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Everything posted by ReaperGuardian

  1. I don't wanna derail this thread, but is the story of the Nohr campaign a bit confusing if you don't buy the DLC? I agree that DLC shouldn't be sold as something you need to fully understand the game. The Vanilla product should be enough. DLC should only add content, at least imo that is. Not something like *Cough* Destiny *Cough*. But I think that's another story.
  2. I can understand that people complain about the features in FE14, but I understand your point as well OP. Indeed, beating a dead horse won't make the current game better. Perhaps the (negative) feedback can be used for future games. I think it happens often nowadays with games, not only Fire Emblem. Games get so overhyped with trailers, the best features are shown. People get very high expectations of the game. And then when the game gets released, people become dissappointed. Or in this case, after revealing certain bits of information, people already got dissappointed. Not all things worked out as they'd hoped, or they just want it the way they want it. And that sucks :(, indeed, you can't appeal to everyone. Personally I did feel a bit mad after seeing the skin-ship features and the children mechanics, I did complain about it, but right now I just wait and want to play the game to give a final judgement. I read that there are a lot of fun and good features about the game as well :). Flamers and constant complainers should look at the positive things as well.
  3. This sounds like we sort of got a Corrin Sue. What a bummer. I agree with your point though.
  4. The moment I read the title of this thread, I thought you'd say Jesus. That would be funny, wouldn't it?! Gods I love my humour! Yaharharhar! Just leave me be guys I got pills for this
  5. I think that in Japan the Hoshido version will sell better. I read somewhere that in april the pre-orders/ sales were off the charts there. Source: http://fireemblem2016speculation.tumblr.com/post/116839694092/pre-orders-and-their-information. However, when the game gets released in the West (North America / Europe), I have a feeling that the Nohr version will sell better. Not only because they finally get their waifu(s), but also because of the complexer story and gameplay the Norhe version provides. Just my gut though.
  6. As people already gave their two cents about this poll, I'm not sure if I got anything new to add. Yet here goes. Yes, I am bothered in general by all the fan-service. Why? Perhaps it's because I'm used to Fire Emblem games pre-Awakening that had a more serious atmosphere, like someone said before me. When the story and characters are serious, to me, the game comes alive. A game like Fire Emblem does have serious themes y'know, like war, death, betrayal, loyalty, friendship and so on. And then characters wear less armor to reveal more body, are more light-hearted as if their lives aren't really on the line, they make jokes, get married. (Now making jokes ain't bad, don't get me wrong.) When I saw the first trailers, and I saw that you had to choose sides, it got me very excited. Because it's a hard choice, nonetheless, and brings a lot of emotions with it. To me, all the fanservice in Fates contradicts those themes. Am I playing a game for a laugh and to gaze at cleavage or to experience a story? Of course, for everyone this differs. Now, to continue about the cleavage part, it just in general feels wrong. I'm not only looking to Camilla, but also Charlotte, Orochi, and so on. I mean, you're not going to win a battle by showing your breasts or other body parts like that. It's the armor that (often) let's you live another day, in a war. And if you walk in camp with your assets exposed like that, then why should I take you seriously anyway? Face-rubbing, another silly thing imho. Let's say you have this good friend and you happen to be in your room together. You start touching his/ her face. You rub it, stroke it. There are several things that could happen, but I think these are logical. Your friend asks you what the hell you're doing? Or your friend runs away from you, startled. Perhaps your friend doesn't know what to say and sits there all embarassed because you entered his/ her personal space just like that. And the rare case says that he/ she is honoured by you touching his/ her face ala FE Fates. Not to mention if you do this to a stranger, someone you just happen to meet. Or if you're a guy touching the face of a random girl. 10 bucks you're going to get slapped or the police is called for harrassement. Where it comes down to I think, is that all the fanservice collides with my (and perhaps other people's) morals and values. And I think I need to get used to FE taking a more lighthearted way. Now, this is based to what I know so far (about the fanservice), avoiding as many story and character related spoilers as possible. I just hope that IS simply presented more fanservice when they did and that all the awesome stuff I see in-game has yet to be explored. EDIT: I should note that I will get the game to find out all the awesome stuff it has. Still looking forward to it!
