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Everything posted by BBM

  1. lesson of the day: always lynch shinori
  2. yeah I probably wouldn't do it again but I just felt very unconfident on D6. I guess I didn't really feel more confident at the end of D7 so it didn't really achieve much though. just a shitty game from me. i made the wrong choice on pretty much every day and it made me less and less confident on the following days so I kept waffling more and more. if I'd lost my will to keep putting effort into the game like 5 minutes earlier I probably would have voted Baroness but that's just how it goes sometimes I guess.
  3. sure I guess but they aren't available until Lloyd/Linus. What's she doing until then? even once she gets them, she can't equip both the Mani Katti and the Lancereaver so she's giving up offence for better survivability there. And tbh all this doesn't even get to arguably her biggest combat problem- no 1-2 range. my point isn't that she's useless. there's stuff you can do to make her better. you can give her the statboosters from LM too if you want. But all those things you can do to make her better you can also do to other people. At that point it's not an advantage for her anymore. a comparison to a similarly mediocre LM unit like Dorcas might be better than comparing her to the best units in the game. Dorcas has very good strength but struggles to ORKO because he has cruddy speed. Lyn has very good speed but struggles to ORKO because she has poor strength and uses swords. Lyn has better accuracy, but this isn't FE6 where accuracy is at such a premium that hitting stuff is very special. Lyn has the Mani Katti, which is a very good sword, but Dorcas has 1-2 range. Dorcas has MUCH better concrete durability; Lyn can dodgetank. They both have their uses and niches. neither is very optimal.
  4. Lyn only uses 1 weapon, swords. Her control of the WT is very limited, especially considering how prevalent lance enemies like Soldiers, Knights, Cavaliers, Pegasus Knights, and most importantly, Wyvern Riders are. Sure she can use Lancereavers and Silver Swords, but those are relatively rare. Why does she get them over better units like Raven? and even if she does get them, and she can reliably survive through dodgetanking- anybody can kill weak enemies like Soldiers and Archers. How long does it take her to kill better enemies like Wyvern Riders? Also, terrain isn't available in all maps, and heavily relying on it to dodgetank and survive slows you down even more than using infantry normally does. All that is fine- but if we're talking about "optimal" ways to play- pretty much no matter what definition of "optimal" you use, whether that's LTC or rankings or efficiency, it doesn't work. But yeah, the comparison to Florina/Kent/Sain is unfair- they're probably 3 of the top 5 characters in the game.
  5. you can't rely on her dodging though, is my point. also, half the enemies in the game once she re-joins in Chapter 15 use lances lol. who is she fighting if not them? mages and archers that she can't counter on EP? mercs/myrms who have good hit and she probably can't dodgetank very effectively against?
  6. the point is that you don't need to have the highest stats, you just need to have stats that are good enough. Kent and Sain don't have HP/DEF as high as Oswin, but they're still bulky enough to survive at least 3-4 hits a turn, and Lyn isn't. They don't double everything like Lyn does maybe, but they still double 90% of units, which Oswin can't. And because their STR is much better and they use better weapon types, the amount of units that they can ORKO is much greater than the ones that Lyn can ORKO. And they do it all with 2 more move, meaning they can get to units before Lyn does and you can control their positioning better. And they have 1-2 range, which Lyn never gets, not even after promotion. i'm also not sure why you think dodgetanking is preferable to regular tanking. If Lyn needs to dodge a hits at 25% to survive for example, sure those are good odds but 1/4 times you'll still need to restart because she died. With regular tanking, I can calculate to know exactly how much danger I'm putting my units in so I know exactly how many units I can safely expose them to- whereas with dodgetanking it's a random variable with variance. Lyn's crit also comes from the Mani Katti mostly; SKL differences are just a couple points of crit. Relying on crit introduces variance again, and relying on the MK too much for non-armor/cav enemies will deplete it quickly. And most armor/cav enemies equip lances, so she has WTD against them and can't dodgetank reliably. She's perfectly usable still; everyone is. But her stats are just worse. she doesn't kill things as well as any of those other units, especially without the MK, and she doesn't survive as well either, no matter how much you want to pump up dodgetanking. Yes you can give her Silver weapons, but now you're going out of your way to favour her so that she can pick up kills that Kent/Sain/Florina could have achieved with Iron and Steel weapons. btw Lloyd's version of FFO on Hector's mode has him stand out in the middle of the map. so with some experience or just some trial and error if you're new, you can beat that chapter in 2 turns quite easily. If you're trying to play quickly (not even LTC, just quickly), Lloyd's map is a better choice.
  7. BBM

    The Second Well

    but subs are sandwiches
  8. BBM

    The Second Well

    favourite non fe/pokemon game?
  9. BBM

    The Second Well

    you nominate people to get selected and if they get selected you get to ask them questions
  10. messaged him on motk when I was looking for subs lol
  11. BBM

    The Second Well

    rip nobody cares about the well anymore gaius via vhaltz
  12. BBM

    The Second Well

    i have actually played fe15. I thought that might be berkut but thought it looked like an anime picture. i didn't remember the name of his weapon though lol you do know that there wouldn't have been a fe15 without fe13 right?
  13. BBM

    The Second Well

    who is kriemhild and why is she your screen name who is your avatar
  14. BBM

    The Second Well

    who is kriemhild and why is he your screen name
  15. BBM

    The Second Well

    those are some scummy favourite roles
  16. BBM

    The Second Well

    why do you take Shinori's socks?
  17. BBM

    The Second Well

    nah literally the last game I was thinking "it would be so much better if these wallposts were made by Eury bc then I'd know this slot was town"
  18. BBM

    The Second Well

  19. BBM

    The Second Well

    when did you get into speedrunning? I didn't realize this was something you were so in to inb4 you've been doing it all along
  20. BBM

    The Second Well

    tbh if she could believably pass off as a 33-year old looks-wise I respect it
  21. BBM

    The Second Well

    any crazy dates you've gone on since the last time you were in the Well and I asked you this question?
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