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Everything posted by BBM

  1. This is actually the biggest impact of Archers IMO. They're much more effective as enemy units than as playable units. Archers force you to equip ranged weaponry to fight them, which are generally weaker, less accurate, and heavier, and because the GBA games especially are so EP intensive, you have to use these worse weapons against 1-range enemies as well, who are often more difficult to kill because of that. Magical units could do this better, but fsr I've noticed that a lot of maps have magical units come together in groups, which means you aren't forced to have weaker combat for more durable enemies, whereas Archers are more often integrated with other units.
  2. I highly doubt they care that much about hacks? Fire Emblem Forever is a fairly decent GBA remake of FE4 Gen 2 (with bits of FE5 thrown in) and they didn't get a cease and desist. Yeah FEF left out a bunch of stuff but the hypothesis the TC presents already involves no pair-up (and I'm guessing no reclassing as well).
  3. VOTALS Refa (1): Bearclaw Shinori (2): Eurykins, Kirsche Paperblade (1): Kay Kay (1): Paperblade Bearclaw (1): Refa Baldrick (1): Polydeuces Kirsche (2): Shinori, Baldrick Polydeuces (1): SB Not Voting (2): Life, Blitz 5 to lynch at deadline, 7 to hammer, something like 26 hours and 11 minutes left. I know I said I'd post phase end times in GMT. I lied; that's too much effort.
  4. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    less than two days after my game started wow ignoring the fact you couldn't have joined it anyways
  5. Yeahhh the only FE4 characters who get any story are Sigurd, Cuan/Ethlin, Fin, Levin, Alvis, Trabant, Julius, Celice, Leaf, and Julia. The rest you might "like" such as Sety or Aless but they have no story relevance beyond their recruitment. And even of the story-relevant characters, only a few really get development.
  6. Elie isn't Cop cleared- he's Rolecop cleared + only possible source of no kill on N3 since Bearclaw hooked Kirsche, who was town, that night.
  7. ##Vote: Eclipse I've been a bit paranoid of Paper at times in the game but overall his play has felt townie- there really is a marked difference in how Paperblade speaks when he's town as opposed to when he's scum, especially after a few day phases in. I don't think his choices have had much scum intent in them, especially the way he treated his Fabricator role. I remember near the end of D1 I was a bit suspicious of Boron for having a 2-part name to her role and the first thing Paper said as we entered the chat room on N1 was that he also had a 2-part rolename. And he's just been overall pretty involved consistently, and scum Paperblade takes every chance he can get to coast.
  8. Paperblade's play has been overall townie; Proto is listing a bunch of stuff that town want to do as much as mafia. The only real reason is the Inventor + Fabricator being redundant. Except Paper could have kept the items for the use of the mafia if he was scum, because the Persuader part of his role alone sounds more obvtown than Persuader + Fabricator. The items they give out are also fairly different and Proto's are stronger on the whole.
  9. You're making a big deal about Lyon having such terrible AS while not considering that even if Nergal has better AS, he's still getting doubled by anyone you're bringing to endgame. And the game gives you a forced character that can kill him easily; FE8 doesn't. Lyon is also surrounded by Gorgons and a bunch of other heavyhitting monsters; Nergal's got like a Sage and a Druid around him that suck. Charging Lyon head on and not killing him right away also gets you Bonewalker reinforcements getting in your way for a long time even if they suck. Nergal gets you General reinforcements at the other end of the map; nowhere near Nergal.
