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Everything posted by BBM

  1. So is N4 only lasting for 24 hours or is it getting extended again? Kirsche is probably still scum- we had him hooked because even though a doublevote is useful in a 21p game and his play wasn't especially scummy, it felt kind of weak and also really simple in contrast with the bunch of other wacky roles that were claimed. And since he didn't have a night action anyways there wasn't much harm to it.
  2. That's because I'm awesome and the other time you saw an Arsonist win involved a massive game throw
  3. Mason is cool except I've never been one. I was a Neighbour once, but then my Neighbour got lynched D1... I like Hookers, Vigs, and SKs because they're cool and I dislike Arsonists because they're terrible.
  4. There's no point to No Lynching. Eclipse is confirmed town now regardless of whether or not she's the Mason, because if she was the last scum she would have hammered Scorri, so she'll probably get killed and then it'll just be between me/Scorri/Baldrick anyways, just like it is now. If Baldrick is the Mason, he should out right now to make it a 1v1 between me and Scorri. We don't need to wait for tomorrow for that when the only change will be the loss of one voice. And if Eclipse is the Mason then again it's basically the same thing as today except without Eclipse. Both Scorri and I are supporting a Mason claim so it's obviously not one of us. Baldrick could have just faked something not investigative related at all if he was going to claim at a point when it'd just be adding another investigative role to the mix without gaining any towncred at all. And waiting to claim Voyeur almost seems too scummy to be scum (I don't really like that wording but I can't think of a better way to phrase it atm). Another thing that seems sort of suspicious- Scorri started "wavering" on her scumread on me and her townread on Baldrick as soon as Eclipse posted that she thought I was town and Baldrick was scum. If she'd stuck to me, she'd have had to convince both Eclipse and Baldrick to change their reads, while now that she seems to be going more for Baldrick, she only needs to change my read on him. idk sorry if you're town Scorri but Baldrick's actions don't make any sense to me as mafia.
  5. indian people don't make good slaves; our bodies are poorly suited for extensive physical labour
  6. after we specifically said not to target saturn? ;/ ##Unvote
  7. ##Vote: Elieson Paperblade was driven last night. Mind explaining why your action wasn't driven as well in that case?
  8. Except the towncred plan is maximized with an immediate CC- waiting around lessens that. Why did you unvote me Scorri? I don't see anything that Eclipse said in my defence just now that you didn't already dismiss as rolespec earlier when I said it.
  9. The thing with Baldrick's claim is that it just makes no sense to me from a scum perspective. If Baldrick/Shinori were buddies, then the plan was for Shinori to start a 1v1 with Polydeuces where one didn't completely exist, and survive to D4 in the best case scenario. People were only talking about lynching between Shinori and Poly on D2 because of too many investigation roles- how does it make sense for Baldrick to then claim an investigation role? Scorri also claimed one but at least there the possibility of doing it for towncred purposes exists. That's not even there here.
  10. I feel that Eclipse would scare me.
  11. Elie, did you successfully target who you said you would?
  12. Yeah I'm sorry Eclipse. Scum redirected shit away from Paperblade last night I think.
  13. It's all one-shot roles; no role is strong enough (except maybe Mason Recruiter) to warrant killing on N1 after they were a main wagon on D1. And especially not after I was pretty much the deciding reason Refa was lynched. And by your logic, I can ask you why you weren't killed on N3 after getting Shinori lynched D3.
  14. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    this just in being ebil is town
  15. yeah so it was probably good that I didn't hold the chat room tonight because I would have been late and that would have been awkward.
  16. ##Vote: Scorri Her vote at this point is completely logically inconsistent. She goes from painting me as scummy for not dying N1 to talking about how I needed towncred because I was one of the biggest wagons on D1. Of course I didn't die N1, I was a main wagon on D1 and then placed a really terrible swingvote on Refa, who flipped town. She's literally just twisting every single thing I've done to look scummy, even when it doesn't make sense in conjunction with other scummy things she says I've done.
  17. Hmm. Not sure if Scorri purposely pulled that misread of Shinori's role PM or if that was legit. TBF I also didn't catch that his ability made his target into a perma-ninja. However, she realized her "mistake" awfully quickly. Eclipse, are you Mason?
  18. @j00- 8192 @SB- 28 I guess? Use your number for that.
  19. Also eclipse come in if you see this before time's up; I didn't realize you wouldn't be here on time. I'll kick anyone else out if they're there.
  20. Boron come on at any time you can
  21. Chat room opens in like one minute
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