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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I saw that, but I assumed that at least TRAVIS would make it into the pre-decided list because he ruled. I bet Prims will include Reimu since she was from his own game though!
  2. I can post in the thread during every night phase as much as I want to with no restrictions or repercussions- ie how insomniacs have always worked. Do you really not have anything better to say or ask? Bear, there's no point to including null reads and POST MOAR's into a post. It doesn't contribute in any way or share new info. Keep it to your townreads and scumreads.
  3. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Yeah but town wrecked CMV for the most part and I can't think of any memorable scum performances which had flavour to them other than that one. I guess I could be super egotistical and pick TRAVIS or SHADOW BREEZYPANTS.
  4. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    the 2nd one so I can steal Kelsey Green from Paperblade
  5. Firstly, screw you. I still find it a bit suspicious though, because BBM somehow expects us to roleclaim to him and appoint him as a Leader (directing our actions) without presenting any evidence or even any flimsy reasoning about him being Town. Firstly, how would be presenting flimsy reasoning be better than posting no extra evidence for why I should be town leader? The first would legitimately be scummy. This post is fair enough otherwise but pay attention to the second paragraph. Now this is the end of his last post. Flip-flop much? Before Bearclaw started getting heat for finding me suspicious, he basically said the same thing as him, and then afterwards he 180d and started attacking him. Also he misreps Bearclaw's reasons for voting me. Bearclaw's vote was bad but the reasoning for the vote not coming right away was clearly that as he had to keep defending his position, and this strengthened his belief in it. At no point does it look like he voted me because Refa said he was being illogical, and half that first paragraph is Proto speculating on what Bearclaw's thought process could have been when there's nothing that I can see to back it up other than that the post in which Bearclaw voted me began as a response to Refa, which is a very tenuous connection. Kirsche/Proto scumbuddies imho
  6. Bearclaw, your case was bad because your argument against claiming to me was that role =/= alignment, and yet your initial suspicion on me was based on my role. It also felt like you were trying to smear me without actually saying I was scummy, to try to discourage roleclaims (if you need another example of this, see Manix in Fakeclaim wrt Shinori's Sensor claim). Bearclaw is probably town because in Fakeclaim he just piddled around commenting on stuff without scumhunting and started buddying up to members of the town, while he's making an honest attempt here even if I disagree with what he's saying.
  7. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Kirsche The only way it is scummy for Strege to advocate people claiming to me is if we are scumbuddies. It doesn't benefit scum to have to claim to town, or for others to claim to town. If he's arguing for claiming to me, the worst you can say about it without my flip is that he's being dumb/illogical, which isn't the same thing as being scum. Also AM/PM (assuming that's what you're referring to) is different because I was under suspicion from almost the get-go, so there was a good chance of me getting lynched D1. Due to this my plan became to give my buddies towncred from bussing them. Bussing your buddies is also a completely different gambit than trying to become town leader on D1.
  8. Relevant in what way? Before realizing that you said you were null on my alignment and didn't agree with claiming to me. So does realizing this change your opinion on my alignment or on claiming to me?
  9. Yeah, I was quiet because I have a 90 minute one-way commute, eight hours of class, and also physiotherapy for an hour afterwards on Tuesdays. Sorry? firstly, lol at Proto referring to himself in the third person Secondly, Proto's role in Touhou was way better because it let people make actual plans, not like 5 minute stuff, and it allowed people to speak in private as much as they wanted. Yeah, a qt was given, but there was no requirement to post in it. If you look at the qt, there are probably like <50 posts in it; 95% of the OC took place on IRC 1v1. I was invited into it as scum and Paperblade and Proto still made plans to have me shot by the Vig. Also I don't HAVE to be in the channel, but as the only person with the ability to speak at night, I'm the only one who can effectively co-ordinate people coming in and out of the channel, and I can also give orders in code after the hour is up, in-thread. Nobody is forced to claim to me, because I recognize my alignment isn't confirmed, but I thought my role was at least townie looking enough that some people might choose to anyways. Their choice. Just realize, the first twelve people who claim to me get to be my TWELVE DISCIPLES!!! I could create an encryption, but for there to be a point to it, I'd have to like make a different encryption for each person, which would be sort of tiresome. Or if I created one just for the people I thought were town based on role, then the mafia would be able to see that and kill them. Which is why I was just going to refer to people with numbers in-thread, like "#47, target Shinori" or something. I think Bearclaw's push on me is shit but the speed of the wagon sort of turns me off, and I sort of agree with Paper about his play giving off a different vibe from Fakeclaim. Don't agree wrt Boron though.
  10. I'm trying to phonepost but my phone sucks and it only loads like the top half of the page before crashing so I missed both euklyd and refa's claims, but I saw people commenting on them, so I know Euklyd is restorer (whatever that means) and refa is a hooker so I can't bold my vote because phone but ##Unvote,##Vote: Refa. I was gutreading Refa as town earlier but town having both a hook and a jail is sort of iffy. Dunno what the votals are atm. I'm also like two minutes away from my physio so I won't be there for phase end unless mods are supercool and give us an extension.
  11. I picked the character that I felt closest exemplified my magnificence. @Kay- Why do you assume that Paperblade picked Kelsey Green? @Strege- Why is asking me to character claim scummy?
