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Everything posted by BBM

  1. The point of crumbing it from early on is to make it less likely for Strege to think it's a fake in the first place. I mean, both ways of looking at it are valid- I wouldn't say either is the better or worse way of performing a reaction test. I think your Kay read is sort of stretched. Why is it required for her reads to change?
  2. Lol another investigative role. ##Unvote for now but even if Shinori is lying Trackerx2 + Follower is iffy, even if Follower isn't quite as strong as Watcher.
  3. I had Bizz as a townread from near the beginning of D1. If you notice, I never pushed her at all any point in the game, not just after the beginning of D2. There's also seriously no need for Bizz to claim in any way if it's not going to help us catch scum in any way. There actually is a guarantee that one of Shinori and Poly is scum, because they're claiming two opposing things, and even if they weren't, I wouldn't lynch outside of those two anyways because two Trackers and a Watcher is too much, especially with a Restorer, when the most a mafia could have to counter that would be a one-shot Ninja or a one-shot Framer (I've never heard of a Framer for Tracker/Watcher, but I guess it's not impossible).
  4. Is that a vote or an action? Boron, why are you not normal?
  5. I think Eury meant Bizz, as SK is in her name. Also Euklyd, being a Restorer, couldn't really have used his ability on N1 either (seeing as nobody had used their abilities by then). So saying that Bizz would have made a better Watch target because she hadn't used her ability isn't really true. Also, yes, Watcher requires you to visit the person being killed to find the killer, but Tracker requires you to target the killer to find the killer so yeah. actually idk I guess Shinori could be BSing since he knew that either him or Poly were getting lynched. Poly, if Shinori is scum FYPOV, then how could Scorri and Baldrick both be scum? Also I doubt there is a framer... a Ninja makes more sense, with a Tracker + Tracker or Watcher.
  6. I think RFoF basically hit the nail on the head. When you're a young teen or pre-teen you want to seem more grown-up, so you're afraid of doing anything childish. But after a certain age, people just really don't care. Additionally, you're on a video game forum, and no offence to anyone here, but most of us are probably not like the "cool" kids or whatever, so I don't really know what the point of asking this here is.
  7. Does it really matter? Either way one of them is lying.
  8. And according to you Shinori visited nobody?
  9. Well it's 6/2 so I don't see a point of faking a report. Also I thought Shinori was town on D1 and Poly was scum so I'm pleased with this. ##Vote: Poly Last scum prolly Scorri or maybe Baldrick.
  10. I feel pretty sure that one of Shinori and Poly is scum. Two Trackers and a Watcher seems excessive, even if they're all one-shot, especially as the mafia is all one-shot too. I want both of them to out their results. They both voted Objection last phase, but Shinori unvoted to vote Baldrick. At that time, Shinori and Objection were tied for 3 votes and Poly had 2. If Shinori were scum, unvoting the wagon tied with his would make it more likely he were lynched over Objection... which seems sort of a bad move if they were both scum, as Shinori is a more experienced player and had more of a chance to survive past the next day. This makes me lean towards Poly being scum instead? idk RESULTS
  11. Well, if SB had just said "oh I targeted X", it would have been fine, but now that he's said "I targeted somebody and outing it would be a Bad Idea" it implies that the person he targeted has an important role, so outing his target in public now really would be a Bad Idea.
  12. @Rein- What's bad about Marth outing that there's a Bomb/BPV in the setup? As long as the mafia doesn't know who they are, it just makes the mafia more nervous about their choice of kill, since it could go wrong. Also I don't remember Paperblade ever saying he was okay with Proto's lynch just because it'd keep his role (all he said was that lynching Proto would allow him to keep his role, not that that made it okay to lynch Proto). Nor did SB say that Proto was scummy for doubting an unproven leader- he said that Proto was suspicious for finding me scummy for trying to lead the town while being unproven, which are two different things.
