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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I've explained lots of reasons I think you're scum that go back before the Mack claim? Also that italicized part has an implied "if you were town" at the end. Seriously, if you're town, explain why you did that? Mack didn't claim a guilty on you; he claimed a role which had communication with Paper and a more cogently worded case on you than he had had before. When people pointed out how it was so unlikely for Mack to be lying, you gave answers like "another buddy helped him craft a list of 10 reads" and didn't back down until it was 100% impossible for him to be lying. Your reasons for thinking he was lying, IIRC, were that he didn't vote you on D1 despite Paper thinking you were scum. I don't see how this is strong enough to overcome everything else. And the point of that post was to say that yes, there are some things that I'm not sure why you would do if you were scum, but there are more that I'm not sure why you would do as town. anyways just a heads up that I have a take home exam tomorrow and I may be working on it all day and therefore might not have much time for mafia
  2. I know I should be reading other people and stuff but I can't do anything without knowing the Baldrick flip because I'm like 95% sure he's scum and that affects how I read other people so I'd rather reread with my 95% suspicion confirmed or with a town flip in mind, since it's almost certain we're lynching him today. That's basically a long-winded way of saying I'm in favour of hammering Baldrick after he's had time to give a final list of reads if he's town.
  3. but none of the things Shinori has posted since you changed votes are worthy of analysis? I honestly don't know why you didn't go with some claim as scum, but I also don't know why you would jump to assuming Mack was lying as town? I also don't know why you would treat the situation with Mack as a 1v1 where if we believed him you were automatically sunk or whatever.
  4. no they don't have all our roles lol they have Mack's specifically because of the mechanics of town basically getting a new recruit if he survives
  5. it's possible I'm confirmation biasing heavily but compare Gaius's actions subbing in as town into a shitty situation vs Baldrick's since the Mack claim: Gaius pushed the person he thought was scummiest even as he was about to get lynched. Baldrick tried to argue that Mack's claim was a lie even though it made absolutely no sense from any perspective, which is a blatantly anti-town action. The only defence people have given for this is that it's too scummy to be scummy but Baldrick believed that he was going to get lynched if he couldn't get people back on the Mack wagon so as a last-resort ploy this is perfectly believable for scum to try given the incentive of killing two townies if he manages to pull it off. He isn't voting or even pushing his top scumread. I don't know what to say about the bit about feeling bad for pushing Shinori just because Shinori defended him. Baldrick has played mafia enough to know scum defend town. He said just now that he doesn't see the point in pushing Shinori when nobody was listening to him before- the point is that he should be pushing his scumreads, even if he voted Sully in a not-me-over-me? When you're about to get mislynched and you know it you try to set town up as best as you can after your lynch, not go 100% into self-preservation mode 48 hours before the deadline. kirsche I'm very confused do you actually think Paperblade is scum or were you just voting him to see if it would work?
  6. Do you actually find Sully to be the scummiest player itg or are you just voting him because he'll be easier to lynch than Shinori?
  8. good times anyways this is town infighting. Marth is town because scum Marth isn't going to reread past games overnight for the purpose of saying someone is town and Via is town because whenever they're in the thread they're giving content with reads and stuff and they're making a really large effort to post feelings and thoughts even when they're busy at work and at doc appts and stuff. Via doesn't enjoy playing scum and would not do this; they'd just these as excuses to not post since they said before the game started that they'd gotten a job where they'd be working half the day and stuff I'm moving kirsche to paranoid tier because his latest few posts ping me. Yes he hasn't reread Baldrick but I remember last phase when I mentioned a couple times that Baldrick was in the background and he was giving me bad vibes he agreed with this. For him to be like "I cannot give an opinion about Baldrick without rereading" and pseudo-defending him by comparing his wagon to that of a mislynch even though the situations are completely different bothers me. still not enough to make me lynch him over some other people
  9. Shinori, if according to you what Baldrick is doing is stupid enough that it doesn't make sense for town OR mafia to do it then why are you saying it's specifically townie? Via is playing pretty clearly to his town meta
  10. what do you think about what I said in listpost; namely that scum Marth wouldn't go to the effort of looking up past meta on me to talk about why I was town?
