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Everything posted by BBM

  1. What I thought phase ended two minutes ago grrr
  2. Touhou wasn't part of my decision process. The scum in Touhou might have had a 2-part rolename, but they all had an ability that only revealed one part of that rolename to rolecops. All we have is our own role PM to work off, and that's what I'm basing my slight wariness on. The OC chatroom part of my role is at least as important as the insomnia part, yet my rolename is only Insomniac. Admittedly though, I'm not even sure what the chatroom part of the role would be called. If anyone else can vouch to also having a 2-part rolename we can just lay this to rest. Also we only need 7 to deadline lynch and we already had that so I don't see the point of voting for consolidation?
  3. I don't know what you mean because phase started yesterday so I honestly don't get how you'd think that it was close to phase end?
  4. The argument against stating townreads is that it doesn't help find scum (not necessarily true; especially later on in the game, PoE is a strong tool and the reason why most scumteams lose) and that it tells the mafia who they're unlikely to pull a mislynch on (kind of dumb because it's not that hard for them to figure out). @Refa- That's true but I was speaking FMPOV mostly. @Grass- By private I meant "send unwanted people out of the main channel"
  5. If the implication here is that you didn't want to lynch Refa, then why were you voting him in the first place?
  6. Shinori I don't understand why you'd claim. Yeah you're the leading wagon (I think) but we're nowhere near phase end and nobody was asking you to do so either. Also why wouldn't you use an investigation role ASAP?
  7. Eh, I'll make the QT like an hour after phase end then I guess. Everyone can come in at first and then after some group discussion we can coordinate private ones based on who's there. Proto should claim. Hmm, Rein makes a good point about how SB says Bearclaw is less scummy but doesn't explain why and instead just provides more reasons for why he's scummy. But SB's method of claiming was super pro-town because now that he's claimed in-thread he wouldn't have had much reason not to let me at least make an input on whom he should target, which would probably result in suboptimal targets if he's scum Rolecop.
  8. Oh great Refa wants to claim now. >_> My schedule makes it pretty much impossible for both me and SB to be on at the same time for both Paperblade to speak to SB and Refa to speak to me so idk. You guys can choose which one is more important. bbl dinner
  9. Fuck you guys 6 pages in a day. Anyways, since the only person who really indicated that they might consider claiming to me claimed in-thread anyways, I'll probably just create the chat room at like 7 PM my time tomorrow (slightly less than 23 hours from now). I won't be there at that time but whatever. I'd suggest that Paperblade and SB can speak to each other for like the first 10 minutes or so privately and then 10 minutes in other people join in if they want to talk about the flip and whatnot idk. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Proto Yeah, Proto isn't that good at the behavioural analysis stuff, but his stance on me makes no sense, and despite finding Bearclaw and me suspicious, he made no follow-up attempts after the initial incursions by us at all. Then his Paperblade vote I felt was a misrep because it wasn't like Paperblade just refused to answer to Boron off the bat- the discussion was becoming cyclic and they were rehashing the same points by that time. His SB vote is also ??? tbh Boron's two part rolename makes me a bit wary because my rolename is just Insomniac even though the OC thing is at least as big a part of my role. so ehhh idk.
  10. Yeah so I woke up late and I have a midterm to get to so you don't really get anything until evening sorry. Things directed towards me that I remember from my skim of the latest posts: @Elie- My role can't fail or be redirected or anything; that is true. And I've already admitted that I should probably have said something on N0 (though specifically asking for an inspect is still suspicious and I wouldn't have done that). I didn't though, so I'm not sure what your question is at this point. @Shinori- I did mention why I didn't want to lynch Strege several times. @Paperblade- What's a god to a non-believer?
  11. I think I liked LoLnori better than WoWnori. I can kind of see the case on Shinori, but idk I was getting a gut townread on him for most of his D1 posts. DAY 2 STRONG SCUMTEAM GUESS: 3/5 of Objection, Trollstool, Scorri, Poly, Eury Mostly they are there because I don't think the others are scum.
  12. I don't buy Proto's explanation for his 180. It seems like backtracking to me. And he's still harping on Bearclaw's thing against me even though Bearclaw has actually made a decent amount of posts since then. If he still finds Bearclaw scummy he should look at his more recent posts. The same thing can be applied to his read on me. I have a whole lot of townreads and not a lot of scumreads. Would lynch: Proto > Elie >> SB Would not lynch: Bearclaw, Strege, Kirsche, Paperblade, Boron Undecided about Refa; I will read his ISO in the morning and get to that then. Anyone not there is not really under suspicion or a lurker. Also I know I haven't really said much about SB; mainly I agree with what Paperblade has said about him.
  13. Eury I don't get what you're trying to say.
  14. Well, the only explanations that I can think of for why there might have been no kills are: I blocked the attempt on Bizz. I blocked Bizz's attempt on someone else. There's an unclaimed Doc who blocked the kill. Someone had a 1-shot BPV got hit. The mafia idled their kill. I'm pretty confident in my Bizz townread so I don't think it's #2. #3 and #4 are possible; if a BPV got hit they should probably claim. #5 could make sense as a scum gambit if I were scum and they were trying to give me towncred by idling the kill and pretending I blocked it, but FMPOV obviously this isn't a possibility. Other than that I can't think of any other reasons the mafia would idle their kill. So the only ones that make sense to me are #1 and #3. Personally, I think #1 is more likely just because that's who I would have killed had I been mafia.
