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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Meh, there have been town-aligned Silencers before. GSM? I can't really do anything about my role. Blitz, the Silenced person can't post in the thread during daytime (they can at night time), but they can make private votes in their role PM. The next time the host does the votals, that vote will show up. Do you actually want me to use it to prove my role? If you guys really wanted, I could like Silence myself or something (but if you guys lynch me right after that when I can't say anything, I'll be pretty annoyed).
  2. Also, Bal said that his full roleclaim was a joke. I also woudn't depend on having a fullcop. You don't see them that often in games here, especially in games of this size. A fullcop and an alignment cop would certainly be pretty redundant, in any case, and Helios is basically confirmed.
  3. So Balcerzak thanked me for noticing that he sidestepped the question... and still didn't claim? Seriously? Why is everyone letting this go this easily, since everyone also said that they didn't believe that Rein/Bal was only a Vanilla Miller?
  4. I don't really see much of a difference between non-content and no content. Your reasoning for Paperblade's position on your list is cruddy as well, because what exactly is scummy with explaining why you were part of a mislynch? Is town supposed to just shrug and move on? BTW, BPV is like the most common scum fakeclaim ever, right up there with Backup and Bodyguard. Silencer might be a scummy role, but there have been town Silencers before.
  5. Excellen, why is Meesh a neutral read and not a scummy read of yours if you have listed beside her a scummy attribute, with nothing townie offsetting it? And how is Alliance Checker an easy fakeclaim in a game which is pretty much guaranteed to have one in it? It'd be a horrible fakeclaim because the real one would have said something by now.
  6. So then what is your real role? Good sidestep there.
  7. WELL, ISO isn't working, so it's going to take me a bit longer to build my Meesh case.
  8. It still doesn't make much sense to me for one doc to have a hated modifier that he's not even allowed to claim and the other to have 2 shots with no drawback, plus a safeguard shot. And for that matter, safeguarding you was really risky. What if they'd tried to kill you and the Safeguard had nullified any Doc protection from Shinori? I'd argue that Safeguarding the claimed Cop is almost anti-town.
  9. Shinori, which post are you talking about exactly? Or did you mean posts? Kay's role seems really fishy. Bizz saw fit to give Shinori a hated modifier of some sort to offset Doc, but Kay gets two shots of Doc and a shot of Safeguard for free? I mean, sure, two-shot Doc isn't as good as infinite-shot Doc, but seeing as we're in potential MYLO D2, after a scum death (meaning it might have been potential LYLO if whatever killed Prims had killed somebody town instead), two-shot Doc with no drawbacks seems plenty strong to me. I'm thinking she might be Godfather. Kay, who did you target last night? Also, Kay didn't specify, but I think Meesh/Bitto should probably claim next. Then Excellen, then Rein (if he has anything more to his role than Miller), and then Eclipse, but I'm not sure how much of her role Eclipse is going to claim/is allowed to claim.
  10. I'm guessing that whenever the mods do votals, they add in the Silenced person's private vote that they made in their role PM? I don't know, I didn't really ask the mods very much about my role, because I decided I was going to idle all game pretty early.
  11. alone* Basically, they should have done something to Helios, and they didn't.
  12. I have a strong hunch that someone with some protective powers targeted Helios as well. Perhaps a Martyr, or maybe a Safeguard, because it does not make sense for a mafia with both hooking and hitman capabilities to leave an uncounterclaimed Cop alive like that.
  13. It's to make Fin x Tiltyu/Briggid even possible, because love growth stops growing after the 50th turn, and let's face it, you're not getting Fin to either of them (especially Tiltyu) for at least a couple turns after they appear, which will be like around Turn 10 at the earliest if you go fast.
  14. It's because Fin x Briggid/Tiltyu are 180+10, while Fin x Lachesis are only 50+2. So even if Fin and Lachesis stand next to each other, their love growth is only 7 a turn, while Fin and Briggid have 10 a turn. So if Fin and Lachesis had less than around 275 points before Briggid appeared, it's easily possible. As for why it was Briggid and not Tiltyu... perhaps there's just some precondition that sets Briggid over Tiltyu if both get to 500 at the same time?
  15. ##Vote: Meesh Just going to go with this. I'll come up with something more solid later, but I just feel like her posts in the latter half of D1 have been too fluffy and not really said much of anything. Also, she was one of the people who didn't really have much direct interaction with Prims, which I think is off. He said some stuff about her now and then, but it was mostly when he was just listposting anyways, and he was obligated to mention everybody, if only in passing. Other than that, it feels like he ignored her.
  16. I'm rereading currently, iunno. All my scumreads are dead/likely town, so I'm not really sure what to say right now.
  17. Actually, scratch it. I think Kay has gone for the night, so to keep the claiming moving I'd rather Paper claim first.
  18. To clarify, my targets are only silenced for the day. They can still post in-thread during the night. And now I'm afk for an hour or two, bbl.
  19. Well... I doubt this will actually convince people to not vote for me, but I am the Town Silencer. Whoever I target can't post in the thread, but they can make private votes with the mods. I idled last night, obviously. I could prove my role if you guys want, but meh. I'd like Kay to go next because although Helios got a town report on her, she could easily be Godfather, or there might be a Tailor or something.
  20. If one other person is in favour of massclaiming, I will go. If nobody says anything in favour of it soon though, I will be going afk for a while soon.
  21. If we're really massclaiming, we should do it with each person who claims saying who they want to claim next. Also probably I should start first.
  22. There isn't a max amount of townies that a mafia member is allowed to defend. Also, there must have been some incredibly mad redirecting going about, because the mafia had both hooking and hitman capabilities, yet Helios was neither hooked nor killed? Was there anyone else who got redirected?
  23. The mod just said it's potential MYLO. If you're softclaiming something, out with it. Or if we're massclaiming I could go first, but I doubt it would get me any fans.
  24. Why do you say this? @Eclipse- Prims was probably defending me to look better after I died. All his flip tells me is that Kay and Psych are less likely to be scum, although I'm going to read his ISO in a bit to try and pick up more.
  25. Well... one scum down. Thank you SK. Assuming Manix was the mafkill though, that's a pretty trigger-happy Vig we've got there, to shoot SEG considering nobody was even saying she was scummy until very recently.
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