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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. Huzzah, Kliff has come at last! Ram Village is complete!

    And the darkest yet diciest (totally not a reference to Kaiji's D&D show) Owain has graced us with our prescence!

    Also, Aversa. Well, makes sense she's the GHB, and it's not like Awakening has an abundance of GH villains *coughjugdralcough*, so okay.

  2. 1 hour ago, Lord Raven said:


    What's even more bizarre is how straight it started.

    What the fuck? I'm not even salty about this loss over that.

    Huh. I guess it's sorta like how in golf where a swing can curve a shot? At the very least, some kind of physics science must have went into that kick because the goalpost flags didn't make it look like the wind was strong...?

  3. 7 hours ago, Randombobman said:

    There were some very questionable/missed calls by the refs. Packers/Rodgers are goodell's fuckboys though so gotta give em an edge always. I hope Rodgers knee is really hurting him. FTP!! 

    Looking forward to pats/packers match on Nov 4th. I'm guaranteed satisfaction no matter who wins because I despise both.

    ...the Packers have had the 3rd most penalties called against them this season (behind the Chiefs and Steelers), so you can't really play the "NFL is biased in favor of this team" card.

    Also, that's REALLY messed up to wish pain on Rodgers. What the heck did he do to deserve that remark? Do his job and win the game? Chill.

  4. 10 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    See what others said about the nekomata. I was a little confused at first when I saw her outfit too, despite thinking she made a cute kitty anyway. But after learning what a nekomata is, it does still sorta fit Halloween.

    Okay, fair. But now with...


    ...Dorcas seeming to be dressed like a minotaur, which isn't necessarily Halloween-themed as it is much just mythology-themed...

    ...Kagero isn't exactly the odd one out anymore. Any costume fits the theme and fits in, looks like. (Besides, I can't exactly see any other excuse to throw in a non-maid character dressed as a maid than Halloween, and Japan loves their maid costumes.)

  5. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    No, but you've got Myrrh, Mia, Niles, and Dorcas (presumably) dressing up as monsters, devils, witches, etc. Then there's Kagero who's a...maid. Doesn't really stand out as much as the others imo.

    The one thing I applaud about this banner is the variety of games they took characters from. Even if two are still 3DS.

    Sakura is dressed as a pink Japanese cat creature. Not exactly normally a Halloween thing, either. In any case, yeah, in your opinion...but I'm certain plenty of others don't share that, especially with how maid stuff is popular, even if Kagero being the one dressed up is another story. I'd say she still stands out, Fates reputation/another alt aside.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, but Frederick still takes all that seriously. And you ought to see his summer scramble conversation with Vaike. Vaike tries to get him to loosen up and have more fun, to the point of reaching for Frederick's armor straps, but Frederick just makes him run laps and starts acting like a drill sergeant. :P

    I mean, that's seriousness played for the sake of humor, and they don't go out of their way to keep this "cool" image of Frederick at all times, let alone most. His supports with Panne and the occasional mention of his dislike for bear meat also depicts him acting humorous, to mention some more examples. Much different from Ike and Innes's deal, so it's not hard to see how Frederick has a goofy side, even if it's not intended on his part. In Ike's case, he acts more like the snarky one with not too many of humorous instances humiliating him that I remember; one I can remember is Soren of all people making jokes about how Aimee's affection for Ike got him a great item, and saying that in front of Ike.

    @DefyingFates Eirika and Innes's supports, I believe.

  7. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    And we have the super serious and proper Frederick running around on a beach and showing off his killer abs while throwing seashells too. lol

    Could've sworn the guy is humorously uptight and devoted to Chrom to the point of shamelessly hanging posters of the prince nude around the camp (to name one thing), so Frederick's not exactly a good example of an unironically serious person to compare to Innes, who I think at worst got that "image problems" burn from Eirika. :Y

    But we are getting Dorcas according to the announcement, and memes aside, that guy's pretty serious with his whole story being him focusing on getting money to help Natalie.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Extremely disappointing banner.

