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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Sephiran's takes the cake. As literally his requires so much luck that it's unbelievably stupid.
  2. Except that's pretty false. Some people work in restaurants end up owning them. There's no such thing as a fake job. If you make money from it, regardless of profits, it's a job. Posting videos on Youtube for profit or doing Twitch and making a profit is a job. Even if it's not a lucrative one in many cases. Taking that stance on things will lead you to really lousy results. Some people just go through their life doing odd jobs because they enjoy that lifestyle.
  3. Roy saying he doesn't consider a battle a victory if someone dies if you let someone die every chapter in the game is especially hilarious. He wins a war and considers himself to have lost every battle.
  4. Uh. No? Some people work freelance for instance and there are definitely moments where you won't have any direct profits coming in. That's like saying that starting your own business isn't a real job because it doesn't immediately gain profits. That's hogwash.
  5. In the heroes universe. I mean, this is the world with Archer Faye.
  6. Ah, she's just playing hard to get. Lyndis is would never admit to loving anyone. That Hector x Lyn scene with A support? Too good.
  7. It is though. Because some of them like Path of Radiance went out of there way to ensure that things like this didn't happen. When people are dead / retreated, supports and even convos changed as a result of it. It's just really sloppy here and not at all well thought out. Those aren't quite the same though. Sully is Chrom's equal in combat even if you didn't raise either one on the account that this is definitely how they started out. And in the case of Lon'Qu, he's her bodyguard in those events, to make sure that she doesn't get killed. Her strength doesn't matter here, he's just there to be a buffer between her dying. A better example would be something like this: Sully's dead-- and more specifically, her horse even if she "retreated," but Robin x Vaike still has Robin and Vaike dealing with Sully's horse. Like, why is she even still there at that point? She's not able to fight. It makes no sense.
  8. Fiona is awful and has base stats worse than Meg, a unit that not only joins earlier, but is lower in level. Fiona is just straight up garbage. You will give tons of BEXP to Fiona just to make her passable. Meg is at least just "a bad unit." Fiona I have to question what in the 7 layers of hell they were thinking when they created a unit that weak.
  9. No one is. But you started out with "I think it's the best pairing for Chrom." That's fine, and dandy, people just asked why. And when you gave an explanation, some people disagreed. Or even said that they didn't see certain things you did such as Chrom's bloodlust. I think Robin x Sumia > Any Sumia pairing in the game. And believe that Chrom's best support is with Mary. We all have our preferences for things. Even saying things like I think Chrom x Olivia is great because they look cute together, Inigo is adorable with Chrom's hair color, and I like they they hook up with each other like they are from a fairy tale are fine. You don't have to have a big reason for why you like them together. I think that Basillo x Fem!Robin is adorable. It's one of my fave pairings. Why? I think it's cute how Basillo gets so flustered around Robin trying to win her heart that he eventually just gives up. Believe me, I love those little changes to make it make more sense. It's great. Because as I've said before, this sort of thing has happened to me in real life with my sister, except flop me being Lucina and my sister being Morgan. She doesn't have a problem with bugs, just roaches. She cannot stand them. I laughed incredibly hard, and the conversation is oddly nostalgic for me. I wouldn't say head-canon is particularly dangerous so long as there isn't anything contradicting it. Even if it was, I still think that's fine. This game is pretty open ended and wants you to have fun first and foremost. Saying that Chrom x Olivia is your canon is fine. Going down a deranged list and insisting that it's somehow THE canon on the other hand is not fine. As long as we remember that, I think we're fine. Sort of like you getting a bit of a chuckle out of Morgan having an Elfire. That IS pretty funny.
  10. It's still weird and unwarranted. It's very unnatural. The support shouldn't have compared Inigo to anyone. And more pressingly, we know that the writers for the games aren't above that. Elise's Arthur support has her mention Arthur trying to make Xander laugh despite the fact that the likelihood of Arthur being able to even visit Xander to make him laugh is absurd. The best part? It's support C. Meaning that they just didn't care. I mean it seems really dumb if you have a scenario where Lucina gets wrecked for instance and isn't able to be fielded. "Why can't you behave more like Lucina?" You know, the girl that was so reckless that she got herself grievously injured and can no longer fight? Sounds like a great role model. Especially when Inigo can't be dead for this support to be happening. Or even worse, the Japanese text for Morgan x Lucina supports make no attempt to make it make sense when Morgan is known for liking bugs (the localization intelligently changes it to be specifically a cockroach-- which he hates). Even using the fact that Awakening supports "make more sense," I still have issue with it. Which is sort of true, until you realize that the only reason this support even makes any kind of sense is because of efforts from the localization team. Which I know-- still counts, as this could have been pushed by the creators themselves, and this localization DOES have Nintendo's stamp of approval, but the point still stands.
