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Everything posted by BBM

  1. How about a no resource run? That is, no BEXP and no statboosters (other items such as Vulneraries or Chest Keys are fine)
  2. @GP- Only Refa gets OC. I've spoken to him and enough people have as well that I'm pretty sure it's legit. one thing I talked to Refa about was his target. Bladescape was easily the worst target out of all the townie-looking people because he's not really friends with anyone else in the game and therefore can't speak on skype and stuff (they'd have to communicate through PMs and whatnot). Okay, he didn't want to target me because he figured I might die, but his logic for not targeting say Manix, was kind of iffy ("some people were scumreading him"). 2 or 3 people not being willing to talk to Manix is still preferable to only 5 people being able to talk to Bladescape in the first place... Also Refa told me a couple of his reads but it doesn't seem like he's actually trying to push them? He said he thought the scumteam was GP/eury/eclipse and that was it.
  3. well I was trying to see if bearclaw was SCUM who forgot that his claim didn't have a night action >_> probably just being paranoid whatever I'll send bearclaw my spreadsheet
  4. I haven't sent the claims to Bear yet because I want him to answer something first- do you have more to your role other than Neighbour and Dayvig?
  5. nvm Prims is probably town because if the plan was to just bus FFM D2 the scumteam would have had him use the mass-hook rather than the drive on N1 I feel like Refa could be scum; drive targets are generally better as town/scum than town/town- allows you to drive away inspects and hooks and whatnot away from your team. Will consider and talk more to him.
  6. seriously right the Orc mobs are so wtf I beat Profiteur btw. In Vestment Cave atm. shit is hard
  7. this response is fine and makes sense but the previous post I still don't like idk I might just be paranoid atm will think again after cleaning more
  8. I was in a rush in my first post, and was also skimming the D2 posts. I reread them more closely afterwards. Additionally this is you sidestepping the question because these are two completely different situations. I'm making a case one post later then I could have. You made a vote and then justified it with reasons that could not have been true at the time of the vote.
  9. Why did Euklyd flipping town make FFM more likely to be scum? Yeah FFM's read on Euklyd was kind of forced but there was plenty of other scummy stuff on D1 that we all looked over because of the claim. Why was the Euklyd flip the straw that broke the camel's back?
  10. GP is Doned. Prims- why did you start D2 so sure that FFM was scum? The reasons you gave for it before the dayvig were true but not really applicable at the time of your vote since FFM had just made one post which was just him misreading the flip. Anything else was still applicable at the end of D1, when you thought FFM was town. Bearclaw- do you have a night action?
  11. WAIT NEVERMIND I completely misread a part of FFM's role PM GP is town
  12. damnit Bearclaw I wanted to be the NOC town leader ;_; anyways people who claimed to me and haven't yet claimed to bearclaw shouldn't do so; I can send all the claims I have at once, though I just need to clarify something with Elie first. also fwiw it was Shinori who messaged me yesterday saying that they thought their role seemed to indicate that Euklyd was town, since it was supposed to die. I want to reread GP because I am actually not sure anymore that she's town. Her claimed role if completely accurate pretty much has to be town, but a limited version of it could be scum and nobody would want to test it more than once at most. Also it's kind of weird bc she told me her role unlock condition last night and in #122 when she first claimed she said she didn't know her unlock conditions. GP, please explain. Refa's role doesn't completely supersede Manix's because it lasts only for 24 hours I believe, but it's still definitely stronger. Refa, why did you choose Bladescape to target and not me? Anyways my grandparents are coming in <3 hours and I have to clean my room and my washroom.
  13. Actually, in the England vs France war over who got control of Canada, the main turning point was when the Brits launched a stealth mission during the night during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. One of them spoke perfect French to convince the sentries that the boats filled with British troops were actually French supply convoys, which allowed the British troops to get into position and set up a bunch of cannons and stuff. They won the battle and took Quebec City because of it.
  14. Lex x Ayra is a better pairing in a general playthrough than Holyn x Aira, but the swordkids don't generally have trouble leveling up, so in a ranked playthrough, pairing Lex with either Sylvia or Briggid might be smarter, since Leen, Patty, and kind of Corple are the hardest to level up.
  15. you should join British Mafia
  16. Beat Jackal and Khint, though it took several tries because Jackal stole and used like 6 potions. I realized when I was like halfway through my successful attempt that I could have just sold all my Potions...
  17. PARTY ANALYSIS me: My team is kind of awful. I have no fighting classes between Spell Fencer and Dark Knight, and I (probably) have the two last classes in the game. In hindsight I should have taken like Pirate over DK even if I wouldn't have been able to use Amped Strike. owell SPELL FENCER will carry me Paper: Assuming he takes TM, he has a really well spaced out team if nothing else. A bit lacking in the lategame but Salvemaker should make up for it. Cam: Also pretty well spaced out. I feel like Thief and Valkyrie aren't that great late on though. Shadowfrost: I think some more midgame classes would have been better, probably. Spiritmaster/Arcanist/Vampire are all fairly late and Red Mage isn't a great class by itself. But you have some good classes. Refa: om nom nom Free Lunch summons and Amped Strike. also Ninja. You took like almost all the Chapter 3 classes lol. Have fun with only Summoner until Pirate though!
  18. Cam picks Merchant. I'm guessing Paper is going to take Time Mage? Anyways I got to the end of Intro. Ominas was not actually as bad as I was expecting; just had to keep HP up and Default x 3 and then quad. Same for Heinkel really. Encounters become way easier with Edea who would've thought. Party: Tiz: Level 1 Black Mage, Level 3 Freelancer (only a few JP away from leveling BM) Agnes: Level 2 White Mage, Level 1 Freelancer (only a few JP away from leveling both) Ringabel: Level 2 Monk, Level 1 White Mage (close to leveling Monk) Edea: Level 2 Monk, Level 1 Freelancer Ringabel pretty much only has White Mage to cure statuses. I'm figuring Ringabel and Edea are going to go Spell Fencer/Monk for most of the game and transition over to Dark Knight for the end. Tiz will be Freelancer/Black Mage I guess, and Agnes will be White Mage/Performer or something. I could also do Freelancer/Performer to Mimic My Hero but WM/BM is kind of awkward to level up, although their masteries go well with each other. I might have Agnes level Black Mage to max late in the game for Group-Cast All. Conjurer gets stuck on either Tiz, Agnes, or nobody depending on how things are working out.
  19. Refa has two picks first (before your second pick)
  20. The last time I was town and got Eury's alignment wrong was PToE. Coincidentally, that was also the last game in which I read her posts, not counting D1 SF3 where I was scum and was trying to case her. Anonymous games all the way. Every game should be anon IMO.
  21. It's not a lot worse than mine, and at least you have a midgame.
  22. So I started since the earliest class I can get is Knight anyways. Hard mode is hard... things went pretty well up to Centro Keep- the Barras/Holly fight wasn't that bad. Then in Centro Keep I ran into 3 Orcs and they wiped me out... Using WM Agnes, FL Tiz, and Monk Ringabel atm. I guess I could put Tiz to Monk but tbh I don't think it would have made a huge difference in that fight.
  23. The order is in the OP. When we reach one end, we snake back. So it goes 12345543211234554321. The bolded is where we are right now.
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