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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Mancer, those were my reasons for voting for you. I'm justified in using FMPOV for my own reasons, aren't I? I never said anyone else had to vote for you due to that. For everyone else, they can look at the possibility that I'm lying as well, and decide for themselves whether or not I'm lying. Also, 13th, I told you this in private and I'll repeat it- I told EVERYONE I had an item. I did it in exchange for info. And yeah, I don't regret telling him because he was otherwise planning to just target random people. I thought that telling him my item was important and not to touch it was less risky than him targeting me randomly or because he thought I was Cult Leader (which he did early N0 because he thought I slipped). And as for me telling everyone I had an important item, that's not true. It was only Mancer (and maybe Sho, can't remember) whom I told that it was important. Everyone else just knew that I had an item, and some of them learnt exactly what item it was. It could have leaked to the mafia that way as well, I guess. And seriously Mancer? If you're busy in class nobody is going to lynch you specifically because you couldn't respond right away.
  2. The way I see it, the following things can be deduced from N0 with 100% certainty: 1. Either I am lying, Mancer is lying, or there is another role (probably anti-town) that can interfere with item control. 2. Either Mancer is lying, the jailer is lying, or Mancer's role outprioritizes the jailer's. Looking at number 2, the third option seems kind of unlikely to me. Out of Mancer and the jailer, I find the jailer to be more trustworthy. So it makes me think that Mancer is lying there. Then looking back at number 1, FMPOV, I know I'm not lying, so I'm looking at the second and third options. Since number 2 already makes me think that Mancer is lying, for number 1, it seems more likely to me that Mancer is lying again than that there is another role that interferes with item control. So I'm sorry, but you just saying that you didn't do it isn't enough by itself for me to believe you.
  3. Has anyone actually spoken to Core yet? If not can someone sub in for him?
  4. This post is super scummy. You say both me and Mancer are triggering your scumdar, and then just say that you're going to sheep the Mancer wagon? Also, I'm sorry, but you can't build a case neutrally. I think he's scummy, and if you want reasons other than my missing bolt, Scorri summed it up pretty nicely. Of course I'm painting him in a bad light- I'm saying he's scummy! That doesn't mean that anything I'm saying is wrong though. Nor am I going to retract my opinion just because it'll make me look worse if Mancer flips town. Town isn't supposed to be afraid that way, scum is.
  5. I dare a single person to produce a log where I call you an item snatcher or a thief. Every single time I told anybody your role, I called you an item trader. So don't give me that bullshit. And it's not poisoning the well, it's called BUILDING A CASE. How else am I supposed to explain my vote against you without saying in thread what you claimed? And the only people who I talked to on Day 1 before voting for you were people who already knew your role, and who I trusted, because I wanted to ask their opinion on what they thought before I voted you.
  6. Umm, what? How is this tunnel vision? You are the only other person who has claimed a role that can interfere with item control. I no longer have my item despite the fact that I did not give it away N0. Please tell me how that is an utter crap reason for a vote. That actually makes me more suspicious of you because when you're scum, you often dismiss cases against you to be really crap without giving reasons. Examples are Strip and Adventures. And saying "I wouldn't do this because I am town" is hardly going to convince anyone since you're not cleared.
  7. I can kind of see why Sho is voting for Baldrick (although I don't think Baldrick was being serious about the policy lynch) but I don't understand why Baldrick is voting for Sho at all. As for why Mancer would take my item after saying that he was an item trader, I'm not sure. 01:47 <BBM>: mancer 01:47 <BBM>: claimtome 01:48 <MancerNecro>: I'm town 01:48 <BBM>: sounds good 01:48 <BBM>: now are you actually town? 01:48 <MancerNecro>: I am 01:48 <MancerNecro>: Do you have any items? 01:49 <BBM>: yeah 01:49 <BBM>: do you? 01:49 <MancerNecro>: If you have any that you'd like to keep, you should tell me 01:49 <MancerNecro>: I don't, but my role deals with item trading 01:49 <BBM>: i see 01:50 <BBM>: my role does too, in a very indirect way 01:51 <MancerNecro>: Indirect way? 01:51 <BBM>: yes 01:57 <MancerNecro>: I'll try randomly trading and see if I can get any items 01:57 <BBM>: i wouldnt do that 01:57 <BBM>: some people might have items that are important to them 01:57 <MancerNecro>: If I get some I'll tell you and we can decide whether we want to swap our items? 01:57 <MancerNecro>: Ooh 01:58 <BBM>: randomly trading just screws up plans 01:58 <BBM>: and since a town leader is useless in this game 01:58 <MancerNecro>: Maybe I should just check with them and try to mess up scum's plans 01:58 <BBM>: we cant coordinate either 01:58 <MancerNecro>: Town leader 01:58 <BBM>: yeah those dont work in games with cults 01:59 <MancerNecro>: There's a cult here? 02:00 <BBM>: yes 02:00 <BBM>: listed in the known factions 02:00 <BBM>: the void 02:00 <MancerNecro>: Werewolves? 02:01 <BBM>: the werewolves are the mafia, i'm pretty sure 02:01 <BBM>: the cult is the void 02:01 <MancerNecro>: Ooh There's another part to this which I didn't log properly (>_>) later on where I say that my item was important and if he used his role on me I would vote for him. I don't know why he did it EVEN AFTER THAT, but my guess is WIFOM? He possibly didn't think that I'd accuse him of taking my item if I'd already warned him about it.
  8. There might very well be someone else who can interfere with items but I don't see a harm in placing this vote right now, especially as I was already leaning scum on him.
  9. I'd like it if people commented on what I just revealed. Do you guys think that there is some unclaimed role other than Mancer's that can tamper with item control, or do you think Mancer did it? I was a bit suspicious of Mancer from before (and a couple people can attest to that). His attitude regarding his role was extremely suspicious, because he said several times that he might just target random people with it. Plus the role doesn't seem all that useful to me for town. The only thing it can really do for town is give item transferring a higher priority. On the other hand there are some pretty good items I've heard of so far and mafia would really want the ability to relinquish control of those.
  10. ##Vote: Mancer I had an item. I no longer have it, and as far as I know, he is the only person to have claimed a role that can interfere with item control.
  11. These are the people I haven't spoken to yet. They should talk to me, whether it's coming on IRC, adding me on skype, or responding back to the PMs I've sent them. 13th Baldrick CT075 Deliriyum Kay Edit: Rapier too
  12. If you got a skype friend request from some creeper called rohankulkarni.95, that's actually me, so don't be afraid.
  13. Okay so I'm sleeping and I might not be around much tomorrow because I have a lot of homework to do and then I'm visiting some family friends, so yeah. If I haven't spoken to you yet, you're a terrible person who should hang out on Skype and IRC on times that are convenient to me and not you.
  14. my skype name is coughnottellingyouifyoudon'talreadyknowitcough and my IRC name is BBM. Hit me up, preferably on IRC.
  15. BBM