  11. I usually got around critical problems by having Rally Luck. I know it has to be from Corrin, but who doesn't love that class!?
  12. Laguz - Good concept of having a unit that has good power but has different utility could be interesting. Personally, I'd make them like Druids or maybe a healer that can transform with a gauge. Defenseless but can heal when they aren't transformed or a powerhouse when transformed. I like the concept, but the execution in both PoR and RD was trash. Beastrunes are not a good compromise in my opinion. Bonus Exp - Being able to give units a power-up if they are lacking behind is a good thing. I'm not a fan of RD's method of usage where it's clear that some units are balanced around being pumped full of thousands of EXP on the side. I liked Echoes with how it did it. Everyone gets a bit of it. I just wish people could level instead of capping at 99 EXP though. Scrolls - Giving units some form of customization for their growths was a very good idea. Don't know why they dropped this. Magic triangle - I see no reason that magic shouldn't be a thing for a triangle if the weapons do. Having just "magic" like Fates did it was incredibly boring. Special staves should stay. That's incredible. Skills - Keep them. Fates is in the right direction. Keep that up. Reclassing - I like it, it helps differentiate units more outside of just growths.
  13. It's not really a call-back though if it's the same character. When Inigo doesn't complain about his mark disappearing hypothetically, it's because he's not as vain as Severa and Owain. He, ironically enough, cares less about his base appearance than anyone else. Severa complains about her hair-- implying that it's any color besides the given red, and Owain complains about his loss of a mark-- and that's probably more in reference to Lissa for how excited she was that he had one. Inigo complains about neither despite the fact that he could. One big thing that supports Chrom!Inigo is the parent support for instance. It really doesn't make much sense for the parent to compare to Lucina when there's no real relation. Chrom on the other hand complaining that his son can't behave more like his daughter? That's a little more sensible. These things are core parts of their character. We shouldn't dismiss that. The only thing that we can actually dismiss about the children characters for canon is that the ones in Fates clearly don't have a pairing with Robin-- as they don't have a kid already when crossing to the other world. The game is pretty good about respecting the various pairings. It's why even though you have Male!Robin appearing in Fates, they make it a clear point that it's Smash Robin and not Awakening Robin. We all ship our favorite pairings after all to some extent. For instance, I like Virion!Inigo, because I like to think that skirt chasing is like some sort of curse that gets passed down the line. It becomes more hilarious when you consider that Soleil has the same curse, despite being a woman. It's why to a certain extent, I prefer the Japanese version of that support with Corrin.
  14. From a gameplay perspective, Chrom / Olivia is probably the worst of Chrom's pairings-- yes, it's even worse than Maiden. Because Maiden doesn't give - strength. Without grinding, at best, you could probably squeeze out a "Vantage" from Olivia for Lucina. Inigo is happy with Rightful King if only because he can eventually get Luna or use it for Sol procs. Which isn't bad but it's not great. At least Maribelle allows for interesting things like combining Demoiselle and Charm for some interesting strategies. Olivia just makes you a mediocre melee fighter that doesn't get much else outside of being able to *eventually* get Galeforce. Of which, all of Chrom's parents do the same outside of Sully and Maiden. And Lucina can make a good hard backliner because she has Dual Strike+ and access to Bowfaire anyways. So who cares? Storywise, the pairing is pretty stupid. he meets her and then he feels compelled to get married to her. The time skip might give a chance, but we see absolutely no chemistry with them beforehand. I don't see how anyone can call it a good pairing. Especially on the account that *all* of them have the time skip argument with them. And I have a harder time shipping that over Maribelle, Sully, or even Sumia. I find Maribelle the best IMO from a story perspective. She's already Lissa's best friend and is pretty much family already. She doesn't even have to get the approval of the siblings for the marriage. They already know and like her. Maiden isn't half bad either. Because I like that everyone in the army didn't get married to their bunk mates. In general I find this is a problem for a lot of pairings in Awakening. I have a hard time buying that someone like Fred for instance would put up with Tharja's antics on his child. Meanwhile, I have an easier time accepting that Henry x Sumia could produce that lunatic child that is Cynthia. Although, to be fair, I find the conversation pretty lousy for Lucina's sibling in general. The sibling claims that Lucina should use "fire magic" despite the fact that none of the mothers are known for their magical fighting. Sure, some of them are capable of using magic, but their base classes certainly aren't fighting casters.
