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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    The thing is, boobs, like I said, are an actual sexual body part. Meaning part of the female reproductive system since they make a growing baby's milk. Muscles are the muscular system.

    Muscles can be seen as attractive, I'll give you that. I would probably say a muscular guy swimming is hot. But super fanservicey? I just don't see it. Maybe it's me being asexual or something though. Agree to disagree.

    Fanservice =/= sexual body parts. It generally means something to please the audience. Super Smash Bros., for example, is fanservicy in the sense it's a crossover game where characters from various different franchises can fight, and a very notable and successful example of fanservice without even needing to resort to sexy stuff. FE Heroes, even excluding its sexual fanservice, is the same way in terms of fanservice, just focused on FE worlds instead.

    That time when you had a shirtless Ike avatar could also be considered fanservice. :P

  2. 5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I didn't say I never saw Tellius fanservice. I said I never saw any Senri Kita art as fanservicey as this Cecilia. Cecilia is more fanservicey than anything in Tellius.

    I disagree. They're just basically shirtless and don't even have nipples or manhood bulges.

    I never specified Tellius fanservice, just that I was shocked you (or I thought you) didn't consider Nailah fanservicy at all (though now I guess you're just calling Cecilia's art Kita's ultimate fanservicy art and that Nailah's is tame in comparison). And I'd still say that Nailah looks pretty fanservicy if we specify female units.

    And I say Largo and Volug still qualify as fanservicy for sure. Who said nipples or man bulges (especially man bulges) are a prerequisite for male fanservice? Never mind that those two clearly show an easily-noticeable amount of muscle and aren't "just shirtless".

  3. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    They're not showing as much cleavage either though, and at least their clothes make sense. :P

    As for Ike... I dunno if one big bicep really counts. He's not showing off a manhood bulge or anything. lol

    Still counts as art Kita's done that's "that fanservicy", as you, Tellius fan extrordinare, have claimed to have never seen period. :P

    Also, here's some more Kita fanservice examples: PoR Largo, Volug, and Tibarn. ESPECIALLY the former two.

  4. @Anacybele What do you mean Nailah and Vika don't exist? Especially Nailah. :P And Ike counts for male fanservice.

    And who knows what the art director or Kita decided (not that I know the kind of person she even is). At the very least, it's just one fanservicy, non-default look for a character in a game which I don't remember even having any fanservicy characters or interpretations.

  5. 41 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Senri Kita, someone told you to make Cecilia three cup sizes bigger, make it look like her breasts are being stretched away from her chest, and make it look like the dress is falling down from them, right? Because this is the first time I've ever seen you do something so tasteless...

    First time I've ever had any issue with Senri Kita art, EVER. But otherwise, Cecilia does look amazing. And I'm glad she's not in a bikini. Just wish she wasn't an armor.

    You make it sound like she committed/helped carry out a crime by calling it tasteless, lol. :P

    But yeah, I can see Cecilia's breasts are larger in comparison to her default art. I know Binding Blade doesn't get much attention, but this is ridiculous. :P

  6. 4 hours ago, XRay said:

    I think it is more of their failure to communicate and slowness to act. They generally do seem to listen to feed back based on their actions, but if they are better at communicating with us and giving us development news and updates, we as players would be much more understanding and patient. They are also abysmally slow at implementing changes, especially in regards to New Heroes Foci where many players want more equal representation from certain games. While I do not care about equal representation, I do care about their ability to satisfy players and how well they do as a business; if they cannot even speed up the Foci development process after almost 2 years since launch, there is something seriously wrong with management and it makes me less optimistic about the future of Fire Emblem.

    Didn't they mention when they dropped the news about when we're getting RD and BiB units that units surprisingly take some months to actually develop? Should you take their word for it, that's probably the slowness they're talking about. Obviously, we're not necessarily sure why the units take as long in the first place or why stuff seems set in stone when they plan it, but I'm not gonna pretend that they're wizards or anything like that.

  7. 1 hour ago, Baldrick said:

    NB: moving away from the Christmas banner thread.

    New Heroes banners having new characters is the expectation and so not worth noting. Those paralogue banners were all Special Heroes, which is expected to be all alts.

    That's because you don't read the whole conversation chain before replying.

    Chapter 6 itself didn't, and neither did chapter 8.

