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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Looks like Papa Clive didn't teach his son about drying his hair after he steps out of the shower. I could've swore Dimitri had a mole beneath his lip, but alas, he doesn't. Buff people are welcome. It's part of the reason why I liked some of Fates' overall character design because a lot of characters had muscle. maybe it's time to have a serious discussion about mental health in the Fire Emblem Meta, to dramatically reduce the amount of cases concerning "Mad Dragon Disease". This art looks the most JPOP-ish than the rest. Weirdly enough, I wonder if "same face" problem will be an issue. I'm worried too many characters may look too similar, just in a different outfit/hairstyle. Kozaki had a bit of this problem in Awakening, but really improved in Fates.
  2. I'd be surprised if it WASN'T an Avatar. But I'm interested in how they implemented. From what we've seen so far, they seem silent, but still make choices, like Persona's MC.
  3. Someone earlier said he looked like a 90s boy band member and now I can't help but think he looks like a Backstreet Boy. Takumi isn't a lord, or even considered a main character in Fates. It was Corrin and Azura. Takumi was an important supporting character. Claude is being marketed as a main protagonist. The closest thing to Claude is Homer from Tear Ring Saga. Especially in the wake of Linus, who's being praised for his Bara-friendly design. Linus really boomed in popularity. Maybe it's too early to say, but I really hoped the artist made some characters with muscle. I want a cast of soldiers, not a cast of idols that look like one of those huge JPOP groups that is simply doing a cosplay.
  4. IT'S CANON NOW. I refuse to believe everything else. It just makes sense.
  5. This is most likely coming from the same artist that did the visual novel, "Uta No Prince Sama"- otome boys tend to be more "flowery" than normal. My big concern is that all of them are going to look like JPOP idols and not have enough body diversity. (I.e. brawnier/muscular people. I'm not the biggest fan of Kozaki, but I loved how his designs had a lot of muscle to them) I didn't hear about that leak, but that's hilarious. I really liked The Last Story, so I would've clocked it as false right away. Chinatsu may have altered her style to fit with the more serious tone of Fire Emblem more. Look at Kozaki's work with No More Heroes and Fire Emblem; although there's plenty of similarities, there's some slight differences as well (color palette for starters) I'm hoping some brawnier characters get revealed soon. Blythe doesn't seem to be super thin like the other 3, but it's still too early to tell. I'm going to say yes. She's wearing similar attire as well. She's probably a manakete that watches over that sword. Wow that's really similar. I don't think it's the same continent, mainly due to the large land mass to the left of it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was different. After all, Archanea was vastly different by Awakening. And he's the first Bow lord! I have a feeling he's going to be great. I feel bad for Dimitri, everyone loves the other 2 more. Watch how it'll get memed.
  6. I wonder how nature will play a role in this game. When you think this game will be a commentary on religious hypocrisy but is really about nature conservation.
  7. In his shorts. He could be a grower, not a shower
  8. The continent's name is Fodlan, so we're already off to a better start than Fates when it comes to worldbuilding. So no need for ThreeHouesesia thankfully.
