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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Nah. Most of the problems I have with Awakening are addressed in Fates. It's really hard to go back.
  2. This is also a good idea. Geez, it's crazy how such a concept can go in so many wild directions.
  3. Hmm... I wouldn't blame you for this one. MiseryJoe...? Is that why you invited company!? I kid. I kid. I don't know, I think I'd rather see it to completion regardless if there was some complaining.
  4. So now there's a reason to use all of the mages it sounds like. Your making them different classes rather than different flavors of mage.
  5. No arguments there, but as it stands, the only real way for it to make sense for Corrin to ever want to side with Nohr is to actually simply want Hoshido eradicated, or at the very least, stopped. Like... If you're simply trying to end the war as cleanly as possible, there's no reason to ever do what you do in Conquest. Now... If Conquest ended with Corrin being like " I really ****ed that one up..." It'd be good. But they don't. Like for instance, you'd have to have Corrin believe that Nohr falling to Hoshido would be bad because then everyone would become under the influence of Hoshido with no real checks placed on this "King Ryoma," so he's willing to dismantle the kingdom simply to keep not only Nohr safe, but all of whatever the hell continent Fates takes place on. That would have been decent. The problem is that there are no real politics in Fates, so Conquest ends up being the beat stick of analysis because it has potentially the best story as your character isn't necessarily beating up Hoshido because they think it's funny or because they only care about their family, it's because they are concerned with the long term consequences of Nohr -- the only potential check to Hoshido on the continent, falling. If they had basically implied that if Hoshido were given the opportunity to invade other places and force them under Hoshido's thumb, NOW we have potential for Conquest. Because Corrin would be concerned about the entire continent's well being in Conquest while Corrin Hoshido is more concerned with "doing what is right," but potentially leading to more dire consequences down the line. Garon becomes pointless to even worry about in Conquest in this version because Garon's mentality / inability to rule becomes crucial as the reason to hurry up and finish Hoshido off, because the choices Garon has been making are leading Nohr to ruin. You'd even have parallels able to be drawn from strategy versus tactics with Conquest being about strategy and Birthright being about tactics. Heck, the campaigns themselves would already lend to that gameplay wise. With Conquest's "never able to grind and go back," you have to plan out and ration your funds over the course of your journey and you can't simply plan one map at a time leading to more strategic gameplay (which it already has). You could potentially have had a story where its themes are everywhere, even the gameplay. Corrin sucks because there's not enough of anything surrounding Corrin to be good. Corrin has nothing to react to, and the characters keep saying Corrin is right... Well outside of Leo and Takumi, but something is wrong with them. They don't realize what kind of world they're in
  6. Thanks. You tried. I actually managed to snipe someone, so I already own it.
  7. This made me laugh more than it should have honestly. Also, this topic is making me realize that Micaiah might be my favorite lord in the series. The only lord that actually had to answer to a chain of command, and had actual consequences for following orders-- even if she personally didn't like them. It's funny, because Corrin has this same sort of setup. The only difference is that they made Conquest have you basically play as the "evil" empire-- and the character lead knows it. For comparisons sake, you'd have to compare someone like Zelgius and Corrin. I think the biggest issue with Corrin, is that Corrin "knew" his army was evil too soon, and there wasn't enough time for Corrin to really establish a bona fide love for Nohr, or even ever really *fight* for Nohr to have some form of love for it before Nohr was revealed to be "evil." It's not simply a matter of how Corrin doesn't grow, it's a matter of there being no real conflicts that can have any real depth because everything is set out on the table too soon, so the characters can't really have interesting responses to things of story pacing -- which is somehow worse than RD's. In Conquest, they don't even try to hide that Garon is crazy, and no one does anything with this knowledge. You do atrocities and you know something is wrong with your ruler... But you do nothing. It's really awkward. In RD, there wasn't enough time for Micaiah to question this, and more specifically, Pelleas is sort of able to be related to and has enough screen time to show that he's a rather plain guy. Compare that to Garon stats out evil, and basically declares war when the smarter way is to break off with Garon, have your own army ally with the rebellion that's ALREADY HAPPENING IN NOHR and then petition Hoshido, a country that's already fighting with Nohr to aid-- you know, exactly what Scarlet did in Revelations and Hoshido? That's the issue. Conquest's story is stupid for those reasons as the better path would have simply to have made Corrin just puppy kicking evil at that point. I'm kinda in agreement with Eclipse. Corrin kind of sucks, but some of the reason corrin sucks so much is because a lot of stuff is dumb around Corrin.