    - Ike is shafted yet again in favor of less popular characters and even less popular Tellius characters.
    - How could IS let Mia of all characters steal Elincia's flying healer role from her? I'm not saying Elincia should be in this banner, but Mia could've been a different weapon or movement type or some other character could've been in her place with a different weapon or movement type (like Ike...).
    - More stupid boring armors. Why does IS love these so much? I'm personally not a fan of armors.
    - Too many females compared to males again imo. Niles isn't even a popular male. Ike could've at least been in his place.

    I don't remember anyone deeming the flying healer role Elincia-exclusive. I know you hate Mia's guts and all, but that's silly to argue over in a seasonal banner when we have units normally wielding weapons they don't. Besides, a staff makes sense for a witch, so if not Mia, then someone else would eventually (and no, I doubt Elincia would be the witch). And Mia is not too outlandish of a choice, anyways; I'm seeing plenty of people want her (and in spite of her voice acting).

    Also, not too fair to specify Tellius characters when Ike is unarguably the most popular. And I don't hear too much hate from armors elsewhere (from what I observed, at least), so that's probably why they do 'em lol *shrug* But I agree that Ike's a little overdue for a seasonal alt, though you can say the same for various lords when we got Innes and Tana for Summer while Ephraim and Eirika wait today.

    I agree with the gender balance, though I'd replace Kagero with Ike over Niles, whose kinky nature sorta makes sense with the costume thing in a...well..."non-scary" way. :P

    Speaking of Mia, ehh...I like Lani as a person and all, but man, I can hear the 3D Bubsy in Mia's voice, urk. With all respect to Patrick Seitz, this isn't working for Mia. I am intrigued in getting her, though, along with Roll Myrrh. :P Don't really care much for the Fates reps, but I guess IS is trying to throw them in as a popularity safety net.

  9. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    I agree, the refs threw a roughing call on TJ Watt for just brushing Matt Ryan's leg. Matt Ryan stumbled, but that wasn't until over a second after. The brushing didn't cause it. What are defensive linemen supposed to do on the QB anymore?!

    Besides this though, what a day for football. :P

    Steelers blow out the Falcons 41-17, WOOT.

    The Ravens lost to the Brownies in OT. lol

    Graham Gano kicked a fucking 63 yarder to win for the Panthers!

    You say they lost to the Brownies in a demoralizing way, but I dunno...they seem unpredictable in how they work this season. One day, they barely lose to the Raiders, then they knock off one of the best teams in the NFL in spite of their penalties that game (and I think I heard some controversy about the Ravens not getting called until the 4th quarter? Can anyone confirm these complaints?). I don't think playing against them is a "free win unless it's your fault" anymore, at least for now. The Browns are a roulette wheel. (Though, they might need a new kicker again...)

    Also, good preparation from Tomlin, huh? We clearly didn't play down to our competition today. :P Our next three games will/may be tough, though; the hot Bengals, the unpredictable Browns, and the tough Ravens, should they recover.

    The AFC North is weird, and I'm cool with that.

  10. @AnacybeleI'm not talking about penalties, I'm talking about the close wins stuff.

    On 9/29/2018 at 12:03 AM, Anacybele said:

    So? Having a few close wins doesn't mean you're not a great team.

    On 9/30/2018 at 9:32 AM, Anacybele said:

    Uh, duh? You think I don't know how bad our defense has generally been? Shazier didn't go down until December though, and most of those close games came at around that time of the season as well. We still made a deep playoff run and if it wasn't for the fact that the Jags are our kryptonite, we probably would've at least made the AFC title game again.



    On 9/30/2018 at 7:18 PM, Anacybele said:

    Saying they were the two best teams in the AFC does not mean saying they're on the same level. Pats were probably the best, with us at second best. But no other AFC team was as good.

    Funny you mention we were the second best, we "made a deep playoff run" (in spite of losing the first game, which I acknowledge) and even justify our close wins to the point of saying we could have gone to the AFC title game, but one conversation about firing coaches later and suddenly we were mediocre last season?