  11. slapfight is probably the wrong word but don't dare claim you didn't show outrage when you were TALKING IN ALL CAPS ABOUT HOW IT WAS STUPID THAT HE EXPECTED YOU TO MAKE A CASE OVER THE NIGHT PHASE it's scum intent because lynching Mack gets two townies lynched if his claim is to be believed. why would town Baldrick switch suspicions to Mack over you when the reasons he says (Mack was suspicious of him on D1 and still sheeped onto Ken) were valid earlier and had already been pointed out by other people (so he would have known about it assuming he was paying attention to the thread)? The Mack thing is clearly a last-ditch desperation attempt before he gets lynched
  12. what point are you trying to make here wrt Kemono friends? In Kemono friends Shinori's logic was fine but he was just missing some really big picture things that made it obvious the guy who he was tunneling (can't remember who it was) was obviously town. Here the logic in his cases is bad IMO because he's ascribing scum intent to things that are just whatever, like saying Bartozio waiting 30 minutes to vote him was suspicious. Also Shinori you complained about me not giving counterpoints about how your cases weren't good and then when I linked to all the counterpoints I had given over the course of D1 you didn't say anything kirsche do you think Baldrick is town? You're comparing the Baldrick wagon to the Ken wagon as a reason why we should slow down and not just stop discussion or whatever and talking about how Ken was obviously town but haven't given an opinion on Baldrick all day afaicr. The Baldrick-Ken comparison is also silly because the Ken wagon was based on a couple posts and then Ken just disappeared and the people still on the wagon weren't sure on what to do with their suspicion. Baldrick has been here the entire time and the scumread on him is way more supported.
  13. I didn't say you had no posts I said you had only a few of them and you could have left it at that instead of also making a snide comment about me ok Shinori what is the LOGIC in town voting someone with Mack's claim (with the case being not that he is scum with his roleclaim, but just that he's lying)? If Mack is making the whole thing up he gets lynched D4 anyways and if he's telling the truth then we would be lynching two townies I'm not saying that you have to be voting Baldrick or anything just that it makes sense for you guys to be buddies given that you've been engaged in slapfights with him without actually having suspicion of him and Baldrick didn't vote for you despite being suspicious of you for most of D1, and only voted you D2 after several people pointed this out I'm 98.7654321% sure that Via is town
  14. baldrick's reaction to try and force a 1v1 with mack when like kirsche said, the endgame for that fake if Mack is scum is to just be lynched d4, and he would be lynching two townies if Mack was telling the truth, is scummy as fuckkkk
  15. also the tone of that post sounds basically exactly like Paperblade. the only person I could see being able to fake that post is maaaaaybe Prims but he's dead
  16. who exactly is the buddy that is producing all of this content for Mack to use instead of themselves? Bartozio, Sully, Michelaar? Shinori when he's spending half the day playing League? (grats on Diamond btw Shinori)
  17. Via isn't just apologizing for being busy and then only making a good post like once or twice (like Shinori cough cough) he's active and contributing whenever he does have time to post in the thread @Baldrick- you weren't hte only person voting Ken so it wasn't like he was solely sheeping you? Baldrick is in self-preservation mode right now so it's completely plausible yeah for him to be trying to go for broke to get a lynch on Mack. remember that if Mack is telling the truth lynching him is like lynching two townies. town!Baldrick would be more likely to double down on the Shinori scumread to get them lynched over himself. fair enough about not getting towncred if kirsche had just done the other thing but like I said in my initial post if kirsche went to the effort of writing a 1 hr post over night phase and then kill Prims over the night phase I will concede the win to him. not actually but this entire thing is moot because none of you guys are even scumreading kirsche right now??? I'd be willing to consider him as scum over like Refa maybe but I still wouldn't lynch him over the quintet of Baldrick/Shinori/Sully/Bartozio/Michelaar anyways I'm going to do work now if I fail my classes remember that all of you are to blame
  18. lol do you really think Mack is capable of faking all that? also the game rules don't have the "no hidden players" rule that's pretty standard
  19. I can't believe I came to a coffee shop specifically so I would work instead of playing mafia and I ended up playing mafia for an hour anyways tbh I think Baldrick should claim because with the Mack claim I can't see myself voting for anybody else today unless Baldrick is like a cop or vig
  20. not sarcasm; Via is much more motivated playing as town or ITP vs mafia. it's possible wrt kirsche but it would just be so much effort when he could just go "damnit I thought Prims was scum". I also think that given that scum!kirsche would likely be by far the most experienced player on the scumteam he'd be the one calling the shot on who to NK so it's unlikely he would write a case on Prims and then change his mind and decide to kill him do you guys actually think kirsche is scum or are you just objecting against my reasons for townreading him?
