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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Everyone was yelling at each other, except for the paralyzed and silenced Elieson in the corner. There was so much rage going on that somehow, j00 was suddenly killed by a slap! He was: It is now Night 4. The phase ends in 24 hours, at 2:30 AM EST on January 7th, or if I decide that all relevant actions have been submitted.
  2. A tactical modkill at this stage of the game will result in me making your faction lose, regardless of what your alignment is. This applies to everyone (but mostly Helios). In fact, if anybody at this point makes even a THREAT to modkill themselves, I will make their faction lose the game.
  3. Votecount: j00 (2): Mancer, Helios Helios (3): Boron, j00, SB L-1! Not Voting (1): Mancer With 6 players alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 4 to hammer. There are slightly more than 27 hours left in the phase.
  4. I treat MYLO as town has no way of winning after a mislynch, assuming the mafia doesn't idle their kill. Except they do have a chance of winning even if the mafia don't idle their kill.
  5. Votecount: Boron (1): Helios, Helios (2): Boron, j00 Not Voting (3): SB, Elieson, Mancer With 6 players alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 4 to hammer. There are 30 hours left in the phase.
  6. With how a lot of FE4 enemies come at you, once could argue that one turn of invincibility is good enough. Fin x Tiltyu is probably inferior to Lex x Tiltyu just because of how much more tricky Prayer is than Ambush, but it's still a fun pairing, and if he doesn't want to repeat Azel or Levin, and is determined to use Lex for Patty, it's probably still the best.
  7. UPDATE Chose Snivy. Got a Patrat Route 4, a Sewaddle Route 20, and a Lillipup in the Ranch. In my Cheren battle, I basically had Snivy use Growth a few times against Patrat and then killed it and Lillipup without too much trouble. However, then LUCINA was like, Pidove is not that hard, so I tried to give the kill to Lillipup, but then the Pidove critted it... TWICE. RIP. After that Snivy came back and revengekilled it. Then I got a Magby and Magnemite in Virbank/Virbank Complex. Roxie was pretty easy overall because of Magnemite, but the Grimer ALMOST beat it with a critical hit Mud Slap that did like 28 damage. After that I had to Potion spam to keep Magnemite alive. Also Magnemite was a real bro, hitting Grimer at like -6 accuracy enough times to bring it to red. Then I switched Servine in to finish it off so that Magnemite would have full health again for Whirlipede. Currently in the Castelia Sewers, and my rival (CR) killled the Zubat before I could catch it. Active Team: Level 18 Servine Level 18 Magnemite Level 17 Magby Inactive Team: Level 9 Patrat Level 8 Sewaddle RIP: Level 11 Lillipup
  8. I think Raven is overreacting a little bit, but I agree with most of what him, Toothache, and Balcerzak are saying. Skype has almost no advantages over IRC for something like this. Nobody actually uses voicechat, and some IRC applets and clients even allow you to keep logs. Plus if people have to download Skype to get onto the chat, how much more difficult is having to download an IRC client? Then when I go to sleep and come back, there are like 2000 messages. And I'm constantly getting pinged like every 2 seconds when I'm playing a game or watching something, whereas with IRC if someone wants to ask me a question specifically they can just ping me with my name. The only reason I moved onto Skype is because in the two weeks when I was really busy with exams, everyone suddenly moved to Skype and it was the only way I could talk to them. Also, I'm not friends with everyone on the Skype chat, and it bothers me a little bit that they know my name even though I'd kind of prefer them not to. And I have family on my Skype and can't just change it either. I think the thing is that most people don't actually care either way. They just want to be where more people are. But suddenly as people started talking on Skype more, everyone just moved to Skype because talking to the exact same people in two different places is pretty dumb and kind of a hassle. MODEDIT: bbm dood don't doublepost
  9. The first 20 of those are just what was on the most recent list that Proto created like more than a year ago. That's why all those old players are there. After that, I started to go by memory and added myself and Prims, but then I just began to go through the posting history for the most recent games and adding people from most posts to least posts. So there's no real priority or anything. I can take out the old players who don't play anymore if you want.
