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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Hey you guys missed Lapras. He's pretty good since he comes with STAB Ice Beam just before the Dragon gym and has decent durability. Pretty decent stats overall so I'd say either High or Upper Mid?
  2. My case is somewhat similar except I've already come to the conclusion that I don't have the time for two OC games at the same time now that school's started again.
  3. Amitiiii Don't worry, Darros and I both like Amiti too. And we're the ones who matter since we're the only ones who've played GS3 before anyways.
  4. So uh, not much has happened... I just beat SKYLA. The new additions to the team that I'm using are SKILL LINK MINCCINO and AXEW. Other than that I got Ducklett on the bridge who just ferries me around but does no fighting. Everyone's fully evolved now except for Magmar and Axew. Clay fight was not too bad, I just had Servine spam Growth a few times and then it swept. Excadrill was a bit annoying because it kept flinching Servine with Rock Slide after it gained the edge in speed after a Bulldoze. Skyla was not that difficult other than Swanna, mainly because everyone on my team except for Cinccino and Axew (underleveled) is weak to either Water or Flying. Swanna was hard because Rock Blast from Cinccino left it with like a sliver of HP, and then Surf 2HKOs and she outspeeds. So we both healed turn 2, and then she Featherdanced turn 3, while I Rock Blasted again. This left her with around 1/4 health because Featherdance weakened it. Then next round I was afraid of Rock Blast missing, so I used Bullet Seed because I thought it would be enough to finish Swanna off. Except it wasn't, so then I had to stall out Swanna's Surfs with healing items until she ran out of PP. The only other notable thing was the beginning of my plan against Drayden. I want to catch a Lapras, but the chance of getting one is like 5%, meaning you're almost certainly going to get both Basculin and Marill first. So after I got Surf I went to a city pond to get a Basculin, and then made sure I used Repel in Relic Passage part 2 until I got to water, where I was guaranteed Marill since I had a Basculin. Now that I have both, I can keep searching in swirling whirlpools on Village Bridge until I get a Lapras! BTW the research for this came from Serebii. Yeah I know I'm kinda ruining the point of it being a blind Nuzlocke, but oh well. Pokemon:
  5. Why were people still discussing the possibility of a SK on Day 3 after two nights with only one kill?
  6. best post of the game rip town Also 10/5... The town had a lot of killing power with the Vig and Governor, but sometimes that just makes extra numbers being stacked against them even worse, because a mistake leads to a scum victory even quicker. Also that was a terrible reason for voting Baldrick, and everyone who voted for him should feel bad, even scum, because I totally would have counter-voted anyone voting Baldrick for that reason. Besides, Obviam, maybe when you played more the scum had SF PMs, but these days there are generally a lot more quicktopics than there are SF PMs because you can't show PMs later to the public, while QTs can be viewed by anyone who has the link.
  7. I even messaged Cam in role PM saying "You know you're Voyeur and not Watcher, right", or something to that effect. But yeah, there were some not very significant characters like Daisy and Fanclub President in this game because I wanted to give the scum good character fakeclaims since I was giving them shitty role fakeclaims. They got Green, Yellow, and Misty.
  8. Sorry guys, I've been having internet problems since last morning that I hope to get fixed soon. I'll take Farina and Rath.
  9. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    How is to going to be 4 days long at most when one day + night cycle is 3 days? Best case scenario (scum lynched both days), it lasts 5 days, and worst case scenario (town lynch, town lynch, mafia lynch, no lynch, ? lynch) could have it take up to 9 days. Also what Paperblade said.
  10. Sign me up. Question, is this patch applied to clean roms, or roms that already have the original RR patch applied?
  11. Actual manipulation is causing him to change his reads in some way or doubt them. The fact that you were able to "manipulate" him here is part of why Helios played badly D3/D4. Please stop being so arrogant here. You won, but the only people in the game who deserved to win were Kay, Paperblade, j00, SB (not his slot as a whole though), and Boron, excluding some of the stuff she pulled on D4. The fact that you're being so arrogant while chastising someone else for being arrogant is doubly worse.
  12. Mancer, it wasn't that you were manipulating Helios. He was just so very confident in his scumreads that he didn't see a difference between lynching j00 first and Boron second and lynching Boron first and j00 second.
