh Channel.

  17. 57 minutes ago, Venmi said:

    What the heck?!  January 2019?

    They may have just killed my interest in the game.  Unless they release PoR laguz next week, I may pull even further away than I have been.  Yes, of course, these things take time to plan, but they really should have expected these complaints.  There are so many characters missing from RD that Tellius is the least represented continent.

    If I had to guess, we're going to get a bunch more Fates/Awakening heroes in the meantime.  This hurts.  A lot.

    At least most of the laguz appear in PoR, so we still have a chance for them.

    I'd say we're only getting laguz after the big 3.0 update, whenever that is. Beast weapons are likely gonna change the meta, so they'll logically keep that for the big update when they release book 3.

  18. 1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

    Can you?

    Amy is the joke.

    The rate of releasing new characters is the joke. New characters take how long to produce, four to six months? They have only noticed that FE6 was basically missing a couple of months ago? They have only noticed that Tellius was basically missing a couple of months before that? “Oh, there are actually games that aren’t 4 (Genealogy is my favourite FE), 7, 13, or 14! Crap”.

    Ah. I knew he had a cool name. He also had a cool moustache. And he also is memey enough for Intsys to consider.

    I don’t want this but they aren’t helping.

    ...I don't see how that's the joke when you suggested alts all over the place. Sounds like you were going for something akin to the Thracia banner but more exaggerated as opposed to poking fun at the wait time.

  19. 2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Roy alt, Lilina alt, Hector alt; Narcian alt GHB; Rutger tempest trial.

    Ike alt, Soren alt, Zelgius alt; that general dude that ran away screaming that the beasts are going to devour him GHB; Amy tempest trial.

    I want to be proven wrong.

    ...I mean, I can say with certainty that it won't happen? Don't really get the joke here.

    amy for heroes tho

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