    That's not consistent.

  11. 10 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Okay. How about passing behind the line on a 3rd and 20? Who the fuck does that? And don't get me started on the defense. So many blown coverages lately, though that could be both on the players and the coaching. And as for preparation, I mentioned the playing down to the opponent, which is on coaching because that comes down to preparation and being prepared for the game. And it's the coach's job to get his players prepared.

    No, like I said, I'm hungry for wins that aren't super close and wins that don't involve the Steelers having to come from behind. There have been a lot of instances lately where they almost blew a big lead or had to fall behind and then come back to win. Can't we just play well the whole game and close it well too? Winning at all is nice, yes, but in the long run, if you're just getting by the skin of your teeth, that's not going to help in the end.

    Oh, then my mistake here. But yes, this year the penalties are just awful and that's on coaching because as I said, it's the coach's job to discipline his players. Sure, the coach can only do and say so much, which is why you're not going to ever see a team go 100% penalty free. But they can lessen the penalties.

    Calling for new staff after a few mediocre seasons, actually. At the very least, get rid of Tomlin and Butler, as the defense has been the biggest problem, as well as penalties.

    I dunno what you mean by "passing behind the line on 3rd and 20" because I'm pretty sure it's logical to go for the riskier pass option with long to go. Otherwise, that's a start (only because I didn't exactly pay attention to the defense and haven't been watching too much with how busy I am), but you're not descriptive enough on preparation. What do the coaches specifically have to prep the players for? What can they control? How much are the players letting them control? And keep in mind you're talking about preparation that resulted in losses against very great teams (though you got me on the Browns unless you're factoring in the distractions).

    Weren't you just arguing against that in our last conversation where I was ironically downplaying your kings claim? In any case, fair point, but finishing strong is very important.

    And again we go to your perception of "mediocre" which I'm certain practically everyone else established as different from the norm here. 10-6 or better does not qualify as "not very good" in the eyes of many a person I've talked to, including in this thread. You're not going to get your wish now. You'll have talk about getting it when and if the losing gets out of hand (or the coaches get involved in a scandal, which is a different matter entirely).

    So wait and see, or burn yourself out mentally calling for this now to our confusion.

  12. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I already explained it more than once. Go read my past posts.

    ...Did you even read anything I said?

    ...We're going into week 5. It's four games. And we've lost twice, not once.

    Well excuse me for not understanding something. I can't believe you're actually treating me like an idiot.

    ...The penalties are not incorrect. The Steelers currently lead the league in penalties. And that's due to a lack of discipline which is due to a lack of proper coaching. There's a reason so many angry fans are pointing at the coaches right now. Because they are right, it IS the coaches.


    No, you don't give examples. You go "playcalling is bad" and never elaborate on what it was like. You go "preparation is bad" and never elaborate on what it was like. But since I clearly missed that you did in your mind, please reinform me now by quoting your past examples of bad preparation and playcalling. And I don't get how the "play down to the competition" stuff is necessarily linked to only the coach. I know it definitely has happened plenty of times for the Steelers, but how is it Tomlin's fault? Why not the players?

    Yes, I did read what you said. You called the last three seasons which include two instances of winning at least one playoff game "mediocre". And I don't agree, hence why I said you were too hungry for wins.

    Antonio Brown started complaining after the second game of the season, the first loss. He did not start complaining later than that.

    Ana, why would I be talking about actions and not motives in a discussion specifically about opinions? You drove off the clear gray road into the busy forest on this one. And you probably get the feeling like I'm treating you "like an idiot" because I have to remind you of what was even talked about. Speaking of which...

    ...you seem to have forgotten that you were talking about how the Steelers took up a lot of penalties in recent years when in 2017 and 2015 the opposite was the case and in 2016 they only just made the top 10 overall. That was the reason why I said you were inaccurate. You got me this year so far, but...