  8. God... Man, if I ever write a story where politics are more important, I'm basing all of the council based off of you guys... Good grief. And no, it's not a bad thing at all.
  9. Scarlet. Come on man, you can totally turn her into the witch class and have the Scarlet Witch...
  10. Jakob and Felicia are special, they don't cap at level 20. They are essentially unpromoted units in a promoted class. That's essentially why I say Jakob is better as a butler, because staves heal as Mag/3, so the lead in magic that Felicia has is far less pronounced than the lead in strength that Jakob has.
  11. I don't doubt for a second that Lethe was twisting the truth at all. I think she was just out and out mistaken here. That's what I'm getting at. As in, she didn't know the entire truth of the matter-- sort of like how Path of Radiance would have you believing that Yune was the "Dark God." She's just a goddess of chaos, but hardly the ominous cloud that hung over everyone in PoR. The characters themselves say this is what it is, but they are all unreliable sources because they don't specifically know what the medallion holds or *does*. Whoa... That was weird... So many posts saying the same thing. Sorry, I didn't mean to seem like I was bullying you if that happened.
  12. I don't think it's that they're doing all of that, they are simply miss remembering. You have to remember that PoR came out over a decade ago. I sincerely doubt that people are being "happily ignorant" and writing their own version of history to feel better. That's a fairly aggressive stance to take over events the person could have read/witnessed (if they watched someone play), so long ago. Lethe is also a terrible basis to use as concrete evidence without multiple people backing her up on the account of her bias. Sort of like you wouldn't take Ike's perspective on nobles with a grain of salt because he has a bias against them.
  13. Augestein


    Wait... You're good at sprites!? Can you like... Salvage mine when I finish it? I was helping other people on projects and this one slid down on the queue, I'm so sorry forgive me.
  14. As am I. I can't believe it's been like 7 years since I've played these games with the story read. DLuna needs to finish his redux so I can play it, have fun, and revitalize my ... Love for the story? What...!?
  15. Jacob, does his job without needing weapons that lower his stats.
  16. Fair point, but her future sight wasn't "mind reading." And more specifically, that refers to simply "mind reading," not all of their powers. I can see where you're going with this however, so I'll concede that point as this could just be a botched translation at this point, and may have originally meant to say "all of our powers wane when in chaos." As pushing any further kind of skirts in "nitpicking" territory. But it is weird because herons are not actually affected by this.
  17. Problem here is that even IS sort of forgets this. None of the other herons are affected by the chaos itself like Micaiah is in the story. Even Leanne, the heron that seems to be most fragile and non-chaotic of the three siblings. Micaiah is, but Reyson, the main one that is in the fray of all the chaos, is not. Sure they sort of mention this with a "you're used to this now," but considering that Micaiah has been part of a resistance since Begnion took over (so at least 3 years or so), and has constantly been fighting, you'd think she'd be more used to it, and less affected by it than any of the herons. Reyson didn't join the Crimean army until more than half of the fighting was over, and Ike's supports with him imply that this illness just makes him (them) feel bad. There isn't anything about interfering with powers.
  18. But that was the thing though, the future sight thing is specifically a heron power though. It's because she's branded that she has this power. What's BS is how she has this power established and we see how strong it is, but conveniently the air is "too chaotic" to use it against Ike. Ever. That's more garbage than anything else about her power.
