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Everything posted by BBM

  1. so i had a dream that argentina beat germany 1-0
  2. in an otherwise town Masonry
  3. basically a Mafia Mason in a
  4. Proto isn't the third mason; why would Blitz spend most of D1 voting Proto if this was the case? The logic doesn't assume that Proto is town because if scum are going to votepark they'll votepark on something they think is good, not a throwaway case that ties them to their buddy. reread will have to be tomorrow bc I have to go out boo
  5. basically if you go with "Proto is scummy for sheeping a case and then parking all phase" it implies that Proto thought that the case he was sheeping had merit to it; ie not a throwaway case
  6. It only gives the illusion of them seeming to act independent of each other if Proto anticipated the reasoning I'm currently giving at the beginning of the game while also banking that Weapons would flip before him. Do you think this is likely? Also Proto stuck on the Refa vote literally the entire phase; that doesn't match up with the theory that he considered it a throwaway case that he would abandon later.
  7. because he wouldn't tie himself to a buddy like that? As much as I hate to admit it the Cam slot is probably town too; Weapons voted Cam when the votes were 3/2/2 between Blitz/Refa/Cam when he could have easily BSed reasons for scum!Blitz and if scum decide to bus D1 it's generally a planned thing from the beginning where they go gungho after the person, not swingvote against them.
  8. Proto and Weapons are not scumbuddies; Proto wouldn't blatantly sheep his scumbuddy that early into D1. Gonna reread Weapons for scum interactions but I don't want to lynch Proto today, unless someone can provide a plausible scenario in which Weapons and Proto are buddies.
  9. Beard was not the body part that came into my mind when I first saw it, though that's probably what it was meant to be.
  10. I'm surprised nobody's commented on the big horn sticking out from the lower body of Mega Metagross
  11. He's usable but he starts with an E bow rank after promotion, so if you use him a lot he'll get to Killer by the end of the game. The prepromoted Snipers (and promoted Archers, if you actually use them) will be using far better bows. And Lott doesn't have the STR to kill problem WLs or whatever.
  12. I feel like although you have the money to spend you're not really using it fully? I mean you're using only a quarter of your wage budget and you had more than enough of a transfer budget to outbid Arsenal for that player.
  13. urgh I'm going to be mad if Euklyd flips town/Cam flips scum but ##Unvote, ##Vote: Euklyd #lettingyourscumreadsconvinceyou
  14. I think that saying they purposely held back after the first half is even worse tbh but it was kind of obvious regardless
  15. theoretical safeguard/shrink on me tonight btw; would much rather die as town N1 than be culted and then inevitably be killed or lynched sometime down the line anyways @Proto- no deaths on N1 were expected because StSS was a Virgin and prevented kills the night after he died. I'm in the flavour as a joke because Manix thinks I'm scum every game in which he's town. Also the phase will end before you wake up so if you're still around you should vote for whom you find scummiest on gut or whatever right now.
  16. that was supposed to be a cc?
  17. what the fuck even if you believed the joke cop claim it literally had three modifiers right there
  18. my rolename is actually Mason I thought VANILLIZER NEIGHBOURIZER COP was such an obvious joke that the accompanying Mason in strikethrough would make it obvious
  19. Also fwiw I think that a Mafia Mason Infiltrator in a 3p Masonry is dumb as fuck balance-wise because it essentially tells the mafia 2 town roles at the start of the game, giving them not only great targets to shoot at for two nights but also narrows down targets for the scum investigative role to find the town investigative/protective roles. reread Euklyd; I guess Prims's reasoning for why Refa's townmeta on Euklyd isn't valid is fair. The most suspicious things I see is that in #42 he talks about how Blitz is wrong with the setupspec and whatnot (which is correct and something I also communicated privately to Blitz) but then afaics uses that as the basis for a weak scumread in #56 even though his setupspec being wrong has no scum intent in it (or at least Euklyd didn't try to explain why it did). And then when his Blitz vote comes he votes Blitz for his post sounding contrived and cites VM's reasoning. But VM only spoke about Blitz's Proto read; even if that paragraph sucked you can't call all his posts contrived. and #scuminteractionswithoutaflip his Eclipse suspicion has no backing and there's no explanation as to why Eclipse was worse than Weapons even though he's said a lot more about Weapons. Overall, would vote if Cam wagon doesn't take off. It's also been 20 minutes since I told everyone about how Blitz is town and I see no unvotes. ;/
  20. spellcard and inception off the top of my head; there should be at least one more and fuck it, I am not going to let Blitz be mislynched D1, even if the consequence is that one of us gets culted. I am a Mason 2-shot vanillizing neighbourizing Cop who used his actions on N1 and N2 to target Blitz and User X (identity not currently relevant). Blitz is town. yeah yeah bastard game Blitz could be scum but I was prepared to claim to save Blitz like 24 hours ago and he was the one who pushed for me to not do so, so that he could get reads off people voting him and analyze his wagon, which is a big towntell. In addition to that his play has been really townie IMO regardless; to the extent that I wouldn't vote for him even if I was something else.
  21. scum Ascetics claim all the time; your reasoning is faulty
  22. because if you're a better FE player you can strategize in such a manner that your units aren't any more in danger than when you're hiding behind a chokepoint, even when you're moving faster. It's not about LTC (LTC normally is a little unreliable actually) but you can play fairly efficiently and have the same chances of death as someone turtling (random enemy crits and stuff)
  23. Refa can you explain why you unvoted Eclipse I didn't get it at all
  24. Lurkers aren't going to get lynched D1 because lynching lurkers on D1 is dumb, unless they get content before deadline; in which case we're lynching them based off that content and not based on how much worse their lurking was compared to the other lurkers before they stopped lurking. If you want my thoughts about Prims it's that I can't see anything ~scummy~ he's done since what I voted him for ED1 but his tone feels weird to me; which is why I've been periodically questioning him the entire time since then about things I didn't like. If I don't state otherwise it's generally pretty safe to assume that my vote is on the person I find scummiest. I didn't have as much on Eclipse mid-D1 bc there was a fairly long time gap between when she left ED1 and when Cam subbed in, but that doesn't mean I found her less scummy and I've been finding Cam scummy since he subbed in too. I also have no idea why you think that my Eclipse/Cam case is weaker than other people I've spoken about since then because I haven't actually spoken about anyone else in-depth other than Prims and maybe you? And neither of you are getting lynched today so I'm really not leaving my options open at all, other than like a one-liner I made about Weapons way back. btw speaking of Cam, after saying that there were scum pushing Blitz he voted someone who wasn't pushing Blitz. I still think this slot is scum. time to go reread Euklyd I guess. PS- I did read your sentence Weapons ha
  25. it's ok if you find Blitz town but if you're going to specifically say that there are scum pushing him for a mislynch and then not talk about who they are will consider Euklyd more tomorrow; SLEEP for now
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