  12. Eh, 1-shot Jailkeeper here. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Euklyd idk I reread and I don't feel as bad about Poly. I still think the initial stuff I said was true and not nitpicking but the something about the Sniper thing just makes me feel town. Another reason I feel that wasn't a scumslip is because in the HQ when he was talking about his own game, he called Sniper a standard role, so he might actually have assumed the mafia had one, just like many people would assume town had a Doctor or something. Euklyd lynch I feel is more likely to actually happen and also hit scum. Something about his tone feels different to me than it did in Fakeclaim. I feel like in that game he was a lot more self-sacrificing? It's possible he reduced it, but here I just get the sense he's not looking from "the greater good" perspective that permeated all his posts earlier. Also Scorri should come and give opinions on stuff and people related to the main wagons. And Baldrick too. I'll try to phonepost but no promises.
  13. GOD Shame it's not on a weekend. The timing kind of prevents us from getting PST, EST, and GMT all together. Also I realized that pretty much the only time that I have available for this is like right after phase end, because I won't be back the next until just a few hours or two before the end of night phase and then I don't have time to think stuff over. So I guess that's the time!
  15. The fact that my vote is on Poly even though I've said more about you at this point indicates that I'm still more suspicious of him than I am of you- the consideration is implicit in that I'm not voting you. Would join Euklyd wagon for consolidation and also because not me over me and also because vibes. Those votals have two different Eclipse wagons?
  16. #YOLO For one hour during the night phase, I can create a public OC irc channel (people on it can't talk privately; they must speak in the main chat for the channel). Of course, the way to get around this is for us to decide beforehand exactly which hour is best for the most people, and then we can split it up into 5 minute blocks where only one person other than me is allowed in the channel, and they can claim their role to me or something and I'll tell them what to do. And then I'll give them a number or something, and as I'm also Insomniac, if I need to change their target after I talk to some more people, I can use the numbers to tell them in-thread. #NOCTownLeader #WINNING ##Vote: Strege
  17. Sorry I'm super tired but 1) I think Poly is scummy and I would lynch him regardless but I'm not sold on the Sniper thing being a slip. I can see why his mind might go there immediately after we just had a game with one. I was also theorizing about a Dayvig earlier (although I was thinking more about a town-aligned one). 2) Eclipse, by itself, it's not scummy that you find several people suspicious. It becomes so when you're saying I'm scummy for it. You're drawing a distinction between what I'm doing and what you're doing by saying that I'm just "throwing suspicion around until it sticks" but the only evidence you've shown backing this up is that I have a large amount of scumreads. If there is indeed a distinction between me and you having several suspicions, show more evidence for that. Also, how does it make sense that I'm both tunneling and throwing suspicion around? 3) The reason I haven't said so much about Refa is because I'm very unsure about him. Several of his reads don't make much sense to me, but he still feels just tonally town to me so I haven't pushed it as much as I could have. 4) If mods could get votals up, that'd be nice. I think I might be leading in votes so I should probably claim tomorrow morning before I head to school if that's the case, as I don't expect to be around for phase end.
  18. quick comments before I go do more work for hours and hours I think I realized what was bothering me about Eclipse's accusation that I'm attacking half the active players. She herself has argued against me and Trollstool, and a bit against Euklyd. Yeah, she did say that those latter two reads were weaker, but they still count as suspicions, and my own suspicion against Euklyd wasn't much stronger. It's pretty hypocritical to say I'm scummy for finding three players suspicious, when pretty much the same thing applies to her. Also I think Shinori's critique of Refa's reads was decent. Particularly the bits about his reads on Euklyd and Objection. Refa's Euklyd read in particular baffled me.
  19. Refa awake so late. I thought it was a joke when Objection made that first post, but I wasn't entirely sure and nothing else was happening. It's possible that Objection was lying about it just being a joke later, but nothing really indicates to me one way or the other that he was, and since he hasn't posted anything since then, he's a nullread.
  20. The bolded is what I'm referring to. You say I'm scummy for handwaving your case with the newbie card. First off, I wasn't doing this. And second off, if, as you say several times, your case against Trollstool isn't all that strong, why is it even suspicious for me to say that it's weak? There's also no scum intent in handwaving a case against one person and being super nitpicky against another person, unless the first person is scum. So unless your intent is to argue that Trollstool and I are scumbuddies 36 hours in, this case is BS.
  21. Not going to apologize for finding people scummy. And you sidestepped the question again. >_>
  22. I've only expressed serious suspicions about you and Poly, and a little about Euklyd. I don't see how I'm throwing suspicions around on everyone. And I repeat, a part of your case earlier was that I was handwaving your case. Handwaving cases isn't something that someone who's trying to throw suspicions around on everyone would do. And my point in bringing up Trollstool earlier wasn't to say that you should go after her- the point is, you yourself admit it wasn't a super strong case. Then how was it scummy of me to dismiss it? @Euklyd- Well, yeah, I get that you said you wanted an explanation, but as I said, I don't really get how she did give you a (pertinent) explanation. Anyways, I guess I'll wait for you to get back. @Hosts- Did Baldrick say anything about an absence? Speaking of absences, I might not be around tomorrow.
  23. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Not all games have Deputies and Trackers and Snipers. Well, I don't mind role PMs not fully flipping, but if your expectation is that people should see someone flip as Dojima or Naoto and expect them to have some sort of investigation role, that's not good. Also, while I can see the reasons someone might not want to flip role PMs fully, personally I find it detracts from the experience to only get the role PM at the end, especially in games with flavour. What's the point of writing role PMs if only one person is really going to read each one?
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