  19. I actually got your point. Ranulf revealing that made sense there. There's no reason for him not to, because if he hadn't, it'd beg the question of "why didn't Ranulf say anything?" But Ranulf does-- it might seem "lame," how it's casually revealed by him, but from any sort of logical perspective, it makes perfect sense. That's why I was saying, if IS really wanted to reveal it later, they should have killed Ranulf. Or had him captured I suppose. Agreed on this so much. I can agree with that as well. Yeah, Part 3 has some stupidity in it, but it's not Micaiah that's the house of stupid here. And her powers don't make her a Mary Sue, as the plot makes it really clear that Micaiah's powers are the apostle's powers, which explains why people from Begnion believed that they were selected from the goddess as the true ruler of Begnion each time. It's easy to see why people would rally behind her if those sort of powers just... Appeared in their time of need. Heck, Micaiah is already flawed before you even see her in Part 1, because in PoR, Micaiah lost Sothe and Sothe was looking for her. In RD, it's revealed that she intentionally abandoned him because she didn't want him to be stuck with her and her problems. Honestly, I like Micaiah, she makes some bone-headed decisions and she's kind of stubborn-- even kind of rude, but you know what? The plot doesn't bend over backwards for her all the time. People get angry with her, people say she's full of garbage when she says stuff that doesn't make sense (Sothe to her for instance when he pretty much says "you don't understand why Ike is so amazing!"), and some characters in the plot just plain don't like her-- Sanaki sure didn't when they first met.
  20. Honestly, if they really wanted the reveal to not happen, all they had to do was kill Ranulf. Seriously, why they didn't think to do this is beyond me. I mean, they were willing to basically randomly axe Largo from the team, why not just kill a character so the plot point can't be revealed? Micaiah really isn't a Mary Sue. It's especially hilarious when you look at her competition within the same game. Micaiah IMO honestly isn't that bad. The problem with Nohr Corrin is the same problem as every Corrin. The issue is that Conquest just makes the problem way more pronounced than Hoshido and Revelations because the plot is far less simple at base. The plot absolutely cannot have people just shrugging and saying "sure Corrin, I believe in you." No, they need to question the method to his / her madness so there's a reason for people to have to actually talk. The game doesn't need to judge Corrin, but the characters DO in order for us to believe anything about them, their plight, or Corrin's. The reason that Micaiah gets some analysis, is because the game actually lets Micaiah, and other characters reflect or call people out on things that just plain don't make sense. Conquest doesn't, and it desperately needs to. The rules of the blood pact are stupid, but the situation that was created as a result of it -- Begnion still being in control with Pelleas being a puppet ruler are not-- the issue is that the BP is so contrived that it makes it hard for the characters to behave rationally for fear of a super mystical object that basically says "no, the plot's going this way." It's very similar to Fates in that regard actually. They have a scenario that's good, but they don't know how to reach the scenario without getting there in such an idiotic fashion that it ruins the entirety of the plot. Micaiah isn't stupid because of the blood pact, no, part 3 is stupid because of the blood pact. In the case of Corrin, Corrin has more chapters of time and development as a character, and spends most of it coasting along simply believing "my way is right," never really having to question if there's a better way because the plot never demands that Corrin think anything otherwise and spends all of its time making sure that Corrin is right. The reason Micaiah is better, is because Micaiah takes the attitude of I don't care if it's right. Which makes for a more believable character-- and interesting to boot.
