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Everything posted by BBM

  1. EDIT: I should actually probably talk to the mods before saying stuff shouldn't really be a problem if someone saw what I posted bu eh.
  2. Eh, I'll do it I guess. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Fera My internet is fine and I should be here for phase end if Fera comes and claims and we decide we really don't want to lynch him. As for SB's role not working with rule 9, there are Godfathers for Rolecops (MoMM comes to mind) and Tailors, so I don't think rule 9 clears or condemns either SB or Shinori by itself.
  3. Although I guess Watcher might be a stronger investigative role than Rolecop, so ehh. Inclined to agree with Manix that one of Fera/Scorri and one of SB/Shinori is scum.
  4. Okay so we've got 5 people voting for SB and 3 for Fera. Are we decided on lynching SB or are we going to go with Fera? I don't particularly have any objections with lynching him, since he really hasn't done anything, but town having a Rolecop just feels weird to me, and I feel SB being scum is more likely than Fera.
  5. If SB is scum, his buddy is probably not Fera. I don't think the mafia would bus in a situation where the town had this many clears/townreads. So then I might be wrong about Scorri, idk. Or maybe we have scum Watcher.
  6. Rule 9 states that inspection results may not be accurate. For that rule to matter, there has to actually be something that receives inspection results in the first place, and the town doesn't generally have things that can mess with the mafia's inspection role.
  7. I imagine Watcher could fit into that category, if there's a scum Ninja.
  8. Doesn't matter, SB. Town literally has the power to clear an entire third of the game by N1. I honestly don't think they have need for a Cop or a Rolecop.
  9. I don't think SB is a town-sided Rolecop. I was hoping scum would claim Cop so I didn't say this earlier, but I've been pretty sure ever since the Masons claim that town doesn't have a Cop or Rolecop. There's already the Masons and an Oracle, and we have Shinori as a claimed Watcher for investigative power as well. And then we had a 2-shot Doc and a 1-shot Omniguard to boot as far as protection went. And then my role, plus Manix's which is apparently strong (though he said it was weak earlier?).
  10. Okay, so we've got less than 8 hours left and we seem to be moving towards either a Fera or SB lynch. IMO Fera should claim ASAP because if he claims something we don't want to lynch with an hour left in the phase, we might be forced to lynch SB without a claim from him.
  11. Well to be fair, you have more posts than him, so not having said much is worse in your case. You've also played more games and are therefore held to a somewhat higher standard than he is, I guess. Ugh, I feel frustrated at the activity this phase. SB responded back to my post against him, but nobody else really gave their opinions about it the SB case. Anyways, people in Britain waking up is a sign that I should have been asleep hours ago.
  12. Was that really necessary? Explain why SB is a scumread. You've been saying that you find him suspicious since D1 but haven't given any reasons for it.
  13. Then I guess they might kill me? Why are you not only asking stupid questions, but asking them of someone whom you yourself think is most likely town?
  14. Well, at most, if the scum have a Rolecop or something, they might target me, since I'm one of the only people who hasn't claimed yet. Other than that, I don't really think anybody will target me. What's the point of that question Shinori? You promised a post about SB last phase and it didn't come, and it hasn't come this phase either. This is also literally the only thing you've done all phase. For someone who was voting Eclipse for more than half D1 for doing nothing while stuff was happening, what exactly are you doing? I know you were sick for the latter part of D1, and you might still be sick, but even if all you can post is one line, I'm sure you can think of better one-liners than randomly asking people why they think they'll be targeted at night.
  15. When did I say that I think people people would target me?
  16. ##Vote: SB His content has been pretty sparse. The only people he's really pushed at all have been Eclipse and Rapier, and Shin a little bit. But he sort of switched from Eclipse to Rapier without much of a reason. He gave reasons for his read on Rapier, but he didn't really say whether his opinion of Eclipse had improved, and in fact, he never commented on Eclipse after his initial vote at all. He also thought Shin was slightly scummy for being suspicious of Rapier, which doesn't really make much sense since he himself was also suspicious of Rapier. I know that he thought Shin was sheeping, but his reasons were calling Rapier scummy at the beginning were sort of bad. He initially prodded Rapier for "ignoring the activity in the thread" even though the posts of Rapier's that SB was talking about were made at a time when like a third of the game was voting me for posting a meme. Plus, Rapier did actually give somewhat of a read by saying that he thought SB was sheeping. He voted Rapier sort of for sheeping on the Eclipse wagon, but again, never really said how his opinion about Eclipse changed.