    Unnecessarily harsh choice of words there on your part assuming this is apparently a regular habit of mine despite this being (what I assume is) our only meeting, but I suppose that's what you meant by "last few months" by mentioning CYL2. Point is that this isn't new from my perspective, so...thinking about it, I guess I was provoked it up since you mentioned how alt-heavy it's been and people have been talking about expecting new units during the period of time inbetween books where we normally don't get new heroes and only special ones? In hindsight, I guess it wasn't really noteworthy to your remark, so my bad.

    True, if you exclude the Morgans, and Shigure was indeed in the game already. My mistake for not remembering those units.

    Edit: Sorry for the weird text. Something weird happened when I was deleting words. :/

  8. 10 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    Why is it worth noting? There have only been three New Heroes banners outside of those restrictions, and two of those were OC villain banners which aren't new by default.

    Note we are talking about the period just after CYL2. The first four New Heroes banners, all main story banners, added nine alts, which is pretty disgusting.


    1) What are you talking about? Most if not all of Book II's main story banners was after the Sigurd paralogue banner and most of those had at least two if not more new characters that had not been in Heroes yet. That's why I found it worth noting compared to the paralogues and xenologues which mostly consisted of alts of characters already in the game.

    2) Well, you were, but I was talking about after the Sigurd banner which was all the way back in 2017 before the Halloween banner. I'm not sure how we got to talking about CYL2 (and I can't look up banner release dates on the wiki because it's slowing my phone browser down like hell), but even then, all story banners from Chapter 6 onwards had at least two new units. Sounds like there's some miscommunication going on between us.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    ...They're all...armors.

    I'm really trying hard not to blow up in anger here. This is just...why. The Christmas units last year were all armors. Seriously, why. I'm skipping this banner because I'm personally tired of armors and don't like them anyway. Why must so many seasonals be armors and why can't we have a non-armor Christmas unit? Please tell me others agree with me here...

    Though holy shit, I called Ephraim and Eirika right.

    Why not look on the bright side? More orbs to save for that RD banner that's coming up soon with the laguz you've mentioned clamoring for. I'm personally happy this isn't enticing me much because of that.

  10. The new trailer is out, and...


    Holy snap there doesn't seem to be anyone from Awakening or Fates what is this alternate universe

    Also, is that Cecilia? Looks like it's SS and BiB representation this time. In any case, looks great, but thankfully not enough to compel me to stop holding my orbs for RD.


  11. 1 hour ago, Baldrick said:

    I know the last few months have been alt-heavy, but can’t they add new character?

    It's actually worth noting that the last time FEH added at least two completely new units in a banner outside of the main story, CYL-related stuff and GHBs was the Genealogy banner with Sigurd and Dierdre last year before Halloween. I think IS has opted to reserve larger batches of fresh new units for the main story, so breaks in the story look like they aren't going to foster many new characters.

  12. If I recall correctly, the only games with no seasonal alts are Valentia and the Jugdral games so far (and SD, but Mystery easily overlaps the characters anyways). If we can submit feedback for characters like they suggested, maybe in half a year's time if not sooner they'll calm stuff down.

  13. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    I was talking about alts in general. Celica's had two and she's the only Echoes character that's gotten any alts at all.


    6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Oh yeah, maybe. And true, nearly every single seasonal banner has had at least one 3DS character. :/

    Uh huh, sure you never specified seasonal alts. :P

  14. Being a fan of the "Dark is not evil" trope and thinking about the cool sci-fi aspect of cores at the time (spur of the moment), I searched up words relating to darkness and noir was one that caught my attention for being unique. Which throws me off when I see the word again somewhere else. :P

  15. 6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    We got the special heroes silhouettes today, and the trailer will probably be released tomorrow, which is the same day we will get the TT info.

    So the TT will probably be related to the banner. Free seasonal unit or Masked Marth rerun?

    With Heroic Grails being a thing, there's not really any point to rerunning any past TT units. I don't think they'll ever rerun Masked Lucina again unless something unpredictably bonkers comes up.

  16. I'm low-key hoping this doesn't interest me so that I can save orbs for the RD banner. :P

    But yeah, I personally can't make out much from the silhouettes. I think IS will eventually calm down on the Awakefates seasonals since it's implied units are started about 6 months in advance, but the question is when. I do think it's a safe bet we're getting at least two if not three non-Awakefates characters if the Halloween banner is anything to go by.

    ...huh. It feels odd to go this long without a seasonal banner. :P

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