  21. Why not have both though? Or are your caves not going to have swords and spears?
  22. Robin from a character perspective and Corrin from a gameplay perspective. This is kind of long, so a warning is here. Character. Robin's character is kind of bland, and he's generally just a nice guy, but this personality compliments the plot far more than Corrin's does. He's the group's tactician, and he's the best at what (s)he does and a capable fighter as well. The biggest problem I have with Robin as a character is the fact that they take a little bit TOO much attention off of Chrom towards the ending, and become less of an avatar and more of their own character, and what little character we get from Robin here is... Nothing, as Robin pretty much takes a "I won't betray the player," so there's no real struggle, and since Robin doesn't remember his/her past, there's not much purpose to having Robin's backstory be the backstory that it is-- it serves no purpose outside of elevating the player's character to an important position without making them a "plot device." Ironically enough, Robin already was a plot device in the sense that they "always" had the plans and the like. Robin's character kind of ends up being a gloryhog with no real weaknesses and nothing but strengths making him/her come across as rather flat and unstoppable. From a supports perspective, female and male Robin differ a bit more. Female Robin is quite crabby with nonsense and finds herself feeling a zero tolerance rule towards things that are absolutely idiotic. Male Robin, is a bit more down to earth and simply a nice guy. Supports included, the unique supports for Female Robin actually round her out a bit more, as she's a bit of an aggressor and kind of mean (see Lon'Qu's support for instance) , but is really good at her job... And it shows why she's good at her job, because she does nothing but focuses on it to ensure that she has a position to stay. Sure, this means that there are some supports such as Chrom x Female Robin that are display a rather disgusting set of hypocritical behavior, but seeing Robin in a bad light at moments is *just* the thing to make her a more believable character-- it's a shame that these tendencies never appeared outside of supports. Corrin's character is just... Bad. Corrin is literally a plot device from start to finish. At first, this is okay, because it's clear Corrin's initial position is so because they were used to by a manipulator to instigate a plot. Thus, that's not bad. However, Corrin has so little character, that we barely know his/her opinions on standard things. All they do is walk forward and smash things until they win. Conquest Corrin, as much as people give him/her grief, at least they have SOMETHING resembling a character here. Conquest Corrin is an idiot, yes, but such is what I'd expect from someone that's been locked in a fortress for most of their life. I'd honestly still say Conquest Corrin sucks , but that's because the plot doesn't do anything well with what it has. Still more interesting than the other routes of Corrin. Much better. Supports wise, Corrin's personality is all over the place. The only thing that's really consistent is that Corrin is apparently not good at anything really. Which could be interesting if Corrin ever really cared about this, or this ever became relevant-- but it doesn't. Corrin always wins, and when Corrin walks into a trap Corrin just smashes through them anyways. Boring. Worse than Robin, because at least Robin actually had plans and stuff. Corrin also has no reason to lead their army-- as there are several people much more capable and experienced in the group, and I believe outside of say... Ike, this is the first time we're dealing with a "lord" that has NO reason leading the army (yes, in PoR, it should have been Titania). I really don't like Corrin too much based on how bland they are. Gameplay wise Corrin is definitely superior because they aren't completely gamebreaking like Robin. For starters, Corrin's passive Nobility is less ridiculous than Veteran. 2nd, Corrin doesn't start with like... Every class unlocked, resulting in silly amounts of abilities that can be obtained from the character. Corrin might be able to do it with significant abuse, but Robin doesn't have to abuse much to do this. Second seals and the EXP curve in Awakening ensure that this will happen soon enough. Sure you can get the classes from A supports, but that takes longer, and buying skills costs money. There's much more of a detriment there than what happens in Awakening with Robin. The only thing I don't like about Corrin is the legendary weapon. Next time IS, let US choose what weapon we want to be our legendary weapon. It sucks that you can't use it if you want to use certain classes. That's one thing that Robin did better, (s)he didn't have a prf weapon of any sort so we didn't have to worry about this nonsense.
  23. No, and that's the problem. Trump says things that he wants to happen but has no way to make it happen. Like any time you say "how," you're met with a bunch of guffaws or insults.
  24. Sakura for Birthright. She's nice enough to recruit people and learn to become a leader without being the best. Leo is fine, because Camilla and Xander have enough authority over him to have him be a gopher.
  25. . I honestly see no point to having a broken main character, because it still causes balance problems-- Robin is a testament to that. RD Ike is also a showcase of that as well. Sure with grinding I'd argue that Corrin can break things with Seals and A supports, but at that point you're grinding so balance has already flown the coup there. It's one thing to have a strong lead, but the reason for stronger leads is no longer an issue because Lords no longer have forced promotion points anymore. Maids/Butlers would still be a problem, because of the support system that's in play. Take someone like say Camilla, let's say we S rank her with Jacob. Camilla has a rocking strength score and defense to boot. Suddenly she's a Maid with 1-2 range, 60% strength growth, and her defense is 40% and with her base magic and 35% mag growth, she's fine on healing. She literally has no weaknesses. It's still a problem. Doubling on initiation attacks only? There we go. That's something that would definitely make more sense there.
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