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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BACK I beat the robot and then the Dragon Zombie and then on my way back to heal I got wiped out by a random encounter gg. Luckily I'd saved between the robot and the Dragon Zombie, so I just beat him again. Also beat Victor/Victoria; wasn't very difficult with 4x Star Pendants negating the Poison/Exterminate combo.
  2. where did kirsche vote Euklyd for being defensive? he voted Euklyd for a contradiction in his posts.
  3. Light gave himself up originally bc he was a main suspect and because doing so cleared suspicion on him. It probably would have happened regardless of Misa. And Rem is a hindrance, yes, but I don't see how that's a misogynistic view of females? If anything it's the opposite because a female was able to purposely oppose and hinder Light (but ultimately failed). also I can't remember the name of the dude with the blue hair but he's moreso the reason than any of the girls IMO
  4. the Ender series is good because OSC shows off his writing ability without delving too deeply into his own personal philosophies then you read Empire and you're like UHHHHHHHH
  5. Pascal/FFM isn't a hydra; Pascal is his screenname and FFM is his nickname since he used to be named FrostyFireMage. Euklyd, why do you think that voting somebody not on the playerlist is useful?
  6. ##Vote: Refa I don't buy that you'd roll town twice in a row... and if you did it was probably a CONSPIRACY ANYWAYS, like Doomsday
  7. @Jedi- Probably not as many because neither team has a great offence Arsenal's my favourite EPL team because I used them in fifa 06; back when they were awesome and had Henry but still gotta cheer for TORONTO FC, where money can buy you EPL players but not victories
  8. Do you think it'd be worth it to change the field tactic to allow 3 players up front so that you can play Taylinho more often? Or would it require too long for the players to get used to the style? Taylinho gets around as many goals/points a game as Hearn and Paulinho even though you don't play him as much, which makes me feel like he'd still be able to be a good player at this level, if not quite as dominant as he was earlier
  9. BBM

    Conspiracy Mafia

    might have made a typo earlier
  10. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    How does it work for co-hosting though? Are you banned from also having more than one game on the queue as a co-host? If you aren't then this really doesn't solve anything about our queue issues, and if you are then it kind of sucks for people who could themselves be on the queue but chose a co-host who can't.
  11. germany vs netherlands IT'S HAPPENING
  12. that's not really true; plenty of stories can be written around a disaster-struck or impoverished country
  13. bouchard crashed :( but Pospisil won the doubles whoooo
  14. TIM KRUL good to see Navas getting MotM though
  15. idk I think Netherlands has more dynamic players than Belgium, even if Belgium is probably better overall. I've always felt it was going to be either Argentina or Netherlands from that side of the bracket, not Argentina or Belgium. And if Costa Rica actually gets to the semis, underestimating a normally cruddy team on a hot streak is never a good idea either.
  16. BBM

    Conspiracy Mafia

    you can't get better if you don't play
  17. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Vigilante Mafia is probably getting delayed by a week or two; stuff happened irl and I'm not really feeling like hosting rn.
  18. So I was efforting and tryharding before but I don't really feel like mafiers anymore, so I'm just going to not talk to people and send in action orders. If anyone contacts me about it I'll probably not respond. Also I went around lying for shits and giggles earlier about how I could target people to duplicate all their items for myself. My actual role is Witch (if somebody else targets my target, my target is shot, for the newbies). People will probably kill me since Witch is OP but I was probably going to die N1 anyways based on my play in the last game so who cares.
  19. mitsuki, if shin is the last scum and is lynched, doesn't that mean that the game would end before it got to D5? I basically agree with what Prims said about Shin's claim. Particularly the first point. In fact, scorri said she was leaning town on me on D1 and her kirsche case was based on how he was misrepping me and whatnot. Even if she suddenly started scumreading me because of the Darros/Shinori flips I think that targeting me over kirsche, even on N2, makes little sense.
  20. I'm discrediting your case by going "even Manix didn't make this case" isn't saying that you can't come up with your own reasoning, it's saying that this reasoning is worse than the case Manix has been pushing on me. AS I'VE SAID TWICE, I DID NOT SUSPECT MITSUKI FOR LONGER THAN SIX MINUTES. I thought she'd scumslipped, voted her, realized she hadn't a few minutes later, and then unvoted. That was literally the extent of my Mitsuki suspicion but you keep talking about Mitsuki being a scumread of mine when she wasn't for longer than the duration of six minutes. Not saying I was super noticeable last phase, but seriously? You're twisting your own mistake into a reason why I'm scummy.
  21. actually I just remembered that when I was scum in Villains, which was also an NNR game, I had a Framer shot or something with no Cop in the game, so it's entirely possible it's a red herring. Regardless mafia wouldn't want to bet the game on the Ninja being there for a red herring and not because town have something for it to counter
  22. also, if there is a doctor in this setup who wants Manix to survive past N1 they should contact him
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