  13. I don't think that's really true tbh. None of them are unusable, but other than Percival, you don't really get any prepromotes who just wreck everything like you do in the other GBA games. Marcus and Zealot are good, but short-term. The Snipers are good but are Snipers and can't take EP combat. Echidna/Bartre are decent but nothing on the level of, say, Harken or Geitz from FE7. Percival is admittedly very good. Cecilia can mounted staffbot, but her combat leaves much to be desired. Garret is kind of terrible, and Douglas has 5 movement and never doubles anything ever. Niime is good but more as a Warper than an actual combat unit (I've never found her Nosferatanking to be very reliable). Juno can fly but her combat sucks, and tbh I've never used Dayan but glhf in Sacae if you want him. Karel is OK but no Athos. Compare that to FE7 where you have prepromos coming out of the wazoo.
  14. sigh Marth at the very least you should have let Objection shoot someone first before shooting him if you thought he was SK >_> ##Vote: Shinori His D2 content has consisted of being a super high-school level flake, and here's another thing from D1 I noticed: he says he doesn't really like my Proto vote, but then votes Proto later anyways (albeit for slightly different reasons). Also he goes from voting Strege to voting Boron for pushing Strege, agreeing with Paperblade in the process that Strege is an easy wagon, even though he was just voting there himself. Can we have votals?
  15. If anything, hinting the shot from before makes it more believable than if you just randomly do it. Also, someone (I think Eclipse?) brought up a point how Rein talked about how some of the Proto votes were shit, but still kind of let it go forward, with the condition that we look at the votes tomorrow. That seems pretty bad to me, because in the year 2013 we lynch to get scum over lynching for info. Also he never actually looks at the Proto wagon any despite saying that yesterday. His D2 content basically just consists of returning to his D1 SB vote, and while SB was voting Proto, that was never part of Rein's case against him, and nor was SB guilty of having the type of Proto vote that Rein said was bad.
  16. I don't see why giving up would be scummy if you think you're dead?
  17. Kirsche, what didn't you like about the reaction? I thought it was decent myself.
  18. Probably won't be here for phase end, a warning.
  19. The real problem with me having a time convenient for Europeans is that on weekdays, those times are rarely convenient for me. I normally leave home at ~8AM my time, before which most Europeans are at class or something, and come back ~8PM my time, when most Europeans are asleep. I guess I could set it up in advance at some time that Paper is going to be there? Also the "I'd rather have people get vigged instead of lynched" attitude is sort of bad unless it's about inactives, which Objection isn't really. The act of lynching someone is enough to get associative reads, even on inactives sometimes, because you learn who's willing to just lynch an inactive. Objection's response to me looks really self-conscious ("I didn't want people to get suspicious of me for unintentionally misrepping Bearclaw"). If people point out that you are, and you realize that you are, then you drop the case. It's that simple. You don't need to put a qualifier after all your reads. And what I meant by pushing him more is that you would have been more convinced that he was scum, enough to not need that qualifier at the end. @Refa- I was able to speak to Shinori, but due to time constraints, not about his in-thread actions really, and the stuff we did talk about is mostly null. So my read on Shinori is more or less the same.
  20. Except poisoning me wouldn't have been controversial. She'd been voting me for most of D1. Nobody would have said she was scum for poisoning her top D1 scumread. And if Trollstool was active and had content, surely I did as well? I know that's not the entirety of your case, but it's the one with the most glaring hole and the fact that you keep pushing it when her choice of poisoning wasn't scummy gives me the feeling you're just attacking like everything she's doing.
  21. Normally I find sheeping less scummy if the person admits to doing it. Also Bearclaw is just a gut townread based on his manner of posting. Not sure if Elie's post had links screwed up or something, because I couldn't see a post where he voted SB while simultaneously defending him.
  22. If you survived the poisoning miraculously, that is.
  23. Why would they go after you in the first place, when there was a Watcher claim, which is a stronger role, plus me and Bizz being pseudo-clear (at the time, anyways) because of the no-kill night? Plus Euklyd being Restorer.
  24. I know this is horribly offensive, but Danny Elfman sounds like he has Down's Syndrome. ##Vote: Objection for now off stuff I said during the night.
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