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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. But Hitler had a lot of other things that helped him. For instance, he spoke that he wanted to overthrow the government to help the people. His retorts held weight because he convinced people that it was bad that WW1 ended the way it did, and to a certain extent, he did have a point. The way WW1 ended left Germany in a pretty bad state comparatively to how they were beforehand, so it was easier to rally people up in this case. The US isn't even remotely close to the state that post WW1-Germany was in. So it's really not comparable. I'm no Hitler sympathizer by any stretch of the imagination, but there's quite a large number of differences.
  2. Yeah, which is why I can understand why you don't like it in this case. Criticals are scary beasts in Fire Emblem, and I understand not wanting to lose a unit to it.
  3. I can see that, because at this point, I understand your playstyle. I like doing stuff like hitting people with rallies and the like, so I have a better chance and the like, but it's clear that your style is a very safe one (nothing wrong with that either). You're the type of guy that would rather hit with 100% 10 damage with 0 critical than a guy that has 70-80% with 8 with 50% critical.
  4. No he didn't. And Chapter 2 is an example of being a bad leader if he did. He could have gotten Mist and Rolf killed in his scenario. If it weren't for Titania getting Shinon, both of those children would be dead. So that's an example of him not being ready. Chapter 4, he literally let's Ike lead as a way to gain experience. You know, because he's not experienced? He tells Titania to instruct Ike on how to instruct. It's not the same thing as saying "Ike you're ready to lead." Chapter 5 he does put Ike in charge, but that still doesn't mean that he's ready to lead. Chapter 6 and 7 is another example of being bad-- once again, Ike does what he does best and doesn't listen to people, and falls into a trap as a result. So half of the time Ike does stupid stuff and puts people's lives in danger. I'd say he's pretty bad. Especially when the mistakes made are easily avoidable. Titania doesn't say she doesn't want the job. She just says "oh Ike's going to be it." And everyone just shrugs and says "okay" except the sane people of the group. Oscar could have done this, and there's no reason that Elincia can't do it either... Instruct her mercenaries on what to do. It's just an excuse to have Elincia be useless and do nothing. Obviously. The thing is, Ike, Oscar, Boyd and Rhys are not punished. Their punishment is immediately deferred and Greil dies later on. Punishment averted. And everything works out fine despite doing what he shouldn't have done. So it's still not enough for me. Because Ike is constantly doing stupid stuff throughout the game, and most of the bad things that happen are because Ike doesn't listen or just does what he feels like and the game basically ensures that nothing bad happens to Ike. Bringing up things like Chapter 11 work in my favor to be honest. The only time something bad happens from his lack of listening is the fact that the BK finds out about them and ... Kills Greil. And Ike doesn't even reflect on this. Which is nothing. She literally does nothing. Saying "you try my patience" isn't actually doing anything. Especially because he tried her patience earlier on the boat with his ignorance towards her position. Saying "you try my patience" is literally like going "grr...." at them. Maybe he's like Pegasus and flies with his legs instead? I mean this is a game where bellsprout can learn Flash, Charizard in Gen 1 couldn't learn Fly (seriously WTF is that nonsense?). And yeah, she could have been trained longer than Ike. There's nothing that indicates otherwise. She says she learned swordplay, she says she learned talents that princesses normally don't and that she didn't grow up like one. And in RD, she's competent enough to pretend to be a knight. I'd say... Yes, she most definitely could have been. Getting a mount isn't the same thing. Mozu is a villager, the likelihood of her *not* knowing how to ride an animal is pretty low. That's why they gave her archery and lances unpromoted, because lances are the closest thing to a pitchfork (as Awakening liked to say), and she mentions hunting in some of her supports. So she has skills that make sense. Master of Arms is about the only thing that doesn't make sense for her, but considering that quite a few of her supports mention that she wants to train to not be useless... This makes sense.