  15. Well the difference between NNR and j00/Scorri/Rocker/other lurkers I may be forgetting is that the latter haven't posted for 24 hours at least, while the former had two posts today and said nothing of worth in either of them. I can see why Paper might think the former is lurkscum over the latter group. I don't agree with Paperblade's case on Boron and I think it's incorrect but I don't find him scummy for it. The initial reason for his vote there was okay but I think Boron has justified herself well enough after that.
  16. @SB- These are two of Elie's posts asking about why I didn't post N0. I do in fact think that this is a bit of a push by Elie on me, especially those bolded bits. They go beyond commenting on the faulty execution of my plan and edge into finding me suspicious for it. So I don't think that Grass is misrepping or twisting Elie's words by implying Elie is, at the least, wary of me. Also, when he lists me under some of his reads later in his quote dump, he has me as "forced neutral" which doesn't really make sense to me. People are treating the bid for town leader as null, maybe, but that doesn't mean that they can't scumread me or townread me for other reasons.
  17. They probably tried to kill you since nobody made a serious vote against you or spoke out against you the entire D1 that I can recall, which is why I jailed you. I think for now I'm going to go with ##Vote: Objection. I reread a bit over the night phase and I don't really feel enthused with my Eclipse case anymore.
  18. Hmm I don't like Scorri's vote on Refa. At the time she voted, me, Refa, Euklyd, and Trollstool were all tied for 2 votes. She'd been scumreading Trollstool and that was where her vote was. I don't see why she changed to Refa when she had a scumread on one of the wagons.
  19. Yeah, I jailed Bizz. Probably blocked a kill attempt on her since I am fairly confident that she is town. I'm stupid and I totally forgot about the duplicate role clause. Blah. I tried changing once I saw Refa's post but my phone kept crashing and then phase ended. >_> I think I'm inclined to agree with Baldrick on Objection's night post. Objection was voting Refa; why would he be so angry that Refa was lynched? Sure you might be frustrated if someone you think is scum flips town, but mislynches happen and better for them to happen on someone whom you thought was scum than on someone whom you didn't even want to lynch.
  20. @Kirsche- If it was decided that I was going to become town leader, then it would make sense for Strege to try and buddy up to me and push a massclaim. As it was, the majority of people were (and still are) against claiming to me, so all he would be doing is maybe create a town leader where none had to exist. I also really don't know which game you're talking about, because in Drafters, the only game where we were scumbuddies, the entire scumteam survived. The only game I can remember where Strege was scum and got lynched D1 was C9++, and I was town there and got mislynched D2 so ??? Also Strege's tone is really different when he's scum (he chooses his words much more carefully and you can tell). However I am pleased with your recent posts even if I don't agree with your case against Strege so ##Unvote, ##Vote: Proto @Kay- I was just pushing them as scum independently of each other. My point is that for Strege to be scum, you have to push us as scum together. Refa's quote of Scorri in that post reminded me of something- Considering Scorri not only played in Touhou but was herself in the neighbour QT, she should remember how we treated the QT itself. Almost no relevant discussion occurred there; everything important was in private OC. Additionally, Kirsche was never even in the QT. More in the evening.
  21. I didn't say anything on N0 because I didn't feel like there was anything to talk about and I thought I might as well let the mafia go one night phase without knowing my role (for the small chance they might waste a rolecop on me or something). I probably should have brought up the town leader topic in some way but didn't want to specifically ask for a Cop inspect. And if the mafia want to kill an Insomniac with limited OC capabilities, all power to them. Prims basically told me that my role was conceptualized ahead of time specifically to troll me if I picked God (I joked about it on IRC a long time ago; dunno if Paper remembers). Anyways, I've explained my thought process. I made some admittedly poor decisions, but if you're not going to vote me for them, start actually contributing. Also I don't get what this means: And then you jump to rolespec for a situation of someone else potentially doing what you did. @Boron- I did say that my feeling was mostly gut-based. Anyways, the point is that Kirsche is voting Strege for something that's not scummy. He's voting Strege for something that's dumb, maybe, but there is no scum intent in saying that it makes sense to massclaim to someone privately, unless that someone is their scumbuddy. Bad logic =/= having scum intent.
  22. Telling the Cop to inspect me would just be potential Tailor bait, and also asking to get inspected is scummy as fuck and I don't trust anyone who does that. Whenever I see someone ask to get inspected, I automatically think GF. Also it's not my fault you guys are a bunch of atheists.
  23. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Is there any reason to not including OCs though? A lot of games involve them- looking at the last 20 games, only the following don't: Kirby, Toonami, Spellcard, Shipping, ATLA, FFM, Awakening, and SF2M. You're cutting your pool of available games by half right there.
  24. reasons pl0x (for not agreeing with my Kirsche case). I'll admit I have nothing strong for this feeling, but I get the sense that because you find Strege somewhat suspicious due to his Refa case, you're letting that bleed into my case against Kirsche's Strege case, which it shouldn't because Kirsche's Strege case is based on a completely different reason than your Strege case.
  25. I don't find it suspicious that you found my actions suspicious. I can see reasons for thinking that because in hindsight I should have opened differently. But later on you said you had "absolutely no reasons to find BBM (me) suspicious", which is a big contradiction. And funnily enough, this 180 happens as soon as Bearclaw starts getting voted for his case against me. It's also incorrect that he first had the view that he didn't find me suspicious. He didn't say I was scummy exactly, but he did say that he thought my role was scummy. So it wasn't like a nullread -> scumread as you make it out to be. As for me claiming, the only reason I did it is to propose a Town Leader plan. If I didn't have a detailed plan as to how me being Town Leader in an NOC game would work, I wouldn't have claimed at all, since there would have been no benefit to it.
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