  7. I globally share your opinion on these parts. To me, from the first trailers of Fire Emblem IF to what we know here, it feels like IS had an ambitious idea for a next Fire Emblem entry. So ambitious, the game got seperated into two versions. However, as time passed, they felt had a lot of work and not enough time to do to make it a "good" game. What happened, they rehashed stuff, not!children popped up with the same looks, gimmicks as personalities popped up (even rehashed gimmicks), and now the marriage and children mechanics pop up. Fanservice happened. The ambitious project had to make the deadline and to make it, IS use succesful items on (a) previous game(s). Read: I think they rehashed things to safe time for other stuff, or perhaps they have completely different reasons for it. I don't know, I speculate. My opinion: It feels like many parts of Awakening have been rehashed and to me, it feels lazy. On the other hand, it is smart to use succesful items on previous entries. It safes times and it pleases fans. To me however, I think too many elements of Awakening have been rehashed in what had to be an independant entry? At least, that's what I thought when I first saw this game. Wow. I was a kid at some point? I didn't know that. Thanks for the information man. I truly feel enlightened. My point is pretty simple. I hate the kid mechanics, more looking at Awakening. It's my opinion, that's that. Just as you have yours. Please respect that, as my opinion on this point probably won't change anyway. And I said I probably gonna hate the way it is implemented, because as so many stuff from Awakening has been rehashed, why not time-travelling as well? I see it happen. Read: I think it happens but it may not happen at all. I'm just very pessimistic at that point. Let's just hope IS proves otherwise and suprise us all, eh?
  8. The moment I read about the possibility of children in Fire Emblem Fates: [spoiler=Why IS Why?!] They shouldn't have done it imho. Not only do I hate kids but I'll probably gonna hate the way they're implemented in this game.
  9. Difficulty: Normal Casual mode Resetting is allowed I'll probably grind a lot, so hell yeah to grinding And my allegiance is with Hoshido, although I'll probably do a Nohr run after my Hoshido run. I feel a little bit like a nab with most people starting with a hard/ classic/ no grinding run :<.
  10. These are my thoughts exactly. Excellent post man. I couldn't have said it better. Still probably gonna play the game and see the end result.
  11. Meh. My honest opinion? I just wish they didn't include the Awakening children/ ripoff in FE:if. It just feels lazy, even though those children were popular in Awakening according to the poll. I just hope that they're like some sort of 'Easter eggs' in FE:if, but then they shouldn't have been leaked... Oh well. All in all, pretty dissapointed. I had hoped this would be a stand-alone game, but I get the feeling this game will be linked a lot to FE:Awakening, through fanservice. Perhaps if it is very well explained in-game, it would perhaps make it more fun. We'll see.
  12. Thanks for the advice. Here's a little heads-up about what has happened the last two-three weeks. After a lot of thinking about the advice, I decided to talk to him about how I felt about all this. We had a long and deep conversation, but it all ended up well. We've been talking much more after I told him, been doing fun things here and there. It seemed things weren't going so well between him and Bob, and Bob was because of that trying to do more things with my pal. Bob felt he was losing my pal. Now, I'll spare you all the details, but when my pal told me this, I felt sorry for him and I understood why he spent so much time with Bob. But their relationship is going better as well You're definetely right about that. I felt better when I spoke to him about it. If I didn't... well. I think we'd both still live in the dark about each other's emotions, and I think that wouldn't have helped our friendship. So thanks everyone for your advice/ feedback. It certainly helped here
  13. Interesting stuff, didn't know what waifu culture was either. Or what am I saying, interesting? It sounds a bit creepy.. I'm a newbie to the forums myself so I constantly read new stuff haha. So, welcome to Serenes Forest and enjoy your stay! If you're looking around the forums, feel free to board the hype train for Fire Emblem if
  14. A perfect FE.. gosh, that's difficult to define hah. For me, a perfect Fire Emblem would be one that has: - A well written, compelling, interesting story without any plot-holes. - Interesting, relatable, well written and deep characters, with well written personalities included. - Strategic elements which we know from the FE series (positioning, classes, weapons, etc.). - Well written support conversations, that can be easy to follow and are very interesting to read. I seem to be repeating well written... - Easter eggs! - Fun and not too difficult gameplay, that doesn't get old and takes time to master. This can also be broadly interpreted, I mean, what is fun? If a game has these elements, then Imho a FE game can be seen as 'perfect'. I hope I wrote the elements clear enough, then again things can be interpreted differently than I meant. So..