    Calling for a complete staff overhaul after four games into a season (with two losses to very great teams) is ridiculous. Don't care about how "it was gonna come to this because the signs were there all these other years" or whatever the hell you apparently predicted, it's too damn early, especially with the players contributing to the circumstances either by making the wrong noises or not playing. Wait until the season ends or when (if it happens) we get loss number 9, then start talking about maybe changing a spot on the staff or two. But not the whole damn staff unless we lose the rest of our games from here on out; THAT would be a cause for concern for sure.

  13. 8 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Except I don't see any tantrums from anyone? No one's yelling or screaming or whining or crying. This is meant to be a rational and calm conversation just as you say.

    Because I've seen little reason to blame the players. Yes, Boswell should've been more accurate on that kick, but we wouldn't have needed to kick any game winning FGs if the rest of the team hadn't blown a fucking 17 point lead. The Steelers keep forgetting that a game lasts 60 minutes, not 30, and aren't closing up a game they should be winning. This is a preparation and coaching matter.

    "blatant bias and hunger for winning" lol sure. More like hunger for fewer ugly losses and fewer ugly wins. The winning part isn't the point. It's how we're doing it and harming ourselves in the long run. As previously pointed out, we had several close wins last season. For that season alone, it wasn't a big deal. But over multiple seasons now, it's getting tiresome and feeling like the team is not being properly coached the entire way through a game.

    I'm thinking of changing the staff after several mediocre seasons (not including last year, as it was our best record in awhile, but that's just one season), not after just two losses. Why do you keep bringing it back to just this season?

    Btw, AB isn't complaining about losing. He's complaining about having only one win in four games. Which is understandable.

    I'm hungry for a team that can close out games better, have a better defense again, and get a SB again at last after nearly a decade. Nothing more.

    ...What are you trying to say here? Hiding or stealing something isn't an opinion, it's an action. Completely different.

    I still love the Steelers. I don't love how they are right now, but I'll always root for them to be a great team. Like you would brag about Flacco, I like bringing up that Ben is the only QB with three 500 yd games and the only one that threw 12 TDs in two games. But those things don't matter when your team is starting to do bad. If they're doing bad, you want to bring up some criticism and hope they get better again.

    Oh? Please, tell us in detail how it is a preparation and coaching matter. Do you have inside information on how things are being handled?

    ...yup, too hungry for wins. If "making the playoffs and winning at least one game" for those multiple seasons of "not being properly coached through" a good amount of wins is considered "mediocre" to you, then yes, you're too hungry. It's not great, but it's still good, and if not getting great means you want the whole staff shaken up, then I'm glad you're not an advisor to the owners. A staff shake up may likely make things worse, and I'd rather avoid talking about risking getting worse until we see bad in the records. Maybe a losing season, and just to start talking about it. I also dunno why you claim I'm bringing it back to "just this season" as I repeatedly mention these past few seasons over and over to you like a parrot.

    No, two games. And the first loss of the season, too. And even four is not so understandable.

    ...*facepalm* You REALLY let that fly over your head. Those actions have a motive behind them, and selfish ones at that. Knowingly hiding vital evidence that would help convict someone of a crime they committed is wrong of the hider to do. Would you agree that is wrong? If you do, that's a moral opinion that is right. If you don't, it's a moral opinion that is wrong. Can't be handwaved as "just an opinion". I can't believe someone has to explain this to you.

    If you're going to give criticism to help the team get better, I suggest you show your research. You made an incorrect claim about penalties and have not explained in detail how the preparation and playcalling was screwed up all these years. Add to the fact that angry fans commonly point the finger at the coach no matter what team without much conclusive evidence instead of wondering where the players went wrong (the coach can't play for everyone, of course), and it's easy to assume your criticism is misinformed/misleading. So prove us wrong and go into detail, and if we see contradicting information, we'll let you know. (Though, what you consider "good enough" may make that a problem with how high you consider such.)

  14. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    And I still have no idea what "moral" opinions you're talking about. Also, an opinion is an opinion, they're neither wrong nor right.

