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Everything posted by BBM

  1. updated character list (14/14): Mello (Death Note) Rick (Rick and Morty) The Batter (OFF) Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa 3) Kratos (Tales of Symphonia) Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa 2) Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) Endeavor (Boku no Hero Academia) Dr. Crowler (Yugioh GX) Titania (Pokemon Reborn) Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop) Omar Little (The Wire) Beast (Beauty and the Beast) Toshio Ozaki (Shiki)
  2. I have 9/14 signups atm but some people need to provide more information
  3. Living Players: Dead Players: Day Start/Votals Links: Day 1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, End Day 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, End Day 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, End Interlude Day 4: 4.1, End Day 5
  4. Welcome everybody to ANTIHERO ANONYDRAFT MAFIA; shouts to Elie for hosting the first Anonydraft mafia. Sign up for this game privately, not in-thread. Read the mechanics before signing up. Mechanics: Rules: Alignments: Roles:
  5. BBM

    The Second Well

    what do you think was the best OC game that you didn't design (you didn't necessarily have to have played in it)?
  6. BBM

    The Second Well

    f/m/k: liberl, crossbell, erebonia f/m/k: SB's FMK, Paperblade's FMK, my first FMK
  7. BBM

    The Second Well

    what's your favourite flaovur of ice cream? what's your favourite word? which not very popular video game do you think is good that other people should play more?
  8. BBM

    The Second Well

    why did you sign up for your first mafia game?
  9. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    update: will be running the game at the start of January; that works better for me as well. I'll put up the thread for signups after Prims's EiMM finishes.
  10. BBM

    The Second Well

    what's your favourite movie ever and what's your favourite movie that was released this year?
  11. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    So, I'm going to put up signups for Antihero Anonydraft Mafia in about a week actually, since Prims's EiMM is starting soon and I'd want to let that run for at least a few days first, and because there are some people who've indicated that they can't play yet. This does mean that the game would primarily take place over the holidays. When mafia used to be active before, that was a bit of a dead spot, so message me if you're planning on signing up but would rather the game started in January. Don't post here since this is an anonymous game and that would give away that you're playing.
  12. tbh if you hadn't told us we never would have known good moral to take away from this game for when you roll scum (if you keep playing, hope you do)
  13. yeah like if Via/Marth had been around for phase end and kirsche had gotten lynched on D3 this game wouldn't have been close but at the same time like... if I'd misvigged on N2 this game could have easily become a scumstomp instead. And also, I've never seen a neighbourhood be as effective as it was this game, but also I think its effect is being a bit overrated? Refa and Via were never serious lynch candidates and I don't think they would have been even without the neighbourhood. Although me being in the network stopped Via from being suspicious of me and therefore helped town focus better, I was never going to get lynched as the vig anyways. And Elie was almost mislynched because of how little he used the neighbourhood.
  14. gj Refa/Via!! and also Elie for being active enough at the end for people to remember his slot had townie interactions with flipped scum. sorry for being paranoid about you guys or this game would have been on auto-win after I vigged Shinori :( we talked about in the graveyard I guess but I think the player list was just really good and Refa/Via playing so townily so as to be totally unviable lynch candidates even without a role was what PoEd the scum and won the game for town. @Bartozio- I think what did you in the most honestly was that your Tracker targets looked way more like targets a scum Tracker would make than a town one. You probably should have faked different targets? I know the Marth one got more attention D5 but it was the Refa one that really made no sense.
  15. BBM

    The Second Well

    why do you play shitty pokemon hacks?
  16. BBM

    The Second Well

    why do you hate all of us?
  17. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    ok well I can also host anonydraft 2 then
  18. BBM

    The Second Well

    iris via cam #offtheboard
  19. via was really excited and motivated about the game for d1 and most of d2 and in the QT with me and I can't see him being that excited about rolling scum. His activity has kind of fallen off the past day phase but I know he's had to work more overtime and stuff. kirsche had a shitty Sully case and when I told him to reread Sully to add to it, he started attacking me for undermining his case without actually attacking his case. Not only is this a bad reason, he previously had me as the least suspicious of his non-townreads so the sudden switch reads like he had to stop himself from getting PoE'd down after Shinori died. shrug @Bart/Marth- if Sully gets lynched replace him with kirsche in everything I said that you guys should do with your roles
  20. yeah yeah I'm here to get a lynch @Elieson how is your reread going? Which parts of the game have you read and do you still think Sully is scummier than kirsche and if so why?
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