  10. The entire second part of FE8 wouldn't work if you split up your party into two halves and played both routes at once. It's not just unit recruitment and whatnot, but the whole point is seeing the two different sides of Lyon in the two routes, and seeing how each twin interacts with him and which side of Lyon is brought out. In a way, Lyon is a way better written version of Julius. The villains in general are very well written. Riev is kind of meh, but basically none of the villains in FE9 have any story other than the BK and kind of Ashnard and Petrine but not really. And even then the BK is just this really nebulous enemy in FE9; even after his arc is done you have no idea who he is until FE10. The FE8 route split is like the best one in the entire franchise, IMO, for how it deals with the story and how playing the other route completes the story in a way neither FE6 nor FE7 match. In those games you can play one route and it stands as a game by itself. Choosing to go Sacae over Ilia in FE6 doesn't leave you with the sense that you're missing anything. Also, you do know that the Frelian army goes with whichever twin you don't choose right? It's not like Ephraim charges Grado by himself if you go Eir route or Eirika travels to Jehanna by herself if you go Eph route. You just don't see them onscreen when the two parties meet up in C15. FE9 has a decent story but it's very Ike driven. No other character really matters, and even the ones that get some good development through supports and base convos such as Jill and Lethe have no impact on the storyline. FE8's main characters and some of the supporting ones all get development that's actually relevant and integrated into the story rather than just being on the side- Eirika, Ephraim, Lyon, Joshua, Innes, Cormag, etc.
  11. I saw Rocker being Copped on N3. I don't think she explicitly claimed exactly (at least not right away), but she implied heavily she was the Cop and then she didn't deny it when someone (Kirsche?) said it.
  12. question, Kay- if not for PoE would you still vote for Eclipse?
  13. Well I was waiting for Eclipse to explain her rationale for the Bearclaw inspect, but tbh I don't think that any explanation is going to change my mind, because even if she turns out to have a super good reason for targeting Bearclaw, which I doubt, I still think there's no room for her to be town in this setup. ##Vote: Eclipse
  14. Since apparently people cannot learn to context: the town faction is called the Federation of Pigs.
  15. cough To people who are new at OC, it is generally a good idea to begin establishing contact with people outside of the thread.
  16. And all role PMs are out! It is now Day 1. Phase ends at midnight EST on November 16th, in 72 hours. With 12 players alive, it takes 5 to lynch at deadline and 7 to hammer. IOs should get stuff soon btw.
  17. And the player that's been cut is... Elieson. Sorry bro. You've been moved to the subs. Role PMs going out soon.
  18. The only undeserved wins I've seen are ICBINSFMM2 and FFM. I think if town had won this game it could have joined this list, because they only got to a LYLO state due to crossfire.
  19. @Kirsche- I didn't push about you being an ass after your explanation because there wasn't a point to it, but that doesn't mean I was okay with it. This is a game, not srs bsns. You shouldn't make anyone mad to win. And your conclusion after provoking me when I was already mad was still that I was scum, which was wrong. I honestly have never seen an instance of making someone mad actually help town win, and even if it can, making the game unfun for someone else isn't worth it (IMO). Also, yes, I had objectively better arguments than Prims in that it's standard and agreed upon play for a JoaT to use their investigation abilities before any other ones, especially a hook. Whether or not I was scummier than Prims without taking his claimed actions into account is debatable, but that's not the point. This wasn't an undeserved win for mafia. They didn't play that well, and arguably worse than Grass, but they played better than town and killed the greatest threats in good order. Town self-voted D1, lynched me for terrible reasons on D3, and then threw the game at LYLO.
  20. fiiiine Do you want to be an IO then Boron?
  21. The first half of Rule 19 is because I don't like hidden players and the second one is because in the first game I hosted I needed a bunch of subs and one of the scum spoiled like two people on the sub list. >_>
  22. If you're going to entertain the theory that Eclipse and I are scumbuddies and I might be lying about her being a Cop, then nobody is clear because then we might just be BSing alignments. I'm just as clear as Eclipse's other targets.
  23. No, it really doesn't, when there are people who weren't even likely town, like Kay and Shinori to scan. Me/Paperblade, okay, even if we were more likely to be town than scum, our position of town leaders makes it so that clearing us 100% still makes sense. There's no reason to scan Bearclaw over Kay, Shinori, or Paperblade. Eclipse was voting Kay on D6; she was the one who argued most vehemently (after Boron) against Shinori when Paper and I were hard defending him, and was also paranoid of Paperblade on N3 and had tried to target him before she got driven to Rocker.
  24. Slots are full, but I'll let signups go until tonight since I can't start the game until then anyways (and Kay and Life need to confirm).
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