  5. For a mage? 32% defense growth is high. Especially when coupled with To put it into perspective, Camilla only has 45% defense growth as a Malig Knight. A unit that instant promotes as a Dark Knight will get stats tweaked as if they leveled as a Dark Knight. And that's wrong about Child Seal bonuses. It's a free promotion for a unit, not all children are worse than their parents. Ophelia being one of them. And not everyone pairs up Odin? What's your point? If you use him, you have her. So this is a really awful argument. I may not represent the player, but no player is going to say "man, I want to use Ophelia this playthrough, let me NOT use Odin." So use MyCastle rewards. Why the hell wouldn't you use a resource that you have? Are we just playing a game where MyCastle doesn't exist? That makes no sense. And there are enough high movement units that you can pair up to help with movement bonuses. So this is rather unneeded. And archers really hurt in Conquest, so having the ability to not have a bow weakness on yet another unit is nice. What you're saying is like "oh, I just picked up a stat booster, let me not use it or sell it because... It's not guaranteed to be on a unit." That makes no sense. What kind of nonsensical arguments are these? She is darn near the only one. The only other one that can have this argument is Forest. Leo is bulky but has shaky speed-- you have to do something about it, whether that be change his class or give him some sort of stat booster, cook, something. Felicia needs to switch to the strategist class and has terrible hp and defense which can result in literal OHKOs, She could use her plate, but its damage plummets later on when stronger spells can be used. Flame Shuriken can be used, but avoid tanks if you do. Elise needs to promote first and has horrid accuracy and needs to build up her weapon rank (you can get around that with arms scrolls however), and like Felicia, is OHKOed by a lot of enemies, Camilla has shaky base magic, and even turning her into a Sorcerer doesn't completely remove that problem hence people turning her into a Wyvern Lord instead for the extra physical attributes over magic. Forest is the only other mage that can be reliably used , but because his father is Leo, he gets a speed penalty, which can cause him to basically be a less bulky version of his dad that's faster but not fast enough to double. Dwyer has the same problems as Forest, and even with a +1 modifier, the growth spread isn't high enough to maintain enough speed depending on the mother. Ophelia can simply decide to not be a Sorcerer to fix hers. Furthermore, that is the weakest argument I've ever seen for a flaw. "You have to use Odin." Well Odin is certainly usable so this isn't even a real flaw. It's Odin's flaw. Especially because Ophelia always levels up to the the same or higher as any unit on your team. So Odin's level becomes completely pointless. I honestly do this all the time with children. Hit Ch. 19, and start recruiting them because it's free promotions for units and sub out units that are not doing so hot or just suck and replace them with the child. It's not likely that both parents have it rough, so it's easily doable. That *is* high for a mage. Let's turn Niles into a Sorcerer. He has 35% defense growth. 3% in a growth makes almost no difference. Camilla as a Sorcerer is 40%, so about every 10 levels, I can expect her to gain... 1 extra point of defense. Yeah, it's actually not that bad in conjunction. She's - 2 defense, which sucks, but it's not even remotely close to Elise levels of defense. And yeah, it is arguing about whether she's a bad or good unit, because your statements essentially say "she has flaws in her growths depending on her mother," which implies that she has problems depending on her parent. The only one that can screw her over is Orochi. And that's largely because you either go for nonexistent defense to get speed, or you get some extra defense and have no speed-- which leaves her in actual positions to be doubled by enemies. She has a crazy magical stat though, but it's largely overkill.
  6. She's still bulky even with those two as her parents as she can just opt to be a dark knight. 32 % defense growth is pretty high for a mage. You literally can't mess Ophelia up because of how Dark Mage promotion class growths are. As for her not always going to exists? She sure can if I use Odin. Which if I want Ophelia, I am going to use Odin obviously, so I don't know what you mean by "not always going to exist." Berserker can get darn near 100 critical (and actually reach that sometimes), and because of Percy's personal, he doesn't have the Berserker C.ev penalty. I know he has a negative modifier, but that growth is so high... Bonus points if you have Azura or Beruka marry Arthur. You can have Arthur grab Rally strength, promote him for Rally Defense, and then turn him into a Sky Knight for Rally Speed.