  15. Yeah, Camilla is pretty solid. Her skills that she can pick up from Sorc (if you want to), can make her even more lethal. She's pretty stocky, and her only real problem is iffy hp later on -- which is a problem for quite a few units. She's like Jakob reclassed to Paladin if he could fly and had better EXP gains and monster growths. Her defense is a bit lacking towards end game when everyone starts hitting around 20/20, but it's "lacking" when compared to beefier units like Benny. Not in general. I like her.
  16. He's a nice guy. He's like pretty much every lord ever. Gets a bit too much praise at moments, and his ideals are never properly challenged. I can't hate him though, because at least he's not a complete jerk about his ideals and pushy like other lords about it. He's a bit less interesting than Celica I feel. Then again, the female lords are generally written as more "human" than their male counterparts. The actor chosen for him makes me a bit more partial to him because he's a fine actor.
  17. It really doesn't though. Virion might be a womanizer, but he has a time and place for it: Inigo doesn't.
  18. Sure. I'd be game. I'm happy to see other styles of play.
  19. Well it's that time of the year. Next one Im' going to try to enter when I have more time. I started on this one, but it's a lot more work than I imagined.
  20. Assuming I'm taking the lazy route and not taking a "it's normal mode, everyone is good," Gameplay wise? It's kinda lackluster in some areas. Orochi x Odin is kind of dubious in this regard. Getting hit by -2 speed on a child is pretty lame. And neither has growths that really augment her speed growths passed 30 naturally. I'd honestly try to avoid it at all costs. Instead swap Nyx and Orochi. Beruka x Laslow is the same ordeal here. Solei already has speed problems at base, and with a slower mother like Beruka, you'll have a slower Solei. Hana kills Dwyer's magical potential, but he'll have killer strength and speed. So you'll want to switch to physical. Otherwise good. Elise x Benny makes Iggy not very good on the offense ends, and he doesn't have any hybrid classes outside of Troubadour to make use of that or magical weapons. Personally, I'd flop Azura and Elise around which results in Nina being more hybrid like, and you could make her a decent dark mage, as opposed to Iggy who will never be a good mage. You could make him a butler though I guess. And let's be honest, those base results from any of the Corrinsexuals are great. And Flora is cool I guess. No pun intended there. The rest of them are fine in my eyes.
  21. Sure, but considering that Sephiran was trying to keep tabs on them, it makes sense for him to be over there. It's not random. Sanaki says that he was trying to find out about the situation in Chapter 14. And the reason it doesn't matter if Nasir is picked up later is because... He's Daein's worm-- and by extension Sephiran's since he has BK as his own right hand man. As for rebuttals, people only called the character in question: which is what I was talking about was convenient. The examples some people are giving here aren't convenience, but rather... Just other people existing in the world and having initiative.
  22. It's not dumb luck though. Again, dumb luck requires that someone just felt like prison breaking with nothing surrounding the plot to encourage anyone to do so. Leif being here in prison when there was a prison break happening means that there's more people in the world doing things besides himself. It's fortuitous, but it's not dumb luck. Dumb luck requires it to happen by random chance. As in, there's no reason for this to happen. No. I mean Elbert. Nils knows Elbert is there. He rescued them as well. And considering that both of the twins seem to be able to have feelings to predict when bad things are happening, this isn't that bad-- you can say the powers are bad but that's another thing entirely. The twins do have that power, we see this as early as Ninian predicting an arrow before it even happens. Considering this, it's not a stretch by any means. So no, there really isn't a difference here. And that's a really bad argument. "Things could go wrong, so it's luck that someone delivers a message?" You may as well say that it's luck that Ike doesn't trip over his own shoes and impale himself. That's calling into the competence of someone delivering a message or not. Or question why the boat didn't sink from the journey of Crimea to Begnion. Or why no one died from famine or sickness. And? That doesn't suddenly mean that Ike gets a free pass then. It's a lot easier to speak when someone has already voiced the argument and chime in. I'm going to have to strongly disagree with that. Sephrian being in prison is less lucky than you might think honestly. People are a little too quick to say "bad writing" around here. I'm gonna dip, because people are dragging these arguments in very bizarre directions. I agree. It's literally what my beef is with Ike. There's a little too much plot convenience. This is what I've been saying from the start. A little bit of convenience is fine, but Ike has too much luck and things contributed to himself when it's not. Which is what I've been saying for the longest, but continues to be ignored.