  10. 0. Kaoz, Hell Kaiser 1. Luka M - Reinfleche, Rein, Lightning, Strider 2. Snike - Chew Toy!, Solid Snike, Liquid Snike, Solidus Snike, Naked Snike 3. Komatsu - Spykor, Darros, Uhai, Spy, Tibarn, Hawk King π. Tables - I eat tables, Tableskitty, IET, Mathemagician 4. Freohr Datia - Agnaktor, Free 5. Paperblade - Paper, Brad, Papermole, Moleblade, Papermoleblade, Papayablade 6. Scarlet - Raymond, Ray, Raykitty, Shade of Shadow 7. Luster Purge – Proto, Kiku-Ichimonji 8. Psych - arachnidsGrip 9. Kopfjager - Wen Yang 10. eclipse - Clipsey! 11. Swordmaster Guy - Big FE Fan 12. Kay – Pariah, San 13. kirsche - Kevin 14. TheTinyImp - Impy 15. Shinori 16. Sho.M.The.Panty - ShoM, Sho 17. sawslothducksaucestrawman - Straw, Strawman, Ducky, Acey, StSS, Strawman the DucksawDucky 18. Fear The Pika - FtP, Fear, Pika 19. Anouleth - Annie, Anou 20. Sober Emo Girl - SEG, DGG 21. Mysterio 22. Naglfar - Naggy, Nags 23. Thomas Raith – BigBangMeteor, BBM, VP Viper 24. cyborg sammy davis jr. – Prims 25. Mancer Necro – Mancer 26. Helios 27. Sangyul – Boron, Taewoo, Xin Li 28. Shatter – JB, JBCWK, Joshaymin 29. Elieson – Elie 30. j00 31. NekoRex – Neko, NNR 32. scorri 33. CT075 – Camtech, Cam 34. Iris 35. Manix 36. Leder – Bizz, Levity 37. Bluedoom – Marth, Marf 38. Rapier 39. Jack SBarrow – Serious Bananas, SB 40. Aleph – Obviam, Hextator 41. Balcerzak - Bal An updated list with everyone's names and alternate names. I might have missed some people, but I think I got most people who're active here and have played at least 3 games. I also put only the most common names (too lazy to go through all of Bizz's and Boron's name changes).
  11. Jamka gives Continue, Noish doesn't. They both give Charge. I'd try Levin x Fury because if you don't want to do Levin x Tiltyu again you might as well. And you get to see Sety with wrapped around speed, yay. Aideen- Midir is really the only good one for Lester. If you don't particularly care for him, you can try Azel? Lach- I'd recommend Lex but you're already using him, so... Azel is viable here. Nanna becomes a much better healer and magic sword user. Tiltyu- Fin is pretty fun but you'll have to work fast in C3.
  12. Votecount: Boron (2): Helios, Mancer Helios (1): Boron Not Voting (3): SB, Elieson, j00 With 6 players alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 4 to hammer. Phase ends at 11:30 PM EST on January 6th. You have just over 68 hours left.
  13. I'd like to remind Boron, Mancer, and Helios of this: 12. Have good integrity. This includes not being a dick. Tone it down a notch, all three of you. And I don't think Boron is being entirely serious about that so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.
  14. SB has subbed in for Iris.
  15. slowly but surely! C22: 4/82 Fiora wasnt durable enough to do it in 3 turns, even though I gave her Isadora's angelic robe. C23: 4/86 Erk promoted at the beginning of the map at level 19, and Fiora promoted at level 14. Even though Erk is only -1 MAG and average SPD, he couldn't kill the boss any faster than Pent, so I just had him Heal since he's my Warper. I could have 3-turned it but Fiora couldnt ORKO the Wyvern Rider, so bleh. If I'd remembered to recruit Heath to get the Axereaver she probably would have been able to kill the boss faster. Meh. C24: 2/88 Yeah pretty standard. Just danced Fiora forward and she pulled Lloyd, who got finished Turn 2. C25: 3/91 Fiora flew over, while Dart ferried Erk over the river with Ninian's help. Rath carried Hector north and then seized after Hector cleared a path. C26: 11/102 Got Erk almost half-way from D to C Staves. Could have done more but I left Mend in someone's inventory.