  7. Yes, and the matter of "how soon" is a very pressing point. A person that owns a company would probably plan to give the company to their children eventually some day. What they don't plan to do is give the company to them when the person is inexperience and has had little to no experience leading. And more pressingly, it's difficult to believe that people would be willing to put their lives at risk with someone that is that inexperienced. Realistically, you'd think everyone would be uncomfortable with someone becoming the leader when just two days ago, everyone else on the team had a better idea of how things work. This is really pushing the sense of belief already. But what makes it more laughable is that every talks about Shinon with scorn for having a sane reaction to this. Which is hard to believe on the account that no one ever seems to have the luck of Ike in this game. And more pressingly, the "your recklessness actually got us OUT of trouble" is the issue. Because the game rewards someone for having not a lick of geographical sense and not understanding customs of other areas. And more importantly than that, it's a demonstration of what's wrong with things. It's not just the fact that he got off the ship and was lucky. It's the fact that he runs into a place that's essentially kill on sight and he's not killed because he runs into a prince that just so happens to be taking a stroll that just so happens to not feel like following the direct orders of the king. But that's not enough, these same people then turn around and resupply them as well as help them off of the rocks as well. This also ignores the fact that any time Ike did something, it always worked out in his favor-- or there were no consequences for him-- the closest thing we get for that is he indirectly gets Greil killed for his behavior, and there's absolutely no reflection on Ike for this and all it does is get him a promotion. And that's very difficult to swallow. She just gives Ike a pass because she knows he's a jerk? That sounds like more reason to punish him and Elincia at that point more than anything else. And it doesn't do any good for characters to be furious if nothing happens. Every time something happens for Ike, they say "Oh this could have happened, you're ... lucky." An Empress, the physical representation of the face of the country, is reprimanded by a commoner in a rather condescending tone and disrespected in front of all of her peers and underlings. Insulting her is akin to insulting the entirety of the country. What's her response? Nothing. Yeah, I don't buy that.
  8. The issue with Ike is that there's a lot of writer's favoritism going on with him. To the point that it overwhelms any form of base logic that's applied to the games. So what ends up happening is that it appears to be a "chosen one" scenario so to speak, but it's literally just a standard "Hero's Journey" with some lousy writing going on around it. This is true, but I'd argue that things like Daein not giving an option to the mercs is just out and out bad writing. The objective is to capture/kill Elincia. What reason do they have to even bother to fight these people? All they had to do was pay them a bit of gold coin in exchange for Elincia. Even if we find out later that the whole point was to try to get the entire continent in a war, it's still bad writing here, because that means that these people were sent with the notion of losing which makes even less sense than my first presentation. I wouldn't have minded the GMs deciding to honor Elincia over Daein, but here, it's just done really poorly. And the issue with Elincia is that she mentions that she's no "ordinary princess," knowing things like how to pack clothes (faster and more efficiently than Mist I might add), cook, sew, and even a bit of swordplay. If anything, I'd say that her raising here would have made her more likely to have learned some military tactics and had some training. If we look at her base stats for instance (which I'll admit is kinda strange, but for the sake of argument hear me out), they are much better than Ike, which implies that she has more training than Ike himself. And if her stats aren't enough, how about the fact that she has her own personal weapon and knows how to fight on a mount? You don't just decide that you're going to fight on a horse one day (sorry Mist). One of the biggest issues I hear is that people say "Ike earned it," when before Greil dies, Ike demonstrates more instances where he is a terrible choice for the leader. He's not very cultured and doesn't know much about the surrounding areas, he's not a good tactician, he's horrible diplomatically, he doesn't listen-- which is hilarious because this is actually what leads to Greil's death, and he's the most inexperienced of his group aside from Mist and Rolf-- both of which don't actually fight initially, and he makes snap judgments about things without context-- ie, "I hate nobles," when the first actual nobles he met and had a conversation with were Elincia and Cain. Ike spends more time being stupid and the game just kind of shrugs at all of Ike's stupidity and says it's "refreshing." The only growth that Ike shows isn't even really through character, but rather... Achievements, which doesn't really say much about his growth as a character. All of his goals and desires are outlets of physical achievements. Defeating the Black Knight may avenge his father or whatever, but it really doesn't show much growth. The best growth we see from Ike is when he actually ignores the Black Knight when going to rescue Geoffrey-- but even that is a rather misnomer statement because his client told him that he should rescue her knights, so it wasn't even his decision to argue truly decide "hey, now isn't a good time to avoid confronting him." Heck, you can even choose to not deliver a speech at the end, and the characters all yuck it up about how "Ike never changes." Now I'll grant you that this is a player choice variant, but it's still one of those things that really sums up Ike "it's just Ike being Ike." And he's boring, like Mist says. I thoroughly agree with OP when they say that if this were a 3DS era and Ike was an avatar, people would have criticized this plot a lot more instead of putting it on the pedestal they do now. Even something like Alm from Echoes makes more sense to be made the leader in that instance. He's a common man, and chosen as a bit of a figurehead. The game even says as such. What saves PoR for me is the lore and the setup. Not anything surrounding Ike's character. I think it's bad.
