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Everything posted by BBM

  1. For all that Prims says that night-talk makes town stronger, he's generally one of the proponents of keeping it to a minimum even when it's allowed. It's because town talking at night has as many benefits for mafia as it does for town.
  2. BBM

    RTFR Mafia

    quick Eclipse change that to a yes
  3. <Prims>: everyone vote to ban nighttalk I vote we keep night-talk Don't really care personally, just count my vote as null.
  4. I can't remember SF2 having night-talk
  5. The last NOC game to have night-talk was Schoolteacher, IIRC.
  6. /in Is this based on a specific FF game or just the franchise as a whole?
  7. No I mean on N3 because it made me too hesitant to activate it for today.
  8. Baldrick should totally end the game with the dayvig even if I didn't activate Grace Period.
  9. you guys suck for killing Darros and not letting me use that furreal though
  10. Well, looking at your last post, he was supposed to visit SB N3 and Bizz N4, and he died N4, so I'm inclined to go with ##Vote: Bizz. Plus, SB's play on D1 was super obvtown IMO (yeah I know I said he was townie in FR too but deal with it). Paper/Marth look good from the Smilies flip and I still think Areox's manner of claiming doesn't seem like what scum would do.
  11. Uhhhh did Elie die from visiting SB or Boron/Bizz?
  12. Well, actually I was more complaining about my role, but good point! GG guys, and here's my QT for anybody interested. Manix should post his too.
  13. Meh, there's really no point about arguing it further. Besides, saying town's scumhunting was one of the only things that could have caught me is a lame point, because as I truthfully said earlier, scumhunting should be the basis of a town win, not investigative roles. Town have won plenty of setups where they won totally based on scumhunting.
  14. Yeah, and I also only got one kill all game. If I was a vanilla SK with no powers it would have been gg like two phases ago.
  15. Are we really going to say my role was OP when all I was was a vanilla Arsonist in a game with a mass-hook, two full-time hookers, a Doc, a one-shot Doc, a one-shot Hook, and a fucking two-shot BPV?
  16. I dedicate this win to the scumteam for being real bros.
  17. well manly men don't generally win bikini contests so I think Darros is doing pretty good
  18. Not as good as Higurashi postgame 5/10 I asked Boron on Skype when the real update is coming and she said she's waiting for Cam, so yeah.
  19. Well, that could pretty easily be WIFOM. I just can't see SK JB. ##Vote: Elieson We've only got an hour left and I can't see my opinion changing in that time, so yeah.
  20. Well, since they have no ties, they can't sacrifice themselves, because that would result in a loss. Mafia can take a hit for the greater good (or bad, I guess), but SK can't really afford to. Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly though, because I feel like you've said this several times and if you're still saying then I must not have replied to it properly.
  21. I'm probably off for a slightly early dinner so that I'll still be here for phase end.
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