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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    I draw FE

    <3 Also I was looking at your tumblr pics and I don't know who Kyle Hyde is, but that one was really cool.
  2. As I said earlier at some point, I let my faulty Prims townread bleed into all my other reads and even though I thought maf SG was sort of OP, I thought that what he said about some other restrictions being placed on it made sense. Plus the stuff I said earlier about it looking like the entire mafia team had voted NNR. let's just chalk this up as an off game for everyone Also, nobody doubted that Nags was a SG. He'd proved that on N1.
  3. You were scum, and your opinion therefore doesn't count. More importantly, I'm ahead of you in posts.
  4. I think when we were making the sheet for FE5 RR, some changes were made for balance purposes- like making Sety replace Evayle instead of Fin, so that the game doesn't get completely broken in two.
  5. No, he promotes at the same time as vanilla Hector. But fsr I thought that C30 was a gaiden and that led to some dumb statements on my part. Athos gets B in all other magics and in staves upon promo, IIRC.
  6. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Isn't that every girl's dream???
  7. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    But I was planning on giving you a UNICORN with WINGS
  8. I think the map is too big for that, and even if it wasn't, Boots is probably better used on either Heath or Farina.
  9. Anyways, I'm going to apologize to j00 for saying that her choice to scumside just because she wanted to was retarded. I still think that she could have chosen to side with town and won, but Survivors have to side with one alignment or the other, and there's no reason for them to side with town over scum either. It was valid for her to side with the mafia. Basically the solution is to not put Survivors in the game.
  10. Yeah idk what I'm saying anymore
  11. It'd be nice. Kind of annoyed at how stuff turned out, but I think that people did legitimately try, however badly they might have played.
  12. Oh, I meant that Warp would be useful in 29x, not 29. My mistake. As for 29x, I don't think Rescue!Athos shaves any turns if you do have Warp, but it helps if you don't have anyone at A staves yet (like me in my first RR draft bc I suck at power-leveling staff rank). I think he might shave a turn on VoD with it, not sure. It's useful on Light as well, though I don't think it actually cuts turns.
  13. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Ugh, I really wanted to host Fakeclaim before summer ended, but unfortunately I'm going to be busier during August than I'd originally anticipated. I'd prefer for whoever's after me (Eclipse, I think), to go next.
  14. Having Warp for Map 29 is nice too. Athos can Rescue as soon as he's promoted with pretty decent range though, so that's always an option as well. Nino is probably the best Warper though, yeah. Getting her there is fairly easy if you have Torch. I'm not actually sure she shaves any turns off the desert though. Fairly sure she doesn't in NM, but HM might be different with Serra taking longer to kill whichever boss is closer to her.
  15. all you AMERICANS with your AMERICAN names I'm Indo-Canadian, so I'd probably pick a name that could be either Indian or North American, so neither my Indian relatives nor the North Americans my child will interact with will mangle their name. For a girl, I've always liked the name Riya. As for a boy, idk. Those are harder to get in the middle.
  16. They gave him Hector's growths, but swapped DEF and RES.
  17. Serra's decent, but not as good as vanilla Pent. She suffers WTD against the Mages there, so IIRC in NM she has hit in the high 70s/low 80s, and is liable to miss every now and then, which is pretty annoying. Her AS hit from Divine also does a number on her AVO. Hmm, whenever I used Vaida, she had lower SPD. Possibly she got unlucky, idk. The thing is, Farina is better than her early on due to not very much lower STR and much better SPD (she mostly makes up for less concrete durability with better avoid), and Heath beats her later on with the highest STR cap of all the fliers and a SPD cap that's still sufficient.
  18. RR definitely has lower turncounts. Any turns that might have been lost by an unmounted Jeigan are more than made up for by earlier and better fliers, and an earlier dancer who doesn't leave you for 5 chapters. And yeah, Bishop Serra is an NPC.
  19. Really? I haven't played HHM (or rather, AHM) RR, but at least in normal mode I found it easier than vanilla. Early dancer, several strong earlygame fliers, good earlygame mages, a very good archer, a couple good myrmidons, and a lord that's basically Hector with swapped Def/Res stats, who hits Res and has a 1-2 range Prf. Vaida is good, with high STR/DEF stats, but her low SPD is probably even more of an issue in HM than it is in NM. Heath is better (IMO), and Farina certainly is after HM boosts. She's basically a flying Oswin. Good, certainly, but I don't think she'll serve so well after a certain point.
  20. Votals Naglfar (7): eclipse, Ether, Levity, Wombat, Psych, Rein, kirsche Snike (1): SB Not voting (8): Helios, j00, Manix, Naglfar, scorri, Shin, Shinori, Snike Phase ends in ~35 hours.
  21. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I don't think anybody (who plays currently, anyways) is all that arrogant in more than a joking way.
  22. Mafia teams everywhere confirmed for hating doctors.
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