    Hey, didn't we play so god awful in that game that it looked like we didn't even deserve to be there? Oh yeah, we did. Came unprepared and just played like shit and got blown out. That. Is. On. Coaching. Not to mention in the divisional game before that, we only got FGs, no TDs. That was bull too. Also, that tie was to the crappy Browns and both losses were to teams we should be better than. Playing down to the competition yet again, which is again, due to poor coaching. When will you get this?!

    "Using the same words I used against you to go against me, how smart..." Your own words, which you ironically defy now. Hmm.

    You say "coaching did this, coaching did that" but don't explain in detail that I feel like you're trying to avoid blaming the players and taking the easy approach. We would have beaten the Browns had our kicker been more accurate; that's not something you can easily diagnose as a coaching problem. As for both of our losses, your "we should be better than" claim seems to be fueled by blatant bias and hunger for winning when you consider that the Chiefs are undefeated and the Ravens have a solid winning record bolstered by a huge blowout, even if it was against the Bills. And don't tell me with confidence Tomlin is the reason our star RB is not playing and our star WR is overreacting to a loss. I'm not getting it because I'm not trusting you get it yourself; you only think you get it, and that's why we criticize you for thinking changing the whole staff after two losses to very solid teams is idiotic.

    Also, you say that like we got blown out. A 20-point deficit, yes, but still not as exaggerated as you make it out to be. Regardless, it's still a playoff win-hungry remark from you, made because of your high expectations.

    And if an opinion is an opinion...then I suppose it's not morally wrong for a witness to hide vital information to a case to a judge? Because from what I know of society, that's clearly wrong. Oh, but it's just an opinion, right? So it's okay! Oh, and stealing art? That's morally wrong-no wait, that's just an opinion too. So that's okay as well! ...not.

    Your opinion we question is not comparable to liking a color or a food, which are indeed just opinions; trivial ones, at that. If the basis behind your reasoning is biased (which we heavily suspect), then it's morally wrong and not trivial. "It's just an opinion" is not a valid "get out of the debate" card here.

    3 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

    Ana, people are trying to have a calm and rational conversation with you and you're throwing a tantrum. It's not helping your case.

    Well, I have been getting a little aggressive myself, but yeah, this.

  15. 23 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Using the same words I just did against you to go against me, how smart... Doesn't change anything though.

    And...uh, that's the same thing. I have my reasons for my opinion, so if you say my reasons are wrong, you're saying my opinion is wrong too which makes zero sense.

    Okay, how about this. I wish you didn't root for any of the same teams I do.

    Because of things that have happened in past seasons too, not just this one. This one is just the last straw because it shows that the team's only been getting worse, not better. I already said this.

    Not like your remark "he basically did" proved anything in itself.

    Moral opinions, depending on what they are, are considered wrong or right. The "it's just my opinion" excuse does not work for them.

    Ok. I don't care about your wish. I'm staying a Steelers fan, and you'll just have to deal with it like I am with you being a Steelers fan...not that I brought it up.

    Also, from 2015-2017, our record got better. That's blatantly contradictory that we've been getting "worse" in that case. And 1-2-1's arguably better than being 4-5 in 2016 thanks to a 4-game losing streak...hey, didn't we make the playoffs that year and get to the AFC Title Game, only losing to the SB Champs?

  16. 19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    He basically is though.

    And I'm telling you that just because you disagree with my opinion doesn't make it wrong.

    And the point flew right over your head here, I see.

    Nope. Because they suck and I'm not into watching baseball. But mostly the latter.

    Again with calling me wrong just because you disagree. Can't you fucking stop? I'm starting to feel ashamed for rooting for the same team as you.

    I am not. You act like I want them to win every single game and SB. I don't. I just want to see this team win one more with the talented players that the have. But I believe poor coaching is holding them back. Ben doesn't have many years left, and eventually, AB won't either. And after they go, this team will go into complete rebuild mode and who knows how long it'll be until we even see the playoffs at that point.


    He basically is not, though.

    You say it flies over our heads, yet it flies back over you more in that...

    ...your REASONING is what is wrong, not your opinion. Your REASONING and your opinion are not necessarily the same. Your REASONING is what leads to your opinion.