  9. I'm really excited for our 3 protagonists, they all feature something new: Edelgard is an AXE (and sword, but axes tho) lord, and a female. Pretty cool. Dimitri is the LANCE user, and I like how he looks more like a villain than a hero. Claud is the very first BOW lord and the very first DARKER-SKINNED lord. He seems to be the playful type too, so I wonder how well IS balanced his personality and sense of duty. Thanks for making this! I really like Mercedes(?)/the mage girl's design. I really like shoulder length hair, tbh. I wonder if the other characters are just enemies they decided to give a face or just playable. Seems weird I'm worried too. At first I thought this may be a chance for a female lord to take the spotlight, but looks like she's sharing it. Hopefully she has her own story path. To me, maybe the concept of 3 Houses comes from MU pledging to one of them, and who we pick decides who becomes ruler at the end of the game? I think Pair Up evolved into Formations? There isn't "Pair Up" per se, but looks like you can have nearby allies help you attack the enemies? It seems like an interesting mechanic. She looks like Mila 2.0. She's definitely a dragon and if she dies, then the little loli at the end will probably take her place in the story. In Medieval Times, politics and religion went hand in hand. The Church had tremendous power, and knighthood can be seen as a religious institution. After all, many knights' armor adorned crosses. I just wonder if IS will handle the concept well. Dimitri needs some HELP with that mop. Hopefully a stylish character will offer some advice. Claude is the one I'm most excited for. He seems the playful type, so I hope he can be serious when he needs to be and not just be comic relief. I got a Warriors vibe too from the graphics. And the 3 Houses is giving me Romance of the 3 Kingdoms vibes as well. As for the lords Edelgard is the Red House Dimitri the Blue And Claude the Yellow/Gold I get the impression they're all from the same country, but each family is vying for power/head spot. The background is key here, and I hope IS really explores the lore. This game has a lot of potential for world building already. As someone who identifies as Bi--- I feel like a sense of realism would be lost if that were to happen. I'm all for LGBT+ representation in media, but having it forced would only annoy people and there will be backlash. Having a select few characters identify as LGBT+ would be better, rather than make the whole cast bisexual. I expect a ton of pretty boys. However, it makes me concerned if they made a bunch of different body types. I hope we get more muscular characters and different body types, not just lean young men and petite young women.
  10. Thank you! I edited my post. I was always confused about the Memories leak.
  11. Blake had the same portrait, but reversed IIRC. Good thing their new designs are completely different. Funnily enough, Blake's "new" appearance is basically their portrait, so he was probably one of the least changed characters. They're both Celica's route to boot. Funny note: The Gaiden manga messed up and put Deen's scar on his other eye.
  12. they probably would now that I think about it. I just want the bottom cheeks covered.
  13. Oh ok. Yeah I don't think any of the "leaks" were true. Vampire Emblem is the only one that was being well thought out, but I think Mis Leaker was given dubious information.
  14. It is an artist's interpretation, but since all of his kids turned out attractive, I would say that Garon probably was quite a looker in his youth as well. I really like the second picture; he really looks related to Xander and Leo there. I wonder if he and Arete's romance was one that you would find in a manga/manhwa about Chinese Harems. Crap, now I want to see young Arete.
  15. This is unofficial, but I thought these did a good job on making a younger version of Garon:
  16. Was that really a leak? Or just what somebody wants? I could be getting it confused with the people that said that they wanted Greco-Roman style followed up by me and others saying SoV just did that.
  17. Want to say I'm excited. I'm really digging the art style. Yesssss we have a non-sword lord! No butt flaps! I can't believe x rumor was true! Don't want to say No new FE info?!!!! Burn IS down Expect to say Seems interesting so far. I'm just excited we're getting more information.
  18. Thought this would be relevant. I didn't edit this btw. I think /u/snowflop on reddit did or something.
  19. So as a final roundup: Should we summarize the leaks that we've had? Vampire Emblem- Mis Leaker gave numerous details from mechanics to characters, with the Fire Emblem itself serving as a sundial Fire Emblem: Mutiny- not sure why anyone would take this seriously, just a Pirate Emblem joke. Fire Emblem: Elegy of the Brave- this floated around for a hot minute, quickly debunked. Fire Emblem: Memories: the latest theory, although was recently debunked. Thanks @Coolmanio Fire Emblem: Reawakening- born from a photoshopped image of an E3 schedule. Did I miss one? 5 seems like a relatively low number. EDIT: Fire Emblem with a Greco-Roman theme, but was quickly proven false before it was passed off as a leak.
  20. Tbh, that sounds more of a plot than the first one, which was Sacred Stones Reloaded.
  21. Tbh I wish Darios was the main character/playable. He's the most interesting OC.
  22. It seems interesting. I wonder how different the franchise would be had they gone through with this game.
  23. Oh wow. Wasn't expecting this. I thought "Last Round" was literally the last fighting installment of the series.
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