  17. Chapter 30: 7/142 Basically nobody except Harken can kill the boss in a timely fashion, so I had to Warp both Hector and Harken ahead. Chapter 31: 15/157 Defend. Picked up the Body Ring and got Vaida to cap SPD. Chapter 31x: 5/162 Bought weapons whoo. I've had one go at 32, and all I can say is that Boots Vaida is not as good as I was hoping she would be. She can't carry Hector or even Harken, so she's basically just a combat unit, which isn't as helpful as I thought it'd be when I need to protect Florina somehow as she ferries Hector.
  18. Well, as he was town, that was just his best guess. Also gut on Elie "outing" his scumbuddies tells me that one of Scorri and SB are scum and the other one is town. I still don't really find Scorri scummy, so I'm going to reread SB later, probably tomorrow.
  19. Well, after a reread during the night, I changed my mind about Manix. What Bal said sort of made sense, I guess. Anyways, I don't really have an interest in lynching Bal, Rapier, Eclipse, Manix, Shin, or Scorri, today, at least for the moment. That leaves SB, Fera, and Shinori that I need to look at.
  20. And that plays into my point further. Most people don't want to fake Miller because it's really too risky otherwise. Your role + it being Trainwreck was why it wasn't as risky.
  21. Yeah, the game wasn't that great. I probably won't do Part 2 but I thought I might as well talk about the setup because I really did like it. Also I started writing it right after the game ended and I thought I might as well finish it. This is probably all I'll say as far as players go, as it's still relevant:
  22. Postgame Part 1: Setup The very first draft of this game I created focused a bit more on the Yellow portion of the manga rather than the R/G/B section as the final version did. It featured the Elite 4 as the SK instead of Mewtwo. They were a sort of JoaT SK, with each member of the E4 contributing to one of the extra abilities it had. And while it was an interesting role, I felt the set-up as a whole had something missing. It felt too cookie-cutter, and every role was one that had been used in dozens of mafia games. I wanted the game to be memorable, especially if I was going to have to wait for like 6 months before it even started. So I scrapped that set-up, and I tried to think of something that really embodied Pokemon, and that embodied Pokemon Adventures. Finally, I decided to focus on a theme where the town started off weak, but became more powerful as the game went on, because Pokemon is a game where you train and become stronger, and as anyone who’s read the manga will testify to, a lot of its protagonists also start off pretty weak. This led to the Blaine, Mewtwo, and Red roles, and a lot of other roles then became based around those. There were still a lot of pretty standard roles in the setup, but I felt it was a lot more exciting than the previous set-up. Town/Independent: Professor Oak: Nurse Joy: Pokemon Fan Club President: Brock: Daisy Oak: Erika: Blue: Bill: Red: Blaine: Mewtwo: Blaine and Mewtwo: Mafia: Giovanni: Sabrina: Lt. Surge: Aaaaand that’s Part 1. Part 2, player analysis, might come either sometime on the weekend or never, depending on how useful I think my comments will be more than three months after the game.
  23. Chapter 29: 5/135 Could have 4-turned with Boots Farina, but ehhh. I think Boots Vaida will be better in the last few chapters. On turn 1, I danced Lucius ahead, and he Rescued Harken, who then moved ahead as well. So he basically killed most of the enemies there, and then went on to kill Linus. Florina and Farina killed the remaining units in the west who didn't go towards Harken (and were the reason I couldn't 4-turn...), while Canas, with some help from Lucius/Sain/Louise, killed the Knights, Generals, and the Paladin/Nomad Troopers. This would have been a lot easier had Canas not run out of Flux uses (he had to rely on 10 mag Luna...). Vaida got triggered turn 1, got recruited turn 2, and then basically just killed those Cavaliers and Nomads who rush you from straight above. The peg sisters got some Flux tomes and Warp after they finished fighting.
  24. Elie claims scum and IMO one of these two are scum and the other one isn't because that's the right way to WIFOM
  25. Eclipse, you can Omniguard both you and someone else once? Also, yeah, pretty sure at this point that Elie is scum.
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