  15. Great thing this thread was made again :) good job! For me, F!Kamui would be my ultimate waifu. Yet to romance her is impossibruuh... Cyrus is indeed popular. Too bad he's tied at the moment with Aqua because of my vote
  16. Hoshido. I will not be damned as a kinslayer and I will defend the lands that are being attacked without justified grounds.
  17. @Cero I think that quote perfectly describes my fear for the characters in FE14. Great job!
  18. My biggest fears? Well, aside that some may already have been said, here they are: - I just read that there will be more characters in (both?) the Hoshido as well as in the Nohr route. I think this means we'll get more quantity instead of quality. Which in turn means we'll probably get more bland characters. Especially on this part I hope I'm wrong, but I think I can assume this is correct information. - A poorly written story. - Horrible, cheesy, bland and generic support conversations. (Yeah, all this in one) These are my main fears :(.
  19. Thanks for the feedback. I'll think about it and we'll see how it goes ^^
  20. I'm definitely not the priority, I never was. That's not the problem anyway. The thing is, my pal spends, for months, every day and every moment with Bob, and so his bonds with not only me, but with his other friends fade a lot. I've spoken with other friends of my pal about this, and they feel the same way. The thing is, I think I'm merely wondering what you guys what do if you'd be in my situation. Thanks for all the feedback though! EDIT I should add, that before this happened, me and some other friends of my pal could spend a "normal" amount of time with him. Now it's just few to none at all. Perhaps its the sudden change that I need to get used to, but imho I think it's weird that you suddenly don't spend time with your other (best) friends at all.
  21. Hey guys/ gals, Warning: Long post ahead, with possible grammar/ spelling errors. I'm sorry for any grammatical/ spelling errors in advance. Let me give you a bit of background about how I handle friendship, before we delve into the matter at hand. Generally, I'm the kind of guy that can get along with mostly anyone, but becomes true friends with a select few. Those are the guys/ girls that I share (most) of the same interests and views I have with. For those people, I'm willing to be very patient, to be reliable and... well, I just want to be a good friend for them. But, not meaning to sound selfish, I also need to know if my friends appreciate it if I'm around. That they like it when they do stuff with me. This is just for your information. Now here is the problem/ dilemma I'm dealing with: I have a very good friend, one of my best friends, who is having a relationship with Bob. (Yes, he is homosexual, I'm not. And no, Bob isn't his real name. I'd prefer not talking with real names.) This relationship is going on for... about a year I think? I already met Bob, he seemed like a good guy. Anyway, my pal says that he's just very good friends with him, yet when you look at the two of them, there's no denying they're in a relationship. Wether or not they're having a relationship is quite complicated, so I'd prefer it if we leave that out of the discussion. Let's just say that they're having an intimate relationship or... that they're friends with benefits. Until recently Bob is like, every day and every hour with my pal. They go everywhere together, they do fun things together. To make it short, they're 9 out of 10 times together. I talked about this with my pal, and he regrets that he can't do fun stuff with me (or with his other friends in that regard), yet he also enjoys Bob's company and my pal is the kind of guy who can't say no. Bob is the kind of guy who gets bored quickly and wants to be often with my pal. The problem is, for about several months now, I haven't been able to actually do something or talk with my pal. Everytime I ask him to do something, then he always says that he already has something planned. So far, my pal hasn't asked once to do something with me, because he's always busy doing something else, almost always with Bob. I have the feeling he just doesn't want to do something with me, even though he says otherwise. What bothers me most, is that I feel that this friendship is crumbling apart. I'm at the point where I just want to say to him that I've been patient enough, and that it can't go on like this. But, as he is such a good guy, I don't want to place him in such a harsh position either. What do you guys think about this? What should I do? Feel free to give honest advice and please, if you want to give feedback, please give constructive feedback. If you have any questions after reading this story, feel free to ask them. I'll be happy to assist to the best of my ability. And thanks in advance for reading this and taking the time to give a bit of feedback/ advice. I really appreciate it.
  22. The Netherlands here. Noord-Brabant to be precise, for the Dutch players out there
  23. Naah don't be, long-haired Lucia is pretty damn good looking as well. I mean, Lucia in general is Imho just the hottest girl
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