  23. But that's the problem. It really isn't dumb luck. It happens because of the events of the game. If Leif had just smarted off to a knight, got captured and thrown in jail, and then someone just decided they wanted to do a jail break, THAT would be sheer dumb luck. Elbert. He does have a reason to be there. Elbert isn't with him. That's reason enough. And nor was his sister. Is he supposed to just abandon his sister? That's like saying that Ike shouldn't have gone to check up on Greil because he had a bad feeling and should have instead run back to the fortress because of self preservation. Or that Mist shouldn't have tried to help Ike fight the black knight because she should have tried to live. Roy's isn't though. He did it days ahead of time, and the dialogue takes note that his mentor was the only reason that arrived on time. Because she went out of her way to move as rapidly as possible and took advantage of the situation. Hence why he contacted her. All of the lords are supposed to be nice lords. That's some of the problem.I think the thing here is that whether Elincia is a doormat or not isn't the issue. As Ike is pretty aggressive in general. Oh, it is. Eliwood is criticizing the queen for not caring about her son when he could have actually died, and she was more concerned with the throne room. The thing is though, is that even when Eliwood, the de facto leader of the group, is giving someone a verbal lashing, he doesn't actually join in or anything. He remains silent. The ones that had sequels did, yes. And some like Fates, we can assume that Inigo, Owain and Severa are alive in some universe and the like. I can agree with that. My beef was Ike was literally "the amount" as I stated in the first post that I talked about it. I thought that was readily apparent. But people seem more focused on talking about the mere existence of luck. ... Which may be the first time I can actually say people are using Straw man arguments and not... Be saying that because I disagree with their arguments.
  24. But I can. The dialogue of PoR actually changes when people die. RD was the one that acted like no one died. But we're talking about PoR here. Because the plot doesn't just give up. Eliwood and company has bad luck in the example. So how does that show good luck? FE6 Roy actually did something ahead of time and had the foresight to take on what would happen. The FE8 one is just flat out wrong. Luck that's considered bad would be "oh, Nergal can kill us because he has enough power, but for some reason he does." Luckily this can *kinda* be excused as Nergal's unconscious mind might be trying to avoid killing people, but it still is pretty bad tbh. And it works. Because they are two factions doing different things. They didn't go in there to specifically find Lief. It's no more lucky than Ike's team breaking out Sephiran from prison when they were going to rescue the millitia. It's almost the same thing. They didn't go in there to rescue him, but they're already there, there's no reason not to. Same thing here. Unless we're now going to say "Sephiran being rescued is terrible writing." In which case, pretty much all of PoR is bad then. And it's the ending of the game where Nergal has far more quintessence than he had at the beginning of the game. So that's still clear that he didn't have enough power even with Elbert's immediate death. If they did, they wouldn't have bothered going to Bern and that subplot wouldn't have matter at all. So once again, the plot actually makes sense here. Nils has every reason to be there. Elbert has every reason to be there. There's no luck here. The same way Ike gets lucky with Titania taking the foresight to actually call Greil, Shinon and Gatrie to help save Rolf and Mist, it's luck that Shinon gets there in time, it's not luck that he's there. This is the Roy situation all over again, Titania had a plan. No. If that was the case, then I'd also dislike Micaiah, or Sanaki, or Sothe, or Geoffrey or... You know, any character that isn't Elincia. Which I don't. None of them go around doing the things Ike does. So there's a reason I have a dislike for Ike and not them. That's a complete red herring argument there. Especially since Sothe, like Ike, also isn't a noble and a main character, and I feel that Sothe is treated about right for being a bodyguard type character. Sothe RD is basically Ike but handled way better. Not really. Even Hector knew when to be civil. As seen in Bern where he didn't act out of line when they met the queen. And there was talk of Hector being a loudmouth, and people treated him as such.
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