  9. Then Lucina would have to carry on in place of Chrom with the Falchion to stop Grima. What if the present Robin decided to become Grima too?
  10. Yeah, I woke up to that, and was just kinda like... WTF... I can't even begin to understand that one.
  11. The lord. Corrin is the right idea for how to do an avatar gameplay wise. It doesn't make any sense to have some forced dullard in the party that uses a forced weapon in a game like Fire Emblem. Sure, if the game has no weapon triangle and generally plays like Gaiden / Echoes I don't care, but in the standard Fire Emblems, please let the hero be able to be customized. I hate forced dudes that you can't customize. I'm even fine with losing the "lord" class if it means that we can actually get a fully custom character. Also, having skin tones would be nice. Outfits I don't really care about as you can just change classes tbh.
  12. Which is why we, the people, honestly need to push. I wasn't just talking about "the leaders," but rather "us." I understand what you're saying, but there's enough discontent at the moment to finally take advantage is what I'm saying. Third parties did better this year than they ever did before-- which is a good thing in my eyes. They may have lost, but that should continue while they still have traction. Just because they didn't land a president doesn't mean that they/we should give up. And I can agree with the downside of a presidential system. It also has the nasty tendency to cause people to ignore the other smaller steeples of government as well.
  13. Which seems more possible with how much discontent is going around right now.
  14. Honestly, at this point, I'm hoping for people to wise up and just push for a stronger third party. It's clear at this point that neither party really has the common man's interests in mind when performing any sort of actions. Democrats taking a "wait and see" approach isn't going to work here, as there are people that feel that the Democratic party let them down so much that they aren't going to even bother with either at this point. And the Republican Party really needs to get off of the "Fake News" nonsense. While there's always going to be a bias from reporters, there are enough stories for a person to feasibly look at multiple sources. Attacking the press is not going to do anything short of make you continue to look even more shady. And honestly, I've heard people talk about the fear of being "bred" out of existence. It's especially stupid when you think about how many mutts there are in the US that aren't even first generation of anything. Hilarious really.
  15. I'd hope that they'd consider alternatives for characters to be honest. Like Chrom for instance? He can technically use every weapon in the game outside of staves. It'd be cool if Chrom took advantage of that-- sure you might argue that he can only get some of them through reclass, but who cares? Chrom deserves this with how some of the other games have handled him.
  16. Or Hector if you do Hector Mode, but yeah, essentially that. It's kinda silly to have multiple lords when they are together for most of the game, and then turn around and have moments where they are forced.
  18. It's not as bad as you'd think honestly. In the early game, you can get through many maps with vulneraries, and you still have your servant as a healer. In a worst case scenario, you can use a Servant + Azura for more healing. If you manage to get Elise to Malig Knight, you're looking at an Elise that can actually take a hit and not get OHKOed and still have the magical might that she has. I normally don't do it, as I'd much rather use it on Jakob, Arthur, or Camilla, but in the case of Elise, this could be potentially useful if you want your to have another flier, and she is a pretty solid Malig Knight. Having enough speed to double, and enough defense to not be OHKOed by almost every conceivable enemy on the map that's not a mage.
  19. Depends on what level your Elise currently is. If she's like 10+, you could pull off possibly promoting a bit early like say level 15 or so, and then promote her to Malig Knight to have some extra defense and have access to magic.
  20. I prefer the method used for Fates. 1 lord with some customization. It's the best method of handling it in my opinion. Having multiple forced lords on non-dual scenarios is a bit of a chore.
  21. The gains on defense aren't half bad, and if you do it early enough, she can use the bolt axe. I say go for it if you're in the early game.
  22. Fix gameplay problems first and foremost. I'm fine with abandonment of the original mechanics if the design still keeps the same spirit of the game in mind. For the story, I think it should largely remain the same with slight tweaks to clear up weaker points and/or expand upon interesting tidbits.
  23. Between the two? Branching. There's just more dynamic there than a third tier.
  24. Not that I know of. That was only a thing in LUCT if you did NG+ and World or overleveled too much. And also, there's no MVP system in KoL. Something dropped in the PSP version for obvious reasons.
  25. I'd say that Chrom is the most optimistic. He's willing to believe that Robin can just "resist" because reasons. Yeesh. Edgy? None really, but I guess Conquest!Corrin. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS WHAT I MUST DO!
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