    If you start to feel ashamed rooting for the same team as me, then tough luck. Maybe you can root for someone else if one fellow Steelers fan contradicting you repulses you as much as not going far into the playoffs. Since you already are moping over having one loss more than the amount of wins, go ahead and root for the Panthers. You like them, don't you? I heard they have one more win than they have losses. Sounds lovely, no?

    I'd never be ashamed of being a Steelers, Penguins or Pirates fan just because there are other fans of the same team who are biased and rude. Every fanbase has a bunch of them.

  17. 20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    It's not "morally wrong" just because you disagree with it.

    I'm not mad because we're not winning a SB. I'm mad because this team keeps getting worse because of the coaching.

    Don't give me that bullshit, Life. You're allowed to be disappointed about your own team if you want. Just because you're worse off doesn't mean someone else can't be upset about how their team's doing. Would you say someone who had their favorite video game stolen shouldn't be upset simply because someone else lost their whole house in the recent hurricane? No, because that makes no sense. One is worse off, but both are allowed to be upset. It doesn't make either side wrong.

    Life is not telling you to not be upset.

    Life is telling you that your reason for being upset is wrong of you.

    And a house is not comparable to supporting a team in a sport where them losing does not affect your life (unless you gambled, but I doubt you even do, and that's not even your reason). If you think those two are alike enough to be compared in an analogy, then I can only facepalm. You can't even compare a video game to that, either.

    Besides, you should know how rough it is. Like me, aren't you a Pirates fan? We don't get into the playoffs often, and haven't gone far. Never mind the losing season streak before that.

    Your logic is morally wrong and unreasonable. Thus, we are judging you as we are. Not because you are upset, but because the reason you are upset is bad to justify.

    You are holding the Steelers to high expectations and are hurting yourself by doing that. A losing record where we are one loss below a non-losing record? Boo hoo, worse has happened. And two losses is not "repeatedly".

  18. 9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    So you're allowed to pick on me simply because I have an opinion that you disagree with? Sorry, but no. I don't care what you think anyway though. It isn't like I'm changing my mind.

    Twisting my words, Ana. Just like you complained about to Life.

    I (and anyone else) am allowed to judge you for your reasons as to why you are disappointed. You say I'm picking on you like I'm trying to get enjoyment out of contradicting you, but you are only playing the victim card here by twisting it as such. We are debating, and your reasoning as to why you want the Steelers staff fired makes you come off spoiled.

    You are allowed to feel the way you do, but if the reason why you feel the way you do is considered morally wrong, then there are problems.

    You know I'm a Steelers fan like you. Yet here I am, not raising a ruckus over not winning a SB recently.

  19. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    And that was the first AFC title game we'd gotten to in years and the team blew it big time in that game. And yeah, ONE playoff game a couple times in like ten years.

    Of course I get all that. But the problem is, like I said, getting to the playoffs constantly and not getting anymore results than that. I'd have been happy with just one SB win in the last few years. Just one. Not saying we have to win every year.

    Losing does suck. But I don't get super upset at every loss. That'd be silly. I just get upset at seeing constant losing.

    No, because I don't know if those teams have coaching issues or not. I just worry about the Steelers (and to a slightly lesser extent, the Panthers).

    If you're asking for a firing after winning one playoff game, you're overreacting. And it's been EIGHT playoff wins in the last TEN years. THREE in the last THREE years.

    And here you're proving my point: high expectations. Everyone wants a SB win. We have gotten 2 in the span of 5 years post-2000 and we hold the largest number of SB titles out of any NFL team, not including NFL Championships before the merger. You say "just one", but that's a BIG one you're asking for, and wanting the coach fired for not winning a SB recently is crazy. It's nice to win a SB, but god damn, Ana, you're too hungry for championships.

    And we have two losses under our belt four games in the season. That counts as "constant"? And if it's constant "not going too far into the playoffs" you meant instead, then, yeah, you're definitely taking it too hard.

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