  21. you know what time it is IT'S POE TIME!!!!!! Almost Certainly Town: Via because there's no way they'd be so motivated as scum. they're so motivated in this game that they feel obligated to post every other day apologizing for being busy and doctor's appointments and stuff Marth: I highly doubt scum Marth goes to the effort of reading two past games to dig up meta on why I'm town. I could see him doing it to find scum meta on me but then if he didn't find anything that would help his case he would have just kept it to himself. this is what I meant wrt town Marth being more likely to look for reasons to defend people than scum Marth Probably Town: kirsche: I thought his case against me was one of the better ones. Also I don't think scum kirsche would go to the effort of writing that gigantic Prims case just to kill him that night. if he did he probably deserves to win tbh Mack: this role is most likely town Probably Town but I'm paranoid: Refa: there isn't actually anything scummy he's done but I'm a little skeptical that the Prims wagon was all town because I feel like scum would have tried to take the chance to mislynch a good player. I'm also paranoid that he's not dead given literally nobody even had a suspicion of him on D1 but I guess he was an obvious doc target? Remaining People: Baldrick, Shinori, Michelaar, Bartozio, Sully Baldrick and Shinori are completely plausible scumbuddies and should be lynched first (note that despite all of Shinori's outrage towards Baldrick he is currently not voting him). I currently think that in a vacuum Michelaar and Bartozio are more likely to be scum than Sully because Sully's later cases have been better and more like what I would think new players would make. HOWEVER I don't think a scumteam of Baldrick, Shinori, and either Michelaar or Bartozio is plausible because there would be way too much in-bussing. This scumteam would basically be guaranteeing a scum lynch on D2 and they wouldn't even get much towncred from it because there were already buddy suspicions between them all. So if both Baldrick and Shinori are scum the third buddy is probably Sully. If Baldrick is scum but Shinori isn't, I can see Baldrick/Michelaar/Bartozio and if Shinori is scum but Baldrick isn't I would go Shinori/Bartozio/Sully can we get votals because Baldrick might be close to a lynch at this point
  22. THE RETURN OF HIDDEN PLAYERS mack, what are Paperblade's opinions about Shinori
  23. @kirsche- it's not so much "so why wouldn't scum say that" as what Baldrick actually did say, which was stuff that wasn't true, and then when pressured about it, he said that he felt like he had to justify the vote more. That reads like he was overly self-conscious about putting down a sparse vote to me. @Refa- I think 1 is still important because even if he didn't actually do the rereading, he created that expectation for other people, which is still creating a problem where none needed to exist. wrt 2 he didn't directly push Ken but he did say several times that he found Ken scummy but I'm too lazy to go find the posts now. 3 is weak but tbh before his latest string of posts on D2 that's what made me most uncomfortable about him. I agree with your analysis of his recent Baldrick vote though. @Shinori- I think you're correct about the inconsistencies in Mich's posts. I don't think his initial post was inconsistent wrt Baldrick because you can see the case while still just not feeling them as scum, but then Michelaar's later posts where he switched to saying that the Baldrick votes actually were bad and he didn't get the logic are inconsistent. However, there's only scum intent if Baldrick is also scum. the rest of the back-and-forth between the two reads like them comparing the size of their dicks but with OMGUSes and trying to argue the other person's is bigger instead of their own
  24. I will agree with Shinori though that the point here is a bit weak because people like to use the night phase as a break from the game. it doesn't seem like you reread the thread over the night phase?
  25. do you even think Michelaar is scum? here you're just trying to like spread the idea that he could be scum. reads like scum being salty that someone else is getting a pass despite playing badly
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