  13. UPDATE. I tried to repel until I got to a swirling dust patch in Relic Passage, for a Drilbur, but there was this level 18 TIMBURR that was the same level as my level 18 Magnemite in the lead. I caught it and named it NotDrilbur. Then in Castelia Garden I saw a Cottonee but it kept Leech Seeding and paralyzing my mons and breaking out of all my pokeballs even though it was paralyzed so I just killed it out of annoyance. Then BURGH. Magby learnt Flame Burst after battling the last trainer before Burgh, 10/10. Magnemite went in first to take care of Dwebble, which it did. But then Leavanny came, and for some reason, Magby was at lower health (can't remember why) so I kept Magnemite in. But then it got critted by Razor Leaf and died RIP. However before going down it weakened and paralyzed Leavanny like a true hero, allowing Magby to outspeed and finish off Leavanny without taking a counter. The rest of Burgh's pokemon were pretty chumpy after that. Then I went ahead and caught a SANDILE in Route 4, pretty cool. I got a Maractus in the Desert Resort though, and a Yamask in Relic Castle. There was one close call in the desert where my Magby faced a Sandshrew. I didn't know Sandshrews learnt Magnitude early in this game, and it pulled out a Magnitude 8 and nearly OHKOd Magby. Thank god Magby had the Eviolite... After that I went to Route 16 before challenging Elesa, and got a Miccino there and a Cottonee in Lostlorn forest. There's no rule AGAINST using a duplicate, so I think I'll bench this Minccino and use the one that Lucina says comes with Skill Link in Route 5. Elesa was pretty easy because Sandile evolved just before facing her, and pretty much owned. Emolga was the most annoying because Krokorok kept missing with Rock Tomb. In hindsight, STAB Crunch is stronger than SE Rock Tomb, so I should have just used that, but eh. I had Magby switch in for Joltik. It left Joltik alive with like 1 HP after Flame Burst, and then Joltik paralyzed it. I correctly predicted it would Volt Switch after that, and switched in Krokorok to finish it off and then sweep with Dig and MOXIE.
  14. I didn't want to change the role midway through. All in all, this was my first game as a mod, and I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of which had to do with my notes not being detailed and comprehensive enough. And since the set-up ran so long after it had been made, I also forgot a lot of small details.
  15. I'll repeat what I said in the graveyard: Helios's role was NOT supposed to be a flavour cop. It was supposed to be a version of JoaT, where its abilities were permanent instead of one-shot, but where he actually had to work to earn the roles. I don't actually think it was that complicated.
  16. Also, I have to apologize a bit to the mafia because I made a few mod judgements and mistakes that were unfair to them. I forgot that Boron's role got the role PM and not just the role name, leading to the mafia only scanning Paper as a Vig on N1, and not realizing that the nature of his role meant that there was another Vig in the game. I didn't tell them his actual role until D3, when they had just gotten "Pokemon Trainer" from Helios, and started complaining because they didn't know what that was, causing me to go and check and realize my error. I fixed it later by telling them Helios's and Paper's full roles, but it still lead to a lot of their plans being wasted. Then after that, the silence getting abused as it was was not something I expected, and I'm sorry for that guys. Though perhaps I shouldn't have let it be usable in MYLO/LYLO anyways, so eh. And finally I gave the Iwren Bananas slot a LOT of time inactive, whereas I killed Strawman much quicker.
  17. ^^If you can't crumb well, don't do it at all. And certainly never begin crumbing a role you're not sure isn't in the game, like you did with Voyeur.
  18. scum quicktopic graveyard paperblade and kay
  19. To be perfectly blunt, Boron, that was because Helios did not play well after D2, not because of anything Mancer did. Helios, you were just so very confident in all of your reads that you flat-out refused to even consider anything different. Unless somebody is roleconfirm, you CANNOT use them as a starting point for a PoE. No matter how pro-town you think they look. And considering like every other person in the game except you said that they found Mancer scummy on D4, you really should have taken a closer look at why you thought Mancer's play was so protown when it wasn't really at all (certainly it couldn't have been if 4 people, at least 2 of whom had to be town, disagreed with you).
  20. I'll give a full analysis of all the roles and why they were there tomorrow when it's not 3 am, but Helios's role gave him "experience" every time he fought a strong trainer (Blaine, Erika, Brock, Giovanni, Sabrina, Surge, Oak, Blue). For every two experience he got, up to a maximum of 6, he gained a role. These were, in order received, Networker/Neighborizer, Self-Protect, Rolecop.
  21. Well hey that was a quick night phase! As you gathered around the table, this time, there were only 3 present. Helios, Mancer, and Boron. Helios looked around, confused, until he saw Mancer and Boron moving towards him together with a predatory smile on their faces. Helios started to back away in horror as the truth dawned on his face, but it was too late. He felt his body freeze, and an alien presence invade his mind. He tried to struggle, but it was in vain, as he was compelled to walk behind Mancer and Boron as they first visited Elieson's house. It was painfully quiet, with nothing but chunks of meat on the ground that Helios realized quickly were human flesh. He felt his spine curve down and his hand reach out for Elieson's role PM. He was: After that, Helios was forced to walk to SB's house, where SB lay outside the house, twitching slightly in his paralysis, his mouth open in a mute scream. It was then that Helios was set free from his mind control, and he fell to his knees with a gasp, crawling towards SB. "SB... I'm... so sorry..." "Save it," Mancer sneered, as he and Boron moved closer towards them, their Raichu and Alakazam trailing behind with similar menace. "It's all over for you now!" Helios and SB have been endgamed by Team Rocket! They were: And with that, Team Rocket are the sole survivors, ready to move on to their plans of world domination! They were: I'm incredibly disappointed in Town this game. Mafia didn't really deserve it, and IMO they lucked out.
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