  16. As everyone returned from Strawman’s fall, they began to point fingers at JB. “Why isn’t he doing anything?” someone yelled. “More importantly, why does he keep referring to Blue and Green by their English names when the Japanese ones are clearly better!?” someone else shouted, standing up and shaking his fist at JB. “Kill him! Kill him!” As the chorus grew larger in volume, Helios and Mancer picked up the struggling and protesting JB and strapped him to a chair, where a Pikachu electrocuted him with Thunderbolt. He screamed, his voice fading out as slowly as his life. JB’s role PM was retrieved from his burnt body. He was: It is now Night 3. It will end at 10:30 PM EST on January 3rd 2013. Prims will probably do the update and send out results because I will most likely be away.
  17. Votecount: JBCWK (4): Mancer, Helios, Elieson, j00 L-1! Iris (1): JBCWK Not Voting (3): Kay, Iris, Boron With 8 players present, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 5 to hammer. Phase ends at 10:30 PM EST on January 2nd. You have 3 hours and 15 minutes. As for Iris, I'm being a bit more lenient because of the reason for her absence, but if I can't find one by the end of the night phase, she'll probably be modkilled at its end.
  18. As everyone was talking and arguing, a pink shape slowly floated into the room. Helios was the first to look up, and he gasped in recognition. "Mew!" he shouted, pointing towards the door. Eight heads turned around to look at the phenomenon, several even standing up to get a better luck. Mew widened its eyes at the sudden clamor, and turned around, beginning to float back out of the room. Strawman gritted his teeth and jumped up. "I won't miss my chance!" he growled, running after it. Mew looked back, and seeing Strawman in pursuit, sped up its pace and began to zoom faster through the sky. But it was still too slow to completely outrun Strawman, who was slowly but surely gaining on it. But a cliff came in view, and Mew stopped abruptly right at the edge, as if daring Strawman to come after it. Strawman clenched his jaw but walked slowly until he was less than a metre away from Mew. He stood still for a second and then dived with surprising speed towards Mew. But Mew was one step ahead of Strawman, and teleported away a split second before Strawman's hands closed around it. Strawman's momentum carried him to the very edge, and he waved his arms, trying desperately to keep his balance and fall backwards. But despite his floundering, he lost the battle and pitched headfirst off the cliff. "No!" he yelled. "I was... so close! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" His voice was cut off by a sickening crunch as he struck the ground below the cliff. The others finally caught up and gazed in horror at the broken body of Strawman below them. Finally, Kay was sent with rock climbing equipment to scale the cliff and retrieve Strawman's body. After a while, she hauled herself back over the cliff, Strawman's body strapped behind her. As she recovered, panting, Boron searched his body to retrieve his role PM. He was: Everyone let out a sigh of relief that it was one of their enemies, and not one of their allies, that had met this gruesome end, and then returned to the meeting table. Phase ends at 10:30 PM EST, in 8 hours and 15 minutes. With 8 players present, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 5 to hammer.
  19. I know I said that Strawman would get modkilled at the end of the phase, but in that case the rest of the game would have to come up with 4 votes using only 8 people, and you guys could barely hit that with 12 people on D2. So if Strawman doesn't post by the time I wake up in the morning (somewhere between 8 and 10 hours from now), he'll be modkilled then. He's passed the 48 hour mark already. And according to his profile it's been more than 30 hours since he last signed on anyways.
  20. Elieson and Strawman have been prodded. If they do not post by the end of the phase, they will be modkilled, because I'm running out of both subs and patience.
  21. Votecount: JBCWK (2): Mancer, Helios Iris (2): Boron, JBCWK Not Voting (5): Kay, Iris, Strawman, Elieson, j00 With 9 players present, it takes 4 votes to lynch at deadline and 5 to hammer. Phase ends at 10:30 PM EST on January 2nd. You have 25 hours. I'll say right now that you guys aren't getting an extension either, because you didn't do enough with the one on D2 to convince me that you'd do much with one here.
  22. Or Pokemon Adventures because pokemon > tales.
  23. I need a sub for Iris (she's unwell).
  24. Both children do get major blood in a Holyn/Ayra pairing. Maybe two minor bloods hooking up is different from one major blood and one non-blooded pairing up? Shrug. Or maybe it's different because Ayra's kids are twins.
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