    Pokemon X and Y

    That's when you give them a Yache Berry. They take one hit if they get outsped or the opponent uses Ice Shard, and then you OHKO them back. Not possible against all Ice types but if it's not, you switch out and have something else kill it for you. It still doesn't begin to make up for their generally high amount of resistances and high stats.
  16. BBM

    Pokemon X and Y

    Well most starters don't gain a secondary type until at least their second stage, so the fact that Ghost type is immune to the Normal basic attacks would be okay by that point. Off the top of my head I think only Bulbasaur has had its secondary type before evolving at all.
  17. WELL I'm done. Overall I think it was one of the better ones in a while, though once again I'm slightly disappointed with Perrin's role. Not to say he wasn't instrumental, but his parts felt much more brief than Mat's and his task for most of the book felt more... personal than I think they should have been at the end. The ending felt slightly like a cop-out to me, though it was probably fitting enough. Still a couple ends that I think could have been tied up better, but eh.
  18. How come it shows up as Refa even when you named him Roofa? OR WAS THAT A LIE? Also yes I am FIGHTER
  19. BBM

    Pokemon X and Y

    I think Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Fighting seem to be pretty good bets. It has the two reverse triangle thing going on, and it doesn't seem to fit them badly, although it's difficult to tell with only the first form to judge.
  20. I guess rarity is a point against it, but I didn't think we were counting it. It doesn't have great availability, no, but then I'd question why Staryu is in High when its availability is not much better (they both come between the sixth and seventh gyms), and they share fairly similar performance. Starmie has better Sp.Atk and Spd than Lapras but doesn't get Ice Beam against Drayden like Lapras does. It gets Ice Beam for Iris, but lacks STAB so it probably deals less damage despite having better Sp. Atk. It's more likely to outspeed though. As for the rest of the E4, Starmie does better against Marshall, but is weak against both Grimsley and Shauntal. Overall I can't see how Staryu > Lapras by a tier. Either they should both be in Upper Mid or they should both be in High. Thinking a bit upon it I'd suggest they both go in Upper Mid.
  21. Astra and Luna should be beside each other because they both serve the same purpose, are owned by the same group of people (sword footies), and work approximately equally. Astra is maybe a bit better than Luna but not by enough to warrant a tier difference. The fact that it's still locked to sword footies prevents it, IMO.
  22. I'd probably agree with that. I stopped finding Perrin's parts very interesting after the fourth book, when he stopped really doing much.
  23. I'll take Marcus and Lowen for lategame PallyPower.
  24. Haven't picked it up yet because nobody's uploaded a full free non-audio version of it online yet, and I can't get it legally until the weekend...
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